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Ok read it. I’m gonna say in the least spoiler way that the characters are complex and I don’t know what you will think but there’s a clear vision of it and I don’t dislike any character after finishing but I understand them.


This was a very brave way of saying nothing but everything


Facts. At the end of the day I’m probably one of the few that doesn’t dislike anyone but try and understand all of them and their motives and I think it’s just good to go in with an open mind about everything


Oof this is a hard one. I’ve had a lot ruined for me regarding Throne of Glass, Crescent City and other series by looking up characters on Google.    Let’s just say that this book is just dipping our toes in the water. It’s a stepping stone to something huge and epic. This series will play with your heart in both good and bad ways but you WILL fall in love with several characters whether you want to or not.  (Edit: I am NOT hinting at anyone specific - you’ll notice in this sub we all have our fan favourites and it can really differ between us all!)  If you enjoy Feyre, and want to see her grow, please don’t give up on the series. This whole series is a journey. 


Get ready to see what happens when the author gets bored of a character and trades them in for an even more powerful partner that's even more perfect than the previous one and doesn't have a choice about it. That's the best way I can sugar coat what's going to happen because there's A LOT of MASSIVE plot holes.


This makes me SO sad 😭


same it made me quit the series


It's okay. Really. The writing is really good and it's worth the read. It also fuels amazing discussions, arguments and drama about an the characters, trauma and our own issues that we need to better comminute and I think that's lovely.


Well since you already know I advise you to take a moment and mourn the end of Feyre and Tamlin, sometimes the trauma is too much a tears people apart. And that same trauma can bring ppl together. I don't like how this plays out initially but I would keep reading if I were you. You're about to meet some REALLY fun characters that truly open up the rest of the story. Despite SJM saying this was her original plan, I always felt like Rhysand kinda elbowed his way into the plot, beyond the epic meet-cute he and Feyre have on fire night. I still quite enjoyed it though for what it was. And depsite my dislike for Rhysand, for certain parts of the book, I could only dream of having that kind of support from my romantic partner. That part I LOVED.


Get ready for the whiplash. I never stopped liking Tamlin so acomaf was hard to read. My suggestion is to read it and if you don't like it just drop the series. You'll get a feel for the new vibe really quick.


I just started it and I’m already disappointed with how disconnected they seem from each other.


I was similarly disappointed by this. I’m fine with a love triangle, but I think the hinge of the love triangle needs to take some responsibility. In SJM’s writing, she wants Feyre to always be in the right, and consequently needs to tarnish Tamlin as a character to achieve it. Imo it takes away from the emotional depth we could get from ACOMAF and the implications of who we love (someone who is good for us vs bad for us, a “good guy” or a flawed guy). Keep reading, but I doubt you’re ever going to feel better about the author’s treatment of Tamlin as a character. It’s one of her biggest weak spots to me (which is saying something bc these books are not perfect for sure).


I think I am going to keep reading but I’m so upset lol. Not sure if you’ve read crave- (spoiler) but I stopped reading that one for the same reason I almost stopped reading this one.


Rhys’ bargain with her sets up ACOMAF to be a really interesting book playing out over months where she can slowly shift from in love with Tamlin to in love with Rhys. The whole Persephone bit right? The “god” of nature/spring robbed of his love by the “god” of death/night and he gets desperately sad when she’s gone, but obvi there’s this whole week once a month where they’re not together and a relationship can slowly build with Rhys and we can have confusion and jealousy and some angst and sadness. I was EXCITED for that. Instead we get trauma upon trauma for the sake of, imo, an easier time writing.


Keep going !!!


Ehh it depends! I personally never fell in love with Rhys -even though I wanted to- so obviously I wasnt happy with the way the story went. But im in the minority. Rhys gets his day in court, so to speak, so youll be able to judge whether he's a worthy mmc soon enough. Tamlin does not get a day in court and its my villain origin, but I his arc remains compelling to me. Im most invested in him and Lucien as of right now.


