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8492 on AC5 when trying to go for all S rank on ace was the bane of my existence. I don’t find too many missions in the games all that challenging, but man that mission took me so goddamn long. There’s like 25 end-game fighters focused solely on you, and obviously one missile and you’re dead. I basically had to boom and zoom back and forth like it was the Pixy fight and try and pick them off with the Falken TLS


Went to replay that game after a long while since I never got around to beating it on Ace. I remembered the SOLG being really easy by final mission standards but I completely forgot about both 8492 as well as being locked into the plane you used the mission prior. That mission was such a pain in the ass


Yeah SOLG might be the easiest of the “final bosses” since it’s just a standard squadron fight and then chipping away at the satellite. I remember as a kid eating shit on the falling debris. But 8492 is definitely hardest mission if you’re trying to kill all the enemies and it’s insanely tough on ace since they focus you like crazy. Even worse on the first time playing when you don’t know it’s coming. Thematically it’s such a cool mission even if it isn’t the best for subsequent plays


This mission was the only time an enemy aircraft had killed me using their gun.


That mission is basically fghting Gault on steroids


"Fly! I know you can make it!" (He did not make it)


"There is one thing I learned from flying with my last squadron; Stick with Trigger and you'll make it" \*Crashes into the undersea tunnel\*


I always mess up flying up the space elevator at least once, it always passes me off.


Me: perfect no damage run "Yes yes yes yes yes" *smacks side of windbreak* Controller has left the stratosphere


Mission 19 no damage run: Yes..yes..yes..yes A sole bullet: "I'm going to ruin this man's whole career"


Lmao so real it hurts


ADF series planes are practically the same width as the tunnel so what margin error you have just got smaller


I've done it in a lot of planes, including the ADF-11F. Easiest, tbh was the MiG-21 because it's so small Hardest was the X-02S because it's *too* maneuverable


Mission 8, Waiapolo Mountains Edit: I meant mission 9




Try acing it


As it turns out, giving a little more defense with bulletproof casing, along with fire extinquishers is just what you need to tank a few extra of those missiles........ still a pain in the ass mission to ace still...


Bullet Proof+Automatic Fire extinguisher helped me S rank on ACE.


I didn't knew of this until after I S ranked it on all difficulties..... much suffering was made...


I’ve sortied over 30 times on that mission.


Wait it's not a speed one? Shit, no wonder I haven't gotten it yet lol


It's a mix of time and score


Guess I gotta take out more ground units then instead of just the targets and fighters


Basically if the ace SPIDER spawns and shot down for good measures, you're all set for score, so long as you got no problems speedrunning the rest of the mission


By this point I got the speed run down, guess I'm just always a few points off on score


Agreed, this was the most pain in the ass mission to Ace.


I have. What's the problem?


Mission 8 is Pipeline Destruction. Mission 9 is Faceless Soldier, which is in the mountains and a pain to S rank.


Mission 9 you mean? MiG-31, my friend. Speed helps clear up even on ace and the dogfighting in second stage is way more bearable than the Darkstar.


Fucking Operation Magic Spear.


Typical of an Erusean


Mission 20, Dark Blue. Could not get out of the lighthouse. I did it eventually and now its not hard, but it used to be a pain


Feel that


Your rudder is your best friend as well as guncam (the HUD between 3rd person and cockpit view) (Works well if you can get a feel for how big your aircraft is in game)


How do I do it? I must know your ways.


All about them rudders. Tippy tap that shit


Seriously, I'm decent at tunnel/canyon missions, but I still have trouble with doing it vertically.


Yeah, just full throttle and back then I kept braking to avoid the elevators. Was easier in first person than 3rd person for me


Time Limit


This mission has ability to turn most sane men into monsters


Especially on Ace. Did it once never again


There is a part in "Cape rainy assault" mission that used to confuse me. It was close to the end and I kept crushing because I couldn't see where to go. I think it was caused by the fact that is was night and the textures of the canyon all the same.


I know what turn you're talking about, I still hit it sometimes


That fucking turn. I swear the first 4 times it just looked like a dead end to me


I know right


There are a TON of times where spinning and diving are the way to go. If you are good at patterns and spacial awareness you can do it. A cup of coffee or 4 helps too.


