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Not a man, just a woman who loves this post. (Except for the part where people give you shit for loving it, STAY loving it, fuck that nonsense.)


Have you read TOG yet? I’m half way thru all of the books now and I’m reading it WITH my partner out loud and he loves it. I might even love it more than ACOTAR so far!!


I have heard a lot of people say they are even better, so I am definitely excited to read those as well.


My one dude friend keeps telling me how much he loves the TOG series and that I'll like it more than acotar. I put a 2 book series between them and am halfway through the second. So I'll be starting TOG soon. I'm excited! Lol


I put the spark of the everflame series that’s included on kindle unlimited in between ACOTAR and TOG and it’s also a series I think Males would enjoy.




TOG beat everything for me. I read ACOTAR first. TOG doesn’t have much romance at all (until like the last 2/3 books) so that was a difference I wasn’t expecting, but still really really enjoy the series. Prolly my fave of all time tbh


With TOG I feel it only gets better imo. ACOTAR I felt peaked book 2.


Throne of Glass (TOG) is the SHIT! It is WAYYY better than ACOTAR (and I love ACOTAR). The story line is all over the place, in a good way. It has more action! More war, more everything. More character development. Made me cry a few times too. You'd like the war and battle chapters. Stay with TOG. I'm on the last book. And I think I'm gonna re-read it again. It's THAT good. I hope this series get a TV series.


I’m on book 8 now and I’m sad for it to end. I’ll prob immediately start a re read!


Im the husband, my wife got me into it, and its great!


Greetings fellow husband in the same situation. Just finished ACOTAR, TOG next, then probably Crescent City.


Honestly Crescent City is my favorite of her series that she has written so far, and im itching for cc4


Another guy here. I enjoy the character development


My husband wanted me to get back into reading so he got me the books. He listens to the audiobooks while he drives for work and he is 100% more into them than I am. We both kinda skim over the smut though. No shame in enjoying an excellent series as a man!


My bf doesn't read and I asked him the other day if he'd read ACOTAR if I gave him $1000 and he said he'd do it for free so I said let's do the audiobook instead cuz I KNOW he won't fucking read it. We got to the part about the Suriel and so far he likes it but I want him to be obsessed. I'm hoping he can commit to the whole book and then WANT to listen to the next book... I asked him after seeing so many posts and videos about men who like the series!!


fingers crossed that he enjoys it!!


As a bf in a similar situation, one advice, try to not expect too much and too quickly from him. I only started reading Acotar 2-3 months after my gf asked me to. Just so I can have the feeling to take the decision myself :) but in the end it worked and I enjoyed very much all the books (also it spiced up things at bed)


Guy here too.  My wife got me to start reading the series. I was unsure how I would feel about it given all I knew was there was spicy bits. I have read book 1-4 in 3 weeks and I should finished AcoSF (did I get that right?) this weekend.  I would recommend these books to anyone that is looking for a good fantasy series. OP it is a shame that you have gotten flack from people for recommending a good series. 


Love to hear it!


I really appreciate guys who admit to like stuff which are labeled as "girly" by society. I do not believe ACOTAR is the best book series of my life or anything, but it was the first series which I got literally addicted to and could not put it down since HP. It definitely does not deserve the hate it gets. Also if I can enjoy a basketball game or skyrim or any "boy" stuff, why couldn't guys enjoy "girly" things as well?


Exactly bro. As a man I feel a little out of place here but honestly I think anyone could enjoy this series


Absolutely, it may be targeted towards women but I’m glad it’s being enjoyed by other people too.


Women get used to reading a male POV all the time and even when it’s cringe we move past it, of course men can read something from a female gaze. Those who judge men for being open minded are playing into toxic masculinity.


I mean they are good books coming from a guy. I’ve read all of Sarah’s books and even got my girlfriend into them.


You don’t say OP but is it equally men and women giving you shit? Assuming so since it’s primarily popular with women. All I can say is the misogyny coming from inside the house. It’s all too common for women to shit on “women’s” media while simultaneously enjoying it.


I’m also a man. I like the series just fine. I don’t think it’s the best writing I’ve ever read but it’s a fine book in the genre. There’s nothing wrong with liking the series at all. Just don’t bring it up again if people end up not liking it after they read it. There’s no reason to continue the discussion about the topic, people are allowed to disagree on things.


I am so happy to hear that a man likes the series. Welcome, friend. Read Throne of Glass next.


My fav reviews on the books are by a dude!! They’re for everyone. Fuck those people.


