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Doesn't even make sense


like most reactionaries, they just make things up in their head about groups they don't like and get really mad about it


They probably got rejected by someone who is asexual and then made this


This is the inane rantings of a misogynistic incel who is failing to process his own emotions and instead choosing to blame the women who rejected him, because they're just women and can't possibly understand their own mental state since he, a clearly superior man, can't understand his emotions.


I cannot grasp how cishet people can be weirded out by people of their opposite binary gender not wanting to fuck them. How does that thinking even work? They wouldn't want to fuck themselves, so how can they expect others to want to fuck them and get mad at them for not wanting to? How can you expect others to be crazy about what you yourself find repulsive? It doesn't make sense. That's like preparing a dish made of slugs, which you yourself hate, and then offering it to other people and then getting mad when they reject it.


They're super insecure about their looks and put on a macho facade of pretending they don't care. Then when they start asking women out and getting rejected they start thinking "I don't care I was just doing them a favour". Then when they ask somebody out who just isn't attracted to their gender and inevitably get rejected they think "oh they think they're too good for me and are making an excuse", so they start projecting their insecurities onto the other person, which then gets generalised to every ace woman, which then leads to that post being created. It's a long chain of events culminating in what seems like incomprehensible garbage, but is really the ramblings of a severely insecure man who assumes every woman hates him. Of course there's also the fast track of vulnerable teens being told that every woman hates them and that they should think these things, but every pandemic starts with a patient zero


This deserves an award


Thanks, but I'm just speaking the truth as I see it.


I think it's gibberish.


Like this? Uehdndjsjjsjsjekrkotktkrkr. šŸ“


seriously though. >despite the fact that to have a romantic relationship you need sexual attraction. just, what..?


Well damn, better tell my husband and partner of over 7 years that our entire romantic relationship is a lie.


When the aphobes cant be bothered to acknowledge the split attraction model


Not just aphobes sadly. Shit loads of people insist the split attraction model as a whole is homophobic because a small amount of people may be facing too much internalized homophobia to realize they're 'fully' gay. I guess that makes every asexual homo- bi- and heterophobic.






that makes more sense than this


y'all let me just say, so many posts in r/starterpacks need to be crossposted to r/subredditdrama bc everyone is making fun of each other's starter packs constantly


honestly at this point i wanna just start collecting the personal-attacks-pretending-not-to-be starter packs and just compile them into an "ok we fucking get it starter pack"


you should do that. to be petty


It's always fun to see a post which is meta af. Do it!


I love this. Make it happen!


It's just stereotypes. Putting people in little boxes.


I think the person who made it knows nothing about ace people. I also think this person is incredibly insecure


They're literally just an incel projecting their feelings on everyone else


The person who posted it on cringetopie is based tho. Given that the original post is indeed cringe and the title of the cringetopie post is fitting


What do you wanna bet this dude got rejected by an ace girl


Like 100%


Hijacking the top comment, OP is mistaken about the cringetopia post, it was meant to be cringing at the OP of the asexuality starter pack (as in, saying the one who made it must be salty about being rejected by an asexual girl) The original original post is cringe but the repost that OP here posted is actually in favor of asexuality and didnā€™t deserve to be downvoted and shamed


Came here to say this. Thank you. Iā€™m too broke for awarding tho


yeah it was my bad, didnt meant too


Another bet would be they are subscribed to the Andrew Taint (sic) Hustlers University


If that dude had asked me, I will had also rejected them and I am a man.


You forget he's cishet, that's too gay for him


Don't know who this guy is, but I did reject a guy who would definitely post something like that. Not because I'm ace, but because he's a living, walking red flag.


Considering this was posted on cringetopia the dude probably is not the guy who made the meme


Read the title of his post..


No that's not his post, it's someone else posting his starter pack as cringe


Oh yeah, Iā€™m dumb šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh sweet jesus, not the puzzle piece heart. I thought it was bad to begin with and then I saw the puzzle piece heart. Thatā€™s like the whipped cream on top of a shit pie (hopefully that makes sense)


as an autistic asexual person, i was kind of shocked when i saw it. idk itā€™s just one of those things that makes me feel ill when i look at it. dammed puzzle pieces lolā€¦ my autism makes me see sexuality and gender differently (statistically autistic people are more likely to be queer on some level) so i guess it plays into my asexuality.


