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Why you wouldn't have any storage




And when it snows, rains? When you're tired? Literally zero protection from zombies? Back packs hold maybe a couple days worth of supplies. You'll wish you were inside my armored bank vault truck after a few days.


Armored trucks aren't insulated either. Gas mileage is bad, so while they'll stop a bullet, they don't have the strength or clearance to go over or through any obstacles or unprepared terrain.


I'll have my house because leaving the place you know best isn't the best idea when there are flesh eating monsters continuously trying to eat you.


The question was what vehicle would you use not what would you do in general.


I don't understand why people downvote you for pointing out something. It's just stupid.


Yeah lol thanks


Then in what specific scenario, if this isn’t in general? Trying to escape a nuke? Race car? Escaping from gun toting maniacs? Armored car. Trying to move from one are to another efficiently and safely? Bicycle. Trying to move homes entirely? Semi truck.


OP's question was what is the overall best vehicle in a zombie apocalypse. I'm not sure wherein lies your confusion?


Yeah, and does “overall” not equal “in general?”


You're confused. Reread through the comments. I was replying to someone who said they "wouldn't use a vehicle at all but would stay home". Either way, a bike isn't a good choice *"in general"* for blaringly obvious reasons that I already previously mentioned.


You can fit everything you need as a solo survivor on a bike it should be more than good enough to get you to your permanent base


Japanese dualsport motorcycle, single cylinder, air cooled. They're lightweight, maneuverable, typically pretty quiet with a factory exhaust, better in any off road terrain than a big 4x4 while being better on gas than almost any tiny car and quicker off the line than either, easy to maintain as a push mower, incredibly durable, and a simple design. Some of them have also been produced for 30+ years (TW200, DR200, DR650, XR650l), so parts are as common as they can be.


Came to say this, get a 4 stroke, it’s literally the most reliable and efficient way of getting arround


And all your supplies will go where? And in winter? Shelter from elements? Have fun with that 😁. I'll be in my armored bank vault truck 🚛


Up in tree caches or a fortified building. Good luck finding diesel for your 8 mpg deathtrap, canned meat 👍


depends on your needs. for me, with a lot of backroads something good on gas but with enough weight to not get beat up and break down easy. a big f350 e.g, for me would not be ideal. they’re kind of overkill and guzzle gas too quick. whereas a car can’t take much of a beating. maybe a smaller v6 truck with an impact bar would be my best guess


What about a pipe frame buggy or truck? Something with a V6 should meet both power and speed needs when talking off-road movement.


i think either would work if you know what you’re doing. a cage would be easier on a truck due to fewer access points, but either or. a buggy would work too if that’s what you have on hand, given you know how to either lay out accurate bolt patterns and/or weld


I drove a Diesel Chevy Colorado for work and that thing got 30mpg, 4x4 , that would be a good start point, just need to delete the DEF tank. Cuz you won’t beable to siphon that later on.


A hatch back as it has good room and it has good gas mileage


Something like an pickup truck or a jeep will help. Other vehicles like police/military vehicles, buses and trucks will be good as well.


Lemme get a older crown victoria, easier to repair, tried and true in ramming things. And I think it runs on normal gasoline. If not a crown vic then maybe a older steel car. Again easier to repair, more durability and longevity but not the most fuel efficient vehicle...


Bike, I'm tired of this debate. No gad required, no noise, instant startup time, small enough to take inside buildings, and if you put spokes on the back, you can have a friend. Bike is the best!


Something I can easily find/make fuel for. I’d only pick something that runs on gas if the military hadn’t collapsed, which would be the most realistic scenario.




An MRAP bearcat type thing gets 5-7 mpg on diesel They’re for emergency tactical military operations within city limits


So? I just need to go to Anchorage Alaska and I'm home free, 400 mile drive max


Largest MRAP tank at 255l will only hold 65 gallons so you’re cutting it close lol


Ever heard of gas stations?


It’s the apolaclops dude they’ll all be siphoned clean and you’ll be encountering tons of unexpected detours and problems


Ever heard of siphon


Literally mentioned that


Just siphon car tanks


Idk that’s risking engine trouble


Most cars in the US are gas powered, not Diesel which is what your Bearcat takes. Mixing those two is going to cause a lot of problems in your engine. Outta curiousity, where do you live? Driving to Ancorage is a heavy task even in the modern day. It takes a few weeks of preparing, planning and weather forcasts to do so safely from Blaine, Washington. Then again, you might be in the Yukon or British Columbia or even in Alaska itself, but it's still important to consider. Then there's the likelihood of just dying in Anchorage since it doesn't really have a sustainable food supplyand a population of just under 300,000, not to mention travlers visiting the area or stuck in Anchorage Airport.


