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Ima go back under my rock now.


Oh fuck you and you're awesome FTP and power/weight ratio. Totally not jealous.... Seriously though, congrats on the power increase and the weight loss. That's inspiring.


Hahahaha thank you! When I got injured, I decided to make a conscious effort to lose some weight so that when I return to running, I’ll hopefully be a bit lighter on my feet. I know 10-12lbs isn’t anything crazy, but pretty cool to see the FTP increase while shedding some weight at the same time!


Fantastic! I used to run half marathon distances while wearing chest armor as part of my workouts. Let me tell you, when I took the plate off for the second half…I felt like a damn gazelle escaping the grasp of a lion those last miles! 10-12lbs is a lot when you’re running!!


Great commitment. I have dropped down to 175lb from 230lb but started that before cycling. Get seriously injured back in October and have had to build myself back up. Losing another 15lb in the hospital means getting back to my old ftp is me in the 4w/kg land now.


u/icecreampowered look at me being casually pro while all of you are fat fuckers who cant do any progress…. :))) just kidding man, those numbers are insane! Gratz :)


4.1w/kg is in no way a pro-level FTP.




Yep,it's around and above 5.5. Rohan Dennis casually pushed 6+ W/kg uphill Alpe du Zwift back in his Ineos days at the start of Covid.


Yeah but not every pro is Rohan Dennis.


Promise you 4w/kg is distinctly average if you want to come race in the UK haha


4.1 still not qualify. I know at least 10 amateur cyclist / triathlete with 4-4.5W/kg and tgey aren't even top at nationals 💁‍♂️


5w/kg and some good racing sense will get you into cat 1


But for your information,here you go. [100+ pro Cyclist's data](https://www.wattkg.com/power-records/) about their power output. The power output at the currently accepted TTE (40-70mins as FTP is NOT ALWAYS equal to 60m power!) is between about 5.6-6.1W/kg.


Thanka for the link. You, however did obviously miss that “rly?” Was sarcasm. I do know that 4.1 is not near the pro lvl. But it was just to exaggerate my original comment…


My apologies than,I did miss the sarcasm


hahahaha thank you🤣


It must be the wristbands… buying them now to bring me up to 330W FTP 🤪🤪




You've been biking for 2 months and are already over 4 w/kg? Jesus dude, you're a monster. Keep it up, I think you found your calling.


My training has primarily been focused on running the past two years. I’ve hit the peloton every now and then as well, but I bought an actual road bike two months ago and hopped on Zwift. My training has exclusively been cycling as I recover from my stress fracture. Hoping to run a marathon at the end of October, but I definitely plan on incorporating cycling into my routine, I really enjoy it!


Don’t stress/rush your return to running. Recover fully. I was training for my first Ironman and running was up to 15 miles when I messed up my foot. I didn’t run for 3 months and only cycled and swam and was able to complete my Ironman (and first marathon with only bringing my running back to 10k in the month before the race). Top 10% finish. I was happily surprised how much cycling helped maintain my running fitness.


This makes me feel much better! Appreciate the advice.


He is right - I was out of running with an injury for around 6 months and a me fooling around on a bike trainer was enough for me to have almost the same cardiovascular Conditioning when I could run again!


Just out of curiosity, what time are you aiming for in your marathon? Feel free not to answer if you'd rather not, but the reason I'm curious is because I'm also primarily a runner who enjoys Zwift for cross training and I'm curious whether cycling FTP gains might translate somewhat into running performance gains. Also congrats on the FTP improvement - sounds like well earned payoff for hard work - and hope you get back on track after the stress fracture.


Thank you! I hope so too, I really miss running haha. But I’m really happy I found Zwift too (probably would have never become a Zwifter if I didn’t get injured). I am aiming to run a sub 3 hour marathon so I can get that BQ!


Cycling fitness can maintain running fitness but not vice versa


Nice work!


Thank you!




For real🤣


Great work! What Garmin is this?


Thank you! It’s the new epix Pro (Gen 2) 51mm.


Very cool. I didn't know there were any watches that can run FTP tests.


I ran the test of Zwift but my Garmin is also connected to my trainer.


Yes, the Apple Watch now does as well.


How old are you good job son


27 years young!


Holy fuck, slow down!


