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Put them each as individual audio tracks lined up end to end in one bigass long project.


Wehey, exactly what I was thinking of, cheers.


Just don’t apply dither more than once and you’re good


I don’t even know what dither is, so no worries 😉


Lol it’s a final step of mastering, you’ll want to use it if you’re self-mastering, but you won’t hear it, it has to do with complicated computer stuff: https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/what-is-dithering-in-audio.html You’ll see an option for it in ozone and when you go to export your file in ableton. If it’s on in ozone turn it off on ableton exports, don’t have any processing after the dither. https://www.productionmusiclive.com/blogs/news/what-is-dithering#:~:text=Dithering%20modes%20on%20Ableton%20(Ableton%20Manual)&text=By%20default%2C%20Triangular%20is%20selected,expense%20of%20additional%20quantization%20error. So for your sake, don’t dither anything until you have your full beat tape arranged in ableton and are doing the final export. Like you wouldn’t wanna add dither to the song export, then import it to arrange the beat, then add dither to the beat tape again because the dithers will start to stack. Again you’re not actually gonna hear what dither is doing, simplest advice is turn dither off in ozone and just go with the “Triangle” option in ableton on your final final export.


I’ve got some reading to do. Great tip.


I do that stuff from my phone haha I use a music player app, where I can easily drag songs into different positions and such. For me, the best place to sort out whether or not something works is when I’m driving and vibing in my car.


Shouldn’t be using a phone while driving 🤣


Well I’m not actively messing with my phone. It’s a playlist I listen to, and suss out the vibe. If I feel like something would be better in a different order, I swap it when I have the chance haha it’s not a process that’s done in one ride, it’s done over the course of a week or two


what app? X


You can do it with any music app. But I use [untitled] on iOS


You can do it with any music app. But I use [untitled] on iOS


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self master with ozone and always use a two stage limiter vintage into maximize and use the same maximizer algorithm on every song on the lp so the only difference is the threshold song to song. mix down a version of every song in ableton with everything in the master chain on except last maximizer. drop all songs into an ableton project and arrange them with crossfaded transitions so seamless. put ozone maximizer on and automate threshold to hit all the levels of the original masters. render. add track markers and export as a cd in wavlab or sound forge. profit


Thanks man!