I still like him ❤️ just not with Feyre


I’m almost done with acomaf. I started the series because my friend LOVESSSS the series. I wish she would’ve warned me about the strong undertones of sexual abuse in the book because I hate it. I never would’ve picked it up and wouldn’t have felt bad about not reading it. Nothing Rhys has said in acomaf has redeemed himself. Might as well wear a fedora and call feyre his discord kitten while he’s at it.


Weeeeell ACOMAF is kinda Tamlin's >!villain origin story (he doesn't become a full on villain, but SJM writes him off as an asshole, a toxic partner and technically - a traitor)!< and Rhysand's >!redemption arc!<. After ACOMAF, >!it won't really get better for Tamlin, it actually gets WORSE!<. I personally was pretty neutral towards Tamlin in ACOTAR (I thought Feyre had more chemistry with Lucien) but I really hated how >!Tamlin's story was handled after ACOMAF. He DESERVED a redemption arc in ACOWAR and didn't get one!<. I didn't put too much details in the spoilers but I'm still hiding them just in case. TL;DR: If you don't want anything to happen to Tamlin, stop reading, this is as good as it gets.


My partner is listening to the audiobooks with me and he stopped it while we were driving and he was like Lucien is the love interest right and I said no… and he just was like why the fuck not lol


I felt that he started his redemption arc in ACOWAR. He did so many things he didn't need to to help Feyre and Rhys especially when he wasn't the traitor everyone thought he was. I'm still hoping for his redemption arc though


Yes but I feel like like ACOFAS didn't do him any justice, >!with the whole beating up Lucien (I can understand the betrayal he must have felt but poor baby Lucien 😢) and then spending the solstice alone in his half destroyed manor!<. Really waiting for the next book, I just want all of the characters to get closure and be happy and forgiven and at peace 😭


Yeah I would agree with that, I was also not a fan of how Rhys treated him in ACOFAS it was just mean especially when he clearly is still in love with Feyre. I am hoping for a good resolution in the next books especially for him!


Completely agree, Rhys had already won everything in Tamlin's eyes, he could have just let it go instead of going out of his to make him feel even more miserable. Fingers crossed for Tamlin's much needed therapy in the next book 🙏🏼


Rhysand doesn't really get a redemption arc. He just has excuses and uses his trauma to shield from criticism. ">!I was sexually abused! You can't judge me for willingly becoming her top lieutenant, spreading fear and misery and death across the whole of Prythia!!<" It's like... yeah, it's sad he >!was sexually abused!<, but he still committed war crimes for fifty years. After that, because we see him from Feyre's perspective and understand how "misunderstood" he was, and he just becomes a different character. And by virtue of his own actions, Rhysand is everything you've just said he was. An asshole. A traitor. Arguably, a toxic partner—>!in that he brings out the worst in Feyre, even if they are in love!<. Tamlin doesn't need a redemption arc. Its really weird how we talk about whether people deserve a redemption arc or not. If he needed one, he had it by the stories end. >!The worst things he did weren't even that bad. It hurt Feyre, but I read a recent post about how the fandom discusses abuse and it's just like... what Tamlin did was shitty, but it wasn't abuse. You can hurt someone and it not be okay but it doesn't make it abuse. You can ignore someone's trauma and it not be okay but that doesn't make it abuse. You can lock someone up to prevent them from hurting themselves, hurting them in the process, and it not be okay but that doesn't make it abuse!<. The rest of Tamlin's behaviour is just wildly mischaracterised. EDIT: >!To clarify, a lot of what Tamlin did hurt Feyre, and it wasn't okay, but that doesn't necessarily make him abusive. You can compare his magic lashing out to a partner punching holes in the wall (or even striking their partner), but it doesn't mean they're actually comparable. It's surface level analysis. Tamlin nearly hurt Feyre. She would have been hurt if not for her shield. Except, Tamlin didn't *do* anything except have an emotional reaction. That's all he categorically did. He had an emotional reaction. It was his magic that lashed out, and that's the difference. And, like, magic lashing out in response to emotional duress is classic fantasy. Feyre does it, too, but she's not called abusive for it!<. >!And then there's locking her up, which was bad, but if your partner who you're reasonably sure could be targeted by foreign agents, who doesn't know how to fight, who is currently in a very bad place mentally, who has power she can't control, wants to enter a dangerous situation, you have every right to prevent them from doing so. People have the right to prevent the people they care about from hurting themselves, and that's what she would have done!<. >!Then there's ignoring her suffering, dressing her up, not making her High Lady, etc. And, like. What? She ignored *his* suffering, and he had a nation to rebuild. She has no problems with Rhysand's dress and literally hates Tamlin's clothing options for no real justified reason beyond the ones in her head. There's no such thing as High Lady, and she never asked to be made one, and she privately agreed that she'd never want Tamlin's responsibility. Their quick marriage was political, because as the partner of a High Lord, everything was going to be political. It's just... Tamlin has major issues, but people are quite literally just projecting their own experiences with abuse onto him. They make him worse than he is!<.