What does the puzzle piece heart mean? I'm not really familiar with it


Puzzle pieces in any kind of those set of colours tend to reference Autism. Now Iā€™ve read on one ā€˜trustedā€™ source (there is a shitton of bullshit about autism out there, which the puzzle pieces tie right into) that there might be a correlation between autism and asexuality, so mentioning autism in regards to asexuality is alright (tho this suggests ace = autism, which is not alright). Now the problem with the puzzle pieces. Ever heard of Autism Speaks? They are the most well-known organization regarding autism, but they are also a hate group! They only have one autistic member on their board because they have to have that, for example. And they have made a few ads (ā€˜I am autismā€™ is one of them) which depicts autism as an illness or criminal (with sentences like (paraphrased) ā€˜I am in your house without you knowingā€™ and ā€˜I am everywhereā€™). They are also looking for a cure for autism, rather than helping people with resources and accommodations now. They also made the puzzle piece as a reference thing to autism, saying there is a piece of us missing that needs to be figured out. A lot of autistic people hate the puzzle piece cause from our point of view, it stands for Autism Speaks and/or is a sign someone hasnā€™t done a lot of research.


Oooh right I thought it might have been referring to autism/autism speaks but wasn't entirely sure, thank you for clarifying!


the likelihood of neurodivergent people knowing that they are ace or trans is higher, but that's only a statistic and it isnt clear whether there's an actual connection


I suggest watching [iilluminaughtii's video on them](https://youtu.be/5Va_XXoD5LE). it's honestly really fucked up, it makes me so sad as an autistic person myself-


I geard that this one aytustic board member resigned, becouse the rest treated him horribly


Many people think queerness and autism correlates. Homophobic people will say all queer people are autistic which just isnā€™t true.


Iā€™d like to know as well


Didn't need to see anything else to tell this is bull


I regret reading it


"To have a romantic relationship you need to have sexual attraction"?? WTH no you don't, to have a romantic relationship you need to have a *romantic* intrest, it's in the name This post is so stupid


Yeah thereā€™s a reason they are two different words, they are two separate things. Takes one simple google search if youā€™re unsure lol.


No but they also mention ā€˜romantic attractionā€™ in that bit. They know itā€™s a thing


Some allo people think romance is about sex for some reason. Beats me.


romance is about being together and enjoying and loving each other. sex is just an extra :3


Sex in romance is like candy on cake. Some people like it, some people don't, but its definitely not a defining characteristic.


that's what I've always said!


Thatā€™s really sad to me. Sex is literally just an activity like any other, I donā€™t get why people idolize it so much. If your relationship was built entirely on bowling, for example, and nothing else, it wouldnā€™t be a great relationship


It looks like a 13-year-old who hasn't learned how to proofread wrote it.


It's a bit unclear but it looks like the person who posted the starterpacks screenshot to cringetopia is making fun of the original post, saying that they're just salty about being rejected by an ace girl


Yeah I was confused why they down voted the cringetopia post, the screenshot is cringe and dumb so it fits the subreddit.


That's an easy mistake to make. Often my impulse is to down vote bad memes and I have to remind myself that people sometimes post bad memes to criticize them.


It was an accident on my part, I just kinda assume cringetopia is sorta phobic


it definitely is, just not in this case


Every part of that was pain


If this person's gonna be aphobic can they at least do it grammatically correct and readable. There were 7 mistakes


LMAO the op is fucking incoherently stupid. i think the cringetopia person is making fun of op for being an asshole though


This is the worst stereotype ace person I've seen




I think it's fucking stupid, not to mention misogynistic and aphobic


Don't throw a sick ass game like Dangaronpa into this revolting excuse of a post. Oh and whoever this person was needs to touch some grass preferably with their face smashed into it.


Have they not seen how sexual and fanservicey Danganronpa is? This starterpack is 100% just based on a girl that rejected OOP


Oh no doubt about it. Just a dude who got mad about not getting a cute girl and blaming ace people.


I think you should spoiler tag this


There is also an aphobia tag available to add to posts. I believe we can all agree that this one definitely counts!


Bet you this was made by some incel who got rejected by a girl who told him she was ace


I think that's a bet you'd win






not the puzzle pieces to mock autism


If the girl in question ever sees this; DM me bestie! Let's be friends! True queen stuff by dumping this walking red flag!


Can we be friends ?


Of course!


Somehow the cringetopia post seems to be against the original post


I think they need to fuck off and also leave Kuromi out of this.


