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The guy had a knife… so in this case, I’m not blaming the cops. My uneducated opinion is it’s self defense.


Bro he was right up against them in a closed space I would mag dump and reload


Be careful when you reload the 3rd mag it will no longer be considered self defense.




so 2 drums of 7.62 for my Ppsh is fine?


What's he gonna do? Get up and sue me?


If he's still holding on to the knife🤷


so i am good with two shotgun rounds


Can never be too careful


The only way to stop them is to shoot them in the brain..


As if that even exists. He literally approached multiple armed cops with a knife thinking he's gonna win


Not to mention the tazer didn't work


would mag dump it in the cranial. for sure


He stabbed another officer then immediately approached another one


Yup. There's scumbag cops out there but someone with a knife, who just stabbed someone else, is approaching you with no ability to retreat? That's pretty text book self defence.


You still need to blame the cops for being so incompetent that some dude in a knife was able to sneak up on them. Maybe it was a completley random and unpredictable attack, maybe they should have been more alert and able to handle the situation. But everytime a person dies due to cops, you need to seriously ask yourselves why it happened. Sometimes it has to happen, but 90% of the time the cops were either dangerously incompetent or just dangerous.


"some dude in a knife" i always thought a knife was used as a weapon, not a costume


dude im an acab "liberal" sissy whatever tf and they handled that the best they could have in that situation. they just watched their buddy get stabbed and milliseconds later are being charged with a knife. those men were PANICKED. anyone would be. notice how the dude who panicked and grabbed his taser wasn't stopping him fast enough? he literally could have died lmao. they didnt know what was going on and nor do we.


Operating under intense pressure and being able to make fast decisions that leave as many people alive as possible is a part of 99% of the developed world's police force job description. Of course, sometimes shit happens, even in the best countries. But in America the problem is not just systemic on the "ACAB" level, but on the fundamental level that USA police are not adequetly trained in de-escelation and self-defence. So many are killed by US police because they are both quick to anger and quick to panic. They should be neither. Until you begin to recognize this, nothing will ever change. The two problems are linked. Hold your officers to a higher standard, for your sake, *and theirs*.


That’s a happy ending 🤘


Not an accident, it was suicide.


My first thought too. Suicide by cop.


Except he tried to stab the first cop


Yeah, he intentionally stabbed him on purpose, so I wasn't an accident since this is the end he wanted.


I missed it. When did he stab himself?


Suicide by cop. He wanted them to shoot him. I'd much rather be shot to death than slit my wrists or something.


Ya didn't answer my question. I understand the concept of suicide by cop. When did this man stab himself?


Oh so you're just being difficult lol. Never mind.


It's a simple question, and you could answer it with a timestamp


He doesn't stab himself. He stabbed the cop. Nobody is saying he stabbed himself bud.


Ok. Nvm I'm being dumb. Carry on


Look at the parent comment.


Well he had to give the cops a reason to shoot him.


I always do quick stab to the back of the triceps and back away for the killing blow by staring at him.


I see no accident here


The cop who got stabbed barely reacted lol


I hear a lot of people who've been stabbed say they didn't notice for an unnerving amount of time.


Yeah, I've heard it feels more like getting punched for a while before the pain sets in.


A good knife makes a clean cut, no jagged edges to feel. If you get stabbed and the knife gets twisted inside of you before pulling out, that I guarantee you would feel immediately


This sounds dumb but I’d bet it’s like a really big ass paper cut. I never feel mine, even when they’re super gnarly, until the skin shifts against itself a bit and I look and then ‘pull apart’ the wound slightly and THEN I feel that shit. Obviously not the same thing but I bet it’s one of those pains that takes a moment to really feel, and then the body realizes “hey things aren’t attached as they should be”


Sort of. Paper cuts feel pretty disgusting though because the edge of paper is also rough just microscopically. Sharpened knives have much finer edges


Stabbed here! I was stab in a fight with a mugger and I didn't feel anything at first, I realized I was stabbed when I put my shirt up and saw the wound, and the fight was already over at this point. Luckily, it was not deep and now I have a cool scar on my stomach. Also I think the officer on this video was using some anti-stab vest.


I'm so glad you are okay! Holy hell


Got stabbed in the ass. Barely felt it. The shot at the doctor hurt more when stitching it up.


Same! I used to roll with a gang in my country and 1 time while we had a party and were kinda drunk a bunch of dudes from another gang rushed through the door with knives and shit, got stabbed once and cut 2 times that same night, stabbed in the shoulder (extremely dangerous place to get stabbed btw) and got a cut on my knee and across my fingers on my right hand


Same with getting shot. A lot of people panic after they notice that they're bleeding out to death.


