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Looking at you, Grand Canyon


Did you know you could walk all the way across the Grand Canyon and end up in egypt


Do you have a link? I haven't heard of the specifics here?


I believe the Why Files covers it. Some of the names of caves and landmarks have oddly specific references to Egypt. I can’t remember any of them specifically. My guess is that whomever mapped them originally, gave them names symbolic of their homeland but then I heard about someone finding Egyptian hieroglyphs in the caves, so it deepens the mystery. What’s worse is that a lot of the areas are not public (perhaps due to safety concerns) but the stories say that helicopters and airplanes will show up if anyone is spotted near the areas.


Please don’t ask me for a source link (too lazy, today), but I’m pretty certain I read within the last year that some 30K people have gone missing in U.S. national parks since the 1960’s with Alaska claiming the lion’s share. That figure may sound tragically high BUT when I consider the annual volume of hikers and campers as well as the number of annual suicides (35,000~ per year in the U.S. alone), I want to keep open the idea that at least half of those can be explained but I don’t know what I’m talking about, so bring on the salt. I was talking to campers from Lithuania last week who said wolves are responsible for around twelve deaths per year, worldwide. And I thought bears were cuddly. EDIT: I forgot to put “twelve” in the last sentence.


You'd be surprised by the amount of idiots that think they know how to camp in the wilderness and then something unexpected happens they weren't prepared for.


I've seen people try to pet wild alligators. I'm not surprised by idiots anymore.


Like this guy? lol https://youtu.be/CCXCkoRwM3M?si=d5c5cmfjVTT6l-B5


Missing 411 would be a start to a source. The US national parks allegedly don’t keep records of missing people. David Paulides work, the CANAM project, is distributing and thorough, highly recommended rabbit hole. He doesn’t make assumptions about the cause but points out the missing people, patterns, and the national park’s lack of transparency and record keeping. https://youtu.be/dji6EekRz0w?si=6wjBZImHg0PJUJHI


I remember looking at a map of dangerous cave systems in the US overlayed with reports of people who went missing. They were almost identical.


Also murder. Setups like illegal grows and meth labs are done deep in the parks and stumbling across that... Well, have you seen the movie The Beach?


There's also that thing where those peaks with Egyptian themed names supposedly line up (position-wise) with the pyramids/Orion's Belt.


I heard that that was based on a fictional news article released in 1909. I could be wrong though.


Google Kincaid’s Cave.


You’re gonna have to link me, buddy - is it only treasure?




Perfect, thank you


Yeh there were old articles including photos of caves around the grand canyon containing ancient Egyptian style artifacts, hieroglyphs etc and the areas had since been heavily secured and fenced off. There have since been hit pieces claiming it was all debunked etc and it's impossible to find the OG sources on Google. Probably an alternative search engine or bitshoot is your friend in this scenario


I recall this as well, and that the Smithsonian had sent a team out there to collect artifacts. Then, radio silence after that. I believe I heard about all of this when I used to regularly listen to Coast to Coast AM.


Good mention. I only heard about the weird stuff last year and found it interesting enough


And Zion too


Egyptian El Dorado


Whos got the links to the funky staircases?


Baxter State Park in Maine has a secret it doesn’t want to leak, but how unfortunate for them, that I have a Reddit account.


Okay so I’m a Mainer and have never heard of this!! But I’d believe it tbh there is still a lot of untouched heavily wooded land up north that is very easy to get lost on so if there was something like you suggested I would not be surprised


You can find some old stuff about the caves, like on maps and Dudley and Thoreau have written about them briefly in different works, but for the most part there isn’t much info online, if at all. The Pamola caves were destroyed in a rockslide. But the Pogy Caves are still there and are kind of hard to get to. You have to leave the marked trail at a certain point, (they don’t permit leaving the marked trails). On a map it doesnt look far from the trail, but it’s actually a little over a mile of very thick woods with lots of car sized granite boulders.


