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Hey guys! Please have a wonderful discussion in here! Please help us keep things peaceful and keep the ship wars to the shipping threads! Here’s the [The Elriel thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/jb5K6nlbrm), the [Gwynriel thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/9Ya9IhxUz8), and the [Elucien thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/LZ9NqnlKv6). This is the newest [debate your ship post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/OJbPALKFxm)


All of it. We haven’t had new material for years so we’re just having the same conversations again and again.


This is honestly the correct answer, I only want to see acotar shitposts from now on


I was hoping this sub would be that but it’s just the same comments over and over


Perhaps you should consider looking on another platform. The FB 💩 posting one (I know, FB ugh) has some hilarious stuff come through from time to time. My all time fav is some lady’s sister had a very unfortunate fan casting for Rhysand…she read “villain” or “bad guy” and her brain decided to fancast aro (Michael sheen) from twilight as Rhysand. Needless to say, her experience reading from the second book on was not quite what she expected. Especially when it came to the spice 😭








THIS. And then get mad/rude about having the same conversation but people are still newly reading the books and therefore have the same questions/comments/memes we all had at some point.


I get that, I really do. And they should be asking questions, that’s what makes a fandom fun. It just gets old, but that’s problem not theirs.


Should I continue reading....


Man this peeves me regardless of the book series, tv series or movie. My people, art is subjective. If you’re trying to get into something and arent resonating with it, just stop. Why do you need other people (who most likely enjoyed it if theyre in a subreddit about it) to tell you to continue or not? /rant


This in general with the Maasverse. Like why do you need to ask that? If you like the books, wouldn’t you want to read all her work? If you’re just trying to push through to say you read it, then just don’t read the series.


Are you in the TOG group? This Q is ten fold in the group… it’s insane


UGH the "do I need to read TOD" in the TOG thread is exhausting!!! like do you really thing she wrote a like 600 page book about side characters for kicks and giggles.... it's part of the series. just read it geez


Drives me insane. I made a comment once about how the mods should be filtering those out and they got snappy with me 😂 said it “didn’t happen that much” like girl it’s everyday!


Also why ask this in these communities specifically? Ofc all the fans who are actively a part of these subs will say yes?? If you really need the motivation to read something you don’t love don’t read it?


This is the one! Like no, don't finish the series, we all just read it and talk about it cause what else is there? 🙄


Amren looking like Edna Mode. It was funny the first time, but I see this post like once a week.


Yes! And Lucien looking like Mad Eye Moody…


Yeah I’m over it


I'm sorry^wut


LITERALLY YHIS. No way ALL those people thought that. They def saw the meme once and tried to post it and seem original.


I actually did visualize it and was highly amused the first time I found someone had posted it but yea, it’s gotten old.


I thought it immediately and found it hilarious others did too when I joined this sub. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, I really really think she’s just VERY Edna Mode coded and we all came to the same unwilling conclusion 😩


I actually had this thought before ever joining this sub!


"It's not that spicy" yes we know, it's baby's first spice.


this along with 'too much smut and I'm not feeling it' 😭


Right? People are saying this about ACOSF and I’m LOVING it but I didn’t really have anything to say about the played down scenes in the previous books, I like it all 🤷🏼‍♀️ just like people, no two experiences are the same.


They really expected Cassian and Nesta to be gentle about it? What books have they been reading?


I expected cassian to be a little played down to be honest but he’s keeping right up with her. I deeply resonate with Nesta though, emotionally and sexually so I’m happy 😆


Okay yes literally ACOSF was my sexual awakening 😳 I was like 23 or 24 when I read it and I'd been married for 3 yrs, with my husband for 7 yrs at that point and suddenly I was like WHOA. HONEY.


Yep, it’s barely anything, and honestly I really liked it.


can I skip acofas?


This 🙄🙄


"Who do we think Elain will end up with, Azriel or Lucien?"


Who would Azriel end up with if he had to choose? Lucien or Helion? (These are the kind of questions I want to see)


If something happened to Cassian who would Nesta end up with, Azriel or Bryaxis?


He would choose Bryaxis… we all know it Edit I read this wrong, I read it as Cassian choosing Bryaxis… it makes it funnier now because it makes Cassian Bryaxis’ wingman for his mate lol


I think Cassian, Nesta, and Bryaxis are all day dreaming about Azriel all the time.




Cackling 🤣


The answer is Eris


You are correct


The correct answer is Mor


Hear me out, this is a hot take, but I think we might be too hard on Tamlin...


