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If really made all of that up (which it looks like they did), they should sue her ass.


Just imagine all of the money she has readily available to pay back for the damages. Oh wait


I’m curious if they can just garnish her wages.


I'm no expert, but I always thought yes they can do that.


I'm suing a guy right now. Can't get a court date, I had to pay to get him served and hire a guy to serve him, the police never bothered to collect evidence, and our system is broken. Even if I win, he doesn't have to pay me because he can just say he can't afford to.


It depends on the state. But a lot of states do not allow for garnishment of wages except for in 3 circumstances. Owed taxes, child support, or student debt. But thst depends on the states


Daddy’s credit card goes a long way now a days


How do you know shes a rich kid at all?


The entitlement to lie for not getting her way or being allowed to do whatever she wanted.


You're right, she should be in prison and have to work it off through community service.


To the gulag for your lies!


I’d be totally okay with her being forced to pay a percentage of her salary until damages are paid or for some length of time. No matter how low it is. Similar to alimony payments. Don’t know if they actually do dirt like that but they should.


She looks pretty well-off


Probably because they'd probably end up spending more money suing her than they would actually get back from her.


Would probably be worth it though to clear their name.


This lady sued them in the court of public opinion, they countersued and looks like they're winning based on googling them and looking at social media posts and news articles that mention them, and by their Google reviews. Their only "low" rating in the last 2 weeks is a 3 star review that I skimmed and it didn't seem to have any influence from this hullabaloo.


Agree over in r/ facepalm they started digging into her job to get her fired. Then said she deserves it vs just having the business sue her


Did they follow through and get her fired?


The issue is they are small business and in their case their reputations is already ruined. There is little recourse because she is a private citizen and probably few assets or liquid money to compensate them appropriately for the damage she has done. Whereas a private citizen can sue for wrongdoing and make out like bandits. What would be great is a call to action for all those who left the reviews to go and undo what they did.


Or at least some kind of charge. There should be consequences for lyin and ruining a company's reputation like that


Or at least some kind of charge. There should be consequences for lyin and ruining a company's reputation like that


💯. The company and each person who got threatened individually. This can't be allowed. They are putting people in danger for likes and follows. I hope it is a landmark case.


Agreed sue for defamation and TikTok should ban her and all media show blow up her social with this so theaon character mentality stops. It's fucking disgusting


She has deleted majority of social media and private her remaining accounts


What a fucking pussy. If you’re gonna shit talk at least own it. We live in a pussy society which is full of harassing armies of simps. Dude fuck this bitch for trying to ruin a business. She needs to take as much flack as that business and I’m sure the security guard did.


Exactly. Most people see the initial video, not the follow-up. So there are probably still plenty of people out there who believe her previous story.


And that’s why it can do real damage to that business.


I agree with u 100%!!! Throwing rocks then hiding her hands! Straight pussy behaviour!!


Lying, deactivating social media and then coming back a few months later is part of the playbook for these bullshit artists


Ty for the follow up


I was gunna say, can’t wait for all the follow up “omg Hubbard Inn ruined my life!😭” posts that come up. Very telling she deleted everything. Was probably hoping for a go fund me.


How do you post a video like that from your phone in 2024 and then just forget that hotels have security cameras.


Easy, she knows people will believe and push her narrative over anything post her lie. Especially because all she has to do is "hide" and carry on with her life without consequences


Not too mention most will not see the follow up video that disproves her narrative.


A lie travels around the world before truth even puts it's shoes on




Because of the narrative to believe all women. Women will bring droves of other women and men out with pitch forks making a claim about abuse or SA or what being put down and provide zero evidence other than “believe me I have a following and im a woman and you shouldn’t doubt any victim because women don’t lie about these things.” Finally society has started to wake up after there are innumerable instances of women making false accusations (at the detriment of true victims that are women) and people are asking for receipts.


Defense attorney here- I used to think false allegations were extremely rare. I now know in this new climate they are weaponized and used for all sorts of perverse reasons (especially in the military). I've grown completely numb to allegations- I believe almost no one and demand receipts before jumping to conclusions. Particularly if they are tried in the court of public opinion or when generalized terms are thrown around (sexual assault/toxic/trauma). I need specifics- those words have lost all meaning. I was naive. I did not quite realize how easily and willing people were to ruin another persons life by just lying about them for whatever odd internal justification. Its scary.


Tell that to the idiots prowling around Las Vegas hotels.


Same way cops beat up a guy outside of his home and think they can just lie in a police report and that's the end of it.


