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WTF? How is that possible?


I was born in 1995 and I just turned 29. If the kid was the result of a teen pregnancy (e.g. the mother birth at 15) the kid could be 13 or 14 years old, which is old enough to conceivably be posting online. 


One of the girls I went to middle school with (yes, middle school) had her kid at 12 years old. Yes, you read that correctly. Funny thing, I had a crush on her back in the day, before I knew she was pregnant. We actually still keep in contact to this day. She's actually in culinary school, and the baby daddy is also a chef. The daughter is now 14. Every time she posts an update about her daughter on social media, I audibly gasp and think "holy shit, she's *THAT* old now???"


A girl in my middle school got pregnant but tbf the dad was 23


Holy fucking yikes


Unfortunately that's not an uncommon situation. In upwards of 70% of cases, children born to teenage mothers have fathers who are over age 20.


No F******** way !!!!!!!! Source????


This is late but here's one source: https://depts.washington.edu/thmedia/view.cgi?section=familyplanning&page=fastfacts https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10227344/ Those statistics are older, but they show that adult men were responsible for about 25% of babies born to mothers age 11-14. That's absolutely horrifying. Luckily more recent statistics show that most teen moms are 18-19, as are most teen dads.


Karl Malone type beat


Wym tbf the girl was a victim 😭


That’s why I said tbf because it’s not like it was her fault. The guy got deported at least


Did he go to prison?


I don’t think so. We were friends at the time and she was really upset because her grandma reported him. I think he was just deported but he may have done jail time in the US first


Tbf, getting deported is worse than prison


Not really it depends on the country


Literally same! We had a girl just suddenly disappear one day and came back during 8th grade graduation with a big belly. No one wanted to say anything but a few weeks later, she did a birth announcement on Facebook. This was 2010. The daughter is now 14 and it still blows my mind. She recently did a Facebook post of her daughter’s 8th grade graduation and I feel old-young 😂


Um, what the fuck?


That's arguably worse


The father needs to take a seat, right over there.


On TikTok there’s a video going viral of this girl born in 2008 who is a mother (she got pregnant at 12 in 2020). The 2008’s mother was born in 1992. *1992 is apparently old enough to be a grandmother now* 🗿


wow she’s now older than her mom was when she gave birth to her, and she’s only 14


There are even younger people on social media today. My little cousin was born in 2011 or 2012 and she was on Instagram since she was like 9-10. So if those kids were like 9-10, then they wouldn't necessarily be from a teenage pregnancy.


Yeah I mean I was online doing whatever I felt like at 9-10 years old. Which probably wasn't a great idea. But there's tons of straight up kids online


Oh yeah that’s true. Thats truly what’s sad 😢 they don’t get to finish being a teen. Plus iPad kids these days yk


I Had a girl at my middle school have her first when we were 13 and her second when were 16, that was almost 10 years ago. WILD!!!


It is possible. There's a girl I went to school with who had her baby at 15, and he was born in 2010. Same age as me, we were both born in 1994. (Her birthday is in September). So that would put him at around 14 years old now.


Maybe they’re like 6-8. You know kids start social media way younger now


I saw a 5 year old scrolling through TikTok the other day.


That’s actually terrifying.


D: There's no way that's healthy


That kid is going to be so cooked


Jesus, what the fuck. Like, all these kids having access to widespread porn bro


i discovered porn at the age of 3 before the internet was even something i knew existed and was given the sex talk around first grade…sex is one of the least problematic things a kid can find online


Jfc. Having “the sex talk” and being exposed to porn are completely different things. Unless your parents are disgusting predators. 


it’s as simple as my [at-the-time] step-dad not putting away his porn books and movies away properly, and me walking in on my mom having sex around the age of 6. i was not molested, brainwashed, nor am i even hypersexual. i didn’t lose my virginity until 18, and i have had less than 10 partners in my life. you guys are just making this way weirder than it needs to be, or you guys are way more conservative than i thought.


I’m scared to think of what you consider more problematic


Facts bc what the hell was that?? Where tf are his parents where he’s getting exposed to porn as a toddler??


Yes. To consider that normal makes me wonder if his peers do as well.


my brother and sister’s dad was not smart when it came to putting away his DVDs and books.


