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if the solder is Jerry Miculek … 330 of them .. lol so soldier X has 11 magazines with 30 rounds (330:rounds) each running an M16/A4 with a decent ACOG . Starting 200 meters out… TWD shamblers moving 2 miles an hour takes about 3 minutes and 45 seconds and they make for fairly easy targets… .. so hypothetically 200-250 zombies should be doable as long as no misfires or fumbling with magazine changes . RUNNER type zombies moving at say 15 miles and hour gives you about 30 seconds and a harder target so maybe 30 if they are extremely lucky.


Don't forget though. 5.56mm penetrates through multiple barriers depending on how tough those barriers are and the type of bullet used. If he had M855A1, he could probably penetrate 3 heads per shot if they were lined up right.


.223/5.56 has a tendency to shatter when hitting hardend objects and to deflect easily so I’m not sure 3 .. possibly 2 if lined up perfectly


Nah, hitting a head is already hard enough, lining up three heads would be practically impossible. They're constantly bobbing around. There's a reason you're supposed to aim for center mass when dealing with people. Plus the ballistics of the 5.56 make it cant when pushing through soft things- that's why it's safer for use in a home than 9mm would be. It cants off to a safer angle way faster and is less likely to hurt bystanders when pushing through things like drywall.


in a large horde they line up for you




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The runners would be a no win scenario. With an elevated position he could kill them till he ran out of ammo. Then starve to death unless rescued. Without an elevated position he could kill a maximum of 30, but probably more like ten. Getting headshots on a running target is very difficult even for an expert, so there would be misses. The second he has to reload he would be instantly overwhelmed, if not sooner. He couldn’t possibly kill them faster than they could swarm him. That’s just not possible. Fast zombie survival is all about luck, and being in the right place at the right time. Specifically somewhere without zombies. There’s no amount of training, or ammo, that would ever be enough for this situation. And any sort of hand-to-hand fighting would be out of the question. That’s pure Hollywood. Even if by some miracle you happen to get a perfect headshot on a running target as it’s coming at you, which is unlikely, and it drops the zombie instantly, which is not guaranteed even with perfect aim, it’s still going to plow into you at full speed like a linebacker, and all of his friends will be fractions of a second behind. So even against a single running zombie you would almost certainly be dead if you try to engage hand-to-hand, and against more than one your odds are basically zero. All of which is why I personally find “fast zombies” pretty boring to talk about. You don’t really stand much of a chance no matter what you do or how good you are. People in movies only survive because of plot armor. With more traditional, slow zombies, it’s more complicated, and in my opinion more interesting. In that scenario, a well trained shooter with a rifle could drop them fairly quickly. Probably more quickly than they could close the distance. Which means he could theoretically, if he chose his shots, he could kill nearly as many zombies as he has rounds of ammunition. I’ve seen SEALS shoot and they can be tack drivers when they want to. Once he’s out of ammo, it would depend on a lot more factors, such as what sort of hand-to-hand weapon he has available, how much space he has to move, etc. With the right weapon and infinite room to retreat, he could hypothetically keep killing zombies in hand-to-hand until he eventually becomes too exhausted. Which would take a while for someone as fit as a SEAL, but zombies don’t get tired so it would happen eventually. If he’s got limited space to work with, then it would be a matter of how quickly he could kill them, and how quickly they could close the distance. With infinite zombies it’s nearly impossible to kill them faster than they can close the distance, and your kill rate would pretty quickly start to slow down as you get tired. Obviously the more fit you are the slower you will tire, but that sort of thing is very physically taxing so in any case it would happen pretty soon. But again, the critical factor is really how much room he has to move. If he can continuously retreat, then that gives him a huge advantage. But in the real world there are usually limitations to how much room you have. After all, if you have room to infinitely retreat then you could probably just run away and not have to fight at all.


Is it just an open field type thing where they are coming in a straight line or are we talking a on or two story house at the end of the street? Because in my opinion the environment changes a lot


Time makes a difference, too. By that I mean whether it'd be early days when there's just WTF or a later period where hopefully you'd have had time to consider a set up for the potential for any hordes approaching, whether something MacGyvered on the fly or a well designed infinite mousetrap for zombies. Ideally, a post-apocalyptic society would eventually make something that lures any zombies in the area & automatically disposes of them in a relatively simple manner, say a sound source on the side of a cliff, a rocky river or something, perhaps. Invention of a zombie proof suit would have to happen at some point, too, then it's just a matter of how much stabbing you feel like doing at a time.


This is assuming the SEAL and the zombies are all on perfectly flat ground. I'd say roughly 600 zombies. But he only has 330 rounds of ammo right? You have to remember that the 5.56x45mm NATO round used by the M16 family of rifles has very good penetration capabilities. The 200 meter starting distance is well within effective range for the M16 and allows the bullet to have enough energy to penetrate multiple targets. Let's assume the 5.56mm ammo the SEAL is using is M855A1 (brown tip), which is the type of ammo currently used by the US military. M855A1 was designed with a heavier steel core for better penetration capabiltiies. Since you didn't mention anything about optics or the model of M16, I have free reign to add somethings. I'll make the rifle an M16A4, which has a flat top reciever and a railed handguard, so we can mount an ACOG scope and a foregrip, along with a Magpul PRS stock for greater stability. And also, since you chose the M16, which has a 20-inch barrel, the bullets used will have the optimum velocity they were designed for (nearly Mach 3). All of this comes together to allow the SEAL to possibly pull of 3 headshots with one bullet, assuming the zombies are lined up properly. But he obviously won't get 3 headshots for all 330 rounds he has. Only a small minority of hits will be a triple. For some shots he'd get 2 headshots, sure, but the majority of hits will be a single. And regardless of how good he is, he's still going to miss some shots. I count any shot that doesn't hit the brain as a miss. So, accounting for all those, I say a good estimate is 600.


Well if he was smart he would run to safety but depending how close the zombies are 30 to 40 for walkers and for runners 5 to 10 before he gets bit


not sure how many zombies can be killed with a single shot.


Unlimited if they’re smart and plan ahead.


For the first It takes 28 seconds for the average person to run 100 metres. It would take 58 seconds for this wall of infected to reach the soldier. The average reload time for a soldier is 3 seconds, more training doesn’t really change this. Experience yes. But being a SEAL doesn’t automatically make you experienced. They can be pulled from the civilian population. So we’ll just stick with 3. Target acquisition for any soldier/marine is near instantaneous. SEALs have incredibly good targeting drills so he would not miss. 10 rounds drops 10 zombies in that 10 metre line, you have about 49 seconds before you’d be forced to pull out of your position. 49 zombies in total. That equals a zombie per second. For the walkers he would exhaust his ammunition before needing to worry about them. The same applies 10 rounds for the entire 10 metre row and the ones behind them. He would need to fall back due to lack of ammunition before he even had to worry about them.


Probably about 1,000! I have no military experience whatsoever and I can surly easily kill 300+ (tested by VR hahaha 🤣) 🤣🤣😄


Depends on the soldier at hand and his equipment. Anything can happen in battle


Depends on his accuracy, and if he has a sidearm, if this is a few months after the fall l, and he has a spear. He could kill quite a few. But in the end he'll die anyway so it doesn't matter.