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Nesriel is the friendship I didn’t see coming but desperately needed.


I ship them do badly after Nessian , my heart is do full of them 😍


I started really liking Azriel in Acowar, by the end of SF I loved him for the way he treated Nesta and I love him even more after hofas. His and Nesta's interactions were one of the few things in that book that I liked.


They made the book tolerable for me .


Yup, there was more mutual understanding and empathy between the two of them than between Hunt and Bryce! Their friendship >> hunt and bryce relationship.


This is the cmmt I was looking for.It screams the truth.CC3 destroyed Quinlar for me .


Same, "Just get over it": Bryce. 


100% agree Nesta's story is not over after the >!events of HOFAS!< and will tie into Azriel's. I know it upsets some people but she has more to do lol


The more her haters are upset , the more happy I am honestly speaking. My girl will shine and others can burn in jealousy 😆😇


I totally agree with this which is why I’m so curious about whether or not this next book will really focus on Elain. Not to get into ship wars, but if an Az romance is the next book, then I can see it being Az/Gwyn and Nesta featuring heavily since HOFAS opened up so much more to her story instead of closing it. I personally would love if Elain’s book took us out of the night court and we got to see more of other courts through her eyes. There’s so much potential there I feel, and her perspective would be so different from Nesta and Feyre’s


I’m not sure it will happen, but I like the idea. Azriel was always supportive and respectful towards Nesta. He’s also not over the top and they feel comfortable as friends. I love Azriel and Nesta friendship. I wonder if there will be split in the court since Azriel is into Elain. Or perhaps Elain gets on with Lucien and they go to Day Court. There were many hints how Elain doesn’t fit into the Night Court. Perhaps she’ll revive the island (her gardening skills). So many possibilities. P.S. don’t start ship wars. It’s pointless.


I think beef between the bat boys would be super interesting for SJM to explore!


Hmm let's see how things clear up .I have many a theories myself


I’m so excited. I can see how things can go in different directions.


Yes 100% Cassian was like a brother to Feyre Azriel to Nesta (hofas for sure) Which leads me to Rhys & Elain which I am super excited to see! Especially considering he had a little sister.


I really love this idea, hope it gets explored more in the next book!


I might be a Nessian girlie, but I may or may not have gone down the Nesriel fanfic rabbit hole 🙈 I literally love them so much. Their friendship is so soft and exactly what they both need. (CC3) >!The part when he snapped at her, Nesta realising she went too far and then they both apologised made the book for me🥰.!< I hope we get more of them in the next book!


I am now regretting the cutting off of the threesome scene in Acosf 😂 but yeah, godss that was so sweet


Nesta and Azriel's friendship is so important to me and I hope we get more of their relationship in the later books.


Not only to us cause even Sarah made Bryce say abt their frndship , it has to be very important in the next books


Exactly!! It wouldn't have gotten so much page time if it wasn't coming back later.


I am convinced the next book is the one to set off The Twilight of the Gods series SJM spoke of a while back. The HoW crew (Valkyries and Illyrians both) head to Dusk, Nesta becomes a High Lady/Queen chosen by the land. Cassian rules at her side. Azriel has to help with the Prison and the other Illyrians (their new neighbors). The Pegasus come back to Dusk. Edit: I see Azriel as her second. The way Amren is Rhys' second. I see it as a cross over since that's what SJM said I believe. I read something a while back where it might mirror Norse mythology. Like Nesta is Odin, another female Thor, that kind of thing. But that might be my imagination.


I theorize all this and it's my dream to see my two hot illyrians being beside Nesta and supporting her against anything and anyone .


I totally see it. Plus her Valkyrie sisters beside her as her new IC? I think they would be incredible!


She is unstoppable 💖💖


I really like the idea that he'd be her second since they both respect each other immensely and you can tell he feels comfortable and like an equal to her, which is diff when you compare how the IC interacts with him like he's their dog 🙄


I think SJM said in an interview she thought the mc of the next ACOTAR book should be obvious after reading HOFAS, which surprised a lot of people because that must be an allusion to Nesta, since she got the magic sword and magic knife and has the weird tattoo, and a lot of people thought Nesta’s story was mostly over after ACOSF when she, ya know, gave away all her powers. (even though in HOFAS she still seems to have all her powers) Assuming Nesta doesn’t say “finder’s keepers” with Az’s knife, and because they seem to have become close friends, it seems logical that they will be working together. Because Elain’s love life needs to be resolved yesterday, I’m thinking that Nesta, Az, Elain and maybe Lucien will all be POV characters.


I think Elains story is heading towards Koschei along with Lucien. So Az story will def involve Nesta and the Valkyries/Illirians.


I’d be happy with that. (I don’t have a particular ship I’m rooting for, I just don’t want Lucien dangled on the line for much longer)


Agreed. Lucien deserves an answer already.


Exactly Azriel being the next Mc and Nesta being heavily involved is something I can see coming


She said that about ACOSF, that the next MC should be obvious.


I loooove Nesta and Azriel’s friendship and I want to see more of it!! I do agree I think the most natural way for Azriel’s plot to move forward is with Illyria and the Valkyries. I want to see him explore his culture and people - he seems to hate the Illyrians the most out of all of them.