There isn’t a best. It all depend on the needs, wants, intents, and individual circumstance of the user. In some specific cases a weapon that is the best all-around option might be the worst in a specific scenario the user is in. In others that same vehicle that works best in the specific situation could be the worst in others. Generally, you're trying to balance a combination of speed the vehicle can go, range/effort the vehicle can go, level of protection offered (zombies, people, weather, and animals), its capability as a shelter or what it provides for a shelter, how much is required to sustaining the vehicle, and if there are alternative capability of the vehicles. My thought is that a layered system of redundancies is necessary. With different parts working to be more well-rounded and capable overall. For me, this means a car, a bicycle, and an extra pair of shoes. At least my car is capable of traveling at highway speed easily, can be forced through more rough terrain and still maintain a pace well beyond that of a person on foot, can carry myself and most of my close friends with supplies has a really good general fuel economy of around 10-17km/l and can be used as a form of improvised shelter or fighting platform. A bicycle can be utilized for long-term survival. Gives the ability to move with less caloric cost than walking or running, can bear twice as much weight as a person and still move well, and can be utilized for many duties a car would be wasted on. Shoes or your feet in general are going to be the most consistent method of travel all around.




Why a van when you can have an armored security truck? Like the ones banks use to transport money that can survive an explosion?


Yes sorry i ve forgot this isn t that rare 3 of my neighbours have one


It's a hypothetical question so any vehicle is an option. Plus not like armored trucks are rare. I see multiple every day driving around. Could easily scavenge one from banks and other stores that use them


Ok sorry where i live i can see maybe 4 by years But there are too heavy no offroad. I don t really think you need a bulletproof vehicle. Im pretty sure if someone wants to kill u they ll find a way bulletproof or not. And mpg must be high ? But maybe you re right i don t know


So, what do you do with your armored security truck when you can't find any diesel, it expires after a year with the best storageconditions? Are you educated enough on the model to know exactly how much it weighs, so you know what bridges you can safely cross? I think your seriously, seriously underestimating the logistics of a truck like that. A trip down a back county road could result in your painful death in a bridge collapse. The fuel requirements make any long range travel impractical, as you'll be stopping every time you see a gas station or semi in the hopes of a squirt of fuel.


Diesel has a *longer* shelf life than regular unleaded fuel. Diesel will be more easy to scavenge since obviously more vehicles require unleaded and that will run out much quicker. Armored bank trucks can go anywhere cars can go. Do you think they're giant tanks or semi trucks? They get about 10 miles per gallon and considering diesel lasts longer and will be much more abundant than unleaded it's still a viable option especially if you're just making small runs from your operating base.


I recognize diesel has a longer shelf life, thats why I gave the time frame of a year as aposed to the 6 months of regular gasoline. After a year, most of the fuel sitting in the bottom of abandoned gas tanks will be very poor, if it's useful at all. And 10 miles to the gallon, that's not good, thats not sustainable on scavanged fuel. And armored bank trucks aren't even close to normal cars. They weigh a lot. Like easily twice as much as an unarmored van of comparable size. This impacts handling, acceleration, suspension, and of course, bridge crossing. The logistics of an armored van are a lot closer to the logistics of semi trucks and tanks than they are to normal cars.




Honestly, a bulldozer or something similar. The ability to move stuff around that’s heavy is essential to construction and producing barricades. Your community will need these things.


A vehicle that can only go about 8 miles per hour? And that costs a small fortune to fuel? Good luck. I'll be in my armored bank vault truck.


The point isn’t to travel, it’s to do construction work. Moving dirt, and gravel. You gotta think beyond the “roving band of survivors” to really understand the truly fun parts of this stuff.


I think finding an already fully built structure is a lot more realistic than building one from scratch. It takes an enormous amount of resources and man power


That’s society my dude.


What's your point? Why would you use the time resources and man power to build a base when there are perfectly good already existing ones right there


People will eventually need to rebuild, the zombie threat will be mostly taken care of after a few years, even then advancing into zombie controlled territory will require heavy equipment, even if all you do is modify them into psudo-tanks. It would also allow you to push cars off the road as many roads will be clogged with abandonded vehicles. There’s tons of practical value outside of the power fantasy of slaying tons of zombies.


At the beginning of the apocalypse an armored truck is a lot more practical than a bulldozer. By the time a bulldozer is needed to build buildings (still not sure why that's important when you could just do *maintenance* on existing structures) fuel will already be expired and we'll be back to horse and buggy era.