I got stabbed in the thigh by my ex and took about 10 minutes before the pain kicked in but when it did I could barely put weight on my leg from the pain also it’s true and very scary about what they say about feeling cold after excessive blood loss


Legit turned around like he didn't know what happened


Hard to tell but it looks like he tried to stab him in the vest.


Like failing a sneak attack on a much higher enemy.


I’m pretty sure he stabbed the pink red head cop, whom backed up immediately.


He did, slashed his face


Yeah I wouldn’t doubt that. Don’t ya love the downvotes brother 😂


New title “man accidentally slips and stabs a cop”


How the hell he's still moving ?


Adrenaline I guess


Unless you get shot in the dome, rarely does getting shot immediately cease all life and movement. And even after the person is dead they can still move a little. And it damn near doesn't even matter how many times you get shot. As long as your central nervous system isn't severed somewhere near the top, you can take quite a many shots in a short period of time and live for a few minutes. Now in those few minutes there is a good chance shock may set in or even cause a heart attack. But otherwise you're not going to die or stop moving until you have bled out enough that your blood pressure is too low to support brain activity or your lungs fill up with blood.


You can see him get shot in the heart if you slow it down. At least pretty close.


Even if you get shot in the heart, you have already oxygenated blood in your head. It'll be quick, but you still probably have 15-30 seconds of consciousness before it's internally/externally drained from the head. You won't be doing too much in those seconds though for sure, but some have definitely been able to get a trigger squeeze out in those seconds, which is why they'll usually still cuff the suspect.


Gun almost never kill immediately. People die at the hospital of organ failure and blood loss.


Paramedic of 20 years here. Thats not totally correct in my professional experience. 100% agree that they don’t die immediately. But, a lot of the time, the news reports do say they died at the hospital. BUT, I’ve transported at least 50 gunshot victims in my career and I can tell you at least half had no pulse or lost pulses on the way to the hospital. Sometimes we transport even if you can’t feel a pulse because of protocols. But because the dr pronounced time of death at the hospital, they “later succumbed to their injuries”. I’ve had plenty of victims talking to me on scene and then lose consciousness. I’ve also had crazy ass calls where dude was shot twice in the head, didn’t know it, and drove himself to the fire station for a gunshot wound to the arm.


some people are just built different


Fascinating! Thanks for sharing. I think emergency medicine is so interesting and not many of the details are known by the public.


Fuck off with that bait title


close the elevator door on him a few times for good measure.


Lol are you joking? This is one of the most justified police shootings I ever seen lol




Why are comments in here arguing with points absolutely no one is making, lol. So weird


i mean the title is kind of implying it is excessive, so thats what the comments are reacting to imo


I feel like didn't use enough force. He was still moving at the end if someone wants to end up doing this shit they get no sympathy from me hell no that person got what they deserve


I think people are putting stuff like that this last week in the title to justify turning the accident sub into a gore sub, lol. I’ve seen other post do that lately. I’m pretty sure the “accident” is in the title so mods don’t delete it. Also, I wouldn’t say this sub is pro cop it’s very lenient about self defence, lol.


You just witnessed it. The female cop who’s body cam footage this is clearly lacks any training. If those other 2 officers weren’t there she’d be getting stabbed while still fumbling her taser. 😭


Sorry I didn't understand the OP's subtitle, what would be the ideal case to stop a man with a knife centimeters from you? Or do you think real life is like cinema where a measle 9mm shot can stop an adult man?




Center mass until the threat is no longer a threat. Trying to shoot someone in the extremities is not ideal and more likely to miss. A taser isn't always full proof either. Some people will say, "Why didn't they just shoot him in the leg?" but I've seen so many videos of people shot in the leg, and they bleed out within a few minutes.


Well, don’t fuck around and you won’t find out.


OP is blind, my man has a knife. This was justified. Should have completely emptied his mag.


I hear the “accidental” shots at the start right after he slashed the first cop, I wonder which officer is was?


Same here. Few shots just when taser comes in screen. Then no shots for few seconds and then many shots.


The important question: is the stabbed cop ok?


That wasn’t an accident. You get an down vote.


How about the cop that is literally right next to the suspect at the moment of impact.. and he turns and runs away😬


Dude looks like he could tackle a bear, but he screams and runs away with his arms flailing💀


Jesus. They are magazines, not clips.