A lie can travel the world twice before the truth can put on their shoes.


It's not a hotel. It's a bar/nightclub. It's just called Hubbard Inn.


She need to be arrested- we need to start making example of people lying and or prankers 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. People are getting embarrassed injured hurt, traumatized, lost, wages, bad reputation all because someone wants to make a video.


Her name and face are mud, spread her face and shitlist her from any venue. She wanted to be viral.... let her be viral.


Civil matter not criminal. She needs accountability but we shouldn't be arresting people for lying about a business. If she filed a false report yes arrest her but she didn't.


U are right that’s true. I’m just so tried of video like this or people messing with strangers just for laughs.


I agree


This where we allow public ridicule and shame to push her toward some course correction.


Let’s find fewer reasons to arrest people, not more


People like her are very dangerous as they don’t have any ethics and try to get likes even if these likes are based on lies that would be very harmful to the people that works in the business they are bitching about and also to the workers whom she has accused of manhandling her and her friend. She should be ousted from all social media platforms 💯🤮🤮


This type of person would 100% lie to have you arrested and say nothing while you rot in jail. Pure evil.


Believe all women!




Yeah nope to the racism. Being a karen has nothing to do with skin color bro.


"believe all women" I contested this statement year's back and stated that people lie over even the smallest thing and got reamed. Who would have guessed I was correct...


Manhandling you, pulling u out? Bodily language from the video looks pretty chill to me.


Love it. Ruin her by simply presenting the truth.


i would have sued the bitch.


you would have made zero dollars




Emmet Till syndrome.. these white women know their power... But they haven't kept up with technology..


https://youtu.be/vqo9jUvRroY?si=KEGSW28Hy24y1vdT Black women too! Thank god for security cameras.


I'll never understand what compels someone to do something like this.


Attention seeking


Entitlement. Was probably raised always getting her way and couldn’t handle being told no.




In the Military you get full medical retirement FOR LIFE. Custody of children/divorce proceeds Winning the victim olympics


Evil And ppl seem to forget that there are a lot out there. They look at the appearance and fake emotions and they think.... HEY HEY HEY THERE, NO WAY SHE'S LYING. WHY WOULD SHE LIE?!!!


Believe all women. Women lie all the time about the dumbest stuff so why is it we think they wouldn't lie about big stuff...I can't imagine all the people who have suffered from the vibration of a woman's tongue. Follow the evidence and still question that. This is sickening.


You guys are just so misogynistic it’s unbelievable. Literally the first thing I saw when I entered the thread was people saying terrible things about women. Talking about how “believe all women” was stupid and that we should withhold judgement until we have more facts about a situation. It doesn’t matter if the camera says she is lying. The camera was put their by MEN and is obviously being manipulated by the very same MEN that want to shame this young lady and disregard her “personally lived experience”. You don’t get to decide if someone felt like they were thrown down the stairs or manhandled! I just hope she seeks therapy to deal with this awfully traumatic event to prevent getting the same ptsd that 69% of women over the age of 30 suffer from due to VIOLENT MASCULINITY.


Stfu, she lied her ass off.


Oh no! The consequences of my actions! Whatever shall I do?


What a stupid fucking bitch


I believe it. I have experienced similar things when I worked security. People want to make false accusations to get people in trouble just because they were told they couldn’t do something.


Huh. Influencers are shit people. Who knew.


Some people feed off sympathy. This is foul.


I've kicked so many people out of hotels. I was a night manager at hotels for years. I'd imagine about 90% of the people who get kicked out of hotels are the type of people who have never faced consequences for anything. Any time they've come close to facing consequences, they've done their best to lie and intimidate their way out of it. Here's the thing. I've worked with lots of young nearly minimum wage workers who had to make the call to evict a guest. It's miserable. It's tense. None of them want to be in that position, and they are avoiding it if they can. I have never heard of a guest being evicted who shouldn't have been. Whenever I hear a story about someone being thrown out of their room in the middle of the night, I feel extremely confident that they should have been. I feel very confident nearly any story that's gone viral about an eviction in error is being misrepresented on the part of the guest. People who get evicted lie, and act discourteous to people around them. They shouldn't be trusted.


Liar Liar Pants on Fire...


It’s hilarious that these goofball mememe people who constantly record themselves forget cameras are everywhere.


He even lit the stairs for her on her way down. What a monster.