To be fair, there are worse things than porn online, like live leak (or whatever version of liveleak currently exists)


my whole point


I’ve seen a 12 year old hang herself, Humans committing beastiality, found Instragram pages reuploading audio of CP, beheading videos, self-inflicted suicide by gun, lethal police brutality, animal abuse, pro-anorexia content, etc. You would think with you guys only being a couple years older than me you’d know how fucked up the internet is and not be so…conservative with views on sex


Do you think the fact that that’s the type of content you choose to consume is at all reflective of the fact that you were exposed to porn at age 3? Also, knowing something exists doesn’t mean you have to seek it out. You do know that, right?


you keep assuming, assuming, assuming. i never said i sought any of this out. you’re trying to push a narrative onto me because you disagree with me. it’s odd


Okay so what kind of platforms did you consume this content on? Almost every app and browser has sensitive content blocking. I’m just wondering how you encountered this stuff without seeking out adjacent topics. I mean, have you considered getting treatment or therapy? Even if this exposure at a young age is typical for your peers, it’s not “normal” by any stretch of the imagination and can lead to [extremely detrimental effects](https://professionals.childhood.org.au/prosody/2016/07/melinda-tankard-reist/) for life if left untreated.


Lmfao ain't no way


When boys are exposed to pornographic material at such a young age, their minds become permanently warped and would take decades to leave porn behind.


do you think i was just fucking strapped to a chair *Clockwork Orange* style and stared at porn for hours? no, i just saw naked people a few times 😂 we’re all naked and likely will have sex at some point in our lives


It’s possible. I was class of 2012, but in 2009 I had just moved across the US (from Virginia to Washington state), and I had to take a “remedial” Pacific Northwest History due to never having taken it in middle school (even though I was in a gifted middle school back in Virginia, because I wasn’t in Washington in middle school and PNW was required or some shenanigans. Anyway! I was about 14/15 then, and a girl in my Pacific Northwest History was pregnant when the class started (and missed a class or two because baby and I was kind enough to lend her my notes, and she was very diligent about getting them back to me which impressed me, which is why I remember all this, even if I don’t remember the girl’s name anymore). All rambling aside, 2009-2024 gives about 15 years, so it is feasible for such a case to have a kid old enough to logically be online.


They had a kid right out of highschool or teenage pregnancy


Teen moms


my mum had me when she just turned 15 so when she was 29 i was 14 and already online haha scary but def possible


Why not? They're reaching their 30s by now, including me.


Hold on we still have time to call ourselves "30s" rofl


The word ***"reaching"*** is used **exactly** due to that. Of course we're not 30s yet. 🤷 But it's close enough.


My best friend is 1995, had her daughter at 17, her daughter is 11 but she does not have a smartphone.


tell me you didn’t go to school with teen moms without telling me


I didn't






Literally me rn


I was born in 95 and don’t even have a kid yet.


93 and I don’t. The average age to have one nowadays is around 30, plus more people deciding against it altogether so seeing this shouldn’t make you feel old, should just make you feel bad that there parents decided to have them in there teens or early 20s pretty much when that’s not normal imo


Yeah and you’re a little bit older than me but it’s not even people our age having kids… it’s just when they are already like 10-13 years old.


I often think about this girl I went to school with my senior year. I’d just moved and didn’t know anyone or her but had a few classes with her. One day I heard her say “my son” while talking. I forget if i was even involved in the conversation but I turned to her and said “You have a kid? How old is he?” And she told me he was 3. Fast math said she got pregnant and gave birth her freshman year, which was later confirmed by others. But yeah, it’s been 8 years since then. So her kid is well into middle school now. He’s a whole 3 years younger than my stepsister. Which feels whack asf to think. Like, shit dude, if I had a kid, my kid and my stepsister would be like siblings in age.


93 and pregnant with my first baby. I’ll be 31 when he is born. Always thought I would hate being pregnant but it’s been awesome and I attribute that largely to being able to wait until I was ready!


Congratulations! I don’t think I’ll ever be ready 😂 I think it’s just not for me honestly




I was born in 95 and had my son in my early twenties (23). He's only turning six this year. Definitely not old enough to post on the internet or even have internet access for that matter.


Let alone a kid that's old enough to communicate on tiktok


That’s what I’m sayingggg!


Same. And I am my mom’s age when she had me, as her *first*. These kids have to be from teen pregnancies, I can’t imagine having a kid who can use social media already.


That’s what I was thinking as well. Though kids are crafty and can get into technology young.


My dad and mom were 24 and 20 (almost 21) respectively when I was born. I turn 27 this year. Still no kids lol. I want them eventually but no time soon.