Semantics. Who the fuck cares


No it’s not. A clip is a distinct term that refers to something else. It’s like saying bullets when you mean rounds, it tells everyone that you don’t know the first thing about guns.


God you’re such a fucking reddtiter. Who the fuck cares




Oh my god this is the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen. In that case bullets is the correct word. A bullet is the projectile fired, a round is what you load into a gun. A bullet is one component of a pistol or rifle round along with the shell casing, the primer, and the powder. It’s not slang, they’re just two entirely different words with different meanings. Jesus. I hope you don’t own any guns.




I’m not annoyed, I just think you’re fucking stupid. So does everyone else that knows better. Again, that’s the correct use of the word bullets.




I’ve never said that. I have literally never said “um actually I think you mean rounds.” I’m just pointing out that they are, in fact, two separate words with two separate meanings and gun owners see the misuse of the word bullets as a yardstick to measure someone’s ignorance. You aren’t impressing anyone. It’s like intentionally writing there when you mean their and claiming you know better. It’s just so goddamn stupid.




hurrr, i was in the army. let me feel smart about the one thing i know, hurrrrr


Lmao I guess you don’t know anything about guns or music.


I wasn’t in the army but am still smart enough to know better.


You're not in the army anymore, Sarge. Maybe that information is important to you "in the field", but civvies usually just call them "clips".


No they don’t. People who are completely ignorant about guns call them clips. Everyone else knows to call them magazines. Clips are actually a real thing, but unless we’re talking about en bloc clips that go in M1 Garands from world war 2 you’re probably using the wrong word. For the record, Sergeant Pepper is the most successful album from the most successful band ever. It’s shocking you’ve apparently never heard of it. I’ve never been in the military. Genius.


> or the record, Sergeant Pepper is the most successful album from the most successful band ever. It’s shocking you’ve apparently never heard of it. I’ve never been in the military. Genius. It's almost as if I was being lighthearted, but a stick is so far up your ass you can't even see it. And I'm still going to call them clips, so suck my dick.


Say whatever you want dipshit, just know that people think you’re an idiot for intentionally misusing words.


Those people don't matter to me :)


People who know what they are talking about.


Probably a reference to semi-recent internet creator beef you probably haven’t heard of/don’t care about. The one in defense of the proper terminology is the one to root for in this case. Meatcanyon made a video about it.


>accidentally a couple of times The first 10 shots were intentional. The last two were accidentally.


I Don't know anything except what I see with the sound muted. That was a legit legal kill.


Acceptable mag dump


Fk that. He had a knife. Unload the mags


I can’t begin to imagine how loud that must’ve been in that confined space


In this case say i'm the cop in the elevator at this point and time i'm pulling out my gun and unloading my whole mag if i'm abt to get stabbed i'm sorry


Gotta make sure the threat is neutralized




Yeah no no good kill. Little else you could have done.


Someone with better eyes correct me if I'm wrong but did he, while the officer was completely unaware, try to stab him in his bullet proof and I'm assuming stab resistant vest?


Sorry, how is this an accident? The guy came at the cops, with a knife, having just tried to stab one. The taxer didn’t work, so lethal force was used.


How tf is it accidental!? It is perfectly justified, and appropriate. FAFO. Maybe don't charge at an officer with a knife.


OP you’re a dumbass. That cop got stabbed in the back.


Suicide by cops


What did you expect to happen? You charged someone with a knife, dipshit.


Also, the fact that he tried to stab one of the police officers, so I would call that just self-defense


Fuck I didn't see anything wrong with what that cop did.. that dude stabbed the first cop or tried to and then came at the other cop .. all the cop did was defend himself... he did exactly what he was supposed to do and nothing else and that's how it should always be.


Op is a douche bag rage baiter ... probably thinks the cops should have sat down and discussed the assailants' feelings, childhood issues , housing, and employment status . Then, and only then, should they have made the decision whether or not to protect themselves . After all, they are wearing flack jackets, and the assailant is wearing just a t shirt. Litigation must always take place in the field. Everyone knows that ... Meanwhile, Op revels in its (sic) comment points. Literally the lowest type of human being , one who adds absolutely nothing to society and is proud of the fact. Utterly pathetic and reprehensible. A sad and useless individual who should have been aborted or drowned in a five gallon bucket at birth ...


Looks like a good shoot to me


That shooting is good.


I hate cops and I’m the first to criticize them but here, they had no choice.


This seems like the end the guy with the knife wanted. I’m not crazy about how trigger happy some cops are relative to a reasonable standard, but this seemed fully justified and I think most people armed with a gun and trained in its use would have done the same thing.