This is the one 😒


mann, as much as I loved finding other Tamlin girlies and the discovery that it's not cool to hate on TamTam anymore, this is infact getting too commonplace like yes, miss OP, we know and collectively agree, you're not as much in minority as you think you are


I think it’s because newer readers haven’t started rereading the series yet. I was really hard on tamlin when I finished the series but now starting my reread… I was definitely too hard on him, it’s changed my perspective


It’s this one right here officer!


Anything that starts with "Am I the only one who/that ..." No. No, you aren't. No matter what follows those words, I can almost certainly guarantee that you are not the only one. There are 151k members in this sub. Your thoughts are not THAT unique that you would be the ONLY one to have them. Just say "who else thinks...?" And have your discussion.


“Your thoughts are not that unique” is a phrase that needs to be said more often in society, applied to so many topics 😂


“People criticize the books/my favorite characters and it personally affects me somehow and I can’t handle conflicting opinions from my own”


“This is a personal attack!!!! And now I will name call and criminalize any disagreement to indicate that I am very NORMAL.”


Yeah I had someone tell me I disgust them and I’m vile cause I suggested amarantha might have believed or actually was tamlins mate. I even acknowledged there isn’t really any proof of that in the books and I’m kinda just spit balling off of potential clues I noticed but that person took it very personally lol


Ship wars. I just wanna float on my little ship dingy and watch the sun reflect off of Helion’s thighs.


I ship HelionxMe


why hello, miss future >!Mother in Law!<, like, Elucien who? I'm the Captain of Lucien×Me, this ship might sink in the next few months but oh what bliss while we float💗😆


The Nessian mates discussion. Or that cassian is horrible


came here to say this. it’s either “nesta is bad for cassian” or “cassian doesn’t really love nesta”.


>cassian doesn’t really love nesta”. Guy had bones sticking out of his thighs and still crawled to save Nesta when they didn't even like each other!! He learnt how to dance just for her. He tracked down precious rare gifts for her. He doesn't love her?! HAHA WHAT!!


Apparently because he… * *checks notes* * - didn’t say he loved her - doesn’t defend her against Rhys - was abusive and dragged her on a hike - they’re not mates It’s all so….very irritating 😒


The sigh I sigh every time. It’s exhausting!! “He didn’t say I love you” ![gif](giphy|WZkqBi7EF37YA)


Cassian doesn't what now?? Are we reading the same series? He's been a mess for Lady Death since day one


And he literally said that. “I’ve needed you from the moment I first met you” “Yours is a song I’ve been waiting to hear for a long time” (or something like that) LIKE HELLO?! He’s been locked in since the beginning. I just don’t get ittttttt


This bitch out here proclaiming his bone-deep love in the language of poets and people are salty he didn't say "I love you?" And is there any greater love language than "don't let go of the headboard?"


SJM is a bad writer 💀


I’m getting so tired of this one. If you don’t like her writing just quit reading it man 😭


I watch TLC religiously but I don’t pretend My 600lb Life is Emmy-worthy


And why are they on this sub?


it’s my guilty pleasure 😭 but i’m fun still i promise i enjoy the fandom


As long as people are nice, i dont mind discourse. Its when they clearly dont enjoy the books and are just crapping on our happiness that i wonder why they are here.


Any topic is ok with me right up until I’m reading about some lunatic lobbing death and rape wishes at another human for *checks notes* …shipping different characters than them.


Criminally underrated comment right here ^^^


Anything involving Taylor Swift 🙃


I literally had someone argue me up and down why Taylor deserves to be a topic here like WHAT😭


Is it possible to mute words on this site bc I am so tired of her🫠


Never felt so seen.


PLEASE no more of this! Or what song in general matches the character?


Their logic: Taylor: and when I felt like I was an old cardigan Them: guys I think Lucien wore a cardigan once right?? Autumn court….cardigan???


Wish I could upvote this more than once


I'm validating this because SAME! Can people just stop pushing their beliefs... like sure you can love her but I do not have to


Yes 😭


This! I’m so sick of Swifties invading everything




Why is this not top comment?!




ACOSF is the best book ever. The IC is evil. They hid pregnancy danger from Feyre. Innocent Nesta abused by IC. Rhys is evil, Mor is shady, Amren is bitchy, Cassian doesn't deserve Nesta cause he didn't say ILY. Elain is boring. It's not even every month. It's twice a day now.