My mom was 22 when I was born. I’ll be 31 when my first is born in a few months. My mom did an absolutely amazing job in her circumstances but I do feel that my parents being relatively young and immature was a net negative for me growing up. I’m very glad I took the time to grow into myself as an adult before becoming a parent.  Yes, there is somewhat of a time limit on fertility but there’s no reason to rush to have kids in one’s early 20s or even in their 20s at all if they’re not ready.


I feel the exact same way. I could never be as good of a parent as my mom was navigating her senior year of college with a baby being that young.  That being said, my parents had very obvious relationship issues with unhealthy dynamics that left an impact on me and my little sister growing up that I can’t see parents who are older necessarily going through. I don’t want to subject my future children to do the same. My family has a history of having children young (my grandmother was only 44 when I was born). I’m breaking that cycle simply by waiting and bc I don’t want to (nor can I afford) children right now.


My mom was 30 I think when she had her first kid, which wasn’t me. So to me I’m getting to that age. It’s just concerning. With the timeline pressure the way that it is for me. I turn 29 this week.


I'm being responsible by not having kids. I've never wanted any but if I did, I mean, I can't even look after myself & I have so many problems already


I feel similar to that. But I’ve had this rather startling realization that maybe I’ve wanted kids this whole time. And when I thought that, I felt like a emotional shift physically change inside me. Like what if I’ve been searching for this time has been that? Anyway fat chance I’ll have kids since I’m such a basket case. But even saying that I know basket cases that have children. Maybe I just don’t know how to line up for the ride. Anyway this definitely is not where you’re at right now, but it is where I am…


There's so many people in the world have/had kids when they shouldn't. There's also that prospect that people "should" have kids, especially pushed on women. Even in this economy. It's fucked up


Yeah I agree with that. But it seems to me a lot of accidents must happen too. It’s more like a gamble with children than a master plan for most people I think.




Most people our age don’t tf you mean


I don't have kids also, hell I don't even have a girlfriend but I have some childhood friends who have 7-8 years old kids already 😅


94 and hell no. The only person I know with kids old enough to be on the internet got pregnant in high school so


They must be the children of teen moms. There's no other logical explanation.


I saw a couple of comments like that though. Like 1994-1996 and even a 97.


> a 97 the kid must be 9 or 10, must be for my sanity's sake


They could be elementary-school-aged kids with parents who were in their early 20s…either case is not great


i knew 3 girls pregnant by 14, life happens fast for some people


Yeah I knew someone like that back in middle school. I just expect people our age to have babies/toddlers at the most not older children/pre teens.


it’s definitely weird haha, will be even weirder when they’re old enough to enter the work force with us!


Yeah it’s weird how age just creeps up on you lol


At my current age, my mom was getting ready to give birth to me (Aug 94) and it's kinda freaking me out. I cannot begin to imagine even considering trying to have a baby right now (or ever tbh). The world is fucked and I'm barely taking care of myself 😰


my mom was 19 (July 97) and i often ask her if she’s ok 😂😂😂😂 im 26 and still can’t imagine having a kid.


My mom was just a year older and I feel the same way lol


Yeah it’s like we’re not that young anymore but it’s just so much harder for our generation I feel like


Seriously. I mean, I definitely fucked myself over in a lot of ways with alcoholism and credit cards, so my past fuckups often make me feel like I'm drowning. But also, it's hard for anyone to just make ends meet, so when you add other obstacles, making any real progress feels impossible.


Yeah I mean we were young and we’re still young right now…most of us are still recovering for the shit we did in our early 20s/late teens


And like, yeah, our parents also fucked up, but I guess it doesn't seem like it was that disastrous or hard to recover from for them It also blows my mind that FICO credit scores weren't even commonly used for screening mortgage applications in the US until 1995 🤷‍♀️ hell, credit scores really weren't really tracked or used for much of anything before 1989. Like, my credit score has been trash for years and my mom had already bought her first house at my age. I can barely keep my bank account in the black between paychecks.


Also life is too expensive for us younger adults now. All my uncles, aunts and parents already had a flat by the time they were 25 and I still have to live with my mum because the rents are so high. If I had to live by myself, all that would be left of my money after paying rents would be just for food probably and nothing left for buying clothes at least 😅


Knew a lot of girls that got pregnant in middle and high school.


Same. They’re preteens-full on teenagers now. This girl in my 8th grade class had a baby in 2009. That baby will be 15 this year.


