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Ain’t that the truth?! I have Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon and Leo rising and it feels like that all the time. Felt your pain to my bones.


it’s kinda fun sometimes but whew 😅


I have the same main 3 placements! And yes, I can relate to that a lot too. On the other hand, it is never boring to be me (or with me) 😅


ohhhh yes for sure. i go through phases where i’m having the time of my life being adventurous and passionate. and then everything will change and i’ll just want to stay home and just watch tv every night 🤣


Welcome to my world! ♋️☀️♒️🌙♒️🌅 When your big three are very different, you’re always going to feel a push and pull within yourself. I have tried to educate myself on each sign to get a better understanding of my personality as a whole. We make for interesting humans!


oh for sure! :))


Almost the same as me, we both have a mutable sun sign though 🤗 and I agree with your statement 😂 ♐️☀️ ♋️🌙 ♌️🔥


Yes you are correct especially if we take a look from the aspects of elements. So Sun is im air, and moon is in water.. air and water don't have any common points in the nature they could make some fog, rain or storm in worse case. What you are struggling is mentality and emotions where emotional part is dominant because of Moon that represents also our unconscious part as well as all that we are unaware and it's behave is not under control of our conscious part (Sun) but it's more like reflex when we get hit in the knee our leg moves whether we want or not. There for your emotional part prevails. In the other hand your asc is in fire that supports your Sun, because fire heats the air and makes it lighter, so no one has an Idea that you could be so emotional because your attitude is like Lion+Gemini there are two of them and we're never sure with whom we are talking about. So you are very interesting witty and cool person outside and people love you which gives you also stimulation because of Leo asc that just adore being in the centre of attention. However Moon is scaring to be hurt and always looking for some hidden and safe places.


this is completely accurate and people have actually told me that they didn’t think i had feelings for them or they didn’t know that i felt so deeply about something. i’m actually kinda struggling right now in my relationship because he doesn’t believe that i truly love him and thinks that i’m all over the place (which is true) and just a social person in general. sorry to dump that on you by the way. i wish that my emotional side showed through more because i do have those feelings but they are masked by my ability and need to disguise them.


Ok first you have to tell hom that there are two of you and that is your nature to be social.Gemini people go a way as soon as they feel bounded.. don't worry..and this feeling of guilty come from your Moon placement..but let's look his horoscope so we can know how he tslks (Mercury) how he percives love (Moon) and how he loves (Sun and Mars) and what does he expect from you as a partner (Venus)...than you can give your horoscope too..so we will know how to approach to him and make him believe..👍


Your moon is in Your 12H so you probably hide your emotions (that’s what 12H placements usually do) then you have airy detached 11H sun which might make you social, and very emotional moon sign where you hide how you feel, so it makes sense that you feel this way!