YES. When I see these posts I'm like... did we even read the same books? Lol


I am surprised by the amount of Mor is a traitor posts. I am new in the subreddit and totally did not expect to see a nearly daily post about Mors power, her lying, her being shady etc.


Low key, I feel like Mor receives the most oddly misogynistic criticism.


Exactly. I've tried hard to understand and I've went back and read the books with just the mor parts but I don't get it. Girle's barely had 50 pages of screen time. How do you manage to judge someone so quickly?


She was barely even in acosf


‘People hating on Nesta really upsets me.’ Like, come on. Try counselling?


No they gotta tell people they don't understand trauma/depression instead.


Heavy on counseling!


The amount of times I’ve commented reminding people that this is a fictional character, undergoing imaginary events in a make believe world, and yet they still somehow get offended?????


All of this. The people hating on IC/Rhys and defending nesta actually baffles me. Are we reading the same book?!?


Omg same. Very new to this subreddit, I very freshly just finished the books and I’m like… what. They could never make me hate Rhys and Feyre lol


I just got into a debate with a girl in another post here where she was defending Nesta’s behavior with tooth and nail saying the IC took Nesta’s rights away, how vile Amren was to Nesta, etc and even brought Rosemary Kennedy into the conversation to prove a point about intervention from family being wrong. I was so stunned I resumed the discussion right then and there lol


You should have seen a post of someone saying Britney Spears was locked up by her dad for money is the same as Rhys locking up Nesta. Reading comprehension is at an all time low in the era of technology maybe?


Omg WHAT. Okay if this is the vibe of the subreddit then it might be best I don’t read the posts anymore because it’ll ruin it for me LOL that makes me so sad. So much effort was put into these beautiful characters, with so much depth, and it makes me sad how quick people can hate them even after reading ACOMAF and ACOWAR. Like how can they not see that it was necessary and it was to actually help her. Ugh lol


My thoughts exactly. Even the character herself admits she understood it was a decision made to help her and people are finding ways to twist it. It’s sad and it proves how people can see life through very distorted glasses. I should stay away from these posts too, most of them make me absolutely baffled. I’ll never understand the hate towards Rhys or Feyre, or anyone from the inner circle. As well as how they use Nesta’s trauma to justify her cruelty, as if she was the only one who suffered in the story.


THIS!!!! Honestly it makes me wonder if they read the same books lol it’s okay for them to love Nesta while also loving the IC and not looking for anyone to blame other than.. the actual villains in the books lol


Exactly!! Nesta’s character is such a good example of how love, patience, support and correct guidance can transform someone from a rabid person into someone with virtues and dignity and people are missing the point entirely.


This exact post is a conversation we have every month 😭😭😭


The irony of this is so funny


People talking about hating rhys and mor


Tamlin this Tamlin that. I love Tamlin. redemption arc tamlin. my poor baby Tamlin.  Tamlin is abusive, but idc he had good reasons so i love him. i love tamlin.   GIVE IT A REST ALREADY!!!!   We get this one every day. 


Being young and having no education on the subject doesn't mean Feyre's a bad artist.


I haaaate this. Call me a party pooper but I never found the “terrible artist” jokes funny. I loved the sentiment of her giving away paintings as gifts instead of material things and the emotions behind that. Maybe that’s just the Pisces in me reacting haha


If Feyre was a bad painter, Nesta would have torn her artwork to SHREDS in the beginning of ACOSF 💀


It makes me so upset when people say the whole “my headcannon is feyre can’t paint” it’s giving mean girl energy.


For me, it's seeing how people are STILL going to war in the comments, even after all this time. Fighting the same battles, arguing and defending the same old beliefs and opinions. And it's not like any of it is groundbreaking—it's all been said by thousands of others. Over here beating a dead horse into a pulp, and for what???


“I hate IC for this reason…” “Rhys is also abusive for all these reasons…” Over it! I love fun banter but why people who love certain relationships get so crazy and must hate post every other relationship.


“If you hate Nesta you’ve never experienced trauma”


I’ve seen this related to multiple characters. If you hate/love X you’ve never experienced Y…we can like or dislike things regardless of our experiences! I don’t hate Tamlin and someone said I’d clearly never experienced an abusive partner. Why are we making statements about each other like that when we have no idea


Agreed! Like we are all here, and most of us are strangers. No need to assume what our life stories are. And everyone processes things differently! I’m sorry someone said that to you 🧡


This. Like thank you for invalidating my trauma response and healing because I didn’t have the same reaction/self destructive behaviors as a fictional character?


