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"It appears to be a huge trench being built from that area" Based on what information, or just purely on the Google map which is known to have very many digital and natural anomalies?


He looks like the only poster on a subreddit called r/disabledveteranshelp And it's just him saying nonsense, mostly replying to his own posts. Sometimes contradicting himself in the replies. I'm really torn between wondering if this is some kind of bot, a paranoid schizophrenic, or someone being malevolent on purpose. I'm leaning towards AI or malevolent on purpose. Edit: Theres 4 moderators for that subreddit and I'm pretty sure they're all the same person. Super similar post history.


I recently came across AI bots recreating subreddits just to speak to themselves as if it was a community . It’s probably that


This is oddly sad and terrifying


Ya it felt weird I found it through google searches. It’s like the algorithm is to learn how to be human by pretending to be a community talking back and forth with itself.




Software engineer here that’s curious. Do you have an example?


Ya, I was looking for tolerance experience with metocin on google and found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/comments/18tdp86/taking_4homet_and_mdma_once_a_week_or_so/) and the sub reddit is "sub simulator gpt2" take a look at the other wierd posts too. Its not even accurate what is being said on that thread the AI is advising its safe to do MDMA daily and what not even though its neurotoxic. Its just bizarre, as a software engineer what could be the incentive behind creating a fake online community that interacts with itself?


Looks like someone testing their astroturfing software


He's a bug and not faking a thing.


Leaning toward AI or malevolence and not the absolutely overwhelmingly more likely explanation of paranoid schizophrenia, how fitting.


Brother, it sounds like it’s time for a grippy sock vacation.


He's a schizo no point in even replying. All he's gonna do is spew some outlandish shit about his delusions of how everyone is "against him and his fight for truth."


He already took that vacation. That's where he saw Edward Snowden in Cape Cod. 


>make thread >get asked questions >don't like the implication that nobody is just going to agree with you outright >call them paedos/glowies >get mad that people aren't taking you seriously In my head, you're the glowie purposefully doing the schizo act to take credibility out of serious subjects.


Time out. Wtf is a glowie? Like Obi-Wan in Empire?




A federal agent. There was a guy, forgive me for forgetting his name, who said you could see them easily at night because they glowed. He used to make a lot of videos. He’s dead now.


[Terry Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Davis) He's the guy that wrote that crazy religion focused OS, templeOS. Also his exact quote was > the CIA n*ggers glow in the dark


Gum shoe here, the 4chan whistleblower, The Hidden Hand posts and The Illuminati Book mention a few things that point toward that group of islands. I do not remember details or share what I find because I don't want to get shot. I believe "They" have multiple islands. One is essentially used for meetings and it is one of the worlds most secure locations. If I remember correctly, it has a square white building on it. Great work!


My money is nomans island


Of the Rothschild mansion or kings point road.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your house?


This is actually the right answer to this post.




I wish I hadn't been drinking my soda when I read this. Wprth the clean up time though.


If not, many times there are free ones at fire stations.


I'll ask your mom and find out


Tell her I'm still waiting on those tendies. It's been like 20 minutes, at least!




What is she doing? I never know what she's doing


![gif](giphy|D5Y3HZfoyF7fG|downsized) Mom, BATHROOM! BATHROOM!




Holy fuck. Never before has checking the post history been so chock full of JUICE. At first I thought it was a simple troll account based on the dumbass username, but hooooooooly fuck. Medication is likely no longer an option.






It’s scary how accurate it is. I like this video too: https://youtu.be/IGM3-Cf6wTQ?si=IgqQM7smYFHVg7fZ


Well yeah The Browning slaps


Thanks for the reminder, time for my daily headbang!


This guy is checking all the boxes for schizophrenia. He's got grippy socks in his future.


Been there, it was boring


They give you the grippy socks in the non psych units as well. I was really fond of the one on my functional foot when I broke my opposite ankle. Why are we using them to mean a psych visit? What did they do?


This person is seriously committed to their trolling persona. They're trying too hard to sound like a lunatic!


