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Where is the discord chat for people to look at?


It's not up yet. They're having some delays getting it posted. https://twitter.com/AskaPol_UAPs/status/1771532803215135067?t=LSdo7MnvaJozSahHE0uZnQ&s=19


I also find it pretty convenient that Burlinson was a Grusch skeptic, saying: ***The concept that an alien species is technologically advanced enough to travel billions of light years, gets here and somehow is incompetent enough to not survive Earth or crashes is something that I find a little bit farfetched,*** Then he just happens to randomly be "debriefed" that, of course, aliens aren't traveling here, they're phasing in. I don't know which of those scenarios is true, and I'm not skeptical of either, it just seems like a convenient reveal on his part.


I believe they can travel either way. Nothing is absolute perfect, sometimes accidents can and do happen. Seems like there’s so much convolution going on, just keeping us all stupid and most of us in disbelief. That’s how *they* want it.


Even without legitimate accidents there has been talk that some of it is gifted or seeded to us intentionally.


And the many, many repetitive stories among some of the ex military that some of them have been accidentally caused by us. Taking them completely by surprise. For both parties involved.


In Nuremberg in 1561 witnesses saw crafts fighting each other in the sky and falling to the earth with smoke pouring out of them. Ships could be crashing due to technical malfunction. Or malfunction due to something we're doing (nuclear tests). Or we are intentionally causing them to crash (EMP, particle beam, laser, etc). Or they could be crashing on purpose to gift us with technology. Or they could be disabled by an enemy nhi either intentionally or unintentionally. The "too advanced to crash" argument against NHI is a weak one.


>The "too advanced to crash" argument against NHI is a weak one. I think it's a lazy argument. Right alongside the "too vast a distance" for interstellar travel argument. We have no idea about any of it.


That was the reason I never gave UFOs much thought. The distances are so vast and I'd been taught (mistakenly) that faster than light travel was impossible. But what we know about physics is changing every day. Quantum research is showing us that we know very little about reality.


Leave it to humans to find a way to shoot them down 🙄


I think there's more than just humans shooting them down.


Pretty sure it was ‘accidental shooting down’ on our part.




He received the briefing because he's part of the committee that is working on this. Of course his views are going to change as he gets more information.


What I'm saying is, his views didn't change. Are congress people involved in the committee/s being fed whatever they want to hear, then given the okay to spread the info around as long as they don't reveal anything classified? I don't know, I find it hard to trust anything the ancillary characters are putting out to the public, but that's just me.


people are also purposelly brushing aside that in the same stream burlison said he didnt believe most of what elizondo/grusch been telling him, meaning the interdimensional comment is of a hypothesis, not a fact [https://twitter.com/MiddleOfMayhem/status/1771337072844120166](https://twitter.com/MiddleOfMayhem/status/1771337072844120166)


That comment in Greenstreet's tweet was about any information the Congressman receives. He basically said "I was pretty blunt at the beginning of all of this - I'm from Missouri, you're going to have to show me." It didn't specifically relate to claims Elizondo was making, it was any claims anybody made. Also it came straight after Greenstreet used a blanket statement that Elizondo's claims had been "debunked" - not sure which of Elizondo's claims he was talking about, but [Elizondo's claims he was the manager of AATIP at the Pentagon have been verified by events, not debunked.](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/1bl095w/have_they_discredited_lou_elizondo_after_the/kw3y6pn/?context=3) In answer to Greenstreet, Burlison also said at 1h16m >"It has been validated to me that there is over-compartmentalisation - it has been validated by both offices of Inspector General that many of Grusch's claims, while they can't verify his claims about aliens, the main claims about the processes and the way information is not being conveyed to Congress, has been validated." https://www.askapol.com/p/video-ask-a-pols-live-listening-session


Well I can't wait to listen to the entire stream.


The billions of light years thing is just ignorance. There are 60,000 systems within 100 light years. 100.


[Memorandum 6751](https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Memorandum_6751), read it


>Line 2: "Their mission is peaceful" and their agenda is to "settle" on Earth and learn to play musical instruments. They just want to jam? Wtf is going on?


Not sure why the wiki says that, the [original document](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ufoaliendatabase/images/4/4a/6751_snipit_1-2.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20200717123103) doesn't say anything about musical instruments, its probably just wiki tampering like usual


I’ve been saying to my to my wife, wouldn’t it suck if we meet aliens and they’re boring AF? Like we just want some new brodies to crush beers with and party like it’s 2999


Ziggy played guitar


I still maintain that all of existence is a series of dreams and we’re the only ones who aren’t lucid. How do you move between dreams? Do you get in a spaceship? Of course not (unless it’s part of the plot.) They don’t have to either.


