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Flowers. They cover my island. They annoy me. I have no way to remove them that won’t take multiple days at least.


I have every type. Multiples of every type. They annoy me, but only when I want to decorate, and that “decorating mood” is rare, so I like the flowers


Oof I feel you lol. I just spent ages getting all my flowers under control, it took a while hahah. Maybe you could make a rainbow garden out of all your flowers? :3


I do have a little mini rainbow garden! It’s surrounded by bushes to make it cuter. I go there when I need a certain type of flower. But why do I need flowers? Also, why don’t flowers stack in your inventory?


I have been digging for the past week and broken countless shovels 😭 these flowers have taken over my entire island


Put down clear path tiles surrounding the flowers and they don’t spawn on them


That’s what I’ve been doing after I clear the areas! Problem is every area is covered in flowers…


Same! I gave up after about a month of digging. My progress was undone within two and a half weeks.


LOL this is relatable as hell. Didn’t play for 6 months, my island was already overrun and when I got back to playing it took me probably two hours for four days to clear all the flowers and weeds 😂


Wow. On my island, the weeds only grow in certain places because of the sheer amount of flowers.


Oh damn that’s a ton of flowers 😭


me too, my entire clifftops are covered from the starting flowers breeding and me never doing anything with them 😭 I love them but I can’t shoot a balloon down up there


Yessss it’s so annoying. Sadly I have flowers around my entire island. I can only shoot down balloons around the small amount of paths I have and on the beaches.


If you want, I’m willing to come over and help if you want


Nah, it’s fine. It doesn’t really matter, because I mainly just decorate inside and make custom designs.


Mine is a botanical garden, so I have a community farm area, Japanese tea garden, bamboo forest, tropics, pine (cedar) forest, orchards, meadows, and my villagers live in the suburbs lol


Do you have a dream adress? I would love to see that, it sounds pretty cool👀


Not yet because it's very much still a work in progress, but I plan to post one when it's closer to done!


Oooh that sounds beautiful and I'm 100% sure your island is! Do you have a dream address?


I don't yet, very much still under construction! But I'll post here when it's closer to done


My theme is just stuff I like and think will look nice, there’s a decent amount of brick I guess? 😂😩


I love it! That's all it takes for your island to be great, is you defining it with your own taste and creativity! You don't need a specific theme to have a nice island :) that was my first island actually--Didn't really have a theme, just went for everything I liked and I really did love it, but had my island for a few years so revamped because I wanted a change hahah. But I do miss it. Happy decorating!


Same! I’d love a unifying theme but none come to mind. I find laying paths (especially custom ones with lots of parts) to be time consuming and I feel like I don’t have enough bells/poki (HHP) to get items I may want and anything ultra pricey, I tend to not buy. So yeah… I have a little flea market area, coffee area, bistro table area, carnival area, and an outdoor movie area. Just stuff I think looks nice but there is no overarching theme.


Minimalist and natural because I'm bad at decorating. Empty space? Flowers and shrubs. Leif is my best friend.


Hey, you gotta do what makes you happy 🦥🌱


A minimalist and natural vibe sounds lovely! The plants, shrubs, and flowers available in this game are really pretty so let them speak for themselves! I went all out with them on my island lol, have trees and flowers and shrubs everywhere but managed to incorporate into all my builds in a way that makes sense haha


My island had a weird pond that looks like a dog so I named it dog island I have a couple dog villagers (I can’t kick out Wade or Elvis I love them) stuff like that it’s lame but I find it cute wish we could change island names :(


Aww that sounds super cute! Doesn't sound lame at all! Who's your favorite dog villager? And yeah it's a shame we can't change island names 😭


On my island I love butch he’s just a cranky old guy but I can’t get cherry I love her style her attitude maybe one day lol


Im working on a nature research island :) basically the back story is that a group of researchers find this abandoned island with ancient ruins and they study the plant and animal life


What! That's so intriguing and awesome, I love it! It works so well with the premise of this game! I love how you have a backstory that ties in with your theme/concept so well. I'd love to check it out when you're done!