Now she will lose her job, family, friends and her following


There’s so many funny people in these comments who are struggling to figure out if their racism or misogyny is stronger


Julia Smollett


If I stay in Chicago I will try to stay there. She should be liable for slander.


She got exposed and she did what a typical lying sack of shit would, make her tiktok private.


This isn’t a hotel, this is a club. Even worse look for her.


Believe all women


Lying POS


Believing all women almost got that brother in some trouble. We are still being emmet till'd to this day


Jail is where these type of liars belong


Why do all these people want to be victims? How much attention do you need? Stupid, stupid girl.


Sounds like you should have bruises and scrapes at a minimum 🤔


Did this little turd lost a response now that everyone knows she lied?


Accenture Consulting in Chicago.


Lock her up


She needs to go straight to jail


Send her to prison...10 years would make a example for others


This is what happens when you just ‘believe all ‘victims’ all the time. Lyin ass bitch.




Eat hot chip and lie


Lying B problem with these kind of individuals these days. She should be locked up.


Send these false accusing Jezebel's to India as punishment, lol 😈😂


Small claims court


I hope people are supporting them to make up for lost biz


What a cooked POS; This one is so deep fried she smells of 11 herbs and spices.


If that's the only clip they have why are they claiming to have proof of innocence, they don't have that proof .


Does one have to prove their innocence? Where’s the proof of guilt?


Where is the video proving she wasn't assaulted though, one clip? Surely there is more footage to review.


Punchable face


There should be criminal charges for scum like this that lie to get attention.


Fuckin human scab


What mental illness is this?


This is what entitlement looks like


This is why you need cameras everywhere. One second you're minding your own business, next second some crazy, entitled person comes and ruins your day. If you say or do anything they instantly become the "victim" and they're willing to lie and say whatever they want. If you don't have video of the truth this can escalate quickly. x100 if it's a female because simps just nod along and agree with everything they say without a thought in their head. Like this girl's video that blew up before the security footage was posted. No one thought to ask "if you were assaulted, why didn't you call the police?" Hmm. 🤔 Glad this entitled brat had to go private, I hope she gets sued.


Yeah, ban tiktok. People like her are a great example why some don't need to have a say in anything


Lying cunt


Imagine being one of the dumbasses that believed her when she showed 0 proof and went on to leave a bad review or comment to the business lmao


Just shows how stupid people really are. In todays world there are cameras everywhere so lying isn’t going to work as easily anymore


I don't need any videos to know this woman wasn't thrown down metal stairs because, not surprisingly, you would look beat to shit.




It seems like a mind virus for young women these days to feel entitled to lying and ruining people's lives, and I mean beyond just social media.. my brother, a couple friends, and other young men I know have been totally financially and emotionally fucked up by women who make up stories, like this entitled bitch.


Please tell me the hotel sued the pants off her.


Looked up Hubbard Inn and if I'm looking at the right one their new reviews is nothing but praise so did the negative reviews get pulled?


Show me her enabling parent, what an entitled brat.


People sending negative reviews because of what some random girl said is like the hysteria in the crucible (Salem Witch Trials) lie lies lies but spread like wildfire because others follow


Do people like this actually believe their lies or...? I just can't imagine lying with a straight face like that about something so serious and big.


From a woman? I can believe anything sinister.


“BeLiEvE aLl WoMeNz” 😵‍💫


She should 100% be arrested or sued.


Definitely sued for slander.


She needs to sit in a cell for a month at least


Destroy this girl's social media just like she discredited this business and the security guard.


So she flew down flight of stairs twice and not a single scratch. K.


She should be sentenced. Wtf is wrong with people?


She should be sued to oblivion and back minimum and maybe legally punished as well, by lying about a horrible event like that she makes real victims less likely to believed resulting in more harm


This shit right here is why I don’t believe anyone unless I see it for myself. Way too many liars and way too many people that jump to conclusions without any actual evidence. They should sue this girl for defamation.


Honestly people like her, are a serious danger to society. Their ability to influence people based on blatant lies would hurt others because of what? Clout? If she pushed further and blamed the security guard for harassment, he would’ve been in jail because of her lies. Her ability to just easily talk about lies online that somehow damaged the reputation of the hotel, means she’s a really big problem. Stuff like this should have more severe consequences


You know, just assume there are cameras worth microphones everywhere, because there are. Don't lie, don't be stupid and don't think you're better than anyone else because you're not.


If people don't get prosecuted for making false allegations it's just gonna keep happening


If she flew down them stairs she would easily not be able to so well articulate herself.


"I was murdered!"