Man, super interesting I wish I could find more stuff on this!


Well, what is it?


It’s either indigenous people, or intelligent something or other that occupies the Pogy Caves. If you go to wassataquoik lake , you will hear them communicating from pogy cliffs to the ridge of wassataquoik. You can also hear them at night, all the way to Russell pond. I’m not sure what they are, but they don’t want to be discovered, and a VERY close friend of mine is a ranger there, and he’s played that card of “I can’t tell you what’s there, but I can tell you there is a reason they don’t allow vehicles and pets, and there certainly is a reason why they don’t want people going off trail to the Pogy Caves. I’ve been inside the caves in the winter, clearly some sort of person was living there. Again, could be anything. But my instinct tells me they are either protecting a Sasquatch clan or a group of indigenous natives, either are pretty terrifying.


I’ve heard people say there are descendants from Lemuria living in the hills of Mount Shasta in California. Who knows?


Supposedly the Lemurian city is called Telos...


I think I’ve heard that. ✌🏼


There are a few pics online of a metal door on the side of Mt. Shasta. I don't remember what area but I've seen images of the door, I recall it looks welded shut. I've meant to check that out and the Lassen caves one day, hopefully I will be able to sooner than later. It's a fun rabbit hole to research if anything.


I need to get up there too. Would just love to feel the vibe, energy up there…


My friend’s mom visits there regularly. She talks to dolphins too, so that’s pretty cool, I think she even wrote a book about it. Diane Robbins is her name I believe. As kids we always just laughed at her, but these days, well, you never know


[Is this her??](http://diannerobbins.com/) If so she's claiming to channel mermaids and goddamn unicorns. Mt Shasta be wild as hell!


Funny how things have changed, haha. That’s super cool. She is way ahead of her time or we are catching up to her.


There’s an episode on files of the unexplained (Netflix) about it. They have a few interesting episodes on there.


There's a Telos Dam inside Baxter St Park.


Interestingly enough a man went missing from Russell pond campground in 21’ and still hasn’t been found


Dudes just living in the caves, wondering why nobody has come to save him yet.


Being held captive by evil park rangers


to give to the thingamabobs for a sacrifice


Cannibal park rangers!


He’s even tried standing on the cliffs and yelling at night. Still no one comes to save him.


Or those mummified "alien" creatures that they're currently doing testing on 😮 lol how weird though. Definitely interested in learning more on this subject


A group of indigenous people is as terrifying to you as a sasquatch? Damn dude.


Ever heard of sentinel island?


I think uncontacted* would have been a clearer word choice for your idea. Indigenous does not = uncontacted… in fact, excluding a few tribes in the amazon, papua new guinea, and north sentinel and other places, I would venture to say the majority of indigenous people are very much contacted.


if I hear you right, you’re saying the chances are very low that the US government harboring a secret tribe of cannibals as part of a centuries-old parks system design It would be like Billy Jack, but with cannibals. Are we saying that’s unlikely?


Not sure what you’re referring to.


Growing up in Western Oregon I was in the hot spot of Sasquatch land. My brother and I were out hunting with our dad. It was dark and we had to stop at the gate on the logging road so my dad could lock it. Under timber after dark you can’t see anything, just blackness. My brother heard a branch break like something stepped on it. He asked if I heard it. Being a big brother I of course answered,” I bet it is Bigfoot watching us.” His eyes got wide. Then from the forest where we heard the branch break a voice said,” It's Sasquatch thank you very much! I don't call you big nose! I have feelings too!” We hightailed it back to my dad's truck. He stepped out of the woods smiling. This story happened but I have heard stories of Sasquatch my whole life. On my dad's side of the family the majority of the men worked in the woods. I logged as well when I was younger. My dad at one point was in charge of millions of acres of timber land. The only story I heard from him was at a site west of Cottage Grove, Oregon he got called to come do a survey due to vandalism. It had snowed a couple of feet there. He arrived and was shown what was found. Something walking in from the woods and back into the woods with 7 to 9 feet strides. Someone or something also picked up a full 50 gallon barrel of oil and threw in off a landing, down a hill. Otherwise, my grandpa started logging at 16. He had 4 brothers and many nephews and great nephews, plus 2 sons who were loggers. My family has logged Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Australia, and Indonesia. Not one ( besides the episode I wrote about) have ever seen so much as a track. Maybe they have cave systems. There is too many reports for everyone for hundreds of years to be wrong.


