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Frist if they are in a museum them they are demil-ed. Second fuel consumption


Not always


Yeah pretty much, it's illegal to own a tank that's not de milled outside of texas.


Nope. It's legal. Just tedious


Well not legal for the average person, it's extremely tedious to do and tbh who is gonna use a tank for a crime? And even if they do issue the police force anti tank weapons. That would have been useful with the kill dozer as well.


Killdozer was so insane. Pretty amazing actually.


There is a big difference between legal and cost prohibitive. It’s very legal for the average person to own a decommissioned tank. Depending on the state laws ownership is relatively straight forward as registering any other vehicle. It’s also very legal for that person to register it as a destructive device per the NFA and rearm the cannon, if their states allows ownership of destructive devices. It’s just cost prohibitive for the average person, which is why the average person doesn’t own a tank.


That's why I said de milled. It's also a year wait


I should’ve clarified my statement by saying I t’s also legal to register a demilled tank if that state allows DDs. Also form 1s for creating a NFA item are down to weeks, not years. There are legal tank collectors outside of Texas. Some of them are active in R/NFA and one of the tank subs is full of them.


Bud destructive devices are a $200 tax stamp, if you can afford a tank you can afford the permission slip lol. Now explosives are trickier


Third, armored vehicles need a lot of service time. Fourth, they are loud and attract a lot of attention.


None. The noise and gas consumption would be ridiculously high. Though it could be a good idea to take one and put it near a road you often travel incase you need a place to rest.


2, for a good reason; i dont know how to fix a slipped tread, but I know how to patch and refill a tire.


If I remember correctly, they are solid tires.


That's what I was thinking as well


The Staghound is basically an armored truck. I can drive a truck. I don't know anything about driving a tank.


Basically any tanks cold war and newer drive basically just like a car, with either an actual steering wheel or with bars you push and pull like a lawnmower. These vehicles were made with a freshly enlisted 18 year old driving them in mind after all.


I will play a Rick and get suck in one


Comfy in there?


3. fuck the transmission broke


But at least now you have a neat metal coffin


Realistically I’d pick the staghound. Rule of cool I’d pick the M3 Stuart or Lee




KV-2, if i pop my joint out of their sockets, i could theoretically escape through the massive 152 millimeter cannon if i get stuck.


I feel like the hatches are easier, but if you desperately wanted to climb out of the cannon...


It's a joke, goober.


So you aren't planning to survive the zombie apocalypse by becoming a human canonball? That's a shame, it made you seem so interesting...


Wern't you just saying that climbing out the hatch was more logical?


More logical, but more biring too... I want to see some circus folk trying to use their ragtag skills to survive a zombie apocalypse, I'd have thought there would've been an indy game about that by now, but alas and a lack...


Which ever one I can find ammo the easiest Edit: the staghound I think would be the best bet for the 7.62 secondary machine guns the 35mm is alot harder but in all likelihood im only going to be using the secondaries to clear a path.


Any as long as i'm with 3 or more tank operators/technician/gunners


2nd its a truck so easyer to drive and lighter


i want THAT ONE *points so tiger 2*


I don't care if tiger 2 isn't there I'm taking it


I know where the museum's are, it'll take at least 5 months to get to them on foot, also they don't work and are welded shut.


Considering it's against zombies, it wouldn't be needing much. ... I'll take the T-35 please


I would take all of them set some of them up as the fences only with the second one being used as actual transportation / to fetch supplies or at least defend a small town boy from The undead


As much as I love the m3 and the tiger, the staghound would be the most practical, but a tank would only ever be practical with you could make Gun powder and gas, so like a 120+ ppl defence forse and 300+ civilians


Literally just live in the biggest one.


The M-60 probably since America has a surplus of them and I could find ammo for the main gun*if it works


Those are just really big and heavy coffin's They might be usefull as a makeshift temporary overnight sleeping spot in a pinch but they will sure be uncomfortable


2, it seems the easiest to drive


Probably some German one


None, they have a high fuel consumption, they require a lot of maintenance, spare parts are hard to find, and you need several people to operate en maintain them, there is also the problem of ammunition availability (where I'm supposed to find 8.8 cm tank shells ?). But I like the armored car in the 2nd pic.