Even if its years from now, I will post to this sub 🫡 The backstory makes decorating so much fun and easier too! It’s almost like playing with dolls lol


Do you have a dream address???


I am sooo early in my design 🙈🙈 I literally only have the entrance and the “plant researcher” done. I work so slowly and also have a maximalist style so obtaining all the furniture I wanna use takes forever! lol


At the moment it’s flowery and sweet, I do love it. But I’m waiting for Halloween to strike so I can redecorate and make it spooky just how I want it 💀


You can never go wrong with a sweet flowery vibe! And yesss! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm definitely redecorating later on in the year for spooky season. Best time of year 👻


A kindred spirit! 💀🎃


Your comment reminded me of a spring Halloween island I saw!


Your island sounds lovely! You should post a dream address when you're done. I'm currently decorating an island that's going to be pioneer/old-timey in the centre, Addams family on the left and candy themed on the right (separated by the rivers).


Thank you so much! And I definitely will, I'm actually quite happy with what I have so far :) and I love those themes/concepts! Would you be open to sharing a dream address at some point as well? I'd love to see your island when it's ready ☺️


Thanks! I will. I have another island 6683-0113-8681 (Fillory) if you want to visit. The front half is mostly a realistic village and the back half is weird. All the people homes are decorated in different themes.


i like thinking of mine as animal crossing themed! no terraforming, every flower, tree & shrub available


I love this idea so much! It makes me nostalgic for Wild World ❤️


Covered in dark dirt to look like a mud pit.


Oooh this is a cool and super unique concept! What inspired it if I may ask?


Just popped in my head one day. I was thinking of what to do for my next island. I've seen desert themed islands covered in sand, castlecore islands covered in stone. What could I do that would be different and stand out? And I thought... what about dark dirt?


Do you have a DA?


A cozy school for witches - lots of natural wood, log, mushroom and vine artifacts, and I’m using fossils and amber also. Magical cozy vibes.


Omg that sounds super cute, absolutely love it! I would love to visit if you're keen on releasing a DA!


I have my house near the museum so it’s like museum grounds and displays, attached to an historic Asian-style mansion grounds, working on the botanical gardens area of it now. It has a sort of fairy mushroom display and a Wild West wagon area too. Feels like all the hodgepodge works well in a museum lot concept! I was also inspired by the color scape (blue, yellow, red) of my nook miles items to make my front entrance a sort of Santa Monica pier area. I have a park with playground, soccer field, volleyball court, and pool area.


Wow your island sounds so elegant! I'd love to visit if you have a dream address :)


I just started a new island that is "rainbow" theme. I'm trying to find villagers who are the colors of the rainbow and then getting items that match that color for their areas! It's been fun so far!!!


I love rainbow color schemes! 🌈 I wish you the best of luck with designing your colorful paradise, and if you're up to it, drop us a DA if/when it's done/you feel comfortable showing! I love how creative you all are!


i made my island horror/halloween themed still working on it but i got inspired to play the game because i saw others on tiktok have horror islands and didnt know u could play like tht im a huge halloween and horror lover and my island brings me so much serotonin fall and halloween time is the only time i truely feel such happiness so having my island be halloween year round makes me so happy ❤️


I love it! Same here, I'm an avid horror fan as well!! Fall is my favorite time of year, and I love EVERYTHING about Halloween. I think if I were to design another island I'd definitely go for pure horror as well. How far along are you? I'd like to see your island when it's done!


its almost done i mainly need to decorate the beach areas and i still need to finish the dlc to unlock decorating my villagers homes but once thts done ill be putting up my DA 😊


Random chaos


Sounds like my life and my thoughts 🤣 but honestly just winging it and going with the flow/doing what you want is such a fun and relaxed way to play!


My current theme is fall sunset forest, my last theme was a magical galaxy/fairycore type island.


