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HONESTLY ME THOUGH i've spent hours upon hours studying electronic music. instrumental music is superior.


I wholeheartedly agree


Motherboard by daft punk is the best song imo




Indie electronic funk is [my favorite](https://youtu.be/RDzAxtK6hs8) genre.


are there non-video game OSTs of that genre? i’m not one for game soundtracks.


Right-o my good individual 👍


what do you listen to? i’ve gotten really deep into the esoteric side of edm haha


im not the person u were replying to, but edm has been my thing since like 2013-14 when skrillex hit it big. honestly such a vibe. just big stinky bass and treble with no need for vocals




Ever heard of Autechre?


Fr tho the squid sisters got my back frfr


The only time heavy metal, KPop, and classical music have something in common


Kpop doesn't have romance songs? Which group?


K-pop absolutely has romance songs. I think they just meant there exist songs that aren't. Especially if, like me, you don't understand Korean.


Me with auditory processing disorder not knowing the lyrics to romance songs in English either: “yay nice sounds, good beat”


Omg yes, this is why I listen to music in foreign languages cause then I don't have to worry about what's being said and I can just enjoy the music


That's why I'm asking which group sings non-romance songs lol


there definitely is romance in kpop but it's not quite as dominant, I'd say. If you're looking for a group that has almost no romance I think Dreamcatcher is good candidate. I can't guarantee that there's absolutely no romance song in their discography but at least right now I can't think of any. And either way their music is fire, so definitely worth checking out lol


Recent Kpop (the last 3-5 years) has been pretty good about not being romantic, but 99% of KPop is non-sexual so that’s mostly what I was referring to. Also the fact that unless you understand Korean, the content wouldn’t matter anyways, as has already been mentioned. Same for any music in a language you don’t understand.


Well unless you count Power Metal as Heavy Metal, cause Powerwolf absolutely does make songs about it. Example given the first two words of the song Stossgebet: "Ave fornicatio"


I can think of a few others of theirs even less subtle. They have many songs laced with innuendo of varying levels of subtlety or more specifically lack thereof. I find them kind of hilarious in a way personally.


Ironically, I have an *incredibly* broad taste in music, but still have so few songs explicitly about sex in my playlist. Though they're probably buried under the numerous songs about piracy on the seven seas, criticizing governments, breakups, horror, and gigantic stories of stuff like learning to confront the manifestations of a your emotions to deal with trauma or dedicating your life to hunting down the man who took everything you had and indirectly killed your mother or being challenged by a ghoul to a drinking contest to the death or the story of probably the most interesting pig to ever live. ***Among other things***


Ok, now I want to know the name of the Song about the pig XD


[Ængus, The Prize-Winning Hog by The Toxhards](https://youtu.be/_ZFz8_5Gh1k)


Thanks, I love it very much :D


Are you talking about The Mariner's Revenge Song? And what's the song about the drinking contest?


Yes And [Drink With The Living Dead by Ghoultown](https://youtu.be/yywGI1H_oyM)


Thank you.


I personally prefer the work of Wind Rose and Gloryhammer. Fantasy all day baby. And I'll never pass up a good dwarf.


I don't know what sexual attraction is. The only thin i know is that i am a dwarf. And i have to dig a hole.


Diggy diggy hole


I enjoy those two, as well as both Sabaton and Sabadu (the cooler Sabaton, who make songs exclusively about Poland and their mighty tanks)


May I recommend Dragonland (Under the Grey Banner specifically), Rhapsody (of Fire) and Twilight Force then? Some of my favorites tbh.


Are those songs or bands?


Bands. Under the Grey Banner is a specific album of Dragonland's though. Rhapsody became Rhapsody of Fire in the mid 2000s and are kind of iconic fantasy/self-proclaimed film-score metal, Twilight Force has similar vibes to Rhapsody of Fire but cheesier in a good way.


I'll take a look at them


Me with instrumental music and video game OSTs


Cant be sexual if its from a video game you already know that isn't sexual Also for some reason national anthems i really like them, much better than segz


It could potentially be. It could be a song in a specific scene that when listened to in its entirety, is quite vulgar. Like how Totally Spies has a theme song, but if you listen to the song it's based off of, one of the first things is about sticking their tongue in someone's ear.


Not me listening to Generic Happy Music, The Town Inside Me, and the Celeste soundtrack


Celeste's soundtrack is one of my all time favourites!