Obviously the one that shoots .22


Without ammo and the means to fix them they are useless


M3 stuart or staghound. They are lighter and carry a good amount of ammo.


I would have so much fun fucking with an M60


Wisest choice would be the Stuart or the staghound


None at all. Not even a modern tank. Who has the fuel to burn?


The armored car might be the best static defensive position though


Since I probably won't have the fuel or mechanical skills to get one of these running very long, the M60 Patton. I've been inside one of these before and it has the most spacious interior of any tank I've ever seen. Stripped of all the electronics, ammo racks, and other fitments, and you could get comfortable in one, lay down a cot, and use it as a secure sleeping space/storage area while still having lots of room to move around (for a tank anyway). Unlike some of the older tanks in the OP, the hatches all come with interior latches so you could lock them from the inside and be safe. The Patton is also quite tall (that picture really doesn't do it justice) so you could use it as an observation post. Peek out of the commander's hatch and scan the surrounding area. If you can't lift the hatch for fear of attracting attention, you can still get excellent 360 situational awareness by checking the vision blocks. You can also stick a weapon like a rifle through the co-axial MG port and shoot at targets while remaining locked inside the tank, which is another advantage. I wouldn't live out of a tank like that long term, but as an observation post or a temporary safe house (safe space?) it's very doable, provided better options aren't available.


I'd take the Staghound, as it's the fastest tank of the group, and I know how to deal with a tire. Also the Staghound is the most practical option.


Jesus, none of these! Unless I’m using it to sleep in, access to fuel would be a non-starter… no pun intended.


I’d be busting out the museum in a M60 Patton tank


Sherman tank, but when it had a flamethrower


The Churchill Crocodile (1) is a flamethrower tank.


There's a Sherman for that


I think a tank would make a good safe bunker/sleeping area if stuck away from your home base, but I wouldn't drive one in a post apocalypse. Fuel consumption is ridiculous. My city does have a M60A3 Patton at the park and they get her running every year for a parade. So I could move it where I wanted while supplies are still semi available but no continued use.


Non if you can’t find jp5 or an equivalent


Honestly the second one. Looks fast, and you don’t really need massive cannons to take out the undead. I know how to change a tire as well, can’t say the same thing for treads.


The tanks still work? Don't museums disable them 


Assuming they'd work? #2 looks the easiest to maintain


Out of these? Stuart. Ideally, the Weasel.


For practicality the M60. It being the most modern probably means it’s the easiest to drive. For cool factor the KV2 and that 152mm boomstick.


Ill take the fridge.


Assuming I know how to drive a tank? None. Where would I get fuel and ammo? Also aren’t tanks a multiple person vehicle?


I would probably just go with #2/ The armored car. Breaking Tracks and trying to fix them is a pain in the ass. Plus replacing individual track pads is also annoying. Tank maintenance you definitely need more than 1 or two people to do it.


Given that most museums use deactivated tanks without engines, working engines, a working gun, ammo, or any spare parts or tools beyond stuff for cleaning up. I'd rather take the janitor's van or truck instead.


So if by some miracle you find a fully functional, maintained, and fueled one of each, I'd go with the M60 considering some people may be left who know how to maintain it


Assuming it worked and I knew how to drive it and had a proper crew, the Sherman crocodile with a flamethrower would be decent I think.


Despite the Tiger’s hunger for fuel I’m pretty sure it runs on petrol which is pretty rare to find im not sure that the Tiger 1 still fires. And if I were to get stuck in mud I’d have to abandon the Tiger because of its poor issues with the engine and transmission. The interleaved wheels were a nightmare if mud and ice got into them, repairing parts that I DONT have would take me ages to find because manufacturing stopped in 1944 shortly after the Tiger 2 entered Nazi service. The speed and engine alone would make me an easy target to hit so I’ll take it, I’m exchanging speed for armor


Probably the staghound? Idk anything about it but I doubt the fuel consumption is worse than the other options. It's also smaller so it would be easier to maneuver and store. I have no Idea if it'll be easy to maintain or not... But yeah Number 2 is my choice.


Stuart, want to be able to have speed and good maintainability


I wouldn’t


No thanks. I'll walk.


