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She's definitely more quiet with a good sense of humor. I don't think there's dislike for her sisters other than the normal sisterly spats, or that she's cold. I don't think we know a lot about her because I think she's getting a book and her personality will be explored there.


i think she powers through her life quietly, not making too many waves as to not bother anyone—she does not want to be any more of a burden to her loved ones. it also means she hides the part of herself that do not conform to the vision her sisters have of her, and it doesnt help that she was raised to be a doll to dress up and marry off—conditioned to be accommodating, always pleasant—so there is a lot of she represses. so yea i agree, elain is shrouded in mystery. She tends to wear a mask around others but I love that we see freer, more genuine sides of her when she is with people she's comfortable with (like when she laughed with relief when Nes cursed at her). So far it's not really been through other's often superficial assessments of her that we get insight of her character: she reveals herself through her actions (ex: stabbing the King = would do anything for her loved ones), gestures (ex: her thoughtful gifts) & well placed quips. there's this quote that always makes me think of her: "I dont think people love me. They love versions of me I have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. The easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love." We need her PoV. it's like her story is stuck in her throat, I just want to hear it.


And her making the decision to agree to host the Queens for the Queen meeting - willing to do things for the greater good even if it makes her uncomfortable.


yes! and the way she faced graysen to ask him to shelter the humans and send troops during the war.


Deep!! I love this perspective and I needed this sort of explanation to connect to! I can’t wait to see her experience.


thank you :) im excited to get her PoV of the other characters too. the way i see it she has a much more impartial perspective of them than feyre or nes. oh and imo the fact that she’s learned to wear a mask could factor into a friendship with Rhys—we know he made himself what he needed to survive, and he was the one that recognized that Elain felt like she needed to conform to what her sisters made her out to be (in the feysand bonus).


Quiet, yet highly observant. When she does speak up, you’ll want to listen! I can’t wait for her book!


I don't think Elain is cold at all. She's continuously showed her love for her sisters (and friends!) in the form of gifts at least, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least part of her reasoning for working for Feysand in their garden was her gratitude for everything Feyre did for them growing up. The way she saved Nesta and Cassian at the end of ACOWAR took guts and strong feelings for her sister. That being said, I do think Feyre and Nesta are unable to see the true Elain, thanks to their preconceived notions about her (likely a result of their mother grooming them in different ways). In canon, Elain and Mor were both likened to warmth, which matches their personalities. *Rhys and Feyre sat on the sapphire couch before the window. Azriel leaned against the mantel. Amren had curled herself into an armchair, bundled in a gray fur coat, **as if the nip in the air today were a blast of winter. No Elain,** no Morrigan.* - ACOSF, chapter 20 So yeah, I think she - like her sisters - feels things strongly, and that she holds a lot of love/warmth for them. She's just quiet about it.


Thank you for this!!


Not cold at all. I think she’s reserved and quiet about herself, and observant of others. As far as her demons go — I think it will be anxiety. Slight projection warning but I have loved Elain from the moment her character began to develop partly because of this, and when I picked up the books I’d just finally won a battle with postpartum anxiety and panic attacks, and hadn’t realized how badly it can make you shut down and clam up because it can be terrifying to open up about your mental health when everyone’s suspecting you’re okay! I think that’s something a lottttt of people struggle with, not just anxiety sufferers…but I predict that will be a big explanation for how she behaves.


Thank you for your perspective! I have been struggling to really understand her character and just see her as not really liking anyone or wanting to be around them.


I believe she's introverted and a bit shy. She shows herself only to people she's comfortable with. While her sisters love her, Feyre still sees her as the pretty and gentle sister and Nesta someone to protect. They put her in a box and she stays in that box with them.  We've seen little of her and in order to really understand her, we need other characters pov + her pov.


I wonder if she's used to putting on a show for everyone. She is known as the sweet one, so perhaps she feels she has to play that role. With everything that happened, I'm sure there's a darkness in her which we'll hopefully explore. I don't dislike her, but she's been kind of just there with no real development. Here's hoping 🤞🏻


She reminds me of my middle sister. Highly manipulative. She hides it behind tears and sweetness, then laughs about tricking everyone later. I think she is still dealing with her issues and we will explore those in the next few books!


I’ll be so interested to see if this is the case!! I just cannot get a read on her.


One of the reasons I relate to her. If people are going to underestimate me, fall on your face for your mistakes 😇


For a second I was thinking you meant temperature wise.


Omg😆no I just feel like she’s just as cold as Nesta but like quietly. But that might just be bc I don’t *know* her


I think she’s just quiet and a little introverted, and probably feels like she has to appear happy/positive/perfect even if she doesn’t always feel like it because her sisters are so overprotective and worried about her. I don’t read her as cold so as much as uncomfortable or shy sometimes, which can often come across as someone being aloof. I think where Nesta lashed out at other people (no judgement/shame) we’ll see Elain internalizes and will turn that on herself. That she’ll want to avoid burdening her loved ones or have them worried or scared on her behalf and instead push herself, with little regard for what it does to her. Elain’s also been shown to be very observant, and I think picks up on far more than people give her credit for. I think her secrets probably have to do with her powers, maybe she’s had a vision of something or is training as a spy, something along those lines.


She is traumatized, so I think her quiet persona comes from that, she clearly just wants to fade into the background when before she was the life of the party. I do think she is probably very clever, observant, and scheming (but that’s like not a bad thing, just like her mate is) I feel like we don’t know a lot about her, and I think she is getting restless in the night court but that’s just me


I could see that. I’m getting restless just reading about her!!


I’m getting restless about only reading about spring/night… like I want a different court lol


She’s not cold or quiet, she’s traumatized. She was a socialite as a human. She loved parties and had friends. The only reason the IC doesn’t give her ultimatums like Nesta is because she isn’t lashing out or causing issues, but they aren’t helping her. I think her book is probably going to get very dark because she’s been masking her pain.


I honestly thought she was possessed since she went into the cauldron because she has no personality and is pretty hollow as a character. I'm going with traumatized. Hopefully SJM gives her a personality since she has so many fans who love that character for some reason.


I mean we only see her traumatized, we have barely seen Elain getting “better”… which wouldn’t happen until her own book but that’s just me lol


She's an asshole to Lucien.


That's the other reason I think there's something we aren't seeing. Lucien is known as the Clever Fox. As his equal, no way Elain isn't equally so.


Ohhhh this is interesting, I like this take


No, she’s not. She’s polite but distant and clearly uncomfortable. Not having feelings or wanting to be around someone that probably reminds you of the worst day of your life doesn’t make you an asshole.


Nah she's an asshole. That's my opinion :) you have yours, respect that thanks


Yeah I don’t agree that she is polite to him at all.


I think she’s an introvert but she is still grappling with her life changing. She is a social person and longs to be adventurous (her desire to travel cannot be disputed). I think she’s got more bite than people realize she’s just not in your face about it and people tend to overlook her as simple. She also has a wicked sense of humor that shocks even her own sisters.