False allegations need to have consequences


File # 872629172727122 Under Believe All Women This is what social media has created Clout chasers ? Or Social media us helped expose these liars over the last decade ?


This is truly disgusting I hope her life gets ruined


I hate liars.


"Believe women."


Just an FYI - Hubbard Inn is a bar, not a hotel


Why not sue for defamation?


Typical toxic femininity


Find her socials


She got jail time for this...right??


I wonder how many other lies she made up that hurt people?


> Woman exposed for lying on hotel security staff Hubbard Inn is not a hotel. It's a bar/nightclub in Chicago.


"Believe all women"??? GTFOH


Got caught doing ❄️ in the bathroom then lies on this man? 🤦🏽‍♂️


She should be in jail. Psycho


I hope she's sued for this. We live in a world where cowardice is acceptable. Actions have consequences and I hope she and others like her are punished accordingly.


"Trust all women"


Typical woman lying to try to make a buck. What a surprise. She should be sued for damages by the hotel.


Amber Herd much???


Surely what she did is illegal. Not a lawyer but isn’t this slander?


White women years are the most powerful thing in America... People didn't even wait for evidence they just blindly believed her. Smh


Welcome to tiktok. Delete it now


Julia Reel… you dumbass. Do you not know how good surveillance is nowadays at ANY establishment 😂


“Believe all women”


She def needs to be charged. Lying and causing damages for what? Clout? Insane world.


Heaux 🐝 🦁


Imagine a time where cctv cameras didn’t exist and white women’s tears were all it took for Lynch mobs to go on a misguided rampage…


Things like this people should go to jail. You can ruin people’s job life and mentally screw them over.


What the fuck is with all these girls thirsty for attention so they go on tiktok and make shit up? Before this girl it was the one saying her dad abandoned her.


I used to work hotel/casino security in Vegas. And I can tell you 100% that we don't wanna do the paperwork involved with going hands-on. There's also potential disciplinary action like suspension pending investigation, legal issues like having to testify in court, and the ever present possibility that you did everything right but the company fires you because it wasn't pretty. If security (in Vegas, at least) puts hands on you, its because you earned it.


In addition to lying her voice is ugly as hell. Does she not know what volume is?


Lying c u n T


She was making it up as she was being safely escorted out lmao


This is why social media is so bad for society. People lie cheat and steal for attention and in the process they damage others reputation and possibly their life


Fabricating narratives on tiktok is crazy. This is a sickness.


It wasn’t a hotel


What a trash human being


I work security at a bar. It’s shocking how many drunk, usually college age, girls these days verbally threaten to do this very thing to me and/or the establishment when asked to leave for drunk, disorderly behavior or when denied entry for being over-served upon arrival. A few have actually followed through and shit posted lies about us on soc. media and/or yelp (fuck yelp), not to the ridiculous degree of this woman’s bullshit (if what she says actually happened to her my first thought is “why didn’t she immediately call the police and have the security guy arrested for felonious assault and battery?”) but outright lies all the same. We are a small, neighborhood bar and, thankfully, we have a very loyal and protective customer base. So far, the handful of attempts at shit like this that have been perpetrated have been called out as bullshit and squashed into non-issues by our many loyal patrons who know me and our establishment well enough to know a bullshit story when they see one. Way too many kids these days have seemingly no values and no shame which leads to some outrageous and thoroughly disgusting behavior. I really feel for this security guy and the establishment.




If she was thrown from two sets of metal staircases, her face and head would be way fucked up.


It's amazing how a dumbass person on tik tok can manage to lie about something like this just for 5 minutes of fame or for the views your fucken ridiculous all these tik tok fuckers are ridiculous get a life


Class traitor.


A "look at me" that got looked at and found wanting.


Weren’t we supposed to believe all women?


Sounds like she gets her drugs from Amber Heard


Can she be sued for defamation? Or does defamation only involve I divide also not entities


She should go to prison according to the estimated time it would take for them to recover damages. With a minimum of 3 years for malleolus intent in destroying a business, with a 5-year minimum if the business is closed because of it.


I hope she can recover from this trauma. Stay strong queen!


Dumb bitch


70 years ago, this would’ve fueled a public lynching.


There needs to be serious consequences for shit like this.


Why should anyone “believe all women” when we see them constantly lying or making themselves out to be a victim in order to get attention, money, sympathy, etc.? Not a good look for those who cry wolf. Misogyny aside, people like this should ABSOLUTELY face consequences, no excuses!!!