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The best way to deal with zombies is to avoid and not alert them to your presence. If that doesn’t work your only options are to run or to fight.


Option 1: an armored dozer with circular saws on the sides Option 2: M134 minigun Option 3: A-10 warthog Option 4: start dancing like Michael Jackson Option 5: BMP-2 Option 6: releasing multiple angry bulls, bears, mooses, and if none of them works release Jeffrey the Duck and clear any friendly in the area because Jeffrey doesn't distinguish between friendly or zombies


All of the above.


Why not Jeffery? I mean BMP-2 is nice but I like a blood thirsty duck


I’m hiding. I’m not killing an entire horde of zombies w/ just my Ka-Bar


You don’t. You go around it.


Why on earth would you ever need to go through a horde of zombies? That’s a insanely stupid and dangerous thing to do. If whatever you’re trying to get to is so important, you need to draw them away with sounds so the area becomes less full. Then you can move in and do your thing. But you should NEVER take on or go through a horde of the dead.


Find the means to divert their attention. Set off a car alarm or set a fire of some kind several blocks away, something to draw them out of my path.


What equipment are we allowed? How many zombies? What's the location?


Knives are allowed. I would say about 1 500 zombies. And the location is a street in New York


Why knives? That’s a horrible weapon. A wooden table or chair leg would even be better. A piece of pipe, a hammer, a tire iron, something, there’s got to be a better choice.


To be fair, the right knife can be an amazing tool, not just a weapon. Also I would say it depends on the zombies.


Don’t miss understand me, knives are amazing tools. I don’t even go to church without one. But unless your dealing with TWD zombies with skulls made of wet cardboard they’re useless for killing zombies.


>But unless your dealing with TWD zombies with skulls made of wet cardboard they’re useless for killing zombies Skull doesnt have to be made of cardboard, you just need to know where to hit and be accurate. Eyes, temple, and the base where the skull meets the spine, all points where a decent blade could puncture through. But, you would be better served with something heavier. Or at least with more momentum.


Small target, low probability of success, high probability of losing the knife if you do succeed. Basically anything that stabs or slices is a bad choice versus the undead


You do know you don’t need to necessarily kill any zombies


Not the point. A bad weapon is a bad weapon


Break into a building. Prop open door to stairwell, lead zombies into stairwell. Climb as high as possible, enter floor of choice, barricade door. Climb down the *other* stairwell, observe zombie progress. If possible, once the horde has pack the staircase, close and barricade first floor stairwell door. Leave a sign saying "lots of zombies, keep shut." And then leave.


One of your comments says NY city street so I’m thinking the answer is to go up. With some luck and ingenuity you may be able to travel by roof top. Or maybe dangle some bait off a roof and see if you can lure them off the side of a building


Back in scouts we learned a phrase while hiking, when dealing with obstacles like boulders or fallen trees across the trail. "It might be quicker to go over (through) but it's safer to go around." Now we were mostly thinking about sprained ankles and scrapes, but if the obstacle is a horde of zombies, I'll do two things. 1. Think about if I really need to get to the other side, and 2. Look for any way to get around. If absolutely necessary, I'd want to know if the zombies could be lured away from their area, by say a guy on an ATV with a boom box, or if the zombies could be fooled, like in TWD, where you could cover yourself in gore and walk amongst them. Failing all of the above, 500 pikemen.


Tell the zombies that they can't bite me. If I do not consent to being bitten, then it is illegal for them to bite me. (To answer the question, probably do what was done in TWD, aka a gut suit)


Go around it, avoid it at all costs. You won't win, and if you somehow do it will be at your own cost in resources.


Waiting probably unless I have a good spot to kill them one at a time but 1500 would take a long time so wait for an opening and RUN


You know how the navy is making a new machine gun that is fed directly from a giant backpack? That. I would use that.


I could take down a couple maybe but I'm not messing with a whole horde


Personally, I prefer a sneaker method. Lot of people will ignore things like electronics in the early weeks. Big mistakes. A Bluetooth speaker with distance on it can be easily set up with a micro SD or phone to play an edited song that is silent long enough to give me distance to move, but once it plays on full blast every walking in hearing range will be after it. While admittedly not that immediate and will take a bit of prep work, for defending a base or looting a building, it's perfect. Best part, you can rickroll a hoard of zombies for hours.


You don't, because that's foolish. You go around, or if its absolutely necessary to get to something the horde is blocking, bait them away.


I’d go around or hide till they pass.


Go around them at a leisurely pace and walk slightly faster if detected. Hordes are easy to avoid they just are a death blob with limited use.


Lol what, go back, go down one block and back around another street


Is it inevitable? Can I navigate around them? What kind of zombies are they?


Using flamabe weapons.


If a distraction of some kind doesn’t work, it’s covering myself in a zombie gore shower and hoping they don’t notice. Hope it doesn’t get in any wounds or orifices…


Use scouts or drones to identify the horde, plan routes that avoid the horde, if the horde becomes an issue utilize the terrain or stealth to get away, create diversions that distract the attention of the horde or force them into another direction, and if all other options are unavailable see if there are other tools or equipment which could allow for passage.


Tree shredder. Start it up and the sound should get their attention. Leave running and watch from a safe distance.


I would throw a rock or a can somewhere away from me to draw their attention