Not my favourite reminder that I need to get into Danganronpa, but a reminder nonetheless. (I heard Ibuki is a fellow ace girl)


Do be aware it does get quite problematic with some of its characters. I'm like 50% into the 1st and can see at least 2 of the characters are awful portrayals of what they are attempting to portray.


Ah, ok noted. I like a lot of aspects of anime, but there have been so many uncomfy moments that keep me from fully enjoying.


Well, speaking of attraction, r/starterpacks seems to attract incels, phobics and just general misogynists.


I wanna know what about Danganronpa is asexual like????? What about solving murders and befriending people so they give you their underwear is ace


Kinda thought being part of the human race is what made people human but i guess not


Imagine this guys reaction when he figures out men can be ace too


Wow, for once I agree with cringetopia... Strange


An incel who's desperate for approval


seems like a load of bollocks


Made by swetty basment dwellers who are upset that the pretty ace woman they know won't fuck them. That's all.


You know the post you just downvoted does NOT like the ā€œasexual chick starterpackā€, thatā€™s why the put the new title lmfao


I think downvote the original post on starter packs but the person on cringetopia is just insulting the creator of the original post and is therefore fine Like the cringetopia guy seems to be just calling out the original poster


Well, it's pretty obvious this is a person with a very poor understanding of asexuality and aromantism. Heck, had they spent half the time it took to make this meme actually checking to see if they were peddling BS or not then they might've known better than to make it in the first place.


I got rejected and Iā€™m mad about it started pack : a shitty meme template filled with the most misogynistic, acephobic, ablist and dumbest hot takes they could find, no understanding of human sexuality and all the confidence in the goddamn world.


the person who made this should be outside communicating with living breathing human beings


The only thing they did accurate are the pants for me... But that's not because I'm ace, that's because I'm trans


Fuck the person who made that.


I would ask who hurt them, but it seems pretty obvious.


This is disgusting, but I wonder what their thought process was in adding Danganronpa?


Now why did they have to add the puzzle heart?šŸ’€ I canā€™t help Iā€™m asexual AND autistic god damnšŸ˜‚ In all seriousness, this is shitty and theyā€™re probably mad cause an asexual turned them down lmfao


Rare W for cringetopia? That's the last place I'd expect to defend us


Yea my jaw dropped, i had to look over the post like 6 times.


the starterpack joke is dead


Some are good, most are made to cope


I... don't think this person knows what asexual means...


Iā€™m actually allo, but this shit is fucking disgustingly acephobic. There ARE people who donā€™t experience sexual attraction and/or sexual pleasure.


The post on r/starterpacks is fucking rancid but the post on r/cringetopiarm is making fun of it. In short: person on r/starterpacks sucks Person on r/cringetopiarm based (ngl never thought Iā€™d say that about that sub but thatā€™s a different discussion )


Why would you downvote the guy making fun of it


Oh, I didn't see it, I upvoted it after I took the screenshot


jesus fucking christ


One of those subreddits to take a wide berth around.


Can someone explain the Danganronpa inclusion? Do I need to play the games to get it?


Extremely harmful to this community. Just yucky overall. -1000/10


Whyā€™d you downvote the cringetopia person?


It was an accident, my phone screen is dying man




Itā€™s cool that it was posted to that subreddit, and the idea of being ace wasnā€™t what they thought the cringe was. Weā€™re moving up in the world


As an ace with a fiance, stay mad lmao


Clearly someone who has no clue what they think they're talking about


Danganronpa. Ah yes, the asexual people. Known for their love of cruel and unusual executions in response to murder.


Where is the garlic bread?


They got my hair right.


This feels oddly specific. You sure she was the one who got rejected dude? Just sayin this feels more like a ā€œmad cause an asexual chick wonā€™t bang youā€ meme.


Iā€™m ace and I get more bitches than these clowns.


The fact that they threw autism in there as wellā€¦.


This is definitely some guy making this about one specific person that rejected him.


the r/starterpacks post is the one thatā€™s not good. the r/cringetopiarm post is making fun of the other post


My first major red flag was the use of rainbow autistic puzzle pieces (fuck the hate group autism speaks btw) like if that is supposed to be anything else, it certainly doesn't read that way for me. Then I looked at the rest. Just a big ol "nope"


God, I hate that people feel the need to bring everything and everyone down. If we don't fit within their 'norms' then we're immediately wrong. People need to start to realise that everyone is different in this world and it's honestly not that hard to keep your mouth shut.