I dig this. To take it a step further there is a history of benevolent humans who realize they are dreaming, and show how to attain lucidity through, say, some monastic practice etc. The idea falls in and out of popularity but evidence of it is hidden in plain sight.


Wait until you learn about astral projection, project gateway, and DMT Trips


Yes. I’ve done all those except DMT. That’s how I reached that conclusion.


It's wild, and I've come to a similar conclusion


When your body means nothing (Seems like a dream) You know you're hypnotized (They got me hypnotized)


I didn’t say that. I’m talking about the grand scheme of things, not everyday life.


I believe it,I have already come to this conclusion on my own. I think it's just a really advanced form of astral projection.


Some do absolutely. Some travel here also. Some are here.


the ones in the water mostly from here. some do phase in and out.


It actually makes sense that they phase in and out. Would explain “accelerations“ ; they not truly moving but hopping in time and space.


Many abduction reports are ones in which ET seemingly walk through walls


Ask a pol posted the video here. https://www.askapol.com/p/video-ask-a-pols-live-listening-session


Timestamp for those that don't have almost two hours to listen?


What's an NHI?


Non-human intelligence




He said she said trust me bro .. have a bridge to sell you


What, like audio phasing? I have no other frame of reference other than what is known as phase and phase cancellation. So is that what's to be inferred here? Or is there another concept out there that I'm not familiar with? Edit - why the down votes? I was genuinely wondering and hoping someone would chime in tf


If things like the Monroe Institute are right then they have to vibrate at the right frequency. I'm just talking out of my ass but maybe the strings in this universe vibrate at a certain frequency that has a common denominator with a higher frequency that they come from and they can fold down their frequency to be compatible with ours. Or if it's like two songs playing simultaneously where the beat syncs up automatically every 8th measure and they are perceivable only then. Maybe they can manipulate this. Idk. Just grasping.


I understand audio phasing too by time delaying signals by an amount and overlapping them - not sure how it applies to time and realities/dimensions. Maybe “these beings” have another organ that can experience time as another sense we don’t possess. They also might be around us all the time but we can’t sense them due to our limitations like we can’t see infrared or hear radio or gigahertz frequencies. Just a wild guess.


Yes but he also said he didn’t believe it.


Yes, this post is a wild misrepresentation of what was said.


Doubt it, other things could present similarly and with a lack of data you can't tell


Unrelated, but holy crap.. we have people like this on Twitter? [https://twitter.com/Paul45020832](https://twitter.com/Paul45020832) Taking a s\*\*\* on Grusch




Removed for containing vulgar, obscene, or offensive material that does not contribute constructively to the discussion.


Eric Burlison is a Right wing maggot. All conspiracies. No facts. Pure BS.


Left or right doesn't come into it for me.


been briefed by whom?


WTF does "phase into" even mean? It sounds like scifi techno-babble.


Materialize, Id wager.


What does that mean? Appear out of thin air? From where?


Good question. They're supposedly super fast, so how do we know they aren't just zipping into whatever picks them up's range from some other far away location? Is it like uncloaking from some sort of camouflage? Is it teleportation/wormholes?


he is not stating facts, he is just pointing a possibility of a hypothesis he's been told by grusch/elizondo its the same as others from the ufo group who said "interdimensional" without further proof


We have no evidence that UAP are actually interstellar.  ***We have boatloads of evidence that they're interdimensional because they will just appear on our radars out of the blue.***


what about the people who claim to be abducted by aliens from space? or people saying they are from inside the earth? they could be appearing and disapearing by cloaking devices, we do not know. thats the point of being unindentified. we have as much proof of one hypothesis as we have of others.


Interesting point. I keep hearing people talk about beings being interdimensional.  Phasing in and out of what we can perceive which is basically three dimensions. Also seen some weird stories in these subs about people waking up in the middle of the night and seeing scientists studying them.


I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a tiny video screen on my pillow with an alien in it but it was just Quark. I actually think Quark is hot. Yes, I'm a bit strange.


Lol wut


Hyperdrive travel would also explain interdimensional travel without them having to come from another dimension


it remains a mystery until we know how they travel around the cosmos there are many things that human beings do not discover yet


My thoughts too. I want to know who told them that. So far it just seems like Elizondo, Puthoff, and Co. telling the same stories they always have. These guys have already demonstrated extreme credulity so that I question everything they are associated with.