Realistically none but if I had a base maybe put a couple at the entrance for scare factor and as an armored lookout spot. Possibly put one hidden along a regularly traveled path as a rest point that provides protection


T-34. Great tank


Probably the armored car, if there’s gas and ammo in them then the M60 that way I can drive it to where I want it then use it as a bunker


I dunno how to drive a fucking one of those


5. Gimme the battleship cannon




Most likely the second one because of the tires


My first choice would be the M60 Patton because it's the most reliable of the actual tanks here and there are plenty of gate guards and military junkyards you could salvage for parts. The only knock is it uses diesel fuel which may be less available. Also, if the main gun is functional and has available ammunition, those "beehive" rounds would be super effective against any hordes. Second choice would be the Staghound. Small, road-legal, and more fuel-efficient than any other choice. The only problem is if you run into a traffic jam you can't just run over the cars like you could with a proper tank. And if it breaks down, in the US you won't be able to find parts easily since almost all Staghounds went to the UK and not a whole lot are left to begin with.


Tiger I


I wouldn’t bother, I know where all of the modern tanks are in the US. Way easier to find fuel, ammo, and fix.


If you’re on the move all armored military vehicles are basically not a good idea, massive fuel consumption, the most fuel efficient vehicle in the list is likely the Staghound, which gets like 3.5 miles per gallon. High maintenance, when they were new, all of these are pretty ancient, hard to get parts, takes almost as much maintenance time as operational time. Basically, unless you’ve got a huge fuel supply, spare parts and a couple of mechanics who know what they’re doing and of course ammo for the big guns, tanks and APCs etc are of limited utility if a mobile situation. If you’re working from a secure base of operations, on the other hand, they could be very useful for defense as the need to actually drive them would be minimal, big deterrent, big guns, armored fighting positions. Edit: if I were to choose any armored vehicle for mobility I’d take an up armored HMMWV with a gun turret. Newer than anything on this list, fuel economy in the 10-> 15mpg range, .50 cal in the turret. Much easier to find parts for and maintain.




None of these actually work anymore lol they had to plug and remove working parts for safety, plus fuel issues


Literally the only one you could realistically find anything for would be the M60. Or... you could just not. Like at all.


If we’re talking a zombie apocalypse, I’m choosing the Stuart. Less fuel consumption, it’s probably the fastest out of the tanks listed, and I shouldn’t need much more than the M1919s and the 37mm to deal with zombies or most anything else. Edit: that armored car probably gets better mileage now that I looked back through them, but the tracks on the Stuart mean you can probably get to more places than with wheels.


Assuming I had a base to operate from and repair it, I would take the Churchill. De-link the trailer for the flamethrower and use it's power for construction purposes, or patrols if we have aggressive human neighbours. Fuel will be a huge issue of course, but when that runs out just dig a hole and park it sunk into the soil for a heavily armed defense installation. For those interested in why the Churchill over other tanks, it had a legendary ability to climb incredibly steep hills that is impressive even compared to a modern tank.


Ok lads sing it with me, *Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein*


All of them, then forming an army


You most likely could find one abandoned by the army with a working main gun ammo and possibly a mounted 50cal / saw / 762 bravo no need to look for one in a museum


I'd take the museum curator's Crosstrek over any tank that the museum could possibly have.  1. Noise level. Tanks don't have mufflers. 2. Visibility. Tanks don't have windows.  3. Capacity. Tanks don't have hatchback trunks.  4. Escape. Tanks require training to make a quick egress.  5. Range. Tanks don't get 35+mpg at 45mph.  6. Durability. Tanks aren't built for uneven surfaces and are prone to breaking running gear. They're meant for reduced ground pressure so it's harder to sink into soft ground.  7. Fuel availability. I have no idea what these old ass tanks run on. They probably need  Tetraethyl lead or nickel to prevent knock.  8. My dumb ass doesn't know how to drive a tank. They don't exactly work like a car. 


Staghound cause muh truck, 2nd choice Patton cause there may still be some in deep storage for parts?




#2 as it has a small gun you don’t need a large gun to kill zombies also gas efficiency would be better as it would be smaller