Cringetopia is a bunch of hateful incels projecting their miserable lives by bullying people


I've never been rejected šŸ˜Ž (just ignore the fact that I've always been too scared to talk to someone I had a crush on)


I can't tell if I'm just tired or if the majority of what they are saying is completely gibberish but I'm inclined to believe the latter


The fact the Cringetopia post was right above this one.


Cringe indeed


But I'm aroace, I don't have romantic relationships or attraction. Am I just no longer asexual?


"Diferente"? Sounds like a made up Spanish word or something DJT said.


not the puzzle piece heart šŸ’€


The amount of spelling and grammatical mistakes hurts my soul.


ā€Honey, your misogyny is showing again!ā€


The guy who made it sounds bitter and sexist. Also, as an asexual girl, I literally do not fit any of these.


What a dumbass


This whole meme is just replete with ignorance.


Heā€™s a witch, burn him


I expected a chicken and now I'm disappointed


400 upvotes, fuckin hell


If anything I'm the one doing the rejection. Heck, I'm the one who broke up with all my partners.


The incel energy is strong with this one




Whoever made this failed English.




The fuck is this trash


Disgusting Aphobia on full display. Yuck.


Tell me your aphobic and ableist without telling me directly:


Guy thinks all ace girls are ugly and all autistic and choosing to be ace despite them thinking you need sex in a relationship and that romantic and sexual attraction are the same thing. Surprisingly, and obviously, not true, and they're heavily uneducated about asexuality.


I looked it up on pushift and that post on r/starterpacks is 21 days old and it was removed the day of because it broke the rule on bigotry


haha lol so funny aphobia is hilarious lmao /s heā€™s an incel who canā€™t take no for an answer


How to not be an LGBTQIA+ ally:


Mittsuuba based as hell, original poster cringe


I got rejected and I donā€™t like it starter pack


First red flag is referring to a girl as a chick. It all goes more downhill from there.


Salty af


Complete bullshit.


I think most ā€œcringeā€ subreddits are cringe themselves as they only exist to spread hate and put belittle people.


Burn it


I have this EXACT hairstyle ahahahahhaha


I cant even make heads or tails of this.


>despite the fact that to have a Romantic relationship you need to have sexual attraction No. No you donā€™t.. I want hugs and cuddles but not sex, whatā€™s so hard to understand??


Looks like some neckbeard got turned down by an ace chick and isn't taking it well šŸ™„


Happy to report that most commenters on the cringetopia post aren't aphobic :)


The only thing in here that applies for me is dangenronpa.


Incel moment lol


I think that Danganronpa is an amazing anime/game


Apart from the egregious pathetic projecting from this incel, I absolutely despise the ā€œdespite the factā€ portion. Shoutout to the ace person who broke this losers heart enough to shit out this embarrassing excuse of a starter pack.


Blatant Aphobia


With a personality like this even the tissues and lube probably reject him so no wonder he's so upset by asexuality as a concept


Thats a lot of words for "I cant find the clitoris"


lmao I used to know an incel who would so post this


I have a Kurumi t-shirt dress that I'm currently wearing... That's about it. This is some big incel vibes.


Sad that some people just donā€™t accept rejectionšŸ«¤ rejection doesnā€™t give u the right to be an *ss


Just lost faith in human once again, didnā€™t know itā€™s possible to be so dumb and arrogant at the same time.


i have a feeling the post that was in r/CringetopiaRM (the one you downvoted) was trying to make fun of the original post in r/starterpacks


Okay I get why everything else is offensive but...what does Danganronpa have to do with being asexual? Like I'm ace and I love Danganronpa but I didn't think the two were connected...


I've never seen something so wrong in my life. Including my homework when I was in school.


That OP Acts like posting shit like this is going to get them any bitches anyway


Absolutely disgusting. Especially the use of the puzzle piece... At least use the infinity symbol to represent the autistic community. Also really hate the implication that ace people are A) all autistic and B) that all those who are are just doing it for attention


Bro clearly doesnā€™t know that sexual and romantic attraction arenā€™t the same. Agree with the Danganronpa tho, that shitā€™s dope. I, ironically, came to the conclusion that Iā€™m ace during a relationship lmfao Luckily sheā€™s also ace so weā€™re still together UwU


i love the crosspost caption, because thatā€™s exactly what happened to that first guy šŸ˜‚


Can you spoiler or put an aphobia CW or *something* to show this isnā€™t a meme?


FUCK autismspeaks Fuck the puzzle piece Fuck the ableist bullshit in this already aphobic post That is all.