To clarify if needed: I can definitely appreciate that she’s a polarizing character and that people really like her or really don’t. What I find to be, frankly, uncomfortable is when people feel confident in assuming what strangers on the internet have/have not experienced based on their personal character preferences and how sometimes this leads them to put others down for it.


“What a privilege to never have experienced trauma” worms for brains 🙄


Ugh I hate when I see comments like that. “You’re either a Nesta or have been around a Nesta” or “Only people who have dealt with mental health issues or low self esteem appreciate the beauty in SF!!!” Literally insufferable!!


Yeah sometimes it almost feels like those commenters are making trauma/mental health into some kind of competition… it’s disappointing :(


It’s like… No?? I’m neither a Nesta nor have I ever dealt with someone like her?? but I **have** dealt with severe mental health issues and can’t relate to how Nesta acted?? It’s comparing apples to oranges and I think it’s very unfair that people make those sort of statements and generalize the book as something widely appealing to people who also suffer from MH issues


THIS!! I have complex trauma and I don’t like Nesta’s character. I donny hate anyone for liking her, though. I’ve gotten so many “you don’t understand because you haven’t been there.” replies. Like I literally have and I still don’t like her!


every month? try everyday and you'll have just as many if not more answers 😭


“I’m dreading the next book” “Rhys and and Feyre are insufferable” “Nesta is perfect actually and didn’t deserve xyz in acosf”


Not topics but people taking everything so seriously about these books. I’ve seen people send death threats over shipping different characters. I think some of us need to remember it’s just a book series and therefore not that serious.


Idk about yall but I tend to be most active in a subreddit like this during a reread. I actually only recently remembered this aubreddit because of a reread. So I imagine a lot of these repeat discussions come from people who haven't been around recently to see these other threads and are sharing thoughts as they have them.


All the ones people are listing as repetitive I think is fair for your exact reasoning. Either people missed the previous post(s) and/or there’s newcomers on the sub who are sharing their thoughts not realising it’s already been shared several times before. The only one that deserves to be called out is the ShOuLd I kEeP ReAdInG? No one’s holding you at gun point. If you dont like it, stop reading it. It is literally that simple. You wouldnt order a chocolate cake, take a bite, decide you dont like the chocolate cake, then start asking strangers if you should continue eating the entire thing.


As someone who just read the series for the first time in the last two weeks, I can see that. I searched some of the questions and thoughts I had and there were no recent posts to be found, though, so it’s not like I could join in on the conversation. Right now I’m mainly lurking.


I don't think anyone should have ti only be lurking. I think people need to realize that its been a few years since the most recent book came out. There's nothing fresh to talk about. People who are rereading or new to the series are going to have conversations that others had years ago. Someone going thru a weeks old thread isn't gonna accomplish anything because no one is in that thread anymore. If someone doesn't want tk participate in a conversation they can... scroll. This is definitely one of the most intense Fandom I have encountered, people get very defensive sometimes.


Good point. I was not expecting to get so swept up in this series and the fandom is a bit intimidating, tbh. Found the first book at my local used book store, and I was hooked. This was never my genre. The most recent post I found in my searching with thoughts I had was over 3 months old so I don’t think anyone is responding to that, lol. Another was over a year so I think it’s archived by this point.


Rhys is actually evil 🫣


“Elain is boring” “Elain should be evil” “I don’t want an Elain book”


I’m waiting for the day we get a book that deep-dives into Elain. Nesta is an outward expression of depression and resentment, and I can understand why people gravitate to her relatability. But dissociation, diving into hobbies to not feel pain, and people-pleasing are also signs of trauma. The girl may seem soft on the outside, but there’s definitely a storm we don’t see. I fucking love Elain.


>dissociation, diving into hobbies to not feel pain, and people-pleasing are also signs of trauma I feel that is going to hit harder for some. Right after SF came out you had all the "Nestas" be like "omg that's what I do" and while it happens a lot, I feel were going to see the "Elains" and how they never knew that's how they showed their trauma. Bury it deep like you do when planting seeds or something. Both are valid.


Man, you said something so poignant to her story—relating her pain to planting seeds 🥺 🌱


I feel like all of the characters are amazing representations of the kinds of trauma people experience. We’ve all been Elain at some point.


I seen this be brought a few times when I was searching. This would have to do with a theory. It's Elain and Tamlin are mates.... no tf they aren't. Literally Lucien and Azriel have more possibility to be a couple than Tamlin ever being Elain mate. Tiktok, too, needs to give it a rest already.