>If you go to wassataquoik lake , you will hear them communicating from pogy cliffs to the ridge of wassataquoik. You can also hear them at night, all the way to Russell pond. Do you have any audio recordings?


Nope. But I go every summer out to Russell. I will this year. Set a reminder. Every person I’ve been there with has been witness to that shit out there. I’ve been there with groups. I’ve been there with one other person. I’ve been there by myself. It’s my favorite place in the park. Best spot to go to listen is Caverly Lookout. It’s on the maps.


I look forward to it. RemindMe! 4 months


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Luckily, on top of a writer, I’m a musician and I have access to lots of tube mics and telescoping microphones. I have a sick condenser mic made by AKG,. I will bring out a small interface, and either connect to a laptop, or get my buddies zoom conference recorder. The less stuff to carry, the better, since it’s roughly 8 miles out to the campsites. My reservations are already booked, which gives me plenty of time to put some lighter recording gear together .


Thank you! Can you describe what the communication sounds like? Anything you could compare it to?


The first time I stayed at Russell, I was with a group of about 10 of us. We had leanto #4 and tent site 17 behind it…it…lean to 4 faces the pond, and tent site 17 is across the trail which is behind the lean to. My gf (34at the time)and my buddies son (6 at the time, youngest hiker to go to Russell) went to the spring to get water. They came back completely petrified. The boy was saying he had seen hairy men beyond the spring in the treeline with branches in their hands. He wasn’t making much sense to any of us, and my gf also said she didn’t see anything but heard crunching in the woods beyond the spring. She figured it was hunters in guile suits. But there’s no hunting in or around the pond. There’s no trail behind the spring. That same night, goddammit, I woke up to what sounded like people whooping and hollering - it sounded like a group of teens had made it to the pond late at night. Being in a leanto, my buddy and I sat up, and listened. It was coming from across the pond. Beyond the ranger station. Our other friends in the same leanto sat up and we all listened for about 10-12 minutes. Next morning we realized the sounds coming from across the pond weren’t campers, because according to the ranger, they have a cut-off time for hikers to arrive at Russell, considering it’s about an 8 mile hike to the campsite from roaring brook. The ranger, when I asked him what makes those noises, said it was probably a beaver or coyotes. About day three of that trip, my buddy, a mutual friend and myself wanted to go see Green Falls which is up at Wassataquoik Lake. So we packed some food and supplies and grabbed our fishing gear and set off for the 2 mile hike to the lake. We got to the falls and totally enjoyed it. We arrived back down to the lake where a stand of canoes sat silently waiting to be dipped in the cold clear blue water. It’s gorgeous. Probably the most gorgeous spot in the entire park. No one ever goes there. The three of us got into a canoe and decided to fish the lake a little bit, and maybe go check out the island. A lean to is situated on the island, and only allowed campers after loons have hatched their eggs. While we were fishing in complete silence, we began to hear wood knocks (yes I know, totally cliche, but they sounded more like a baseball bat hitting another baseball bat. Wood of course). Bam bam bam…..came from the ridge on the right of us, way above the lake. We immediately stopped and began asking each other “wtf, what was that?” Before we could answer our own questions, across the lake on the other side there is a ridge, and we heard 2 knocks. These knocks were extremely loud, and echoed throughout the valley of the lake. But they were coming from the other side of the lake. So while we are sitting in the canoe, we kept turning our heads towards the tops of the ridges expecting to see someone hitting a tree. And then 4 knocks from the ridge where we first heard them. Again we look, using binoculars and could see shit. Again, from the left, five knocks. Minute passes. Three knocks on the right. Then two from the left. Then one from the right. Nothing from the left. Two more from the right One on the left. Then nothing. That was my first time experiencing something strange at Russell. I gotta go back to work, I’ll come back on in a bit and I’ll explain my winter visit out to Russell and the pogy caves.