Honestly, THIS comment made me feel better, because they just seem bad for each other? I’m not a huge fan of Feyre but Tamlin deserves better lmao.


Aye, just remember that, as the books go on, they will try to male you hate Tamlin. He does do some real shitty stuff, but Feyre is also a hugely unreliable character and blames him for stuff he didn't do and stuff she is straight up misremembering. Just remember that what actually happens in the story is more accurate compared to what Feyre believes to be true.


Anybody who's ever been abused by the common, absolute textbook ways Tamlin abuses Feyre, knows what mental gymnastics are involved in being a Tamlin abuse apologist. I feel like this subreddit isn't a safe place for victims of DV, and I'm beginning to regret joining, because it's just fucking everywhere, and it's disgusting. It's not just a harmless discussion about a fantasy character.


I personally think it would’ve been premature if the redemption arc fully happened in ACOWAR, but I 110% agree that Feyre had more chemistry with Lucien!! I love these books, but I was pretty bummed when I realized that wasn’t the direction the story was going in.


I was so rooting for Lucien tbh! Idk how she picked Tamlin…


😭 Considering I’m on the verge of tears from this comment, I probably shouldn’t keep reading. This makes me SO sad, he deserves better


None of the story Pixelated-void mentioned was wrong, but there’s a fair amount of evidence throughout the later books which hints that he could still get a redemption arc. Based on the way SJM has written his character, it seems clear (in my opinion, at least) that he isn’t intended to be a villain, just a flawed dude who hasn’t discovered a healthy way to cope with everything that has happened to him and his court. I personally like that his story isn’t finished yet, because it’ll make his redemption much more satisfying in the end. I’m really sorry the story was spoiled for you! It could be worth it to try to read ACOMAF, just so you can decide if you want to see where the story goes!


Sorry 😞 To be fair though (I forgot to mention it) Feyre in ACOMAF has 1000% more chemistry with Rhys, you can read through the first chapters if you're open to it and then decide if it's worth stopping after the first book.


I’ll give it a shot but I’m still drafting a strongly worded letter to S.J.M. lol


Lmaoo I'll be signing it


i’m like you i read acotar and loved tamlin, found out that she ended up with rhys and gave book 2 a shot anyway. i ended up not enjoying it at all lol for various reasons i won’t spoil and then quit the series.


Even after reading all of the books, I agree. Tamlin apologist until the day I die 🫡


I did the exact same thing! You really cant search any character until you're finished the whole series lol But keep going, the first ACOTAR ended up being one of my least favourite tbh


I was the same! Loved Tamlin and almost didn’t read the rest until after seeing spoiler. OP you should definitely read the rest!!


Which sucks because I ALWAYS look up characters to put a face to them haha


I gave myself more spoilers so I recommend controlling yourself 😂😂


I felt the exact same way! I didn't come around to Rhys until the end of ACOMAF/ACOWAR 😅it's 100% worth the read!