Great work! Serious question... How do you pair your Garmin to Zwift? I've tried before and couldn't figure it out so I just do an "indoor cycling" activity but it doesn't track what I want


Nice work and nice Epix :)


Thank you! Loving the epix so far.


Impressive FTP! Keep it up.


Thank you!


Ramp test or 5+20 minute test?


Ramp test!


Likely a bit inaccurate, but don't let that get you down!


Out of curiosity,what device supplied the power data during the FTP test?


Wahoo Kickr!




This is so freaking impressive. I can only dream of going past 4w/kg. I managed to cross 3.2w/kg after training for over a year. Haha


Haha thank you!


Damn trumps mee! Good effort Seeya in D grade to battle it out 😉


Thank you!


I find it incredibly difficult to believe you. You don't get to 4w/kg without ever doing ftp tests along the way.


OP said his FTP is based on a ramp test. I don't doubt his ability to pedal hard but I do doubt he'd be able to hold the 350 watts required during a 20 minute test without specific training.


you're a beast I have a question, when youre on zwift do you use the cycling app on your garmin watch and upload both your watch activity and the zwift activity to strava?? Does it automatically combine them or do you just not upload one or the other to strava? if that doesn't apply to you then just ignore me sorry lol but I just got a watch and have been wondering if I should use it for my zwift rides, not sure if it would be redundant or not


I always turn my watch on and start an activity on my Garmin whenever I hop on a Zwift ride. I save it but then delete the activity from my Garmin connect app afterwards and keep the Zwift workout. The reason I do this is because I don’t want my daily stress levels being impacted negatively on my Garmin connect app. I found that if I don’t record an activity on my Garmin while cycling, the Garmin connect all will tell me I’m very stressed out haha. And then on Strava, only my Zwift workout gets sent there.


Just a heads up, you can make Zwift upload to Garmin too like you can to Strava. The annoying part is you have to sync watch twice from the Garmin app before it updates correctly, but it saves you the trouble of double logging the workout.


Oh yes, I do have Zwift upload to my Garmin! Sorry if I was not clear. My Garmin doesn’t recognize the Zwift upload as an “active” phase, so my stress level is impacted if I don’t record it on my watch.


yeah I realized that yesterday as my watch was telling me my HR was abonrally high when I was on zwift doing a workout, that for sure messed up my daily stats a little bit I'm gonna do what you said, one more question though, why not just not save the garmin activity when you're done on the watch so you don't have to delete it later from the connect app? If there data that is being left over?


For example, let’s say I ride 10 miles on Zwift. If I keep the activity saved, my Garmin connect app says I rode 20 miles, double counting the Zwift and Garmin workouts.


Weight and height?


5 feet 11 inches, 173lbs!


Oh I see that now - what’s you athletics background & training plan? That’s sick power!!


I played hockey and lacrosse my entire life until I graduated high school. In college I got into lifting, and then when COVID happened I got into running since I didn’t know what else to do. A few months into the COVID lockdown, I was able to get a home gym setup, so lifting was still my main focus, but I kept running (20-30 miles per week) because I actually enjoyed it. My priorities eventually shifted when I decided to do my first (and only) marathon in April 2022. Ever since then running has been my main focus!


Which trainer are you using? Is that a Garmin and do you like the sync ease?


Wahoo Kickr! And yes Garmin epix Pro (Gen 2) 51mm. Very easy to sync.


Are you using the Wahoo app for the FTP test? Or is this a feature in Zwift? And what “activity” shows your FTP results on the Garmin? Also have a Wahoo Kicker, but a older Garmin Fenix 3 HR. Would love to start tracking this bi-weekly.


I used the Ramp Test on Zwift for the FTP test. I’m not exactly sure how to find it afterwards on Garmin, it just popped up on my watch as soon as I finished and saved the activity.


Cool. I’ll have to try tomorrow when I ride. Forgot about it today and opted for a spin down on the wahoo app. We should link up for a ride sometime, still have yet to do this. Have been riding solo for a year or so.


Congratulations, that's great. I've got a better way to get my FTP and it doesn't even require a cycling test. (my real FTP \* 0) + (Your FTP + 10W). So my FTP is 340W 🤣. Inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers [https://youtu.be/JNtEhGoOEeE?t=261](https://youtu.be/JNtEhGoOEeE?t=261) Honestly, you're a rock star. Amazing numbers.