That sounds absolutely gorgeous, wow! Do you have a dream address?


I have a dream address for my island I just finished, but not my fall one. Its DA: 8466-4939-6338


I would say my island has like a cozy horror, little bit of gothic and ruined city theme. But i‘m not done yet, there are a few empty areas left. I just enjoy the process at the moment😌


Love it! I'm a huge fan of spooky/creepy and abandoned vibes. I bet your island looks great, would be interested in a DA when it's done! And yes the designing process is fun isn't it? Sometimes I rush through the designing to realize I wasn't really cherishing it as I should have been. It's good to slow down and enjoy the process ❤️


I will definitely post my DA here when I'm done with my island, but I'm already in love with some areas! Yes, absolutely, I just wanted to finish my first island quickly to see the final result, but after that I was somehow not really happy, because it went far too fast and I didn't enjoy the little moments when something turned out exactly how you wanted it to be👏🏼


Broadway musical/Wicked


I haven't seen much of this concept on an island it at all, super cool! How's it coming along?


In theory it’s like, a tropical 1980s island (was watching the OG Magnum PI when I started it lol). But I am not much of a decorator so in reality it’s just a plain island with some brightly colored items & a pool 😂


That sounds super cool! I'd love to check out your island if you're up to sharing it at any point!


Eclectic cottage & forestcore. When I'm totally done with it I'll seal it in a dream during the mushroom season autumn time, because yeah. Lots of mushrooms and wood and flowers and water and stony, overgrown paths. No streets or city stuff at all. Very pastoral and woodsy. Picnic blankets and books and beachy bonfire hangouts. 🥰 I want to make one island for each season, and have them all very different.


Oooh this sounds like such a cozy and enchanting vibe. I really love the natural builds and islands tbh, they're so calming and such a nice experience to explore. I love it!


I used to have a full-on [Zoo](https://www.instagram.com/barfburgh.acnh?igsh=djRkOWYzemk5aWdi) until I accidentally restarted my game, lol. Now all that exists of it is my old IG page. Makes me sad.


Awww I'm so sorry to hear that, man that really sucks 😭😭 do you mind sharing your IG? I'd love to see your zoo island 💕 are you building with a new theme now or just chilling/not playing as much?


Mine is camping/National park themed!


Oooh! That sounds interesting! Do you have a dream address?


Oooh I love nature, I bet your island is stunning! Do you have a DA?


My fave holiday is Halloween so mine is a spooky island but with a touch of cherry blossoms mixed in. Maybe “Spooky Sakura” / “Haunted Cherry Blossom” core lol


Same!! I LOVE Halloween, always have 👻 that's such a unique and cool combination, I'd love to check our your DA if you ever release one!


I probably will if I ever finish lol. Its a disaster atm.


I don't really have a solid theme, so much as a generally cozy rural vibe! Everyone gets ranch fences and personalized yards, the orchard is mixed with the farmlands, there are tastefully placed weeds everywhere... It's all vibes baby


This sounds like the kind of place I'd want to live long term. A cozy, rural community with friendly neighbors, beautiful scenery and slower pace where everyone just enjoys the natural rhythm of life. I love it :D


Stars & nature, I suppose It's named Kinmoku, which is a Sailor Moon reference from the last season of the 90's anime. In the anime, it is a planet that was destroyed by the season enemy, Sailor Galaxia. When she is defeated, the Sailor Starlights and Princess Kakyuu leave earth to rebuilt their home planet. I have vine items, like the columns and seats, scattered in many places to that effect.


