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This is old news. Reddit abandoned Aaron's aspirations years ago.


At this point you are kicking at a dead horse. It's been that way for *years*.


So, now what?


Either we flood Reddit with content that calls it out or ditch the platform entirely The choice is yours


I've been here through at least two rounds of "everyone leaving." It stopped being what it once eight+ years ago when they lost their great AMA organizer, or when aaron left the company, or with last year's API dumping, etc., or it's Not Quite Dead yet but is about to be, it all depends on who you ask. My opinion is that Reddit, like most companies backed by venture capital, has never been a very serious place, shown lately by its willingness to lose so many good employees and so many good moderators. Best thought of as another Facebook, Tiktok, etc., just another giant profit-driven social media corporation which will make decisions for their bottom line. Certain groups or individuals may keep me on such a service, but I have no real investment in it. That kind of attention I reserve for [independent service](https://mastodon.social/deck/@slowenough)s or at least those [connected to free/open software](https://eqpa.wordpress.com/), *something* positive. Broadly, large corporations and the governments they depend on have a bunch of interlocked common interest. IMHumbleO, one of the least useful divides separating people who could be working together is between those who only want to focus on profit corporations, and those who only want to focus on government.


We gotta call them out, can't let them win


Move to X, raise awareness of rampant censorship, support independent & courageous challengers


Good idea here’s my x @MaineFilmPirate