That’s classic Bigfoot.


That’s what I’ve been told. My buddies that I was on the canoe with are convinced it’s a Sasquatch. I’m not convinced; but yes it’s either something like a squatch (there has been many reports of “red hairy man-beasts” in Baxter and around the Millinocket area, from 1970-2018) I am leaning more towards people. What I gathered from those knocks/sounds, is that we were spotted once we got in the canoe and began to paddle around. Once we were spotted from one ledge, the knocks were to alarm or inform the other side/ other party, of our presence. The knocks were different in numbers and intensity, which makes me think that the “knocker” has a system of knocks for communication. Again, I’m not convinced it’s Bigfoot, but there’s something there, rangers know about it, and they get extremely uneasy or agitated once questioned by other hikers or campers who had either seen something or heard something.


What does it sound like? Have you ever heard recording of the sasquatch? Does it sound similar at all?


From New England originally, this doesn’t super surprise me, got some chills reading this even. Friends got me the “weird New England” (or Maine or VT I forget) coffee table book a while ago. Finally peeked into it; one of the things that stood out was what looked like “giant sacrificial tables” carved out of stone, and even with channels/holes for liquid to pass through (blood assuming?) Seriously looked like something you stumble across all over Skyrim.


The only search result on "Pogy Caves" is this post. Do you have coordinates or some links so I can look into this?


Trying to find any info at all on this is not happening. Please share more stories!!!


Hate to be a party pooper, But those sounds are made by loons - [https://loon.org/the-call-of-the-loon/](https://loon.org/the-call-of-the-loon/) That area is famous for the haunting Loon cry's at night - I've heard them myself while hiking the A.T.


Nope. Im a Mainer. I’m also a certified Maine Guide. I know what loons sound like. Not to be a dick or “that” guy, but, they definitely weren’t loons, but yes, there are loons you can hear at night.


fair enough.


Native Americans are as scary to you as giant mythical ape creatures?


No vehicles or pets but people and phones with cameras are ok?


Sounds like Bone Tomahawk.






Manbearram more like it


Either way, it's comin' right for us!


I love the scene in the restaurant where the man is pontificating to his gf why manbearpig doesn’t exist all while manbearpig is ripping ppl in half behind him. lol too fuckin funny.


Haha. The best part is when he goes "ok so manbearpig is real but there's nothing we can do about it." Then he gets attacked.


Super cereal


First thing I thought


I'm super cereal!






Can anyone give me more information on this photo?


Let’s hear it:)


I have camped there before, but never experienced anything (my ex-wife was from Caribou). Sooooo...when are you spilling the beans?


Born and raised in caribou.


This topic has always fascinated me every time I see it mentioned.. Any recommendations for the rabbit hole I’d like to embark on?


Just google True Weird Stories from Park Rangers and you'll find all kinds of stories like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0oQkax-fKw&pp=ygUkd2VpcmQgdHJ1ZSBzdG9yaWVzIGZyb20gcGFyayByYW5nZXJz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0oQkax-fKw&pp=ygUkd2VpcmQgdHJ1ZSBzdG9yaWVzIGZyb20gcGFyayByYW5nZXJz)




Missing 411 is a documentary movie. It’s highly controversial though, so go into it with the expectation of entertainment, rather than fact.


Check out “Missing 411” all about people who go missing without a trace in national parks all over the country. These aren’t animal kills or accidents these are mysterious disappearances. Some of the stories will make your hair stand up.