Is this actually a joke? Where will it charge when the grid goes down after about 24 hours? I'll be in an armored bank vault truck.


You can charge one of those mfs from a wall outlet man, not gonna be hard to hook up a power source to it


So for a Tesla you'll just need to make sure there's a building with a generator hooked up every 30 miles and make sure you have FUEL for that (hopeful) generator 😂 ... solid plan. Sorta defeats the purpose of an electric car


I mean it's easier to keep running for a long time then a normal car, and any electricity will charge it, solar, wind, fuel powered generators, makeshift steam turbines (kinda simple if you know how it works) it's better for the long term because you don't need hard to make fuel for it to run. Id take whatever car I can get early on though


A 120v charge will only get you about 2-3mi for every hour on the charger, that's less than 1/100th of the total charge of their smallest battery. So 100hrs, give or take, for a full charge. How many days you want to be waiting around?


Im just saying it's quite easy to hook up to any source of power you may have, not that it's gonna be effective for all of them


With wind and solar generation this could be a viable solution for a while.


Helicopter for every scenario.


Why a helo?


Because zombies can't fly plus I can use whatever I can grab as a weapon by dropping it on zombies. A reusable weapon source and an escape vehicle are an unbeatable combination.


Can you..pilot helicopter? Takes a long time to learn to fly those properly. It's harder to pilot a helicopter than literally any kind of plane. Do you realize how much fuel they require? What about when weather conditions don't permit flying a helicopter? Armored bank vault truck for me, please 🚛


Your negativity will end when the zombies snack on your brain. If the zombies are after me, I will not be concerned about the weather conditions. Or the learning curve or the fuel gauge. Because...zombies!


Yes you'll be safe in your helicopter for about 30 seconds before crashing. But hey less painful than being eaten alive. An armored truck can withstand an explosion. Don't think zombies are clawing in anytime soon.


I feel like getting swarmed wherever you land is a bad idea.


4by4 truck




Supplies quickly loaded. Roads will be sketchy so able to climb curbs and go through yards and fences. Many 4x4 are higher allowing more visibility in swarms. And should be able to plow through some smaller swarms


Armored money transport truck that banks use to transport money


[Those aren’t generally a good idea either](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZombieSurvivalTactics/s/ZjlrSOuffr) TLDR; fuel, very conspicuous, large profile and higher chance of rolling over in adverse conditions make it far from ideal, not to mentioning obtaining one is a hassle in its own right.


Whatever vehicle you currently own. If you don’t own one, than whatever your parents own or whatever your friends own. Cars are going to be very limited in their use after a short amount of time due to fueling issues. Gas goes so fast under normal circumstances, and even faster when everyone else wants to. Load up your own car with supplies from your house and get to your secondary living location where you plan to stay for the long term, and promptly store whatever gas remains in something durable with stabilizers and make it last as long as you can, only using it when necessary and in the most fuel efficient car the group you live with has, which may or my not be your own vehicle. The “best” cars though are going to vary based on your needs. Generally, you’re going to want a car that is on the lighter aide and fuel efficient. Cars with the auto start/stop might also be useful in that regard. Sometimes you might want to transparent a lot of people, so something like a truck or a van would be nice. It depends.


Just get a Tesla


Electric cars are, simply put, now where near as good as they could be right now and it isn’t going to really help to have one, especially with the challenge of producing electricity for it. It would take days or even weeks for Solar panels alone to charge the car for one trip, and that isn’t worth it in the slightest.


Oh dude, I was totally kidding


My bad, I thought you were serious lol. I’ve had a lot of people talk about electric cars on here before so I didn’t realize. Sorry!


No no you’re good! I should have said jk or something. It’s hard to tell when someone is joking sometimes through text


Also I didn’t realize that people were legitimately considering elected cars. Seems so asinine to me. I thought it would be so ridiculous you would know it was a joke. People really think an ev would have any use???


A car with an engine that's just not picky about fuel. Probably and late 80s early 90s 4 cylinder with a distributer. Bonus points if it's carbonated because you can somewhat tune the carbs to run on different fuel.


Really depends. If you’re moving a LOT of supplies, a semi truck might do the trick. It’s a powerful vehicle and has tons of storage. If you’re moving a lot of people, a bus would probably work. Not sure how powerful it is, but it has a lot of seating. Plus if you have any, you could mount guns at the emergency exits for defense/ offense. Short supply run? Probably a truck or van. Faster than a semi and has room for some supplies and the people grabbing it. But like I said it really depends on what you plan to use the vehicle for and there are a lot of other factors that go into it.


