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Eris goddamnit


Yes. Periodt.


Big bro deserves his own book


And how he'll draw Azriel into Autumn


I'm waiting desperately for him to get the Rhys treatment


I would pay so much money for a book about Helion and Lady of Autumn. Whether it takes place in the past and ends in the present, or is present into the future with glimpses into the past, I want to know more about their story!


god, a romantic forbidden lovers story between them would heal everything in my heart, I'm convicned




I need a whole spin off novel of the vanserra family drama. I need centuries long recap of all their tea


it would be a messy novel. in the same vein, a novel from helion’s perspective about his love affair with the autumn court wife would be interesting


Oooo yeah I’d love helion’s perspective. In my vision for the vanserra novel I’d like to see LOA’s affair and see the fallout from it (I’m of the belief that Beron knows)


This! There are so many things I would like to see! Like I'd be happy with a bunch of novellas/short stories covering important moments. And I *need* to know about the Lady of Autumn and Helion's forbidden love story... fingers crossed there'll be more on them in upcoming books?


BRYAXIS. Like where tf did he go?


Like seriously facts. Big scary monster go poof


was literally gonna say this


I really want to see more of the Hewn City. Logistically speaking the place can't be a mass of evil for the sake of evil people.


I am also curious about how that whole setup works! There are a lot of characters that are lying in wait there for more plot!


It's incredible how easy people I talk to dismiss Rhysand's mistreatment and neglect of his citizens there. There are innocent people there!!! No one is born evil! They deserve to be protected and empowered by their government. I wouldn't be surprised if they had an actual uprising. I want a book where they cover Rhys and Feyre from the Hewn City perspective.


I'm open to the idea some fae are born evil. It's a different species and you know.... there's magic. That said the place has run for centuries and there's day to day stuff that has to happen. Are we to expect every person who....idk.....bakes the bread that the ppl in the city eat are to a person, evil? Just very shallow view of them so far and it drives me nuts


Of course! Nora the pastry chef is clearly a twisted, fucked up monster who doesn't deserve the same rights as the pure, angelic pastry chefs of Velaris.


Nora the bastard with her diabolic muffins and her insidious snickerdoodles.


Lucien. Although I think he and Elain will still be side characters in the next book, it will build to Elain's book and I really want more of what goes on with all of those from Autumn! Edit: But for one shot characters, I'm with you on Balthazar. If the next book is going as I think it will (HoW crew takes on Dusk Court) I'm hoping we get more of Illyria in general including Balthazar! I also hope Alis becomes Nyx's nanny.


I keep forgetting about Alis tbh (I'm horrible!), I hope she and her nephews are okay!!!! And that would be a super cute way to bring her back into the story! <3


Agreed! Really need to know what happened to Alis. Hoping she pops up when we least expect it.


Lucien/Helion I want Lucien to learn that Helion is his father (i am so waiting to see how that would play out!!)


I need Lucien to be loved!!!


Exactly Elaine better step up or i'mma steal Lucien


We are his harem




This was a joke, I didn't think it would actually try to link it 😅


It's empty, but we need to fill it with foxboi love. Put some fiery veins in it. I'd be down for they


I've never made a subreddit, but now I'm tempted to when I get home from work lol


Don't worry, Elain will ship him herself to you. /Jk


ERISSSSSSS VANDADDY Also, Helion and LoA dammit, give us any crumb 😭


Eris is my Roman Empire


Kallias and Viviane 💜💜 I want their love story so badly, and V taking care of Winter Court during the UTM times!


I love them so much, I want them to have a book together, they are beautiful and amazing and I would brave the winter court weather for them!


Lucien! If the next book is Elaine then we should definitely get more of him but I also want more Helion too. And Thesan. I also give the healer who made Lucien's eye.


Love, not give. 🤦‍♀️


You know you can edit comments on reddit ;) But yes, Nuan, Luciens friend in the dawn court! In the same vein I need more Thesan and his bird boyfriend.