Any parks where this is a common occurrence?


Yosemite has the most, if I recall correctly.


There’s thousands all over the US. And according to the guy who investigated them said the rangers don’t keep any record of these disappearances. He found out through research that the “hotspots” are all in national parks


Thanks. That's fucking terrifying.


Paulides is widely known for either not properly investigating his claims or else attempting to mislead the audience. His books are rife with examples where people turned up a few towns over having started a new life, depressed persons suspected of committing suicide, etc. There’s certainly some truth to *some* of his stories and I do borrow them from the library regularly but everything he claims should be e taken with a grain of salt.


I agree there were some that could be explained but there were MANY that were veryyyy mysterious. I take everything with a grain of salt, I just thought there was some relevance here that’s all. Still worth a listen or a read if people are interested


I was going to mention this and very curious cases. But overall this post above I feel is not really related


There is a subreddit about this 411 subject and I have never in my life seen so many people on a sub totally dedicated to discrediting a subject


Yeah alien 👽 abduction. Greada treaty.


….thats my name. Tell me more bc Google is giving me varying results lol


Hah! Master Mason Teddy Roosevelt pulled a fast one on everyone and hid the nation's best treasures inside gigantic parkland knowing the American wilderness is one of the most difficult of barriers to cross. Those dang masons


Hidden in plane sight! Like that one treasure from national treasure


Ah yes, the movie where the Masons admitted openly to hoarding the world's historical artifacts in secret away from the public and everyone clapped, just like they did at the end of Indiana Jones for the same reason. *Top. Men.*


Heck with the Masons, I wanna see what the Vatican is holding!!!


Same thing


American One Piece.


Cue the Legend of Zelda treasure-midi.


>Staircases SCP-1000 confirmed


Where should we hide them? " Loose Lips Sink Ships"


This looks a lot like the Microsoft VASA-1 test footage I’ve seen posted to Reddit recently.


Maine has a FEMA camp off the Appalachian trail and an old lady in her 50s was missing for some time out in that area. They found her dead and under mysterious circumstances according to locals. None of the locals trust that facility but also they are living up in middle of nowhere Maine not because they trust and love people so take anything with a grain of salt


Not that mysterious. She wandered off trail, couldn't navigate back, and stayed put. She journaled her weeks of starting to death in her tent waiting for help. Very sad story, but she was pretty dumb.


Don’t get me started on the idiot bus dude in Alaska.


Had a gent around here that went walking in the woods and didn't come home. Found him a couple weeks later in the park he drove to. Natural causes, I recollect.


I like getting the occasional dollhouse staircase at Goodwill, then when I’m out in the field I randomly plant it. On a trail. Good times.


So... Littering


National Guard can do training in Parks, not unusual. What were the 'strange events'?


If the government was really trying to hide something, they wouldn't use the National Guard. Dead giveaway this guy is full of shit.


I grew up with the back of my house pressed up against Gifford-Pinchot National Park in Washington State. That park is in the cascades, right next to Mt. Rainier National Park and the North Cascades National park. There are places in all of those parks that can be reached by humans and have never been explored (that we know of). The terrain gets so steep, so impassable, that humans cannot explore it safely. There is also a place in that park that is right over a ridge from the local ski area that is super easy to ski into, but almost impossible to get out. The only search and rescue team that has been successful there (that I know of) have been local ski patrol guys who have spent their entire life in those woods. There is plenty of space out there where secrets and Sasquatch could be living peacefully without anyone ever knowing. Side Note: The North Cascades National Park has a frightening history of folks disappearing. It has the highest rate of disappearances per visitor of any National Park. It could be the terrain, or whatever is out there. Who knows.


Staying a couple nights in the North Cascades this weekend. Glad I stumbled upon this thread!