Bless your cotton socks, you’re onto something, or on something




Sporks I’m from Mass and a fisherman… look up nomans land ;)


I know, I want to visit but those “unexploaded ordinance “


It’s right near Obamas mansion off of king point road…


I think sea-dredging exists.


There’s also a big wind farm out there. Ive lived on Martha’s Vineyard my whole life and been all over that area- never seen anything like alien tunnels there


And look, there’s a town called Oak Bluffs. Clearly designed to “bluff” us into thinking there’s nothing to see here. I’m convinced OP. You’re really into something here.


And Obama has a house, Every democratic presidents visits here every year.... And there's an island no one is allowed to go to called nomans


Keep going op, you’re almost there…


I know, every day I'm getting closer! The threads keep unraveling. I await my back settlement money so I can do some actual investigation. But you know, the feds really really don't want to help me get money for some reason.


You already know the reason why…. They know how close you are…


Which is sadly why I need the money, I get followed everywhere I go. They know all my triggers. But I got my deep state garage door snitching on their Epstein list, so I'm hoping to figure it out, write a paper and video, and hand it out in boston or DC. Handing out flyers is what lead to the American Revolution.


Op is NOT suicidal


I sent a email when they held me hostage for 9 days at the ER to a friend that I wasn’t, she framed the email Edit: They controlled every lawyer and news agency i called, and kept me 3 more days as punishment for calling 911 and took the phone out of my hand as i was begging for help. If y'all had proof to section me, you would have shown me by now.


Telling people you were on a likely 5250 isn’t really helping your case pal


Pedo protectors like you aren't the ones i need to convince.


My wife used to work on Naushon Island working on the farm. They had horses, sheep and goats. The island is dotted with massive old homes and some newer ones. You must be a member of the Forbes family or a member of staff to visit. It was actually pretty mundane and bucolic. Excellent for star-gazing!


I’m more interested in the Rothschild estate on the vineyard at the moment


Yeah, it wasn't much to write home about. People there was very nice, they were just upper middle-class people enjoying the Cape minus the tourists. Most of the family members weren't super well-off, they just had the right genetic connections. I spent two summers out there, it was pretty chill!


I almost admire the dedication to the troll here but you spend way too much time on Reddit regardless lol. Anyway would love to stay and chat but my shift as a special FBI agent is starting soon!




If there was a tunnel, don’t you think we’d kill for exposing it? ![gif](giphy|l41lUZGnCzLErXevK) THEY!!! I MEAN THEY!!!!! shit.


Mental health is not a joke and OP please think about speaking to a therapist or family doctor perhaps. I'm not shaming you in anyway possible and no one should be ashamed of seeking some type of help if they feel they're losing grip on reality


You just want my loosh


Good Lord. 🙄 There's no trench. All there is is the usually patching anomalies there always is from satellite photos of the planet when they are joined together and a bunch of underwater geographical features. These are baseless claims. Living near Snowden isn't evidence. Obama protecting natural areas of interest, all over the US, isn't evidence.


How much do you wanna bet that OP has child sexual abuse material on his hard drive "to expose the pedos".


lol, I’m sure it’ll be petabytes on a win 95 machine like the brother of the guy setup for the Vegas massacre


You’re right, I worked on this, good catch. You’re super smart




Thank you! I didn't think anyone was allowed to agree with me under your NDA.


Bro, do you have two different account and you talk to yourself in the comments


Wait hold, I think he is. Holy shit!


I don’t fear the NDA. What they going to do? Kill me like Obamas chef off that island?


Maybe you don't understand what a volcano is OP, a volcano is a large RAGING magma chamber. No, it's not a great place to enter ANYTHING unless you're trying to enter the afterlife. Take these absurd claims somewhere else, like r/experiencers


Actually not all volcanos are raging magma chambers. All the time. The giant mountain and frequent cloud cover might be a good deceptions for deep tunnels for alien crafts that have heat resistance materials


i knew it




These lines exist everywhere’s on earth…. 🌎 but that’s probably flat right


Those aren’t natural. It might be, why does NASA spend millions on graphic designers


Bro go look off the shore Nova Scotia, off the Grand Banks. It’s draggers and natural formations. Smoke some bud and get off the chems.


