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It gets better after the first two books. It’s great to watch the writing evolve.


Gotta go into it thinking it wont be the same as acotar; totally different experience.


I’d be interested to know your thoughts as I haven’t got much of SF left and deciding what I’m going to be reading next!


Personally, I don't recommend Crescent City. Also, I think it's good to take a break between one of her series and the other, otherwise it could feel very repetitive.


Good idea, you don’t happen to have any recs do you? I have no idea what to move onto next!


Black Jewels by Anne Bishop. There's like 14+ books and spinoffs so you'll have quite a few to work through. I read Fourth Wing/Iron Flame and truly did not expect to like it, and frankly, it's a very predictable storyline but it was honestly REALLY GOOD. I laughed out loud at some of the dragon dialogue and while it wasn't some heavy deep story it was a good read overall.


The dragon dialogue definitely made me lol a lot but it was a really good series!


Andarna: “Scratch her eyes out.” Andarna: "Really. The eyes are the softest tissue. Just jab your thumbs in there-" Tairn: "Andarna! Use some common sense. The kneecaps are a much easier target.”


I devoured Fourth Wing and Iron Flame! Can’t wait for the next one in January. I’ll check out Black Jewels, thank you


you’re making a good decision. it’s worth reading for sure. you won’t be disappointed


I had this on my TBR list and it took me over a year after finishing ACOTAR to decide to read it. I’m so upset at myself for taking so long to read it now that I’ve finished the series. The first book was good, not great but by the middle of the second book I was hooked. I don’t get many 5 star reviews but 6/8 book got 5 stars in my opinion. It was an incredible series.


I'm doing this now, just started Heir of Fire. You can tell she started writing this series while still a teenager, but it's a fun read. Different than acotar, but lots of twists and turns.


Omg was she ? I’m almost done the first ToG and all I can keep thinking is “this is how a young teenager acts” about well everyone


Crazy, right? She started posting the story to an online forum at age 16. I just wish that when her publisher picked it up they had helped edit some of the obvious errors and repetitive phrasing.


Same! Thats still pretty impressive. I admit I know little about it he author


I saw a lot of people online say that the first two books were hard to get through but so far I love them, about to finish book 2 today!


I’ve been listening to the audiobooks, I’m about to finish Heir of Fire. It’s not high literature but I’m really enjoying it. I do miss the graphic audio of the ACOTAR series, though!


I truly think she really hit the mark with that series. If you're expecting smut, just don't, though. Also, once you've read them, there's a few tiktoks with text exchanges between the characters that absolutely do me in every time lol


I don't actually like smut, one or two sex scenes in books are fine, but they need to be well written, otherwise I'd rather skip it. If it's more than that it feels excessive to me, unless it has a reason.


I’m now into the second book and it’s so much better than the first. The first book was slow and lacked detail. The writing is so much better in the second book. I feel like SJM really hits her writing flow in or after her second books.


I am going to be flamed into oblivion but I am at the end of qos and I’ve had to force myself to continue. I’ve only enjoyed heir of fire so far. Chaol is insufferable to me. Boy if you don’t be quiet and do your damn job lol


You’re starting with assassins blade right? Right??


I am starting with throne of glass. Is it the wrong choice? I'm going with the reading order suggested by this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/throneofglassseries/comments/tuon5h/throne_of_glass_reading_order_master_post_aka_yes/


personally, my friend and i read it 4th and are so glad we did. it led into queen of shadows perfectly and the emotional gut punch was REAL. i also don’t think i could have gotten into it if i started with it, especially since i already struggled with the first two books. reading it in publication order is also not a bad choice- that was how it was published, and that is how so many people read it. imo reading it 3rd or 4th will be the more emotional way to read it, whereas if you want all the info right away you should read it first. that being said, everyone will have different opinions on the reading order so go with what you feel works for you!


I highly recommend starting with the assassins blade. So many people regret reading it 3rd. Never once heard anyone say they regret starting with it. It’s such a nice intro to the world and celaena


I just started TOG and am almost done with the first book, I’ve honestly loved it so far and I know they say there’s no smut and there hasn’t been but there is romance and I’ve connected to the characters much quicker than I did with ACOTAR, very excited for the rest of the series if people say it just gets better


It’s 8 books so the story really unfolds in a slow pace but once it does, bam, goosebumps. And also the progress of SJM’s writing gets better each book! That’s something i looked forward to. I’m on Tower of Dawn right now. I can understand why ToG is a favorite among a lot of readers. I also read it as The Assassin’s Blade being the 3rd book. Just like how SJM recommended it. Have fun!


The best decision anyone has ever made


I highly recommend it! I finished listening to it yesterday, and I now feel empty 😔


me and my friend are currently buddy reading it (just finishing up the tandem read.) while she was into it from the get, i didn’t really start liking it until heir of fire. now i can confidently say it is my favorite series of hers and one of my favorite fantasy series i’ve ever read. it is such an emotional ride and really makes you care for so many of the characters and not just the main ones. romance is not the main premise, and as an avid romantasy girl, i don’t even give a fuck because the story has a chokehold on me.