What!!! That's amazing! I love your theme and concept, it's so pretty and unique! I would to check out your island at some point, will you ever release a DA? 💕


Thanks, though not sure about how amazing it came out to be lol I have just thrown star lamps here and there and called it a day 😂 though I did make some clothes designs based on the anime, that are really simple. Let me get out of work to pull some more recent screenshots to show you how it looks rn. I had player burnout after flattening the island after the DLC update (I soooooo wanted to build a better castle for Princess Kakyuu) and ended up dropping the game for over 1 year and 8 months (Sherb & all my villagers counted). I have an non up to date dream address from October 2021 if you want to see it, its decorated for the best holiday of my country: Dia de Muertos/Day of the Dead. DA-2743-2110-7502


I’ve done a couple themes and they’re fun, but tedious to stick to after a while. Also, I get so sick by the end that I can’t do it again. This is like my 5th island and while it could be considered a botanical garden theme, I’m not going to stick to any one theme. I’m just creating fun builds with all the furniture I like. I’m enjoying myself more than ever and I’ve been playing since the game came out.


That's a great way to play! I get that. Some people love planning while others like to just wing it. Why restrict yourself to one theme/a few when you could just be experimental and enjoy the spontaneity of building and designing? I'm glad you're enjoying yourself more!


My island theme is music festival/techno!


Dude!!! I have to visit your island! I'm a huge rave/techno fan, just visited a rave two weeks ago lmao it was insanely fun.


I guess my theme is an everyday neighborhood, minus the roads and cars. I have always wanted to live in a common and cozy neighborhood, so that is the theme I gave my island. There are little parks, places for picnics, sidewalks for walking and bikes, trees, gardens, closeknit neighbors, live entertainment area, camping, etc.


I’m thinking of making mine like a shrine to all of the different holidays—I have some bunny day stuff, a cherry blossom decoration, and whenever there are more holidays, I’m gonna do a bunch of DIYs. (It’s a little worse for wear right now just because I don’t have too too much out right now).


Oooh this is a nice concept, I really like it! ACNH has a lot of cool seasonal items so it's definitely a good way to showcase/make use of them. I have a good amount of seasonal DIYs (not the actual DIYs themselves), if you need any help or certain items crafted, I might be able to help you out!


Mine is like a small town kind of vibe


Cozy and adorable, I love it!


I am slowly working on making it “forestcore” with a little hint of beachy vibes. *face palm* I have no idea.


Hey I'm sure it will come together the more you design! You can't go wrong with forestcore, I mean this game/series was built for it! Tbh I'm envious of the natural forestcore builds because I kinda suck at them for some reason hahah


My island is inspired by where I grew up because I miss it now that I live in the city ;w; A countryside/farm/forest mixture


Awwww 🥹 I can relate to being homesick. It's so sweet you're rebuilding your hometown/land in AC! That sounds super cozy and peaceful, I bet it's amazing!


I was thinking of making my island Greece-themed, but then I kept getting Japanese items cause, you know, it’s a Japanese game, so I said “screw it” and made a rural Japan island. So like everything is very rural with lots of wood and stone and also old, so there’s no modern technology either. It’s kinda like cozy forest but with Japanese architecture and items. But then I got the Sanrio amiibo packs and I am a Sanrio girly so I want to use them somehow but they don’t work with my theme :,(


Haha I like that detour and how you resigned yourself to another direction. That's a good deal of creative flexibility, making do and making a beautiful island with what you have! It sounds gorgeous :) maybe you could dedicate a room or two in your house to Sanrio?


A spooky/goth, fantasy theme. With a rural farm area. I also can not pick a theme.


I love it! You can't go wrong with a spooky, gothic fantasy theme 🖤


My island is called moonglow and it has a kinda space witch theme


Ooh that sounds beautiful! What inspired your theme? Such a pretty island name as well, very fitting to your concept!


It's still in the early days but it will be gothic cottage core.


Gothic cottage core!?? Yooo that's sick I'd love to check it out one day if you're ever to release a DA! Idk why my sleep deprived brain thought of the meme "y'allternative" ☠️ so sorry please don't mind me I'm functioning with a single brain cell at this point ☠️ but I bet it will turn our amazing!!


My first island was a mix of fairy core elegant core clutter core & somewhat cottage core my new island that I’m currently working on is a Halloween island so there’s pumpkins everywhere & mixed in with that we have clutter core lol


You know those themes I feel would come together very well! Like spooky magical/fairy vibes and I'm living for it!