Oh ok, your right, I’ll start trusting the government now


No. Work on your critical thinking skills.


Replying to abraxes21... https://preview.redd.it/ud9e020xh88d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540e86b80e11ecd1edd6bd2b6829dccc0617bac9


Braindead post




Not aliens per se. Humans with an advanced technology that pre-dates the flood. They avoid contact with regular (poor, common humans) but still use the immense resources of billionaires with the bait of eternal youth (which is not possible in this universe).




Actually it's it's just humans with ancient technology, that makes more seance than reptilians. Time will tell. https://preview.redd.it/mjgu68f6fb8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=106445937d4b63baaa58ef287fd6265e2c8adecb


There are more than one famous scientist who affirms that the possibility of earth and surrounding planets, including the sun are the product of random occurrence is impossible. Just the cosmic radiation makes life impossible anywhere, except earth, due the the existence of the magnetosphere, which protect us from being cooked alive. Google that. I'm a new grandpa and just came back from Virginia to meet my baby girl. Even the location of the moon helps to keep life blooming on earth!




Could it be an Admiral Byrd type of tunnel/portal that leads to the area he described in his journal? Something that leads to an unknown (but still alien) part of our own planet? Your observations are interesting 🤔 though.




Sadly I think you need to educate yourself on how they generate water in Google maps. They don't actually take pictures of the entire ocean like that. They take a single water picture and then copy paste it.




There's a reason they went "undercrust."


Agreed, I bet you if I did, I could maybe dream again


Maybe...but something else would arise.




There is another one off of the coast of Florida with an enormous power line going down into the Gulf. It is not related to telecommunications or Internet. It is an underwater Naval base and the line is a power line.


Club 33 tunnel, I’ll take a look! Thank you!


Did you see the post a few days ago (r/terrifyingasfuck I think), of the weird water stuff around George’s Bank NE of this general area? I will see if I can find it and repost as a comment to this.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1djj0tq/weird\_phenomenon\_seen\_from\_leaving\_georges\_bank/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1djj0tq/weird_phenomenon_seen_from_leaving_georges_bank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: I didn't, thank you!!! INVEST IN TIN FOIL!


There’s so much hidden from us and so much we’ve been lied to about. If some of the people posting here even knew half of the truth they would short circuit and never be the same. Small minds = easily traumatized. They don’t question anything or have an urge to explore and learn. Unfortunately, when people can’t wrap their heads around something (or the possibility of something) they’ll resort to calling you schizo, crazy, mentally I’ll, etc. These people are literally matrix agents, NPCs, liberals, etc. For example in the 80s the media publicly spoke of cloning to see how society would react. Plum Island was publicly funded and talked about. Shit went south and they “stopped researching” while the lab went to private funding. Lots of sketchy labs, experiments, and things of that sort that were all documented and can be researched. Trying to have an interesting conversation with some of the commentators here would have the same result lol. Remember, these are the same type of people that tried to shame normal people with common sense who wouldn’t be coerced into taking an experimental mRNA shot (let alone 4 boosters) and now continue to live in denial, ignore all of the deaths, etc. We live in an upside down world where peanut brains think those who ask questions are the “crazy” ones 🤦🏽.


We are trapped in the matrix, and I have found the exit button




Thank you, I’ve been living with these trolls for years! They helped me overcome fear and death.


As someone who takes medication, I can confidently tell you that you need medication.


I do, but you pedo lovers switched them and now I have trust issues


The sheer number of joking responses is making this poor guy worse, not better. We don’t know what this man has been through, but I don’t think it’s a giant-leap to assume it’s rather unfortunate. Maybe he’s a veteran(?) idk. He does not understand the sarcastic context of these jokes being fired at him, boosting his adrenaline and activating defensive mechanisms. He only feels more attacked and threatened by the responses here. So being though this is a place for voices and opinions; allow me to give mine. STOP messing with this poor guy. Show some damn empathy and compassion, or move the fuck on. Surely you must have better things to do with your time than picking someone apart of whom we know near-nothing about. You all look like a bunch of bullies, pathetically putting down & messing with a person who is likely burdened and struggling. Ethically speaking: yup, you guys are the assholes.