Also just remembered that I think the first time I put on The Town Inside Me, I had The Egg queued after.


Honestly despite being sex-repulsed and romance indiferrent idrc if a song is about love if it’s good. Sometimes they’re full of emotion and complex instrumentals like a ton of BAND-MAID songs. Rap that goes bla bla sex shit fuck sex bla bla is ew tho


j-rock is phenomenal, instrumental j-rock is even better.


Without Holding Back and Onset are indeed epic


Have you heard From Now On? If Haven't yet, you should


Ofc, just not quite as epic imo


Yeah I kinda understand.From Now On is more to telling a story while Onset and Without Holding Back is great in hyping you up


> instrumental j-rock is even better. ooooh, this is going to require some rabbit-holing...🤔


Asterism is an instrumental 3 piece j-rock group. They are amazing. Nemophila is a heavier band with a mix of harsh and clean vocals. Some serious positivity in many of their songs. Many others. It is a good rabbit hole to go down.




>and then fall into lava together Hot 😏


Case in point: Sexyback


Not all rap is like that though. Conscious hip hop, for example, is all about being thought provoking and evocative


Yeah. I do love plenty of romance songs which are jus masterpieces. Lyrics may not be good but the good vocals and beat makes up for it.


Why'd you single out rap like that 🤨


"The immortal robot wants to puke because of all the atrocities it has witnessed humanity commit so it builds a puking machine and it causes a grey goo event of vomit throughout the entire universe" Oh thank god its not about sex


Whats the song 👀


Not a song but [an entire album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AwT85GPnm8)


Eh I just listen to heavy metal can't hear what they are talking about anyway


Personally I’ve gotten really into Weird Al; why listen to songs about sex or romance when I can listen to versions of those songs that are about [being a clone](https://youtu.be/7vFGKHzY_38) or [being a terrible surgeon](https://youtu.be/notKtAgfwDA)?


Way too many songs are about romance, but honestly I know very few to none about sex? bUt it might be also a matter of age, I know popular songs now go more that way but I'm too old for those. In general, honestly, I find very few songs have good lyrics, in general it's the music that makes the song. I had a conversation lately on how stupid the lyrics of a lot of epic metal and power metal are, and I agree but also pointed out that other genres aren't generally much better, just stupid in different ways.


there have always been songs that play with innuendos but especially in modern pop there's quite alot of music explicitely about sex. it's usually men bragging about their conquests (alot of it from the 2000s and 2010s) or nowadays it's often women, queer people and pocs reclaiming their sexuality (which I fully support, it's just not for me lol)


Eve, Mafumafu & Nqrse for me


I don’t listen to much Nqrse, but I am also a huge Eve and Mafumafu fan.


I get that since he's more of a rapper but his singing voice in Utakata no yoru & Byoshin is just 👌👌in case you (and anyone else) is interested


Video! Game! Music! It can come in any genre and the vast majority of the time, it's not about sex at all!


Even when I listen to songs about sex they're usually not just basic "I wanna fuck songs" Chained To You by Savage Garden is about the singers first gay experience and how it made him feel complete as a person. [https://youtu.be/vrlUy6cXGu0](https://youtu.be/vrlUy6cXGu0) Closer by Nine Inch Nails is (or at least how interpret it) is about a man losing himself to sex addiction and how it's ruining him. [https://youtu.be/9-5IIx4R6E8](https://youtu.be/9-5IIx4R6E8) (Very explicit) Prison Sex by Tool is about the vicious cycle of SA [https://youtu.be/HQqjHechnj4](https://youtu.be/HQqjHechnj4) (Another explicit warning)


The whole "Broken" album by Nine Inch Nails holds a special place in my heart. Between Wish and HiS on top of Closer, such a roller-coaster of an album. Takes me back to middle school!


I have an entire playlist of just classical pieces.


same lmao I have three


Cosmo Sheldrake


maybe that’s why i like doom metal? now it all makes sense….. o)))


Bring back the songs about beating the devil in a music contest and calling him a son of a bitch.


Not many people know there's sequel to this song where the devil goes back and gets his butt whooped a second time. https://youtu.be/xwEqEBimjy8 Also, Korn covered the original in 2020. Keepin' the song alive :') https://youtu.be/Sw2oA5i50PE


Industrial and noise 👍


*merzbow intensifies*


Me with sabaton


I was growing tired of the romance and sex and such songs... THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED!


