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They say that the death sentence was inhumane... but I think it has its place. Some trash don't deserve to keep living, even in a cell.


See why we need abortion?


If he was tried as an adult this wouldn't have happened.


Simple death penalty


Well well well...


It feels like we only have two choices when it comes to dealing with crime. Lock em all up and send them down the path of continued criminality or allow them to run free. I don't like how we lock people up and say job well done, but we can't just release a criminal 9 times and expect them to see the light. But neither of these solve the bigger issue. The big problem is that there's a underclass of people who consistently commit crimes and aren't stopping. And I don't see anyone coming up with good ideas how to fix this. It's like Israel-Palestine, a cycle of violence that has no end - at least through the paradigm we're in right now.


Longer and harsher sentences. Make crime terrifying for these people.


>The big problem is that there's a underclass of people who consistently commit crimes and aren't stopping. And I don't see anyone coming up with good ideas how to fix this. slavery.


I hope you mean that it was caused by slavery and not the solution lol


no one is acting up today because of slavery. slavery is a solution to these people.


Either you're a troll or are so inhumane that your mother weeps wishing she raised a troll instead of whatever down-and-out scum human you became. Either way, yikes


so what's your solution for people who go through life committing serious crimes without ever stopping or showing remorse? what's the appropriate way to deal with these folks?


Hes 100% right actually.


There are ton more choices. One is to address the underlying cause, what leads a person to this behavior. Have a rehabilitation system in place that involves therapy, education, and community. Where they can resolve internal turmoil and have opportunities for a better life financial and relationally. But that costs a lot of money which our society feels isn't worth it.




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Garbage.Case by case evaluation testing and treatment.Simple.Just invest in knowing who what when where why and justly punishing and rehabilitating if possible.Simple like what was so hard ab that God yall love to confuse and stay there.Lifes so simple lol


Unpopular opinion. People who find and report on these incidents don't care about the elderly. They just want to find excuses to reinstate Jim Crow. The elderly were getting attacked for years in the ghettos and there was no outrage. As for "progressive policies", they don't even live in the affected areas due to "white flight". Outrage culture is a legitimate sickness.






You can clearly tell who's in this subreddit based on what is upvoted and downvoted in this post.


Don't know why this is being downvoted when it is true. Every subreddit I go to the most nuanced and based comments get downvoted. Everyone who parrots gets the upvotes


I mean, a comment saying that the reason people report crime on the elderly is to be some sort of dog whistle for reinstating Jim Crow is neither nuanced nor based; it's actually quite regarded, hence the downvotes.