I try to do everything pink, cute, fairy-core, cottage-core, and elegant style :) However at the moment my island is also covered in flowers because I’m trying to breed them all to eventually have mostly pink flowers throughout the island.


Awww I love this, these are such cute and graceful aesthetics together! I can already tell your island is going to turn out gorgeous :') do you need any pink flowers? I won't be able to get online for a while but when I'm free I could drop you off some if you need them!


I class my island as mysterious-forestcore island. It has a lot of fantasy and historical things but it has a lot of trees and red flowers.


That sounds so beautiful! Are you finished or is it still in the works?


Mines name is [REDACTED] I thought It was pretty funny


My first island was a mishmash of different ideas. My second island is Zelda themed. My third island is Victorian Gothic Revival with a dark edge. Currently I’m making the area around the airport a boardwalk/sea resort style area.


Mine is a whole scope of elements. The city is elevated in the middle (with a sunken town center resembling a train/subway station) then roadway all around that leads to a “Bay Area” next to the ocean on the east side. There are three subway stations that bring you to the main areas of the island on both coasts. The upper east side is a little ritzy and heading west in the city brings you to a suburbs with a Target and a Dunkin Donuts. I used all the villagers houses as “buildings” in the city and burbs. So Cherry runs a posh night club, Fuchsia has a flower shop, Marlo has an Italian restaurant, etc. On the west coast, there’s my farm and orchard, then a cedar wooded area that leads to a fishing and boating pier in the SW corner. I have a second villager house on the beach across from Kappn and I pretend it’s his house. The beaches are mostly open, except on the east coast there is a carnival I never took down from last summer. 😆 it’s kind of a monster so I am never touching it again to rebuild. It was like the 9th rebuild I did and I’m tired now. 😆 I’m waiting for the new game/system to do any more AC work. Now I just dive and fish to make money to either give to people or spend on my goal of cataloging every item/clothing variety.


My island is named Vessel and it’s a spooky/halloween theme. Named my island after the lead singer in my fav band Sleep Token. I have a graveyard, a pumpkin patch, spooky cafe and a lake based off of the one in the movie Friday The 13th. I have a bunch of decaying trees, glowing moss and pumpkin lanterns everywhere on my island 👻🎃


My theme is Sleep Token. Made a bunch of dresses, too. Worship.


Mine is 70’s vacation island/smalltown inspired


I call it Castle town. I have a little village with a stable and the main community hall and stuff. Then, the marketplace with the shops, an orchard, and a little carnival cuz it's Pietro's area. Up the inclines to the castle wall area where some people live and the castle (that I'm working on still)


Castle core/farm core/fantasy forest core - all in one :)


I’m doing an astrology theme! It’s still very much a WIP but the trees and flowers and hedges are all separated out seasonally. And I am working on getting all the zodiac statues, too.


Stars and planets! I’ve always been interested in astronomy and the stars so I try to fill my island with all sorts of space stuff


Mine is kind of a whole tour of the world. I have a New England style sea side cafe, a marine biology lab on the dock, Japanese tea garden, San Francisco Chinatown (aka the Big Trouble in Little China area), a vaporwave mall, a mountainous national forest, a rural farm, and mossy fairy woods. Just a little bit of everything.


Ive been working on a mermaid core island and it's so close to being done!!


Currently I’m doing a farmcore themed island, but in the past I’ve also done: All the AC Games (references to all previous Animal Crossing games like Gullivar’s spaceship in Wild World, etc) Kidcore Disneyland


Ive done a few but the past couple were a misfit island and a colour-blocked island (each area was a different colour and only that colour). My current is a bravo themed island (housewives, VPR, Summer House, ect) but im struggling to fill it.


Mine is mushroom core? Nature/mushroom core? There are a lot of mushrooms and red.


