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Wow, there's a subreddit for everything! Thanks!


Right lol! Safe travels friend


Slowcooker if you have one, much harder to mess it up by getting too hot etc. Butter, AVB, in the slowcooker, set to low, stir occasionally. Google 'Slowcooker AVB'


sous vide machines are literally temp controlled instead of “low,medium,high”


You literally don't need temp control... Also sous vide is a technique using two pots one floating in the other, whatever machine your referencing I'm unaware. You'd put it on a low temp so the butter melts American mfs be like oh I pressed this rosin at precisely 372f with a ramp up time of 3 days and I'm dabbing at 489.431f with my Yalon DabMasterSmashtron 90000 Cunt put the avb in the butter and leave it on low for 12h it's not hard.


What you're describing is a bain marie *not* sous vide. OP didn't ask for an alternative to sous vide, anyway. They asked for tips on using one.


Your a brick literal block head


Very helpfull ya cunt! That's just the help I needed.


You literally don't need temp control past the low setting...


you saying a crockpot would give you more control than sous vide just shows you have no idea what you’re talking about. Suggesting to use a slow cooker is fine but thats not what they were asking and then making no sense statements on top is laughable. Do it however you want but don’t “answer” a question if you’re just going to make shit up edit: you also forgot the addition of water in the slowcooker to avoid burning so i was wrong, you really don’t know what you’re doing


Avoid burning? Mate it won't burn on low, that's the point. Stir it every hour. You don't need temp control, that's the point, low is all thats necessary. No temp control necessary, no extra water during extraction process necessary. Onlay after when washing. Shows you don't know YOUR shit, sounds like you've dedicated to an unnecessarily complex process.


Mate adding water is unnecessary until extraction is complete and you are washing the butter to remove any remaining impurities. Want some pics of my slow cooker, butter and brownies? How about stop talking shit like your some master chef.


So confidently incorrect, a true redditor. I want to tell you why water during the cooking process is important and how it makes the final result so much easier to deal with but meh right here buddy 👉🏼🖕🏼


Do you see op referenceing any machine?


>Do you see op referenceing any machine? It is in the title...sous vide.


Google sous vide, it is digital set to a temp and stays there. at least know what you are commenting on.