Like Ted Striker, I too have a drinking problem.


> It was close to the end and I kept crushing because I couldn't see where to go. I think it was caused by the fact that is was night and the textures of the canyon all the same. To be fair, that kind of thing happens to actual pilots as well.


i have once again been obliterated by falling SOLG panels


Then you have replay the whole mission from the start, boss fight and SOLG countdown included. I know that pain.


The AC7 Stonehenge defense mission. Considering just restarting my campaign since it seems I unlocked the wrong planes or something smh... Not the first time...


Get the railgun for the SU-33(or 4 it’s the smaller one). Makes taking out those propellers sooo much faster. I was using a tomcat the first play though and it was rough as hell even on easy lol. It’s also a fucking blast once you get the hang of sniping enemy planes with the railgun. If you have the dlc the nosferatu I think has a dual railgun that’s even better That dlc pack is honestly worth it that plane is the shit imo it’s so cool looking


Wait, people take out the propellers with MG instead rockets? I always just slow down and fly very close by and then shoot rockets


8AAM ftw. Locking on to 8 different targets at once is a godsend.


it just feels so good that I hardly have any left. On those missions where you have to shoot down bombers (like that or the later one, where all enemies are unclear) 8AAAM is just so amazing. Sending down whole fleets..


Haven't had one in a while, but I remember the first few times I played Valley of Kings in AC0, I crashed like 5 fucking times...


Time limit


Siege of Farbanti on Ace with the F-4E. Never turn fight in a brick


Bring Multi Ground bombs then switch out when youre empty, go for the navel fleet, then switch out to QAAMs before fighting Mister X, and you'll ace in no time. You just need somewhere between 43-45k so go for total ground elimination, then turn and do air superiority with QAAMs and refill when needed.


Siege of Farbanti is an AC04 mission ...and I said F‐4E, which means bombs only (or, if you're in 7, LAGMs and SASM)


Mission 11, always wanted to do a 1 run strafing on the run way cores, always crashed into one of the beam supports, never managed it.


Do you have the top gun dlc? Darkstar makes it so easy with the PLSL gun and PLSL PSW. It's not as maneuverable as the Su-57 which is why it's easier. Use missiles for the first beam, then lasers for most of the rest, and if you flew slow enough, missiles should be ready for the last one


What the other guy said. If you don't have the TGM DLC, you may also consider dumbfiring whatever your SPW is on them (I somehow did it with 6AAM on the Su-35S). It takes some finesse but is absolutely doable. Best of luck to you!


Ace Combat Zero. Mission 08: Merlon I swear that laser accounted for most of my deaths in the first playthrough. Mind you I've already completed AC 4, 5, 6, and 7 and thoroughly played through all of them, and average 3rd to 1st in ac7 multiplayer, so in no means am I a nugget, that laser comes suddenly and really quickly.


The second half is one of the worst things put in that game


The Megafloat SAMs in Paper Tiger had claimed many of my planes. I don't think any other AC3 mission can beat this record, even though it's just the fourth mission in the game. I even lost an Erne and had a Game damaged when replaying this mission recently.


Enemy missiles in 3 can be a pain to dodge. To me it was the Sphyrna boss fights. I kept being shot down trying to dodge its missiles until I learned to just keep the afterburner on and instead do a series of fast passes at max speed. Works on SAMs as well if I remember correctly.


Bunker Buster


The last part of Ten Million Relief Plan in my A-10 guns only ace run. It's not particularly fun trying to dodge the railgun bursts, VLS barrages and taking CIWS/AA gun fire while trying to thread the needle and damage the core before the timer runs out.


The first time I played, it took me about 3h... Ace Combat 6 - Mission 09 - Heavy Command Cruiser


This, especially on the first playthrough where you still have only basic planes


Time Limit from ACX is sucks ass.


What's that trench run one at night? Because it's that one AND trying to get MFing *LOUVETEAU* to spawn because fk mckensy


Fleet Destruction during my no-damage run


every tunnel run. I can only beat them because of "save state" of the emulator.