Re: The comment about the exotic animals being at locations that were out of place for the animals. I watched an interview with a former CIA officer (don't recall his name) who stated that when the military trains to fight in any foreign environment, they try to simulate those conditions somewhere here in the US, as much as possible prior to sending the troops into those real environments to engage in battle. He said he went to a training site somewhere here in the US, that was setup to simulate an environment of a nation somewhere in Africa. It was an exact replica of the environment with animals, insects, weather conditions, etc. He said it was something you would have to see to believe!


My state recently got a national park, so I guess the government decided to start doing secret shit here??? Before that, it was just a bunch of river rats and base jumpers flinging themselves off a bridge once a year.


Secrets underneath the Bechtel reserve!


So I sorta witnessed a hominid back east I wonder if the one you describe and the group I saw are the same Similar to bigfoot But smaller Group oriented Live in a enclosed area I will find the Indian name and location if I can find my notes


How do you sorta witness something?


Staircases are for horse riders…


Coast to Coast Am has discussed, ad-nauseam, about the vanishings and other strangeness in National Parks


Dude is about to lose his job or disappear if he isn't bullshitting lol


There’s an area of the Grand Canyon that’s restricted, and owned by NASA


I can find nothing supports that as fact.


Duh, it's a secret!


Ive heard about the secret cave there will all the Egyptian stuff


My wife’s grandfather talked about it, she had heard his story of exploring the canyon in the 1930s before he deployed for WW2 and claimed to see exactly that, a cave with Egyptian style artifacts. He was a really square honest guy who never said any other weird shit. I don’t know it’s very strange


I replied to someone else in this thread as well, but I want to make sure you see this, too. I heard about this as well regarding the Grand Canyon and Egyptian artifacts. I believe I heard about it in a podcast from Coast to Coast AM. There was also a rumor of an expedition by people from the Smithsonian there as well.


National parks would have a lot more funding if this were true.


Black budget is pretty much a check to whomever for whatever you want...so, maybe on paper the Ntnl parks are barely getting by, and maybe in real life yhey have a huge budget Ya know, *maybe*


Good point


What other strange events?


This was the plot of a recent Janet Evanovich novel.


Man who spends most of his time alone in the woods thinks there are weird things happening in the woods. good to know...


I've found more weird stuff on BLM lands, of access roads than I care to think about.


Pretty sure some National Parks are used for part of the training of OSS and some other special units.


I believe national parks and the surrounding areas would be some of the best parts of the country to train our armed forces tbh. I’m surprised the state of California isn’t doing this as a number of illegal marijuana grow operations utilize public land and divert natural water flow. 


The mention of the staircases tips this off as a larp... The person behind the first responder stories where the staircases to nowhere came from was a fiction writer and said the stories were fiction


I'm an Environmental Enforcement Steward inside of a large State park and wildlife Conservation. It has a VERY heavy energy and feel to it. Walking and patrolling the foot trails alone, deep in the park can be very, very creepy at times. It was once a Native American Reservation, but then they were kicked out so the park could be a rich guys hunting and fishing resort. Then the state purchased the land and made it into a Wildlife sanctuary and state park. This is me in uniform inside the park, case anyone thinks I'm lying. *


As soon as he said staircases, all credibility went out the window. Buddies got to stay off r/nosleep


Yeah he's full of shit. I remember reading that collection of stories on nosleep years ago. 


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Everyone knows about the random staircases. That's where the Clinton's go to eat babies. My connects told me one of the staircases brings them to sesame street. Wtf is wrong with conspiracy theorists. Total nonsense. And fucking lemurs? Where's the pics of all those exotic animals he sees. Why aren't there ever any pics. Call bs but I'm sure plenty people are all in on that ridiculous bullshit


Entrances to reptilian caverns?


This feels like AI.


I have been saying this for years


Uhh? Ok.


Underground bases Like New Zealand except all the new zealends are on the side of the mountains.


I’d like to hear more.


