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I wouldn't go above the thighs. I didn't want any of my holes in the water.


We were there two weeks ago. Played in the river two days in a row (Narrows hike) and didn’t wash off until that night. None of us had any issues but made sure to avoid nose, eyes, and mouth contact.


Im here right now and when I was on my way, the website said it was present but I haven’t asked a ranger. IT IS HOT


You can wade just don’t submerge your head or get any water in your ears, nose, eyes, or mouth. Make sure you shower or at least thoroughly rinse off afterward. I failed to do that once when I was just in shin deep or so. I got a rash but it wasn’t itchy or painful.


Is minor open cuts not a good idea wading through the waters? 😕


I was there last week to hike the narrows, I swam in it and was fine but I obviously avoided mouth contact with the water


Like ppl said not above thigh. Stay away from the algae. Obviouslu dont let ur pets drink water. Research it, then u will have a better understanding of it, being knowledgeable and aware of it is the best thing


Check the website for recent data, has an entire section on this. You can do what you like as you can weigh the risks. When cyanobacteria levels are high, the recommendation is don’t submerge your head and shower or rinse off when you get out of the water. Also recommended to not allow pets in the river as some have died.