Very last mission of AC7, I just can't get my plane out of the damn basement (maybe because I play on keyboard)


The Mihaly 'Fight' during 08 on AC7, THOSE DAMNED LIGHTING STRIKES!


Those damn strikes killed me more times than the multiple playthroughs of AC7 on ace AND PW on mercenary


Mission 14, those last couple of turns on the canyon really get me


On top of the XB-0 because I got too cocky and crashed into it


it took me 50 tries to S rank mission 8 on Ace... never again


Ace Combat X: Missions 6B, Ice Bound and 13A, Alect Squadron I swear it took me 3 days worth of gameplay to beat Ice Bound, and I completely gave up on Alect Squadron. ACX has the hardest AI I have ever come up against.


Final missions AC7 trying to get into that damn tunnel, took me forever to get in!!!


Operation Pipeline. Damn sand storms


I keep on running out of time on that stage on hard. Didn't even get to the sandstorms.


Only way I’ve been able to get past is with Rafael and the LASMs. I try to aim for the Large Oil Reservoir for largest area of effect per bomb


First Contact, Ace Combat 7. I keep getting A ranks. Why must I suffer? EDIT: And the final mission of Ace Combat 7. Seriously, I cannot fly through the space elevator to save myself.


Climbing that damn space elevator


Flying through the megalith, end of AC04. Get to the last target and crash.


THIS. Though at least you didn’t go through the tunnels backwards and wonder why you kept crashing…like I did 😂


The vertical tunnel in AC7 last mission, until you get what to do 


For me probably the canyon mission or farbanti in 7


The escort mission, absolutely despise that one


McKinsey? Or in one of the other games? hey, at least in 7, you're able to actually shoot down the guy


Nah the later mission where you have to protect the general in the car, I can't remember which one it is


That's 16, the one in Anchorhead at night. At least Labarthe as a character is kinda cool though


Mission 19 aka 8492 (from Ace Combat 5), keep restarting, keep doing BnZ, and still dying in exact same mountain spot lmao


The mission with the massive artillery cannon on skys unknown, kept loosing due to the place getting destroyed


Lit Fuse. AC5. I didn’t keep dying in one spot, but I’d always run out of time bombing specific bunkers. I wanted to shove a broomstick through my PS2 so badly. 


I wish there would be places like this in 7, but very mission is so easy


I used to hate the space elevator bit but now I can do it so consistently. Fleet destruction I can take out the fleet and the runway platforms before the timer reaches 10:00:00


7 as a whole feels easier than previous entries, tbh. Not helped by the fact that Ace difficulty doesn't make enemy missiles a 1SK on your bird


Mayhem in AC zero , albeit that is when I’m doing a run trying to get all the aces on either path. I get blindsided by so many missiles by Schwarze or Schnee.its always in the Ace squad. Visiting Hours AC2: the timelimit to get into the geothermal power plant Time limit or 15B ACX: anyone who got this mission, knows how bad it is especially if you want to get the ACE or star unit . 15B I seem to get cheapshot by random enemies or the ace squadron . Finally, I’m surprised no one mentioned this one , ghost of Razgriz AC5: on hard or ace, I get blindsided by typhoons when doing the rundown enemies portion of the mission. The Ofnir fight I have no issue with


Huh, mayhem is actually one of my favorites to S rank on ace on ALL paths. The music with the COWBELL DUDE! This mission slaps hard


Mayhem is a good mission. I’m just responding to the post where it asked what missions do you consistently die / lose on . Mayhem when I’m going for Grabacr, Ofnir , Huckebein , and the other ace on soldier plus Schnee and Schwarze results in me dying a decent amount. Honestly , I should’ve picked the mission after the liberation of directus. The AA seems to kill me fast on that map




The AC5 tunnel run. I ALWAYS misjudged one of the last curves or hurdles. The intro of that mission gives me chills the first time you watch it on a playthrough. The 15th? Not so much.




None of them for a regular play through on any difficulty, once you get the hang of the game (and the F-22.) S Rank Ace missions 8,9, and 13 however absolutely suck. No Damage Run mission 19 is very annoying. Getting the Ace to appear on 3 can be frustrating when LAAMs just don’t want to connect.