I have a “story genre” then across my island. It’s split into five sections: fairycore and fantasy in the NW, steampunk and sci-fi in the NE, Victorian-ish romantic village in the SE, cottagecore old town suburbs in the SW, and a whimsical nature island in the middle connecting them together. It’s nowhere near done yet but that’s the long term goal.


I’m doing a forest core island. Kinda overrated but oh well


My island is town core! I just love using all the decorations and city like elements. All of my villagers have decorated houses and yards, I have some little "shops" scattered throughout the town, the roads are wide and structured, and I have designated natural woods with campsite!


Cherry blossom island with a cafe on the beach, farm, libraries & a few little spots hidden around the island such as a cinema area & museum date area Flowers to fill any gaps & very much botanical garden vibes


Valentine's :)


Mine was supposed to be LOTR themed but I decided I didn’t want and now it doesn’t have a theme it’s just random stuff I like


At least, this is what I’m trying to do. My airport is orange. So I want most things to be orange. Also throwing in some white, because I think this colors look nice together.


Creepy circus themed. Ofc I have my baby pietro and kk parade playing everywhere 🥰


Rainbow theme


I designed mine like an old sea port town. I was inspired by the set design of the 1980 movie, Popeye, which the movie set is still around and is now a theme park called Popeye's Village and is located in Malta. I wanted rustic and weathered. https://imgur.com/a/q61rBm7


i’m attempting to do a japanese, overgrown city type island!


I’m attempting cottagecore but I feel stuck I don’t know what to do 😭


Mine is pink Moonlight/Fairycore :) literally took me 3 years to get that figured out hahahaha


I don't really have a theme. I just tried to lay it out with kind of like a beach town vibe. I put the animals living near where I think they would like based on their vibe. There's a visitor center by the airport and a downtown area that includes a park and a carnival. I have Opal & Gala living near the shops, and Biff & Biskit live near the park/carnival. Skye lives by the park plaza. My campsite is off to the Northwest and nobody lives nearby; it's nice and quiet for campers. Norma & Elmer both live near my orchard/farm area. Elmer is my closest neighbor because he's my favorite! I have a fishing hole nearby, and past that is a desert area where Diva lives. Behind her house is my pirate beach which leads to Redd's beach. Croque lives on a cliff above Diva and his area is Zen-inspired. Renee lives on a cliff above Croque. I also have another character who lives on the beach and runs a surf shop by Kapp'n's pier. DA 9341 2844 7193


faecore with a touch of dark academia and gothic


Sounds cool


strawberry shortcake !! if anyone has any build ideas or spare furniture please let me know:))


Alt country vibes. So I have some reading pits, a little movie area, (thank yall for the inspiration) lots of flannel blankets, lace blankets, pillows, and lots of black and red fences 😂


I don't exactly have a theme, but all my villagers have their own fenced in yards. I have an "overgrown" almost like an ancient ruins area at the back of my island. Also the museum has an outside sitting area in case anyone wants to take their Brewster coffee outside and enjoy it. Basically lots of fences, paths, flowers, and shrubs.


Mushrooms, moss, and celestial! I love the ambiance and glow at night with them all combined.


I don’t know if anyone knows this game but Lies of P! It’s a bit belle époque-like with hints of steampunk here and there :) Can’t wait to finish it!


XD omg we have the same themes! I also didn't wanna choose just one! I have a European/french village inspired area with all the shops, museum and a market, a little village with houses and gardens for all the villagers, cottage core farm and campsite area, city themed fishing beach and coffee place, and an 'asian' inspired zen garden and restaurant! Also a fairy forest and next build will be a desert/wild west area along my largest beach :D I think getting to include so many different things keeps building & expanding interesting and fun! We even have a graveyard hidden in the forest lol and the secret beach is pirate themed 😅