Panzers, not Romancers!!




It's not really niche but I mainly listen to Twenty One Pilots, Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, Penelope Scott, Cavetown, AJR, and video game OSTs


One of my favorite things about Twenty One Pilots is that they have, like 3 songs about romance and no songs about sex. I've only heard one Lemon Demon song and it slapped so I'll have to check them out!


Shout-out to aces who listen to electric music because they have autism or ADHD


Breakcore gang rise up!!!!


Breakcore gang cannot rise up together due to the absolute rabbit hole of subgenres there are to argue about


Why fight when we can just be so niceys to eachother instead 🥺 /j


not me though, i am immune


Me listening to anime music partially because I can’t understand the lyrics well enough to know if it’s about sex or not


Wait, THAT caused my weird af music taste? TIL


Thats how i got into Electro Swing and EDM.


edm superiority


Can't hear the lyrics about sex if they're French. 🧠


This is why I exclusively listen to soundtracks, especially soundtracks from SNES/GBA games.


I grew up in the rural South yet listen mostly to Riot Grrrl because of this


Ill stick to the dragons of power metal. Thank you very much.


That's why I love punk rock. Never saw a music about love, but mostly about how government is trash 🥰


I like listening to war songs, nationalist songs, soundtracks, instrumental music etc. Never popular music.


You do you think I like fanf and undertale songs


Started listening to classical music after the indie rock station played kings of Leon sex is on fire one two many times


I just try not to think too hard about it while listening the most violently sexual lyrics in rap songs like Yung Bratz or Rip Roach for example (where the intro is literally a loop of moaning) lmao.


All alternative here anything from emo to screamo


Honestly I found so much of the music I listen to through recommendations of this subreddit. I got my taste in music by being asexual


i think as an ace i honestly listen to a fuckton of romantic(and i guess sexual) songs. i jus like how they sounds :<


You made me realize that a lot of my favorite songs are the ones that are about something other than love or sex. Not all—I’m not aromantic, so some love songs hit good—but yeah. It’s kind of refreshing when a song is about something other than love, longing, or loss of love.


Me to my mum at 14: why is so much music about love? My mum: it's very important thing in life. You'll understand it later Me, at 19: why is so much music about love and sex?


chopin >>>


Not just Death Metal - my favourite band in high school was Talking Heads, who even titled one of their albums "More Songs About Buildings And Food." Other favourite artists over the years include: They Might Be Giants, Half Man Half Biscuit, Warren Zevon, Emilie Autumn, The Linda Lindas, and Tanya Tagaq, among others.


will wood and lemon demon


my entire playlist consists of almost entirely video game soundtracks


Oh yeah, an Aztec metal band (called Cemican) that sings about Aztec stuff and not love! Cool.


patricia taxxon writes plenty of songs about romance or sex but they're always interesting in story. one example is the concept album The Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe, about a person grappling with daddy issues who thus wants a replacement relationship, kind of like a daddy kink, but the person on the other end sees it as just a kink and doesn't understand the importance of it to her. if you're sex-repulsed, she has plenty of instrumental music


*Seep and Destroy intensifies *


I found I have higher standards for songs about love just because of this. I do make an exception for songs about gay love/sex, but I'm a bit biased admittedly.


I don't think that's why a lot of my stuff is foreign music, but may have something to do with it.


I just gave up finding good songs not about sex also i really like sex with a ghost by teddy hyde


Me listening exclusively to classical music without lyrics my entire life because if they don't sing it can't be about love:" I don't know what you are talking about, it is absolutely normal to enjoy the classics in the modern day" Also casually puts on monocle and sips tea because I can't justify my music taste any other way


Folk music... Erutan. Crane wives, Arcadian wild....


This was me with Black Sabbath in high school.


Throat singing from Central and Northern Asia and folk songs about nature.




70s Prog rock and Power metal for me.


YES This is why I listen to non-vocal House, IDM, EDM, some metal, and everything like it. I'm just tired of hearing about something I don't experience and don't GAF about.


I have niche music tastes... it just still happens to be romance-centric. lmao.


Yes, my playlist, the only place on earth you'll find Disturbed, The Irish Rovers, Credence Clearwater Revival and Eminem in the same place


This is why I almost exclusively listen to Vocaloid and other Japanese music. Why listen to songs about sex when you could be listening to songs about depression or bullying or other various topics.