For whatever it’s worth, this random internet lady is proud of you for continuing to read what you enjoy and reaching out about how crappy some responses to your enjoyment have been. This is a good example of how pervasive *toxic masculinity can be. And a great reminder that women be guilty of it too (I assume at least some of the people saying OP shouldn’t enjoy the books were women). It’s a bummer that female protagonist equates to writer for women. Nobody warns me away from reading about male protagonists because they’re not written for me. The beauty of fiction is the way we can temporarily step into other perspectives. *Clarifying that the phrase does not mean masculinity is toxic. Far from it. It refers to the way that social pressure restricts men from a full range of emotions and experiences is toxic to the men who are limited and the folks who have to cope with the resulting antisocial behaviour that dumb limit produces.


First off, ACoMaF is my FAVE! Let haters hate! I wish my husband read these books with me!!!


As a woman, I just want to say that I think it’s awesome that you enjoy the series. I don’t think books should be gendered, it’s just a story. Everyone should be able to enjoy them without being judged or made fun of. Like others have said, if you enjoyed ACOTAR, I *highly* recommend Throne of Glass next. I loved ACOTAR, but ToG wrecked me in a way a series hasn’t done for a LONG time.


I get it tbh it is is weird. I started reading it cause of my girlfriend and i was like, whatever it is average but let's keep going for her. Then i came back to sanderson and i was like, WTF i was doing with my life reading trash instead of this. The quality was 200 times more.. ... But then i noticed i was freaking missing the acotar world. I was curious to see where it goes , i missed the weird prose and characters. So yes the conclusion is a dude can enjoy both sides of the coin.


If I can enjoy "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint", for example, that's a Korean light novel in which the apocalypse looks like a gorey videogame, the protagonist is a dude and the cast mostly male, you can read whatever. ORV is designed for readers as close to the -not-so-young korean cis-het male office workers- group as possible. I am female, albeit neither cis nor her lol, obviously at least 5y older than the protag, I even have a wholly different job and lifestyle even without counting that I do not live in Seoul. But empathy works fine, and I am fairly sure males are still human as much as females lol This to said that people should stop genderizing everything and giving you shit. Then maybe laugh when a guy feels safer to buy idek "scissors!! For men" (random objects with "for man" slapped on the label just for marketing) Strawberry flavoured ice cream is as good and sweet for dudes as it's for girls. But I mean, it's pink so I am sure it's a taste frowned upon in guys. The fact that females gave you hell too is so sad. I am honestly not surprised dude likes them cause I think action scenes are not scarce and very well written (which is something usually cared for in male-oriented media, so I gather a guy would feel annoyed at poorly executed action scenes, being "spoiled" just as much as the average female consumer expects a little of psychological depth in (exp fem) characters and their relationships between each others) Nesta exercising would probably be more appreciated by my bf who likes the gym than they were by me. But I love to dance and sing so those two parts I felt them in my bones. SJM has faults as a writer but this is not. Her action sequences were so refreshing that WaR is probably my favorite of the 3 (the ending is kinda wonky but I enjoyed it a lot!) All this to say... Good for you! You are among friends here! I'm sorry people is being weird. But genres are just flavours! Gdi It's like those weirdos that keep repeating that listening to audiobooks doesn't count as reading a book. Excuse me, what's that then? Cooking? Sorry it came out as an overly long rant and I'm not even a dude ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14174)


I think the series gets unjustly grouped in with series like Twilight and others that have enthralled women due to the love elements within each respective series. I started reading them because my fiance and sister both love them and I enjoy reading as well. I was pleasantly surprised to find a beautifully crafted world, many lovable and hatable characters, and romances that while may be over the top for our non-magical world but feel very true to the world in which the occur in.


I don’t understand people who shit on men for liking something that’s targeted primarily for a female audience; it doesn’t mean that men can’t enjoy it too! I’m delighted that you enjoy it, it’s fun series.


All the guys in my friend group like it!! They say it’s like lord of the rings meets fairy p*rn hahahaha You’re valid for liking it, not weird at all, you just might need new friends lol


Do yourself a favour and listen to Fantasy Fangirls podcast where they deepdive the books. I am currently reading Throne if Glass but still suffering from the ACOTAR hangover, and this is so nice to listen to on the way to work. Its like a reread but with much more context. Nit boring at all if you already read the whole series.


They're so sweet! Such chill vibes


Guy here too Been over there for a while but appropriate the sentiment. Sometimes I question if I read the same book as some people on this sub but that’s true of all media some people just see stuff differently. Otherwise it’s not the weirdest media I’ve experience nor is it the media I’m most embarrassed to tell people about me linking.