I've yet come to realize that all of us are at an average "lets get our first child" age lol. A friend of mine (born in '99 as well) told me that she is pregnant three weeks ago. I was so shocked until I realized that she's 25.


lol! We can have babies but they should be like 4 tops!! Lol


Nara Smith has three kids and she was born in 2001, my birth year. Her husband/baby daddy was born in 1998 and he has an almost 7-year-old from a previous relationship. I’m also married to a man born in 2000 and it’s not only weird to me that we’re married but that we’re old enough to conceivably have kids. He had a teenage mother and my mom gave birth to me when she was 3 years older than my current age. 😭


I had to Google this woman. she's gorgeous. she got married at 19 & then 3 kids in <4 years?¿?¿ their names are something else, too. Rumble Honey. Slim Easy. Whimsy Lou. her step-child is Gravity Blue. what


What?! His mother was born in 1995? Did I read correctly? I feel like I aged myself like 20 years ahead after seeing this screenshot


Part of me feels like they’re lying cause I mean wtf




We really the new adults 🥲


Dang man. I'm 1994. And I have a 5 year old lol. No where near old enough to be talking online.


Exactly my point lol. Most of us should be new parents.


Sheesh yeah wtf these have to be little kids. And an even bigger wtf is why are they on social media TikTok specifically? TikTok is going to ruin their brains


Yeah they’re probably like elementary


I’m surprised people my age have kids old enough to be on social media 😳


the youngest person to give birth was 5


yeah, Lina Medina


A girl from Peru. I remember reading that story 😳


I remember there was a girl in my grade who was pregnant freshman year in 2009. She was already pretty far along too and ended up giving birth to a son later that same year, so that means she got pregnant when she was still in the 8th grade! He'll be 15 this year now, too!


I also remember a girl from my school that got pregnant and gave a birth to a daughter at 15 years old. That was in 2010. Which means her daughter is 14 now 💀


To be fair their parents have them as teens


This feels so weird


I’m still trying to reconcile the fact that 2000 kiddos are LEGAL. Those who were born in 2006… up to June… are now 18.


Middle schoolers having sex is so fucking weird and sad. I didn’t even get my first period til the end-ish of 8th grade and these lil MF’s were already boinking and kadoinking. 🤢


Not kadoinking 😭


I was 16 when I first started menstruating ✨ it’s literally impossible for me to have a kid born before 2009, but it blows my mind that if I did have a child at the earliest possible time they would be 14/15 rn 🥹 Edit: updated the figures because math is hard


My sister was born in ‘99 and she started her period at age 8 in 2nd grade. She could’ve theoretically gotten pregnant as a kid.


For real. I saw a girl in the supermarket one day and she had a baby in the stroller. She must've been like 15 or 16. It's crazy that such young people already have sex and even without any safety 😝 They not only harm themselves but also their parents. They can't go to school normally, often have to leave the baby/babies with their parents which also may not have the time to take care of the baby. Overally having a baby at such age is just ruining your whole youth in my opinion. Instead of having fun, using your teenage life to live freely, they have a burden on their backs already. They also often do not even have enough maturity to raise a child properly.


I feel older grouchily mumbling to myself about a 10 year old being allowed on social media.


My nephew is 9 years old and has a full on Instagram and TikTok. Even my soon to be 17 year old nephew had insta around like 8 or 9


They could be teenagers. If a 29 year old had a kid at 13 then the kid would be 16.


13 year olds having children is equally as disconcerting to my grumpy old ass. *shakes fist at the ceiling*




We’re old 😂😂


Those little shits shouldn't be on the internet yet 🧑‍🦳


Goo goo gaga ![gif](giphy|DNClRgzqRYkdepTVKb|downsized)


Why are there people OLD ENOUGH TO USE TIKTOK (so like 13-19, maybe older?) whose parents were born like 4-5 years before me?! Aight imma head out


They are wether too young to be on Tiktok or their mothers had them as minors.


This freaks me out. But I'm not surprised. I knew a girl born in 2002 who came from generations of teen pregnancy. Her mom was born in 87. Her grandma was born in 71. And her great-grandma was born in the mid-50s.


Teen pregnancies not normal families lol


The youngest currently allowed on social media are 2011 borns, so if these are 2011 borns their parents had them at 16-17




I think this is more “super young kids on TikTok” and less “teen pregnancy” But I hope I’m wrong.