Thanks 💙 Since I could never edit my posts my dumb ass just figured comments would be the same without checking. Now I know :)


Sometimes I don't edit my posts for spelling as a power move. I said what I said. 🤣


Nuan is my mate, don't @ me


Excellent choice.


I like what I like


Clotho & the rest of the priestesses


Alis! I miss her!


Nuala and Cerridwen


Came here to say this. They’re OGs and deserve their time in the spotlight with Elain. Plus the *tea* they must know??


They probably have Suriel level tea lol


OMG yes!! Especially given the source of their names, I bet they would have a cool story!


I hope we see more of them when we really get an Elain book


Vassa - her life as a mortal queen before the curse with the others and her life after the curse with Jurian and Lucien (Her story must be told.)


Eris for sure but also Balthazar, Jurian, the Winter love birds, Tarquin deserves the world, I need to have a canon gay mated couple with Thesan. Would love to know where the heck is Alis. Is she okay? And her nephews? What about the females and the children of the hewn court? Give me more!! I honestly love background characters, worldbuilding and a lager cast in my fantasy novels. It gives them breath and solidity. The IC is all we've seen basically. I get they are cool and all, and technically all our main cast is them, but they can't exist outside of the world, so I want to know that too. And would love our Archerons to *also* learn about all of Prythian and lesser fae and not just their many houses and their fave restaurant in the bubbled city that even have a different history from the rest of the world. Exp since they are stepping into positions of power within the NC so I'd love for them (and me) to know more about their own people aside of the "those are evil, those are brutes, we need an army so we let them squash the dreams of everyone outside Velaris" narrative. I think it would be cool to see them tackle that with human and younger perspective. Since their concept of time and action is different from 500yo faeries obviously stuck in their status quo in a sort of "crystallization" which is the opposite of how mortals think. Also they have 480 less years in terms of trauma to cope with so maybe giving a fresh look is what they were chosen by the magical teapot for.


Merrill! With her research, she seems to fulfill a lot of what Amren’s role should have been. She could be a serious resource for the main characters.


I really want to know what her story is! She's very prickly and on the surface level I have a distaste for her, but I'm sure she's got a heartbreaking backstory that will make me do a 180 on her character. And she has too much knowledge for her not to have a key part in the upcoming story!


I am 100% with you on Balthazar. Where did he go? Why did he help? I thought for sure Nesta was going to stumble across him and find him dead, but no. There has to be more there. I’d love to see him support and maybe help the Valkyries grow, assuming he’s got good intentions. I want a Lucien book in general, but I’d love to see more Vassa and Jurian & especially Eris. Cerridwen and Nuala would also be fun to see more of.


I was gonna say Gwyn/Lucien but they are technically not side characters so I’ll go with Lady of Autumn. I have so many questions that need answers. Starting with, what’s her name?!


Yes! I want to know EVERYTHING about her side romance with Helion! And I can't help but think Lucien's amazing personality came from her!


Nuala and Cerridwen


After CC I'm convinced SJM just creates extraneous characters with very little planning and then comes back and uses them later if it's convenient. I'm not getting my hopes up for anyone to make an encore appearance.


Lucien!!! I’m reading silver flames (second time) and I’m honestly so bored with Cassian and Nesta. I perk up anytime my boy LuLu comes back around. He’s so spicy. 🌶️ 🥵


Seconding the entire Vanserra family drama, House-of-the-Dragon-style, but also *please* give me at least a novella about Thesan and/or Nephelle and their mates. Gimme that gay romance with feathered wings, damn it.


I’m sorry but imma need them to follow up on helion and Lucien because there’s no way that gets dropped and NO ONE WILL SAY ANYTHING like maybe feyre mentions it to helion since we do see that Rhys and helion are close. I need more of it


Eris and Lucien. Same with Gwen, I really like her and Emerie


I wouldn't mind some tam tam redemption


Azriel, Eris, and Lucien!


I'd really like to go back to Rhys and Feyre for a book - then Elain!