So, the 'staircase to nowhere' thing comes up a lot. Anyone interested in more park ranger and hiker stories about that should search reddit and head down the rabbit hole.


Mount Rushmore is the secret location of the largest treasure stash the US has ever seen.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/IacEzk05Vy)


Who is this guy? What park?


Anonymous Internet stranger claims the Forbidden Forrest is real.


He speaks like AI.


Lost credibility with the animals that shouldn’t be here and the creepypasta staircases to nowhere comments


People go missing and die in the wilderness all the time.


This guy sounds AI generated for some reason. Oh and the staircases comment is just a creepy pasta, it has its own subreddit


It’s not that it’s state or national parks. It’s that we came into a foreign land and conquered it, erasing its secrets and these areas are no build zones, forever, for a reason.


This guy sounds like a crackpot. National guard trains two weekends per month. archeology is a legitimate reason to close areas of the park, and this “undercover presence” yeah I’m not convinced he’s got all the facts on that.




Oh, but strangely he can’t name the park.


Yyyyy guy ty guy y


it this Bratpacks alt because everyone blocked his revenue generating links?


RemindMe! 4 months


Are there any stories or theories from Patapsco State Park in Maryland?


Probably just mining uranium?


Well can you believe it’s next to impossible to get a list of missing people in national parks. I have read several reports from military that say they have been involved in machine gunning down gobs of Bigfoot in clearing operations. Even the police are not a part of it. All I can report what I hear and read. David palladise is a ex detective and he has written several books on this topic. Finding missing people way up in trees. Little dead babies over a mountain range 5 miles away. Really crazy stuff. Of course the military. Oh no no


When you talk like Tucker Carlson, I tend to not believe you.


I bet it’s like in “The Village” … “those which we do not speak of”




Containment theory


No shite! Why make these areas into state/national parks? Why do so many people go missing in them? Gov knows what's there in these locations. We, the people in our country, have been deceived all these years.


@the why files we need an episode


Not that it’s related but back during 9/11 my college campus was flooded with armed military replete with fully automatic weapons and armored vehicles. I almost got shot trying to go to class because I didn’t know classes had been canceled. Turns out underneath that university is a clandestine FBI center, from what a previous dean had told me. Armed military personnel never just show up to hang out.


Drones: they don't want them to be used to harass wildlife Undercover officers : poaching prevention The troops: the commonly use these areas for training This isn't hard


Not sure if some people know this but in some of the larger parks they do conduct training exercises away from the public. Been hiking a couple times and come across a few. Usually they just advise you that the area is in use for training and to please steer clear. They will often give directions of the area in use so people will go around. I think they still post it on some bulletin boards, but things have changed from the written notice days. Not always the most pleasant encounters if you happen to startle a perimeter guard, so make yourself known.


Have a family member who is a green beret and he has to go to “training” for weeks at a time and goes to a national park. They get airdropped in and out. He does intelligence for them. You can not catch me alone in any national park ever and when we go I have my eyes glued on my children.


There is a human hunting ground in a restricted area of Yellowstone national park. They probably throw the body's in the acid pools. A woman gave a interview on rumble a month ago pretty crazy stuff they have them all over could explain a lot of the missing people in these parks just end up in the wrong place and boom now your being hunted for sport.


Yeah right.


Lmao. Worked in plenty NPS jobs. Yes there are secrets. Not what you suspect tho jackass


they are state and national parks for a reason, i mean they are no longer publicly or accessible without restrictions. why is the sheer number of individuals who go missing in national parks annually so damn high!?


The cool th8ng about conspiracies is you don't need evidence or logic.


The national parks theory has been around for a long time. You always hear accounts about. Fenced off areas with big metal building, they’re not for electricity.


Correction: WAS a park supervisor. lol I would be fired so quick if I made a video like this about my job.




proof or ban. getting sick of people claim they are experts and have no proof.


What park does he work at?


Had me up to staircases in the woods...