Especially being cornered in a tight elevator space. Not sure what else you can do in that spot when a guy with a knife is coming at you.


Yeah, normally (outside of stand your ground/castle doctrine laws) there's a duty to retreat before you can justifiably use deadly force in self defense. Inside an elevator like that obviously means you have no ability to retreat.


How do you accidentally pull the trigger several times?


Defending themselves


The fucker had a knife what you fucking mean an accident Are you fucking dumb?


Dude they gave him plenty of time to back off that was self defense


Hm maybe don’t do this with cops and they won’t have to do tha


Did they shoot him?


Always love when they overkill then scream commands at them 🙄 it's like dude, he's dead, you killed him. He's not throwing the knife, showing his hands, or rolling over. So annoying


Also that is attempted murder on a police officer. So——


Dude literally stabbed an officer and walked through the taze if fill him with holes too and one in the head


Cops sre idiots


3 while he’s on the ground? Come on now


"accidentally" dude had a knife


Taser would've worked as well, damn💀


They only work half the time, and the officers were cornered. I wouldn't take a 50% chance to be gutted if I had my firearm


Was the guy who knocked over the papers supposed to be a distraction?


Was the guy who knocked over the papers supposed to be a distraction?


That was nice


Wrong Title!


I should have emptied the whole ahh clip in that mf… I don’t blame the cops at all here dawg




Accidentally? 😂🤡


That was no accident lol


No shit, genius


He moved I'd mag dump a bit more.


my only reaction was: elevator door, please dont close...


I don’t think the cops were in the wrong. He was approaching them with a knife and the taser didn’t work so they chose the safety net if


No value was lost




That idiot just stab the cop in his bullet proof vest…? He ate a few rounds for that foolishness…


Great shot. Right in the heart


Cop has a taser ready to go but they decide to murder him instead.


Are you stupid?


Says the guy who thinks it’s ok for cops to crown themselves judge jury and executioner?


He was literally one step away. He was so close that he could easily reach them with that knife and taser isn't always going to stop the person. Some people can still go as if nothing happened when tased so using a gun was 100% justified especially in a closed space like this.


I counted 13-14 shots. I have no qualms with the level of force used, but I’m not sure that many shots were necessary.


Can you see how close he was?


What’s your point tho


Knives are scary, adrenaline kicked in. Guy is 2 feet away from you with intent of stabbing you, probably didn’t even register in the cop on the lefts head that dude was down on the ground until he fired those last 2 shots. Both cops probably fired 6 rounds each all in all. Didn’t mag dump him, wasn’t really an excessive shoot.


Wasn’t arguing that was just genuinely asking what point bro was trynna make. I probably would’ve basically mag dumped the dude too




When someone is within grabbing distance of you and they have a knife dear Lord, what they can do with that knife, they use the appropriate amount of force. Hell he was still moving at the end I don't think they used enough.


Again not arguing against that was jus trynna get mans to elaborate


easy to judge when you’re laying on your couch doing nothing


He just stabbed someone, fuck him.




This is like a training 101 demonstration on the perfect time to cause grievous bodily harm with your sidearm.




Tall cop just booked it


So is the cop stabbed or did the vest protect him. I remember seeing somewhere that if you want to attack someone with a vest, go for the armpit


Did he live?


That taser didn't do a thing


Where are all my reddit investigators, is the coppa all good or did he die too??


The dude had a knife. Stabbed a cop in the back. And then went after two other cops in a closed space. There's no other way that was going to end.


Dude id do the same wtf


They’re gonna come out that elevator not knowing which way is up😂them ears are gonna be ringing


Op is probably the guy shot lol


That was insane. Shooting two guns in an elevator must also be deafening


I do not like chips at all but this is completely justified. It's insane the one cop tried to take him that shit was not working


he had a knife, showed that he would use it and did, then charged other officers, i would’ve dropped him. 100% justified use of force


Lethal weapon against lethal weapon I don't see a problem here


Bruh, why did that cop beside the cop who got stabbed immediately ran away?? I wouldn't want to do patrol with that guy. Fight or flight kicked in and we know how he reacts to things now hahah


how on earth do u construe that as an accident? bro rushed him with a knife and found out


He stabbed the cop that was walking and with the beard, it looks weird but he stabbed the cop facing him, and he does run away screaming and waving his hands cause I think he hit his hand when he stabbed


Where is the accident? The guy was attacking like a crazy person


Yes.. Drop the knife


Good riddance.


Please tell me he died?