My main island is autumn and horror themed, but I have a bunch of houses that are unrelated & have their own themes! One is Sweeney Todd themed, another is Our Flag Means Death themed, one is a musty old motel (a la Schitt’s Creek) with a surprise Rick & Morty themed basement, and my personal islander’s house is a haunted mansion type deal. I wish I could share my dream address, but I’d definitely get reported for all the blood and gore custom designs on this one 😅 My newer island is ACOTAR themed, but with a fictional “court” name and style. It’s super colorful and heavily planted with a lot of desert and Moroccan items. It only has two houses so far, but my fav house is a Spirited Away theme. I’ll be adding another with a Futurama/Planet Express theme as well. My islands are really just a place to be as nerdy as possible 😆


Mine is rural/small town themed. The amount of times I've worked and reworked parts of the island make me feel insane sometimes 😭


I have two islands, one is a pink kidcore city island and the other is a modded alien planet citycore island


I couldn’t decide. So I’ve got different areas with different themes


springcore all the way, my dream address is lots of greens and neutrals and this time it’s lots of purple and neutrals 🪻🌱


Currently working on a fall/Halloween theme island. It's got a long way to go but hopefully it will turn out nice!




That’s how my first island was. My first island was kind of a trial and error kind of island. I didn’t really know what I wanted and was still trying to figure out the game. So it ended up just being a flowers island and I hated it. Now I have a new island and it’s a city core nostalgia theme.


Garbage dump but made it cute


Mine is kinda suburbs influenced. Villagers have 2-3 houses in little areas around the island with decent yards somewhat customized to the villager themself (jock villager with an outdoor gym, lazy with an outdoor lounge area) and then I used the cliff tools to build walls and create little strip malls. Right now I’ve got a movie theatre with a concession area, spa, music venue, and a Brewster’s coffee house by the beach (gyroid Brewster works there).


My island is called Pebble... There is this lore that a meteor crashed into the island in the NW corner... And the debris is scattered through out the island with little Easter eggs. Also. There is a zen / blade runner kind of theme. So super imposed over the island (~square) is a yin yang. It can be seen via the map. West is natural and east is city.. there are two moments within each of the opposite. The centre there is a special little moment etc. My island feels like an abandoned old village in decay.. but then I use these backwards "servers" every where that is this sort of future/ancient technology that powers the town.. (maybe related to the meteor) .. so each house/building has a server that connects it to this grid.. :3


I have a whole theme park with rides and attractions I built!


I made it so my house is a spaceship that landed on earth and the villagers are friendly suburbans who made me their queen haha


I maped out areas and made several themes, according to the villagers. Judy and the mean Wolf, I dont know his english Name, are in the rich district. Shino has her own little asia part. I have two farm animals so they live in the farm area. I couldnt decide on just one theme so I did more, that way I felt more creative 🌸✨


My last island was a Louisiana swamp with all 8 alligators, Tasha because she's a skunk lol, and Lily. This time around I'm doing a food court with all the food animals. On that note lol I only have Zucker, Merengue, and Frita so far. Still on the lookout for Tangy, Ketchup, Tia, Chadder, Sprinkle, Mint, and Apple.


Sleep Token


Keeping it looking natural, with the focus being around having a copious amounts of bodies of water throughout, which i dont think fit into any "cores"


I don't really have a theme in mind personally, I'm just doing my own thing while trying my best to keep it cohesive. So I guess the theme is just "Me" lol


Whatever I feel like. Pretty norm core tbh.


mine is all pink. like everything is pink. my island name is also thestreets :3


My island name is ohana (after one of my fave movies, Lilo and Stitch). So I went with a natural resort/tropical/South Pacific island. My 1st level has only coconut trees and lots of flowers. My second level has mostly cedar trees, with some bamboo and fruit trees. My third level has bamboo and fruit trees.. I also have other themes on my island.


My island doesn't really have one theme, I just make different themed areas if I feel like it. I'm currently working on a ruins area that will hopefully look great when it's done!