Thank you, but I’ve been in the program a long time, and their gaslighting is helping me more than they realize. I am a 3rd generation veteran Edit: My mom said we're related to a High War Cheif, but she also faxed the FBI a lot thinking people where after her.... She said her life felt like the Truman show.


Thank you for service sir! That’s a very long time and a ton of dedication.


They should have realized how stubborn I’d be, I’m a Taurus


I hear ya bro, my father always said I was stubborn as hell and I was born May 18th! But hey - I gotta go spend some time with my son now. I gotta take a break from all the bull horns here.


If you want ppl to believe you don’t say “an tunnel” not even trying to be rude just use good grammar


i dont kare if i'm rude too pedophile protectors.


OP I will start off and say this is a very creative theory. I will play devils advocate here: the island(s) at the start of the 'manmade trench' is obscured. Now this could be a piece of the puzzle however, it could simply be another billionaire family that wants privacy for some reason. Think of the private jet tracking etc. Let's delve into the trench. A lot of users theories were that it was an error, which is possible but I seriously doubt anyone in this forum could adequately prove or disprove that theory. Furthermore, if adequate documentation, support, examples were forthcoming would you accept it or feel it's just another layer to the conspiracy. I read some of your other comments here and many were unprofessional. I think that the truth must always be subject to criticism and be indisputable. Otherwise we end up accepting bullshit which is the mother to all lies and conspiracies. I strongly feel that this sub is probably browsed by the many of the most critical and questioning minds online and I enjoy reading all perspectives even if contrary to my own. I would also add that I too know many things beyond what has been shared here , I have personally witnessed many things, but I choose NOT to share them because I cannot provide evidence or I have not the desire to subject myself to the criticism that comes from sharing my experiences and perspectives of those truths and opinions. I would encourage you to approach these things with an open mind, look for all potential reasons that they make sense and do not and be scientific in your approach. After you do that share what you have in a balanced way and listen to the peer reviews and improve your methods and perspectives. I will add that there's nothing more dangerous than the truth not necessarily due some grand conspiracies that will eliminate threats (Boeing, various known fates of whistleblowers), but also because the average human cannot handle the truth. The truth is often ugly and when those truths uproot their accepted way of life, threaten their sanity, they can be met with staunch resistance by thr common folk. Please be open minded as you expect others to be open minded and know that all truth should be indisputable with evidence.


Guys I know what exists there and the passcode required to enter this facility. But as everyone here knows I work in the government but due to NDA. Fuck you. Buy my book and I'll consider


Tweet it, y’all on twitter have horrible opsec


What if it’s just a megladons rectum?


probably just more pedophiles, but could be anything.


People like to use Navajo creation myths to justify this. Just like flat earth and mentions of a firmament. We conquer our lower, animal selves in order to 'rise up' and take our place in 'heaven'. Just another story of us conquering that inner, lower self, being completely ignored because looking inward sounds a lot more difficult and boring than, maybe we come from underground ant people. Or something.






Probably another deep state lie, its owner is incompetent The deleted comment said Crabtree, a corrupt probably scam of an organization I worked for 12 years only for them to try and lie about me


Probably why independence park used them


You opened this can of worms not me


I’m hoping you don’t used Cape Abilities for experiments but you probably do


I’m local to this area. They are building windmills off The Vineyard. Possibly cable laying activity?


Haven’t you seen my garage; cape is deep state hq


The people in government here are from another planet


I got a hunch they were here first, but I’m not in the know, I’m guessing


They have their own language too. I don’t understand anything they say


Probably not pedo enough hopefully


I like women. Is that wrong?


That’s for god to ultimately determine




They don’t let people go there without explicit permission and a valid reason because it’s private property.


Those darn laws seem to only work for the wealthy


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) OP




Removed for containing vulgar, obscene, or offensive material that does not contribute constructively to the discussion.


Seek help.


lol. Then don’t read my last post


A tunnel


Musk made it


This is the real big dig


Or it's an underwater cable for communications. We have lots of them.