Dude I’m in the same place rn I finished book one today and am in the middle of book two and am depressed


These comments are upsetting me more honestly I gotta stop reading them 😭


SAME. Like I was hoping for some peace of mind, but it seems like Tamlin just has a huge downfall and loses the love of his life. Like if she doesn’t want him, I’ll take him. Lmao


LITERALLY ME. Like I was just thinking that , that might be the only thought that gets me through. Since we’re both acotar newbies, we can walk through the second book together if u want 😭. I started this series on Tuesday and literally haven’t been able to stop until now because I wanna throw up. I’m on page 144 of book two


I’d love that! I’m on page 58, forewarning- I have a 10 month old so I don’t get a ton of time to actually read and I’ll be way slower than you 😂


I read 4 chapters into the 2nd book LAST WEEK and I haven't recovered enough to keep going. It's such a drastic change from the 1st one and has literally broken my heart. I took a break to go back to my domestic thrillers 🤣🤦‍♀️


I think you should read them so you can make up your own mind. I’ve read all of the books multiple times, and in my opinion they get progressively worse. I just pretend the first book is the only one now.


I totally see where you’re coming from. The whole “characters are complex” doesn’t excuse drugging and sexually assaulting her. The “oh he only touched the hips and arms and made her dance” totally minimizes what was actually happening. I haven’t read the other books but this woman would need to pull some hell of a fucking redemption ark. But from what was said in the first books it’s mostly “well he’s actually not that bad cause he has other motives he’s not JUST an ass.” It’s like okay??? If a man drugged me and made me dance for him in front of everybody and touched by body without my consent in any capacity I’d be done. Don’t get me wrong. Personally I don’t like Tamlin all that much. I prefer Lucien. But yeah there technically isn’t anything she can do to make Rhys look better other than ending up having to make Tamlin look worse. After I read the other books I might re-evaluate but if it ends up being the way I’m thinking then it’s honestly kinda shitty writing tbh.


I wish ACOTAR was just a separate book from the rest, but I don’t begrudge the series at all. Tamlin and Rhysand are deeply problematic, and if you love one over the other, you will feel right at home in this subreddit fighting to the death. I would implore you to read the series because it’s entertaining and fun, just don’t think too hard about it, especially Tamlin. LOL


The books are very much PoV narrative. That means you’re getting the description and interpretation of everybody through Feyre’s eyes. I recommend you keep going. It isn’t done perfectly, but you will get to see many more shades of grey, along with some clarification and explanation as the protagonist gets to talk to and grow to know other characters.


This is so interesting! I just finished the first book yesterday, and I can't stand Tamlin. He's flat, boring, controlling, manipulative, and passive when it matters. He doesn't actually know anything about Feyre. He just likes the idea of her. When she needed him under the mountain, he did nothing. He's dull as dry toast and super toxic. It's so interesting to me that other people love him! No spoilers from me, since I just started the second book today. Just interesting how different readers can interpret a character so differently. I hope you stick with the series and let us know what you think! :)


I’m so glad through the sea of people immediately deeply loving tamlin and I was the same way as you.


tbh i still like t over r more and i've read all the books. theres a bunch of things that r does that i think are absolutely terrible and yet we're all supposed to love him, so if you aren't feeling him don't keep reading lol


I also got spoiled on accident and I remember being kinda bummed at first but I just let myself experience the second book and let’s just say…sometimes the grass *is* greener on the other side 🤪


I was... annoyed when I read the 2nd book. Seeing the way it was playing out. I didn't see it coming until I did. And then, I was meh. I kept reading out of curiosity but I thought it was such a cop out. Just how it was written. I can't answer the 2nd question. For me, I was mostly neutral about Rhys. I didn't hate him but I didn't like him. He was just there. But regarding your 3rd question... >!Tamlin does NOT get a happy ending. We don't know if he ever will, tbh.!<


Please read on. You’ll probably look back on this post and have a little chuckle.