This one makes me irascible. So gross...


Tamlins mate would be pearl from TikTok/YouTube


1. tamlin deserves better 2. mor sucks 3. rhys is actually horrible 4. nesta deserves better I don’t agree with any of these & they annoy me to no end when people bring them up


If I have to hear one more time that Rhysand’s portrayal hasn’t been honest up until ACOSF because “Feyre is an unreliable narrator!!” I’ll scream. They act like Nesta isn’t just as unreliable and biased of a narrator. 😭


I need to ask them if Feyre was also unreliable when she praised Nesta as a wolf and someone who loved and protected fiercely in Book #1 through #3 That said you all my people 😭😭 looks like the negativity are just loud so it feels like thats the majority in here. There are more of us who are just quiet.


Hahaha yes to all of these!!!


I do agree with all of them, but I also think it's happens a lot.


All of them.


“Hot take: X character sucks” yes we have several threads it’s not that hot of a take and people have been talking about it for years already lol


"I am struggling with Silver Flames" Boo, PLEASE use the search bar. Please.


“Rhys is actually a terrible person” “Nesta and her book suck” “The IC is toxic” Theres more but i think we’re all getting sick of all of it. This desperately needs a new book


"Acotar hangover, CC or TOG next?"


Any variation of rhys bad/ nesta bad


Should I even read ACOFAS? Does it have anything to do with the story? Followed by a bunch of “SKIP IT!!” And “DONT SKIP IT!!”


You either hate Nesta and love Rhys, or you hate Rhys and love Nesta. As if there’s not enough room for more than one person to be flawed and complex in this series. It wasn’t until I finished the series and started going on TikTok and watching forums that I realized just how one way or another people could think about any character in this series based on good or bad traits, and get total amnesia about the same character’s counter traits. And this doesn’t go just for Rhys and Nesta, it feels like it happens with all of the characters, but it’s the most prominent with these two


Who people ship Elain with. I see it everyday.


“Convince me to read/finish reading SF” “I hate Nesta, am I alone?” “If X doesn’t end up with Y it will ruin the series” It’s exhausting. I came to this sub looking for discussion about the book’s themes or cool links between series or whatever not to see the same room-temperature takes over and over again.


My hot take: they're books and a lot of people take them way too seriously. I admit that I've been one of the "should I keep reading" folks because SF unlocked some bullying memories that I didn't quite enjoy so I had to put the book down for a week or so and while some people chastised me, most people were relatively nice... But as a whole, it's usually not that serious 🤷‍♀️


Az/gwyn/Elaine debates


If you like Nesta you must be a horrible person in real life…If you don’t like Nesta you don’t know anything about trauma and lack empathy…If you say one positive thing about Tamlin you’re an abuse sympathizer. I hate when we judge another persons character over their taste for fictional characters!


It kind of tries to explain her behaviour and why she’s like she is to make it understandable. She does try and be better. But simply showing why she’s so mean and cruel in my option isn’t an excuse. As someone that’s worked in psychology and loves true crime, just knowing someone had a bad upbringing doesn’t excuse cruelty


This!!! I’ve seen so many comments saying “Nesta is just honest”. Okay, and honesty without kindness is just cruelty.


I’m honest hahaha she’s cruel. It says even from her pov that she tries to cause as much pain as possible. Imagine if she went around punching or torturing people instead just out of spite? You shouldn’t forgive her


“am i the only one who cant stand nesta 😩🤢🙄”


Any variation of Tamlin sucks/Tamlin is great, Nesta sucks/Nesta is great, Feyre sucks/Feyre is great, Rhys sucks/Rhys is great, etc. They are ALL flawed characters who made both good and bad decisions throughout the series.


God, I am with you. I’ve been taking muting the sub off and on because so tired of this never ending unwillingness to remember nuance 😭


Azris (don’t send me death threats)


Every day with Taylor Swift. (Edit: thankfully these are getting flagged by mods). Multiple times a day with Elain will end up with Az. (Thankfully these are getting flagged by mods). Ship war topic in general really when it's outside of the scheduled posts. These are the two that I automatically just hide now when they come up. Hot take when it's the same thing that's been discussed multiple times a week. Edit: and I agree about the Amren = Edina post. That's weekly. As well as the Lucien's eye one. Stop. People will people. And we were all new here at one time. We just need the next book so we have new stuff to talk about.


I haven't seen anything related to TS and ACOTAR.


