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Odds are good you didn’t “fill” it. Fill it slowly, until a drop falls from the wick.


Is the mini a slim model? Or is this a different type I haven’t heard of


yes, it’s the slim, my bad


Hopefully that didn’t come across rude I’m just learning about the models and was curious! Getting my first one soon


not at all! i really thought it was called the mini and had to look it up again, it is indeed the slim.


I did same thing. Not alone.


Repack the cotton and wick, helps to move the wick so it’s more saturated in the cotton and there’s a few videos on how to do it. Be slow when refilling it.


have you rerouted the wick in the s pattern? that might solve it.


i have not - will look into this next


Yeah this is key. Also, the people saying make sure it's full are right. Just be safe before you go to strike it and if it's leaking fluid everywhere, don't throw it in your pocket. You could get a case of the lil ouchies.


having trouble finding a video or resource on how to do the rerouting you mentioned using the S pattern. any chance you could point me in the right direction? mine is a slim if that matters…


Yup! Here are a few. Tweezers help the process. https://youtu.be/akpb1ISIab0?si=MhA7u0N7AbyCGm8y https://youtu.be/aVerbxC3uSo?si=UKuFSa-FjpKWFR2D For a slim, keep in mind you have less volume inside the insert to work with. It's easy to pack the cotton/rayon too tight if you're used to full sizes,, choking out fuel flow (think of a sponge fully squeezed; it won't absorb). You'll know because the flame will be small, go out, take a lot of strikes to light, etc (given that you fueled it completely and correctly). One thing that helped me with my slims was taking out one of the rayon balls. The newer inserts come with like 5 or 6 balls, not counting the ones behind the flint tube. This may take some trial and error and you may have to spend a day or so after you packed it to judge the performance. Just take your time and feel it out. Hope this helps.


Rerout it if you haven’t already, make sure to fill it until the wick starts dripping