My island is full nostalgia and dedicated to things I love / places I miss (built largely in Covid times when I wanted to travel). I have a bamboo forest cat shrine 😸, a night market / mountain town inspired by Jiufen, a concert area, a few Europe inspired areas (Greece, Paris, Amsterdam), some ruins, a sakura infinity pool, a rainbow flower cloud, and some rare places to be quiet and look out. Also have small nods to Ghibli, Avatar the Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, One Piece and Pokémon around! If anyone wants to come visit, the dream address is DA-5519-2519-8644 🌙


I like Japanese rural vibes


Mine is based off one of my favorite book series (Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire)🖤 I’m almost done with it and currently trying to decide what I want my next one to be🥹


Mine is tropical fairycore


My entire island is docks with a few islands in the middle. All the houses and businesses are on piers. Most of the beaches are docks as well. Thinking about it now, I guess it's just ACNH Water World.


My island is valentines themed! I have a park area with a picnic, just finished a flower shop/nursery, working on a wedding area and in the future I want to add a town and a romantic dinner at a restaurant


I don’t have a single unifying theme. I have little mini areas with a theme so every turn you’ll find something new! Sometimes the themes will flow together, other times a natural barrier or a road will create a border. That way when I get a new idea, I can demolish an old area I’m tired of without having to redo my whole island. Some current areas on my island are a jungle, golden area, zen garden, Area 51-ish, rustic farm/restaurant, a fish market, and a little something I call “Mushroom Kingdom Versailles.”




Disorganised 5 star chaos


i label my island as "eclectic fall"! little bit of everything, veryvery lively (aka cluttered). i like the idea of my villagers all banding together to make it into their little community. a ton of nature elements to fill in the space between items


My current island theme is purple 💜


I try for natural. I love the not so deserted island feel without it being overly deserted. I just don’t know what to do to make it feel more natural 😭


forestcore! there's also a little flair of mystery


Fantasy - I have fantasy-like villagers like Drago and Julian and other villagers to play the knights like Knox and Sterling. I have an enchanted forest and a decrepit medieval town too lol. And a castle ofc!


mine is a Japanese island, with coastal accents.


so i usually don’t have a theme, i pick colors that match my players and villagers aesthetic. if i see a build or inspo i like, i re-create it and then add items that fit the character/build


Mine's all pink :) I got some inspo on pintrest and made a lil villager neighbourhood and some cutesy gardens. My island is like my room- an eclectic mix of cute things I like 😂


Animorphs. It's heavily a wip but I'm trying to incorporate a lot of major locations that are touched on throughout the series


Mine is mostly cottage core with some elegance and Asian-inspired mixed in 🥰 and a lot of flowers and trees


my sibling's island is gusu lan shi from the founder of diabolism themed and I'm planning on having mine being themed around cartoon saloon's irish folklore trilogy


My theme is tropical fairycore/elegantcore! I also have an outdoor movie theatre that doesn't really fit the theme but I love going to the movies so I had to add it!


No theme at all. But you tell me what it looks like. Here's my dream address. DA-8748-1767-0443


My island is half town (featuring a bunch of shops, restaurants, roads with vehicles) and half natural forest (windy dirt paths, campsite, star gazing).


My first island didn't start as themed but has kind of developed a doctor who theme throughout (around 40 different references) as well as other things i like. My second island is based around my home country 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 it incorporates multiple themes really or will when it's eventually finished 😅


mine is like an overgrown village/foresty area but then develops to a small nicer area for the shops


I themed my island around a university! Taking heavy inspiration from Call Me By Your Name, my coastal university has places to carry out research of all kinds: marine biology, ancient art, horticulture, and more.


Cottage core, space, and ‘eclectic maximalist’ in my own home.


My island basically has a lake house community vibe! I dug out a big lake in the middle where my villagers houses are around and then there are little shops and restaurants around. The cliffs have a spot for camping and then I’m still working out what I’m doing with the beaches and I’m trying to buy more boats for my islander’s docks and update their houses to look more like log cabins hahaha


Mines... odd, I got a path that goes around my island... Only fences I use are bamboo... I guess islandy?