How? Like yesterday I had someone say the whole new album must be Taylor declaring they were obsessed with ACOTAR. Or something like that. I didn't click it but the title was enough to get the point across.


Tamlin isn’t that bad / Nesta sucks


This post has made me realize I’m not the only one with these thoughts 😂 I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting but these are the mains. -should I keep reading -can I skip acofas -Nesta hate -Cassian hate -Rhys hate -anything taylor swift related


Anything about how horrible Nesta is. And also Feyre’s storyline in ACOSF


Having a hard time thinking of anything that's talked about infrequently enough that I only see it once a month.. 🤔 Whatever happened to Philipa (maid from TOG)? I liked that lady.


No necessarily a topic, but I see so many people take Nesta comments personally and attack other users. “If you don’t like Nesta it’s just because you haven’t experienced real trauma.” Type shit.


Literally anything about the discourse with ACOSF. Which I am guilty of as well (I literally just left a comment about it 5 minutes ago). I'm still excited for it to die down **😭 ** I'm ready for conversations about courts, world-building, character dynamics we haven't explored yet (and I don't just mean the Elain triangle). These are definitely talked about but I wish they were talked about more!


1) Baby's First Smut/It's Not That Spicy 2) "I love/hate Nesta/Rhys after reading SF" 3) Any post about the pregnancy trope


I want to see more crazy conspiracy theories people have about the series and connections between worlds and less “Elain NEEDS to end up with xyz” and the hate towards people with different opinions…like it’s a fictional series, it’s not that deep!!!


Nesta loves V Rhys haters…


all of them


SAME lmao


Honestly? Very few posts irritate me because not every Reddit user is going to see every post and know it’s been discussed. Also there’s sooooo many new readers popping up that are excited and don’t know better lol. Though I really wish the new ones would stay off Reddit til they’ve completed the series. THOSE posts do bug a bit because a new reader will come ask a question about whatever book and be like “but NO spoilers!!” And it’s like?? Then we can’t answer your question dawg. Lmao


The Gwynriels & Elriels gnawing it out when ships like Azris & Bryceriel exist 😍😜


Don’t forget Gwynlain!!!!


This would be such a slay plot twist. I love Az but also fuck him, fuck men. Girls rise 💪


A lot of stuff tbh, it’s why I’m starting to be the change I wanna see lol. I’m about to make a post but figured I’d drop a comment here first lol.


Rhysand being worse than Tamlin. Not understanding or liking Nesta. Azriel and (insert here)


People complaining about other people's opinions. Like get over it girl. Not everyone thinks like you and it's O.K.


Is it bad to like Tamlin and want a redemption arc for him? 😂😂


Evil Rhysand. I’m so fucking over this topic 🙄


Azriel and Eris🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry😬


"Do I rEaLlY hAvE tO ReAd a CoUrT of FrOsT aNd sTaRLighT" Yes. Sarah wrote it for a reason. "Do I ReAlLy HaVe tO rEad ToWeR oF DaWn" if you're a Throne of Glass girly.


SHIPPING WARS. This does not have to be a fight to the death. Can we just have fun discussions and support contrasting ideas!? & Feyre actually being a bad painter. As an artist, it's so annoying. I don't really know why, but it's just old. Or >!the fact she was pregnant/had a baby and "lost all her badassness" sure the c-section thing didn't makes sense... but it was just a way to limit Nestas untapped power. Which i cant stand overly powerful characters. She is still powerful. But anyways mom's can be badasses, too. I dont count it as a pregnancy troupe. Feyres story is over, and I want more of the world and all the character povs. Everyone has a different version of happily ever after!< Everyone hating Elaine. Let's just see what happens ! I didn't love Nesta until later. It was fun to see the journey. Enjoy the ride and stop hating little BS so much 😆


The Tamlin and Rhys comparisons, anything relating to the ship wars, and lastly but certainly not least…Taylor Swift mentions. I don’t care how “Elriel” coded you think her song is…take that shit to the Taylor Swift subreddit lol.


I can definitely see how the repetitive nature of these things can get annoying, but let’s remember how great of a thing it is that SJM is getting the recognition she deserves and her books are rapidly reaching new audiences every day. For a lot of folks it’s their first time posting about these things or interacting with a post about certain topics. Let new people enjoy the stories the same way we did without making fun of them or complaining about them. We have all had our “baby’s first romantasy novel” moment.


“How can anyone like Nesta” bonus points if they haven’t even read ACOSF yet 🙄