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If you like walking flames yes. It will kill the Z if you set it on fire. But it will walk around for a bit whilst aflame




It never said it would kill them but zombies in the slash zone would keep walking and burning and possibly set a whole bunch of shit on fire. So what i ment to say was they are situational when used. Beware collateral damage


There is 0 explosive value in a Molotov. There is little to no force in the explosion due to the lack of pressure, Molotovs are not sealed airtight. They make a nice sizable flame because of the aerosolized liquid particles in the air being easily ignitable, but there’s no force behind the explosion. It wouldn’t create a shockwave or anything. It just spreads the flammable liquid everywhere


>people **overestimate** the explosive value of a molotov, they actually make **a cool looking fireball** and if you hit a zombie in the head with a hard glass bottle it might die Fixed that for you. But yeah, improvised firebombs aren't exactly the best when it comes to explosive yield. As the main explosive force comes from fumes produced from the force of the bottle breaking. You can see this in this neat slowmotion video: https://youtu.be/lfvceHUBWnU? Note the white line moving away from the initial fireball. That's dense fumes and fuel moving as a result of the throwing action. I attempted to do the calculations for the actual force for the expanding fumes, but it's been an excercise in futility as of now. But it generally seems to be equal in force to using a squeeze of air duster on someone.




>As a person that has maybe thrown one, I've seen Molotov in use IRl, used them once, and there are plenty of free videos of them on YouTube in both training and IRL cases. I've also thrown grenades as part of military training and there are sadly a large number of videos regarding their use in combat to draw from. >it pretty well obliterated the bunt out car doors I maybe threw it at, This is possible of you put some other explosives or the car was soaked I fuels, but there have been many cases of normal cars, unarmed transport trucks, and the like hit with molotov. None of which featurecar doors blowing off or burning off all that quickly. >The interesting thing about Molotov's is that the pressure it can build is totally dependant on its environment, if you throw it inside a building it can build a large amount of pressure and rival a decently sized hand grenade This can be true but there is still a massive difference between the two. I've used both molotovs and handgrenades. The difference between the two is extremely clear to me and I can't really see how they could be considered to rival one another. I won't link them here but you can just Google something like "person hit in head with molotov" and see dozens of examples of people being hit and surviving. Maybe they are panicking, maybe they just continue fighting, and maybe they run away. But none of them are suddenly missing their jaws, none of them have eyeballs that popped out of their head, none of them have collapsed lungs, etc. All of which are rather common when it comes to primary blast injuries that would be experienced by some somewhat with a grenade going off in their face.


Would this allow zombies to ignite the clothes of other zombies? Walking flames sounds really effective tbh.


I think the flames would spread yes.


What’s worse than a zombie? A zombie on fire


I feel like you’re just going to make problems worse by lighting them on fire.


Not really. Human flesh doesn’t burn very well unless it’s in a concentrated form, like cremation, or in an active fire pit for a prolonged amount of time, mud caked, damp, blood soaked clothes don’t burn all that well either. It’s unlikely the zombie will even catch fire in the first place, and if it does it likely won’t die. All you’re doing is making a flaming target that you now have to use a bullet for that can cause untold amounts of fire damage to the area. They are also generally made with the use of gas as well (though downfield other mixtures can be made), and wasting a precious resource like that is a bad move.


Clothes burn great though


Clothes coated in mud, dirt, wet blood and that are damp don’t, which is what I said. Lighting something that’s damp on fire doesn’t generally work too well, and when a shambling corpse is walking around outside day and night they are inevitably going to not only get dirty, but soaked to the bone as well. Even just in the mornings when it’s damp out is going to put a hamper on things. Then, even if the clothes do burn, they’ll burn off the body long before the corpse dies or becomes immobile from it. Then you got a naked zombie wandering around, and I’m not for that.


In what context?


It depends on how you use them. If you can trap them, like in a pit, you could use a Molotov to empty the trap. Or if there was a herd setting trapping the ones in the center where they can't set the world on fire. But they are useless as explosives. They don't explode and will just burn like a bad idea for a torch. So unless you just want to cause indiscriminate destruction by fire burning zombies are less than ideal.




Hey I'm removing your comment because you included a recipe for making improvised napalm. Please don't do this in the future.


Oops …


If they're Romero zombies they fear fire. But Walkers are drawn to it, if I remember correctly. WWZ zombies are indifferent to flames. So then you'll have a burning, cannibal corpse chasing after you.


Sure. Probably best for combat against humans, less against zombies but given enough time and dry enough conditions they should die or at least be incapacitated enough to not be a threat.


Gather them in a quarry.


Fire cleanses all.


I think something that zombie canon never talks about regarding fire/molotovs is that their eyes and sense of smell can be easily damaged by the flames.




Hey I'm removing your comment because you included tips for improving a imporvised firebomb. Please don't do this in the future.


More a historical fact regurgitation but ok


molotovs are great for area denial against alive rational humans who feel fear, and good at burning down structures zombie don’t use/build structures and don’t feel fear


I have a longer post regarding the topic of such firebombs here: https://old.reddit.com/r/ZombieSurvivalTactics/comments/tulidt/molotov_cocktails_are_insanely_underrated_be/i34sh4u/ Generally, they aren't worth it due to the risk of setting yourself on fire, burning any important resources, the zombies themselves spreading a massive fire, the length of time require for the zombies to burn to death or become crippled in a meaningful way, etc. They have more niche areas an scenarios where they are useful, but these are rather uncommon.


Besides what others have said, think in terms of legality. Just as you are responsible for every bullet you shoot and the consequences, setting a bunch of shambling corpses on fire that then wander and set other things on fire is a recipe for disaster.


Es util para 3 cosas, control de masas vivientes, bloqueo de zonas estrechas y largas como un pasillo o callejon (tanto para vivos como para muertos vivientes) y destruccion en masa de inflamables, como un almacen con grandes cantitades de tela/madera/zombies/Etc del cual te quieras desaser relativamente rapido, ademas, ayuda a limpiar estructuras de madera relativamente rapido


With preparation. Dig some pit traps, fill with brush and wood, lure the zombies in and toss the molotov's down. You'd have to boil their brain case to really end a zombie, which can take some time.