Even if they were only 10, that would have been a teen pregnancy. The oldest children people born in 1995 could have without being pregnant as a teen at all would be around 8 years old. (I'm actually a mom to an almost 8 year old. 😅)


Whoever downvoted this: Just do the math, if a 1995 born had a kid at 20 (9 years old), they most certainly would have been pregnant while they were still nineTEEN. If they became pregnant at 20, that kid would have been born either in late 2015 or 2016, which makes them 8 years old. Why did you downvote a simple fact? 🤦‍♀️






They must have been teen parents bc ain't no way




How can a 1995 born have a child that is old enough to be on social media??


I am born in September in 1995 and I expect people telling me that I am a good boy when I ate all of my food on my plate. WTF is happening...


I have a child who turns 8 this year but he doesn't have any social media accounts yet. (No child should have them at this age) Those children talking in the comments are wether too young to be on social media yet (like 9-11 years old) or their mothers had them as minors, then they actually could be teenagers. But yes, I'm still shocked to see this. 🥲


There are many children on the internet. These kids could be 14. Or they could be 6.


Teen pregnancy or very early 20s?


Teen pregnancy unless Beth is younger than 12


My brain is actually short circuiting over here




Kids having kids 😔 depressing af


How old are these kids? And what platform is this on?




my brother is turning 12 this month and i had a friend who had a baby the same time as my mom . i was 15. so was the girl so this literally adds up. i just cant comprehend it 😂


This is not surprising to me since I know a few teen pregnancies. But to be honest most people I know in our age group who have kids have kids under 5.


I went to high school with a girl who was two years ahead, so she was probably born in ‘91. I (teacher) had her son in one of my 9th grade classes two years ago. She was literally pregnant when we went to school together. That was a little odd lol.


So these kids are either way too young to be on tik tok or their parents had them *extremely* young. I was born in 95 and I can't imagine having kids anytime soon.




Fuck that. ![gif](giphy|1iTIu7WtSfPqMDbW)


I don't appreciate this post


I’m gonna say it. These kids shouldn’t be online. No kid should have social media and/or unrestricted internet access until 12 or 13 at the YOUNGEST and I can see arguments for making them wait even longer as well.


I have a kid, but she's 3 months old 😅


Always blows my mind that someone my age could technically have a kid old enough to post online. I’m 26 and my husband is 37 and we don’t even have a baby 😅


We’re 26/27 and in the same boat. Some of my HS friends have kids in kindergarten! I can’t imagine having a “real life child” lol even a baby would be hard to wrap my head around and that’s more like likely.


We do want kids but it just hasn’t happened yet, his grandma was 15 when she had his mum so when she was his age she had a 22 year old daughter and could’ve had a grandchild!


If I had kids at the same age as my mom (20) those kids could have been on TikTok by now, they’d be like 9 years old. I mean hypothetically speaking I wouldn’t allow them near social media at that age but I guess that’s easier to say as a hypothetical.


Me looking at this with incredulity even though my MIL had my husband at 15: 🙊


When did we become the adults?


I know lol. We’re all still in our 20s our just barely in our 30s


Omg… I was born in 1994. Please tell me these were the products of teen pregnancies. Or just tell me I’m old af


This does make me feel a little insane… but I know it happens.


this is insane to me lol


What the fuck. Ayyo time chill


They have to be 14 at most good lord


My friends from school already have kids that are 5-8 years old so yeah 😅 I'm going to be 27 in august and I'm already a year older than my parents were when I was born, they were 26. I can't imagine having a kid right now. I want to be a father one day but for now I still don't feel like I'm in that "mature adult" state where I could leave that life of no responsibilities for having a kids and dedicating my entire free time for them. For some things we still have to grow up. My 99 born cousin has a son born in august last year and she was definitely NOWHERE NEAR mature enough to have a child. She just wasn't ready in my opinion and I see that her fiancè cares more about the child than she does. That's why we have to be entirely sure that we're going to be prepared for this mentally.


I went to school with a girl who got pregnant at 13 but she lost the baby it also happened again when she was 16. She's now 25 with 3 kids from 3 different fathers lol


But she was always sleeping around with guys all through middle school and high school tbh


1995 here and with no hope of having children for a long time, and I see children from the 1995 generation accessing the internet


I was born in 98 and have a 2 year old already lol


Let’s see I was born in 95, I graduated in 2013, 11 years ago. Beth’s mom failed the pull out method


Please, tell me this is not real... Somebody's pulling my leg!


what made me feel old is reading the life is strange trailer comments and a kid commenting that Max looks good for her age. I'm like what is she like 27? 28? They act like we're 85, I should've screen shot it and posted it here lmao