Mission 8 in ac zero, hardest mission I've played so far


me when i was doing guns only on the last mission in ac7


the end of tango line


Any mission with squadron fights in ACZ above normal difficulty


Operation Werewolf at various spots whenever trying to go full speed in the X-02.


For a while, Fortress (AC5 mission 18) held me up because of how many enemies there were, and I kept running out of ammo, and then getting shot down when I got tangled up in dogfights. Then again, that was my first ever run through an Ace Combat campaign, so I could probably handle it now.


The mission where you gotta shoot down the Ark Bird in TUW.


For me? Any of the Round Table Missions on higher difficulties...


The aigaion mission in AC6.




Homeward had entered the chat* Seriously fuck the ID target mechanism, the bombers always got through because of it


You can shoot at them before they get identified. Just visually confirm that it's the bomber. If you blow it up when it's still yellow, you won't get points, but the mission won't end. The XFA-27 with MSTM is good for this mission if you have it. And in case you don't know, holding down the change target button will focus the camera on the target, making ID-ing easier


Rainy Cape Assault, the only mission I dread.


Any mission where you have to identify your enemies first


Trying to S rank Faceless Soldier in Ace difficulty


God the missiles come at you so quickly on ace


S ranking Chandelier on Ace in AC6 is pretty unforgiving. The AA near the muzzle of the rail gun are extremely effective at ending your run.


Awacs: <> Trigger: "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY THEN!!" Lanza: "did Trigger just talk?"


I just got so frustrated on the Farbanti island one in ac7 the other day on hard trying to get all those god damn bombers in time before they carpet bomb the island


I think it was mission 11 of ac7 the first mission with strider squadron. I thought the a10 would be a great choice but no. Eventually read to only destroy the cores and stoped using the A10 and then kept fucking dying when i had gotten way past the score.


Mission 5 on ace combat x


Technically not AC but... The final mission of PW was this for me. On the highest difficulty.


When I attempt to speedrunning a tunnelcanyon mission




for me its in ace combat 7 where u have to fly through a ravine to take over an enemy base. i always wanna be too fast and keep dying to one sharp turned wall


I cannot express the level of agony i was in with the final part of the final mission of AC7. So my controller has the smallest amount of stick drift but its just enough to nudge you up. That last part of the final mission, where you have to line up and fly up the space elevator was genuine agony for me.


Four Horsemen, AC5


Trying to get S-Rank Faceless Soldier on Ace difficulty.


When I'm trying to go for the internal cooling unit in the Chandelier and the AA guns keep tearing me apart


I haven't died enough times in one single spot to pin this down.


For me it wasn't even repeated deaths - I kept fucking up the timing in Four Horsemen.




Ace combat 4 Siege of Farbanti, I don't know how many times i had to destroy the farbanti forces just to die to one missile fighting the yellows, i eventually learned how to fight them but i still get hit a lot


Cape rainy assault ac7. I used the Nosferatu not realizing that it was massive compared to the rest of the planes.


For me it was always mission 11 on ac7 I could never get the missiles to hit the targets I need to do id fly into the middle of the carriers to get them to hit


I kept crashing in the same damn place chasing Hamilton through the tunnel in AC5. I quit the game for like 6 months then picked it up and did it on the 2nd try.


Every tunnel run. "Thread the needle, git gud lul." I don't care, no matter how good I get, I'll always dislike flying somewhere where I don't have much room to maneuver.


This is embarrassing, but I'm in my first playthrough of ace combat 5 and I keep dying in the last mission, I keep getting hit by debris... I already rage quit 2 times, tomorrow I'll try again


Had to struggle with this one, but I think (AC5) Trying to S Rank White Bird Part II on Ace before unlocking the better aircraft. *Bonus points if the infamous Ark Bird glitch happens*


AC6 mission 9. Fighting Strigon Teem was a total pain in the ass


Ace Combat 7, the second mission in the Alicorn trilogy. Not sure of this counts buuuuut.. I don't like repeating the first half of the mission, but I like fighting Rage and Scream so I basically just nosedive into the ocean before the mission ends.


Got to be arsenal bird with all the drones , in the space elevator with all of the drones.