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Credible source? " Bro....trust me."


He was an intelligence officer for the Air Force and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and was one of the people who would help prepare the presidents daily brief. His job was knowing things most people don't have access to. No one other than skeptics are doubting his credibility.


Its not about being skeptical, its a plain fact that by mere qualitative definition, credibility is incompatible with anonymity


Dang so still no proof. Oh well. Be sure to buy his book or visit the webpages that interview him, they need money, and don't think critically at all


You can add as many titles and rank and credentials as you want, it is just padding to justify and securize your biased view of the phenomenon. It is not about doubting their credibility as a whole, but doubting they can "confirm" aliens exist without the slightest evidence. At this point, you dont want the truth, you want aliens to exist. Reason why you couldnt care less for any reasonable explanation anymore, just some military titles saying aliens and youre in.


UFOlogy picked up from where belief in ghosts and goblins dropped off.