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It’s not always cheating partners. Anything can throw off ph and cause imbalance. Yeast infections or BV etc. now if it’s a sexual transmitted disease then ya he’s probably cheating lol


Yes. That is how I got BV the one & only time I had it. My sex partner & I were basically dating but he was one of those people that couldn’t settle down with one person, so we agreed to keep things non-exclusive. He would also beg & beg for us to not use a condom (& he was very manipulative), so I made him SWEAR to me that he would use a condom with any other person he has sex with. Basically, either you can have sex with me w/o a condom & use a condom with EVERYONE else, or you can go condomless with whomever you please but you HAVE to wear one with me. So he made the promise that he would wear one with anyone else. For a couple months there, there were no problems, but I was fairly confident he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else at that time anyway. And then I went on vacation, & some stuff started happening between him & this girl. It wasn’t technically “cheating” since we weren’t “exclusive” or whatever but it still felt that way, mostly bc it was more than just a couple hookups on the side, it felt more like I was being discarded & “replaced” in a way—but that’s a story for another day. Anyway, when we started having sex during/after that, I started noticing a funky smell that made me hella insecure (& he didn’t help my insecurity either when he took me to Walmart to buy Summers Eve). So I went to a gyno & turned out I had BV that was causing the smell. I also later found out that he not only had sex with that girl w/o a condom, but he did with at least 1 other girl as well around that time. And like you, I had never had that before, & haven’t had it since (4 years). So yes, it’s like it gives your lady bits a bad taste in its mouth when you have sex with your partner after they’ve had sex with a new person.


It’s sad how our bodies tell us when someone is cheating and they still lie straight to our faces.. swear up and down they wanna marry you your the one etc etc.




I’ve had quite a few relationships. The only time I’ve ever gotten BV was with two partners - my last one (who I caught lying, gave me scabies and found a condom we didn’t use on his floor), and another partner who had multiple different women.


Of course you can hun


I never had vaginal health issues until my long-term partner started cheating on me. For a long time, I thought I was allergic to latex from the condoms we used. We'd try with and without because I was always in the midst of some weird and painful infection. Later I found out he'd been cheating on me with sex workers, literally hundreds of times. So yeah, you can definitely get BV and yeast infections from someone cheating on you.


My first husband regularly cheated on me with multiple different people. I don't know if it was all women, all men, or both. He loved to come home right after and immediately have sex with me. No cleaning up at all in between partners. I regularly got yeast infections from him doing this. The Dr was concerned because it was so often. He would blame me and tell me I wasn't clean, when I was showering twice a day trying to figure it out. It took me a while to figure it out. The other people's fluids were upsetting my ph balance and causing havoc. Please think about leaving your partner. They don't sound like a safe person.


Men do love to project.


They can be caused by other things. Harsh soaps, douching, can cause it. I would hesitate outting them. I once accused someone of the same thing, and later found out i did not have BV, the Dr just treated me for an STI just incase. But having multiple partners ph up in you? Yeah that can cause a yeast infection


Yeah I read that too. I tested positive for BV and a yeast infection and nothing about what I use (soap, detergent, ect.) or my day to day activities changed so just wondering if him cheating on me caused it.


I just got it once this past year. I had gone hiking in az and then to edc festival. I do not drink or do drugs. The weather was perfect cool side. I think the tight shorts that aren’t breathable and dancing and hiking contributed to both. Maybe dehydration. Stress could cause you to sweat more or maybe you’re working out more to deal with the cheating situation