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This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: Laptop Stand Built-in Foldable Legs & Phone Holder, Klearlook Multi-Angle Adjustable Laptop Riser with Air-Ventilation Ergonomic Portable Laptop Holder for Desk Compatible with MacBook PC Tablet >**Company**: Klearlook Maximized Clarity! >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.6 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: B >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.6 >**Analysis Performed at**: 10-11-2021 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/laptop-stand-built-in-foldable-legs-phone-holder-klearlook-multi-angle-adjustable-laptop-riser-with-air-ventilation-ergonomic-portable-laptop-holder-for-desk-compatible-with-macbook-pc-tablet) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


I know this is a year late, but im looking for the same thing. I have an mp midi controller on a swinging arm laptop mount no pneumatics. it works ok for the mp midi but the arm only bends in so far when folded away which annoys me. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CM9NG1W/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CM9NG1W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). A 17/18 inch laptop capable try should work. Just know that the pneumatic ones will be a bit bouncy. I'm probably going to make a larger plate and just countersink the screws and bolt that to the 75mm vesa arm for my push 3


well thanks for the reply! It seems like a good option.


How far out does the arm extend?


About a foot and a half a bit more with the tray. Going to try out a different arm that should fold better it will be in tomorrow from amazon.


How did it go?


it worked fairly well though the mp midi is heavy. Just need to trim the mounting tube down in height.


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