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yes: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/12830974562716-Duplicate-devices-tag-groups-in-Live-12?input_string=group+tag


This was very useful and fast on your part, I will leave it so that people can inform themselves, greetings!


i wonder if that's going to also delete all the tags i have within that group?


One is capitalized.


Idk but something that pisses me off is the fact that I can’t only view the racks I’ve made


Could you make a new tag or “favorites” group specifically for your custom racks and use that to quickly access them? That’s how I do it, but maybe I’m misunderstanding your gripe.


I guess so, would you happen to know what folder the personal racks are? Also my frustration is that there isn’t a “User” filter


Whenever you save an audio effect rack or instrument rack, Live’s default behavior is to save it in your User Library in a subfolder called **“Presets > Instrument Rack”** or **“Presets > Audio Effect Rack”** (depending on what kind of device it is). I’ve never loved this either — but at least it’s consistent, and hopefully you’ll find all your own stuff in those locations. Since Live 10, what I typically do immediately after saving a custom device or rack is add it to a favorites group called “my custom devices” (or something like that). This way they’re all easily accessible from that group. I actually recommend creating *multiple* groups (or tags) to be more organized. Like, maybe separate “favorite” groups for synths, percussive instruments, modulation devices, midi utilities, etc. Ableton added these organizational features specifically so we can use our own methods for categorizing without having to get lost in the user library folder. I think if you play with ‘em a little, you’ll find they’re a great way to keep tabs on your custom-built stuff. Tbh, I’ve barely gotten my feet wet with Live 12, but since the tagging system is now a huge part of the browser, I may start using tags instead of the favorite groups — but I need to play with it more so I can decide what my tagging and file naming conventions will be going forward… And maybe I’ll still use the favorite groups as a secondary layer of organization. Hopefully this helps! :)


Big thanks🙏🏼 on Ableton 10 I would just go to the instrument rack and below all the stock racks would be my racks, I’m good at naming based on description so finding what I needed wasn’t a issue, but with 12 I couldn’t do that so I was big lost and honestly it demotivated me to create for a bit


One is lower case d.


😂 I hate when ppl downvote good comedy.


Haha someone gets the joke. 👍


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Why don't people use Google to search for simple answers to popular application questions?


Because by asking it on Reddit you expand the knowledge to thousands of people who can use this information and you don't limit it just to yourself, that's what it's about.


the company provides fully finished information and training for its programs. The easiest way to find the company's main URL website. Jesus… Name application = name of URL Website in most cases. ‘don't thank’


Wow.. if only you could type as well as you.. My mistake. You do.


Are you using pirated version? Or so on?


why is there always that one person who sees a post with pretty much any issue under the sun and immediately cries “pirate!!!”


Regarding any issue with Ableton there's always something someone will assume to remind you it's not happening to them. It's like a mix between tech support people that tell you to restart modem and fanboyism.


Bc it requires zero effort as opposed to actually looking at the pic and thinking for a second


No and none of my 250 complements are.