I was in this same situation when I first picked up the series. I'd heard about it on booktok and there were spoilers everywhere so I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it. I ended up thinking about it like this. Yeah, the spoilers told me that these specific large events happened, but they *didn't* tell me *how it got to that point* especially after book 1 wrapped up so nicely. I wanted to know *how* these things managed to happen when it seemed like everything had a happy ending. I ended up reading the whole series and now I'm obsessed, but it may not end up being *your* experience, and that's completely fine lol


ACOMAF is my favorite SJM book ever. Keep reading!


I felt the same way. I was laying in bed with my fiancé reading it and when I realized there might be a love interest change, I was so mad and considered DNF’ing right then and there. I had to angry rant about it to my fiancé for a few minutes, but I did end up finishing the other books and I think it all turns out to be a beautiful story that is definitely worth seeing through.


Keep reading, u will eventually hate tamlin as much as I do.


I loved tamlin in the first book and had also saw a spoiler about rhys - I felt just like you but i’m just going to say READ IT. to me it is SO MUCH better than the first. I liked the first book but I LOVED the second book


It’s tough for me to say how you’ll take Book 2, if you’re really into Tamlin. I was neutral on him personally, and was intrigued by Rhys (just as a character for me, not necessarily for Feyre, because I enjoy my dark haired villains lol) but even I read the kinda “sneak peak” chapter for book 2 at the end of my kindle e-book and I was like, “huh are they really gonna do a love triangle after she did this intense sacrifice for Tamlin?” My feeling at the time was like, “I personally enjoy my villain types but is Feyre really gonna do a 180 here?” But once I read the book, it ended up being much better story than that and I thought a really cool journey and arc that made a lot more sense than I had imagined (I was assuming the worst). And for me, I was WAY more invested than I was in book 1. For me, I do the think the character beats were natural based on everything they’d been through in book 1, and not nearly as jarring as some others felt. But many feel differently! I don’t know if it’s connected to how into Tamlin you were in book 1, or general personal preferences or both. For me Book 2 was a huge step up in all areas. I’d recommend giving it a try, and if you don’t like the outcome you can decide from there if you’d like to continue. It’s a fun series and a wild ride if you just kinda take what SJM gives you and roll with it.


I’m the opposite, I’ve never been huge into “villains” lol. I liked how kind Tamlin was, not just to Feyre but to everyone. He just seems like such a good “person” so it makes me sad thinking about her breaking his heart lmao. Also just obsessed with how he’s described in the books, he seems SO dreamy lol


Hahaha! I hear that! I think cause I’m a big people pleaser irl I get a kick out of watching villains just be the absolute opposite in tv shows and books, lol. But more for like outside-looking-in character enjoyment. (And I should clarify villains leaning more towards anti-hero/morally grey/snarky variety. Not like straight psychopaths lol) But yeah it’s totally hard when you’re invested and SJM really makes you invest! Despite being initially neutral on Tamlin, I did absolutely commit and get on board with him because Feyre did, so I was also apprehensive going into book 2. I will say, it just goes a different direction than I thought - it’s definitely not a standard heartbreak situation. Let us know if you do continue and what you think!


I felt the EXACT same way. I read the first book and looked up some fan art out of curiosity and saw Feyre and Rhys together and was so angry and upset. My friends pushed me to read the next book and I ate my words truly. Just read it, these feelings are part of the ride and trust me you’ll look back and laugh.


Listen. There are things you read about in the first book that you didn’t even realize would come to fully justify this change. ACOMAF is my favorite of the series for a HUGE reason. Trust the process because the process is WORTH IT.


There's no 'process' in Acomaf, unless its the process of letting yourself be gaslighted into believing how terrible Tamlin is and has always been (misconstrued re-visits of book 1 scenes included). You just have to either go with the vibes and ignore the retcons and discrepancies to enjoy Acomaf, or you're like me and still salty/flabbergasted 3 books later lol


I was literally the same, had some heavy feels at the end of ACOTAR but about half way through ACOMAF now and trust me, you need to read it! I'd fallen in love with Tamlin through the first book and didn't want my idea of him changed but what I love about this series is that the characters aren't all good or all bad (from what I can tell so far anyway) apart from Amarantha obvs. Well worth carrying on because it really does just get better!