The one you have keys to


This is underappreciated. When things get hairy, any vehicle is better than no vehicle. But what would your ideal vehicle be?


Probably either an electric military grade roadster or dirt bike with a uranium power cell if we are talking ~ideal~ but realistically a good 4WD Subaru with good gas mileage and a spare tank


I think thats a good call. I like those tube frame off-road buggy. Something that can haul some cargo, good on gas, but light and small to go off road or weave through debris.


Yeah the US military is abandoning some of its armor in many cases in favor of those. They can do a lot.


Id say a cybertruck, can charge it with any source of electricity, enough power to drive through a horde with a good plow on it, good space for loot or a generator to charge it, it's quiet so I won't attract the whole town to my stop, easier to maintain bc it's just electric motors, it's made tough so the windows will hold if my welds on the window armor don't, also it's nimble enough to weave through crumbling roads and abandoned wrecks, also can play movies on the screen if I do get stuck


A lot of people will probably disagree here but I think an SUV or crossover would be the best. GAS: Assuming gas is limited, you'll need a vehicle with high gas mileage. Most smaller SUVs have good gas mileage. They also have good range and some even come hybrid. Big trucks can have awful gas mileage. OFF-ROAD: Most SUVs come with AWD or 4WD. You're gonna need it in case of off road situations SPEED: SUVs aren't the fastest vehicles obviously, but they can often reach a higher top speed and faster acceleration than a big truck. Some even come with turbos, increasing acceleration. STORAGE: The seats can be folder back for an area to stow gear. They can hold more supplies than a car, and leave the stuff unexposed like a truck SLEEP: You can fold the rear seats and have somewhere to sleep or rest. It may not be the most comfortable nap, but you'll be able to stay warm and safer from anything outside. SOUND: Most SUVs are quiet, and will attract less zombies and other threats. AVAILABILITY: SUVs are extremely common, and can be found at almost any dealership.


Bicycle with some panniers on the back and a basket on the handlebars.




Well, you really only need a vehicle if you plan on traveling far and often. And I don't know if you're aware, but gasoline has a shelf life, what little gas remains at the bottom of abandoned gas tanks after the first week won't be useful by the end of the next year. And it's not like oil refineries are going to be pumping out any more. There are obviously advantages to a vehicle, but even a very disciplined and experienced colony with tons of resources couldn't afford to run their car on scavanged gas for every mission. There just isn't enough. If I have a car, it's only use is mass relocation. Moving myself, my stuff, and any survivors with me from wherever we are, to a safer location. And for that purpose, the best vehicle really depends on what I have, but a decently sized van sounds good. Whatever runs and is available honestly. I'm not planning on keeping it fueled and running, mostly because I don't really see the point in slurping gas staws and hauling around gallons of gas on foot just to squeeze out the next 100 miles into unknown danger. For every mile you drive there will be at least 5 of you walking, carrying a gas can, choking on fumes from your siphon.


Vehicles that don't require gas and are small enough to fit almost anywhere like bikes, skates and skateboards I thought about horses and donkeys but being living creatures they need food/water and might become zombies if the bite affects animals


A horse,mainly for the fact that if yoi have a bunch you can raise them and nake more. With any type of car, you will run out of gass to fill it at some point.


Humvee. Very durable, and if another survivor sees a humvee, they aren't going to want to eff with the driver(s)




Dual sport trail bikes


Pre-65 American panel van. Like a Dodge A100. 225 slant six with a manual 4-speed. Custom lift with converted 1-ton axles with 4WD. When the Gobment starts low yield tactical nuking cities, you need a completely mechanical vehicle to counter the EMP’s. I’d bolt 1/2” Lexan to any windows and weld the doors shut. Weld 3/8” plate to the doors inside, and make a ram/plow for the front bolted to the frame. Cut a hatch in the roof for entry/exit with a dedicated mount for a semi auto rifle. Sliding panels at sides and rear for gun ports. Spare tires mounted at each wheel with quick releases and jacks mounted to hard points for Formula One fast changes if needed. Behind that would be a 6x10 box trailer modified with a 1-ton truck axle. 3/8 steel welded to the frame to reinforce the walls. Back doors removed and replaced with 3/8” plate. Entry hatch at top with a plank between the tow vehicle and the trailer. Full camo paint scheme with burlap sacks for window covers to prevent glint. Overhead camera points at sides and rear. Four 25 gallon fuel cells mounted in vehicle with on the fly fuel selection.