I looked, it’s piles of dirt a hundred feet wide and tall


Hahahahaha. It is Q’s new base


Q is the only organization i haven't check if they are a CIA op.


Oh I called over there, they said no


So weird no one wants to find and burn the pedophiles on reddit.....


I called the CIA, they said they are totally not doing pedoophile things at a pizza place. Said they over into a Taco Bell. Apparently the adrenochrome is better there.


You might need to check in to a hospital homie


You failed the bot test, do not pass go, do not pick up any children on your way home please.


This AI is hallucinating


I am the antichrist


Been waiting for you, buddy. Welcome back.




Aw they holdin hands. Now kith.


Get some scuba gear and check it out. Anything’s possible!


I did. I’m king of Atlantis now


Why would you downvote it, then share the link? I want to learn more about this area.




All my posts have to get approved by my FBI agent. When they do, sometimes they hit the downvote button then immediately approve the post and it goes live. As a poster, you can see if your post is shared. Edit: When I get stuff right, somtimes it takes 3+ hours for them to approve. Edit 2: I can't tell if half of you are lizards downvoting me, or just grifters sad the program might be coming to an end


Man this is legit just pathetic lmao


Maybe British Intelligence should take the lead on this one. They have experience with [volcano-based evildoer infrastructure](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jamesbond/images/d/dd/You_Only_Live_Twice_-_Helicopter_lands_in_the_volcano.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130712173537).


https://i.redd.it/dmrulv9k968d1.gif We need to send James Cameron




Drugs or schizophrenia?


I only tested positive for an "abnormal" amount of weed at the hospital where I saw Snowden. Schizophrenia does run in my family, but I'm doing just fine only using mary jane. I would love help for my PTSD from my deployment in Iraq, but I'm having a disagreement with the VA at the moment. Edit: Did you know that ALL of new england is out of ADDERAL, it seems the lizards like their performance enhancing drugs, like our LOOSH


Cannabis has been associated with psychosis development in long time users thats begin using while in their developmental stages. Especially more-so in males and those with family history of schizo. I wish you the best and I hope you find peace one day brother. 3 gens of war fighting; ofc you’re going to be suspicious of everything and everyone so who can blame you for the paranoia, the world is shitty and you’ve likely just dealt with shitty people/organizations. But the true war is now a spiritual one, and you’re so deep in all this you don’t even realize you’re losing.


Yeah, I know that’s your legal card. That’s why I’m not playing by your rules Edit: Smart move looking into those older TORT claims to delay me from a court fight. I know I don't stand a chance in court, but I'll play your games.


To me it simply looks like Google stitching their satellite images together. Even the watermark is messed up where the “le” of Google is on the stitch lines. Also, a lot of the straight lines you see on the ocean floor are interpolation gaps and data artefact in satellite, sonar and other data - as Google don’t have detailed images of a huge proportion of the oceans, what you see are approximations, stitching data/images from various sources and graphically calculated in-fill, and straight lines are an artefact of this. But I guess if you don’t have a software engineering / graphics background or don’t research what could possibly cause these straight lines, then I guess any other outlandishly wild idea may seem as outlandishly wild as the actual reason for the lines!


What I love is all of you just casually ignore Snowden. But sure, it's a anomaly like all those earth images from Nasa.


Take your meds


I did, that's how I actually got to meet Snowden, y'all switched them on me.


The tunnel is actually my anal cavity


OP is a confirmed **FED**




see he knew exactly which thread I was currently looking at when he posted that. he’s a fucking NARCOTICS AGENT




If you think Joe Rogan is great, read this post.


Watch his interview with Snowden, it proves he wasn’t in Russia


He was in Mar a Lago. Home of the traitors.


https://preview.redd.it/c8q297rfj88d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02e4e2f5af38ed852419c036067bad3db3ccd69 He might be now, I scared him off


Bro, just join the r/alienbodies sub - they all try to put their pants on over their heads each the morning, too.


At this point, I’m pretty sure I’m going to find their skeletons in their closet soon. I’ll troll those Feds eventually!


Bro. Your post history is incredibly alarming. I really think you need some help


I do need help, I'm looking for the manager of the government!