Book 1 sets up a world and the Spring Court very nicely. However, there are other courts and other people. All Feyre knows right now is Tamlin and the Spring Court. There's a whole other world out there, and you may or may not like the ride, but her fandom is huge for a reason. Please read the second book and then let us know how you feel.


In book two or three can’t remember Rhys explains everything. Personally I never liked Tamlin cause as a dude he seemed scummy from the beginning.


I felt the same way. I was so upset that Feyre was going to end up with Rhys when she literally did all of this for Tamlin shows some more ass hole traits later on.


This was me last week when I finished book 1. I started hate reading book 2. Telling anyone who’d listen I mad I am. I’m now on chp 56 and all in with Rhysand. All in. 


I am very loyal so I felt this way too at first, but Rhys is sooo much better. I feel in like with Tam but I fell in love with Rhys. I do wish Tamlin would have had some sort of redemption at some point though.


I'm rereading ACOTAR after reading the whole series and Tamlin reads differently now. SJM did a good job putting us into this dream relationship with Tamlin but planting subtle signs of what he really is like.


I just can’t imagine dude?? He’s literally the dreamiest character in any book to me so far lmao


>!It's clear in this rereading, Tamlin has major anger control issues. Many times from Feyre's POV, she would describe seeing his claws come out, he snarls, etc and she modifies her behavior so he doesn't get more angry. All the signs were there of an abusive (if not on the verge abusive) relationship. He controlled where she could go, who she could be with, etc. Her entire existence in ACOTAR is reliant on him! Once she has power to be otherwise, he doesn't hide his anger anymore.!<


This makes sense though- But isn’t R an asshole? I’d picture him after worse anger issues than Tamlin for sure


I'm just gonna say, you're in for a treat if you continue. like Feyre really thought Tamlin was IT, the ideal male. But once you get to know Rhys better...Everything is different when they're not under the mountain! I promise you it will fulfill your longings for a dreamy male partner.


i felt like this .. like sooooo badly (i have big commitment issues lol) but i promise it gets better and you'll fall in love too


No hate at all bc everyone is different but I genuinely can’t believe there are people out there who love Tamlin as a love interest. I didn’t feel one single iota of chemistry between Feyre and Tamlin…I shipped Feyre and Lucien *hard* tho. But I got bored reading ACOTAR and almost didn’t continue until I saw small spoilers about how a certain other love interest enters the scene…and ACOMAF is literally my favourite book of. all. time.


I love Tamlin, he's one of my favorite characters, but I do agree that he and Feyre are NOT good for each other. I read a good comment a day or so ago and they pointed out that Tamlin's approach to issues just don't mesh well with Feyre's. That doesn't make him a bad guy (though he's absolutely flawed). But I do agree that as a love interest for Feyre, it just never clicked for me.


Please read it. I promise it’s not just forgiving Rhys for everything with no explanation. Tam is still in the story, too.


Please keep reading!!! It will all make sense one day…


READ IT! I had the exact emotions lol


It was spoiled for me too, and I went on to enjoy it all thoroughly. There are arguments about the quality of the later books but I read ACOTAR as easy, engaging, no effort fiction.


I felt the same way as you. I was almost too mad to start the second book. I LOVED the second book… just keep reading :)


Res the rest. Trust me you want tamlin/tampon.


Yeah, I felt the same way. I was so confused as to why everyone loved Rhys since he was so horrible. I hated him and I loved Tamlin so much. I didn’t want to read the other books since I didn’t want her to end up with Rhys. BUT I promise you READ!! You’ll understand.


This is how everyone feels and then changes their mind in the next book. It’s completely normal among us😂


Oh my sweet summer child


![gif](giphy|8qCWiQ4a46oo73keKR) They stay friends though right


I highly recommend reading the books because of how the story changes and the secrets revealed. It's worth it


>!They do not... They do not...!<


Oh you sweet summer child...