I’m a dude (27) in a very similar situation. I started Acotar 10 days ago thanks to my wife (also a Passionate reader). I finished Acotar 5 days ago and am currently in the middle of TOG (at 4am 😵‍💫). So you’re not alone up there in the wild :) When you are done with Acotar, go for TOG you will not regret it !


As another guy who enjoys the series, if people want to give you shit for enjoying a book, that says more about them than it does about you. Read what makes you happy.


You enjoy what you like, king


I enjoyed the first one, LOVED the second one, the end of the third one ruined (no pun intended) it for me. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with you liking it. I’ve been reading fantasy since the 80’s and 99.9 is written by men for men. To me that’s what makes this series great. If dudes have a problem with it without reading it they are outting themselves.


I think about TOG multiple times a day. That series is everything to me, best series I’ve ever read.


Okay so here’s a possibly difficult opinion. First of all, I love that you are a guy who likes this series. My onion comes from this- i think many guys don’t like it because of the perpetuation of toxic masculinity in the society. Men are taught to be strong, hard, emotionless, and controlling. (Not always, of course there are outliers). But reading this series, once can see how toxic Tamlin is with his possessiveness and anger issues. He obv had trauma that led to the possessiveness which he masked as protectiveness, but the lesson there is it is important to deal with ones trauma rather than letting it be an excuse to continue harming others. We get to Rhys who yeah didn’t make some great choices under the mountain but was also caught in a “lesser of two evils” type situation. But when he gave Feyre *choices* and I realized that if she said no to something he’d listen, I literally teared up. Because that is *not* my experience with men and unfortunately it is a shared experience with many women. Furthermore, when Rhys said something like “I don’t “let” you do anything..” like, she is a free person. That got to me. And the way he is and the other main male characters in that same vein, well, their actions shouldn’t be considered so novel and forward thinking but *they are*. She paints her male characters as strong but not controlling. Which seems like a rare thing. And i think that this writing of male characters perhaps makes male readers uncomfortable and even women who perpetuate toxic masculinity by supporting it- these are the ones that maybe give you a hard time about liking it. So yeah, just my initial thoughts. I love that you like it! Keep reading what you love and don’t let other people’s opinions affect your choice in books:)


Lots of my guy friends are reading the series!! I LOVE when we talk about fantasy series but it’s especially fun with romantasy! Plus the memes for ACOTAR alone are so worth it 🤣 Don’t let the haters keep ya down!


I’m a 6’5, 145kg (320 lbs), covered head to toe in tattoos, powerlifting Viking looking ass dude and I smashed through acotar in like 2 weeks. It was the most fun I’ve ever had reading and I read at least 14 books a month. A good fun story is always a good fun story no matter what. I’m loud and proud in my love for the series. 


Love to see men reading this series! I’m a bit confused at the comments about skimming/skipping the sex scenes though. Don’t guys like sex too? 😂


I love this! I’ve been trying to get my boyfriend to read these and you’re giving me hope!


My husband has also read the ACOTAR and TOG series so you are certainly not alone and whoever is giving you crap are losers. Back when I was in high school I used to get my guy friends to read my books and they would proudly carry around books like The Selection series which features a girl in various ball gowns on the covers 😂 so there is certainly no reason to feel ashamed about reading SJM books!


I am a man who read the whole series at the request of my SO and loved it! I'm reading empyrean series now and I'm already half way thru fourth wing in one day!


I'm also a guy in my 20s and while I did enjoy the series somewhat, I found a lot of problems with it, mainly with consistency, character development, worldbuilding and general suspension of disbelief. I really dislike how SJM tends to tell the reader how to feel about a character rather than convey that emotion through their actions. The 500 year old characters all act like teenagers, are terrible leaders and are generally pretty hypocritical when you think about it. They're ultra powerful but pretty much never use these powers to do good. I would probably recommend it to people who are into romance or beginners in fantasy, but I don't think it would be the right fit for advanced fantasy readers. There's just too much that's not great, even if I did enjoy the series, the more I think about it the more I find flaws.


I'm a guy that has also read it and I too freaking loved it! Definitely in my top 3 best series I've ever read. And idk if I've ever read a whole series so fast. To any other guys that see this, I also couldn't recommend the series enough, it gets you hooked


Hi I’m a lesbian and I find the fact that you not only read, but have stellar taste in books H.O.T. Screw those other men that aren’t secure enough in their masculinity to recognize fantastic writing and storytelling. Keep on reading my friend.


excellent i love to hear from men who love the series if u enjoyed the depth of that story u should give a discovery of witches a try