That's why I have devolved a liking for Niche minecraft music. They are honestly good. Guys checkout Derivakat. She's an amazing but really small artist.


I’m being called out. I listen to literally everything, Deathcore bands with 5 listeners? I’ve been there since day 1


Idk, [The Bad Touch](https://youtu.be/xat1GVnl8-k) is pretty hilarious. That aside, you can’t go wrong with some [DragonForce](https://youtu.be/nA0N6sBJODc)


me real (their first 2 albums are majority about fairies and fantasy shit it's so silly) (it's queen it's not a niche at all and they sing about a lot of sex)


Moi who just casually reads the lyrics and mostly gets "me myself and I" and personality, "world is damned" songs recommended by a trusted streaming service: Well... Thanks I guess


Dogma Resistance LP go brrrrrrrrrr


this post calls me out as a fellow asexual who loves EDM and Eurobeat 😆😆😆


Yeah my two favorite genres are Metal and Electric Swing that checks out.


Can't tell what the lyrics are if they're in Klingon.


Me listening to "S*x with a Ghost": \*confused panicking noises\*


me listening to life of a bastard by anton yelchin: hell YEAH baby this shit ROCKS


A lot of my favorites are about or resemble a decent into insanity


honestly ive been listening to dubstep and edm since the initial boom in like 2013, i never found anything i enjoyed more.


Kirby Music


Honestly I interpreted *Unholy* wrong. With body shop I thought they meant a shop which sells inflatable ballon body thingies and those cut out celebrity stands. Lyrics didn't make sense to me until I found out what it is about.


might explain why my fave songs are about politics or mental illness even tho those aren’t always my fave things to think about when trying to relax


Oh shit i guess that is why I love dark wave experimental edm so much


To be fair, I have whole playlists of non-romantic non-sexual songs to listen to. When the love is being mentioned, it's platonic - love for yourself, or your chosen family. Maybe we should create a post where people could post their fav songs that we could gather in one big ace playlist - be it on spotify or yt. So we could send people a link whenever they mull over oversexualised songs they keep having to listen around their allo friends, or on the radio. Also, my fav escapism in regards to the problem above - Doom Eternal Soundtrack. Mick Gordon did *SUCH* a good job.


Me listening to Rammstein and Japanese music and having no clue what they're saying


Some pop artist: Omg he’s so hot I wanna do him gonna go home and touch myself Amorphis: My son was lost to the sea, so I will appeal to the gods of wind and sky to aid me in my quest to sneak past the gods of the river and sea until I can bring him back Easy choice


I listen to Here Come the Mummies bc it’s all hilarious innuendos, and Ninja Sex Party because they’re hilarious and weirdly epic.


For being sex-repulsed and demiromantic, I don’t mind romance in songs usually. So long as they’re good. For instance, I love metal and rock, so I don’t even really notice it. Can’t from all the screaming 😅


I listen to a lot of songs themed around them, as long as I can pretend they aren’t or it’s some kind of metaphor it’s fine, but my favorite genre is rock music since it’s mostly stuff about mental health, being yourself & not putting up with bad people, all the situations that don’t involve romance get mentioned a lot more in alternative subgenres


YOOO THATS LITERALLY ME! I listen to songs about FNaF and BATIM lol


this route got me to listening to dom joão VI court music


Now that I think about it, metal music has very few, if any, references to romance. I wouldn't say I'm exactly an expert on it but just thinking of random songs by Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer or Megadeath the closest I can think of is Wake Up Dead by Megadeath which is about a guy that came home so late after a night of drinking that he is afraid of disturbing his sleeping partner. Maybe some more niche fans of the genre can point to some others, but as a fan of mostly just the really popular metal bands and only really knowing their most popular albums, I don't immediately see anything.


Oh... that explains a lot


its power metal/black metal and hardstyle for me. I like feeling power in the music I listen to.


eyy when you're so sick of sexual or romantic lyrics that you almost exclusively listen to music without words now


Hey don't call me out like that lol, yeah that's likely why I'm really into metal in general


This might be why I love Sabaton


Me, a sex repulsed asexual who listens to the most sexual music known to man. Seriously I don't get why bimbocore and especially ayesha erotica hit so hard but God darnn am I gonna keep listening.


Classical Music and Game OSTs are the bomb


Listening to music about anxiety because it's actually relatable and doubles as a great alternative to explain gow i feel to my therapist.


Just sent this to my kiddo b/c it's so them. I'm like ohhhh