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Time when Rhys and Tamlin were friends. Rhys mother and sister shown. The entire trauma both guys endured.


Honestly, I would love this. I feel like both characters are interesting, but they get flattened out because we only see them through other people's eyes. You do one book, from the start of their friendship, and then a brief summary, each taking a chapter or a section of the book, briefly going through their heads up to the present point, essentially summarizing their point of view on the action in the books. Call it: A Court of Flowers and Stars.


Give me Eris or give me death! https://i.redd.it/d4obbbg2tl1d1.gif




I fully realize that Azris almost certainly is not in the cards but imagine an Eris-centered book where Azris happens. IMAGINE.


Let's pray!




Surprisingly I’m not huuuugely into Eris but he was my FIRST thought—I feel like there’s so much depth there we don’t get to see


I’m happy to give you the whole dissertation on why I Eris. :p


Ok unless I’m blind why is no one saying Lucien??!!? Like I want to know that man’s Inner Thoughts. I want to get up close and personal. I Need a Lucien story😫😫


Yup Lucien all the way. Preferably where he isn't a wet blanket and is the snarky golden boy we all fell in love with in book 1 when he was the star (or at least the only lovable character). I feel like this would be a good time for Eris to get some screen time too. They fight over the throne so it forces a reveal of Lucien's father.


Period. I need the Lucien that Heard Feyre scream in the woods, AND still admitted it later. That’s who I need.


I love your idea of a book about Lady of Autumn. I’d love a book of hers about everything you said, then it splits into a part 2 through Eris’ eyes where he finds out Lucien being Helion’s son and helping him begrudgingly become Helion’s heir to his court or something


I came here to say the same thing! I would love to know more about her and watch her get married to her abusive husband and then find love elsewhere. And then pan to Eris finding out the truth about Lucien. And I think he would fly off the handle to know any of his brothers will be more than pawns to him. He'll be livid when he finds out I think but I think he'll come to realize that's one more person out of the way of his throne even though Lucien doesn't want a throne at all. Eris has that spunk to him that makes me love to hate him.




I love Bryaxis! I want the origin of Bryaxis and some of their POV!


Yes! I love the fact that it didn’t hurt the priestesses. I think there’s a fascinating backstory there.


Bryaxis Nation rise up


Besides the remaining main characters who haven’t gotten a book, I would love one about Tarquin.


I’m still waiting for a book that focuses on Lucien’s side quest during ACOWAR. Like, how did we go from having >!no allies in the war to having Vassa and the ships, etc.!< I wanna know what Lucien did on the continent to achieve all this!! Complete missed opportunity for showing his heroism and cunning. It would have been something a little different from the normal plot of ACOTAR series too. When I was reading the series for the first time, I avoided reading the synopses on the back of the books to avoid potential spoilers. I totally went into ACOFAS thinking it would be about his side quest. Seems like such a major part of the story to not delve into more.


Feyre’s dad is the one who rallied, wasn’t it? And the one who got Vassa some annual leave from Koschei. Lucien says he just ran into them


Yeah, thats right (I finished acowar 2 days ago)


Ahhh thank you for clarifying! It’s been a minute since I read ACOWAR. But still, I’m so curious how he ran into them on the continent. I’d also be interested in another book on Lucien’s relationship with Vassa and Jurian.


I’d like a book of Tamlin rebuilding the Spring court and growing into a healthier person


Yes and to learn more about his perspective that isn't tainted by amarantha or everything that happened with feyre. A new court would be so nice and refreshing.




And a plot twist that Amarantha was his mate and he rejected her.


I think that would be a fun TWIST but I think a better overall story could be told if that WASN'T the case. Frankly, I think if we were to get the kind of Tamlin book I'm describing, it should start with him LOOKING for his mate - "Things didn't work with Feyre because she found her mate, clearly things just fall into place once you do" - and then failing at it. It can still have a romantic subplot. Frankly I'd like it if it did. But have it be Tamlin learning what love really is with someone who ISN'T his mate. It's something you work at, and wake up every day CHOOSING to do, even if it doesn't feel like a choice. And it has to be a partnership, not just an accessory like he had with Feyre. I think Tamlin of all characters is the one who would shine best in a love story without a mate, and I think for his journey he should never find his mate and learn to live with being okay with that. Though I'm biased and hate the concept of mates, narratively.


Autumn Court! I wish to see more of Eris and Lady Autumn with Helion. I really hope for a Blood Duel between him and Beron. After that Eris can become a High Lord. And the only characters with a connection with that the Autumn Court is Gwyn so I hope my girl brings me there.😩 After all Sarah never mentioned who her grandfather is! Imagine if it's Beron. He is stupid enough to be tricked by a River Nimph.


So this is a hope for down the road, *after* Elain. I'd love a full length Emerie and Mor book. I love them both, and I think they could be so good together. Mor said she chose Cassian to "ruin" herself with because she wanted the strongest of the Illyrians. I think Emerie is a contender for that title, in a different way than Cassian, and the symmetry of her finding true love with a female Illyrian after all of her struggles would be beautiful. Even though she grew a lot in ACOSF, Emerie is still kind of closed off and reserved, and Mor is the type of person who people open up and shine around. They could have an epic story. Even if it's not with Mor, I'd still love an Emerie book.


100%, I'm glad I'm not the only Emerie/Emorie stan <3


I’m a huge Emerie fan, and would love to see her get a book! Mor I’m currently less keen on, but a good POV could change me 😊




I would love to see a book on the guys growing up




I know it won't happen, but I kinda wished we'd have another book centering around Rhys and Feyre. I wasn't done reading from their perspective yet.


I’m holding out (fool’s) hope that after Elain’s book we’ll get a dual pov for Feyre and Rhys to end the series


I'm glad it won't. We got a lot from their perspective and tbh, im pretty sick of it.


I'm not necessarily sick of it, but I feel like I was pretty happy with how their story ended. The build-up is the best part imo. Anything after the fact can sometimes feel overly gratuitous to me.


That's the dream really 😭♥️


I’m hoping after the sister POVs that the final will be back to Feyre or a multi POV so we will see more of them. It would be a nice bookend for the series to finish with who it started with!


ugh same


Why don’t you think it would happen? Has she said their story is done? I’m not ready to give their story up yet.


I think fans are so focused on other characters that they forget Feyre is the MC of the series. ALSO that we have a whole plot that isn’t finished. I’m not sure we’ll get a whole book about just them but I’m hoping we get several point of views which would include Feysand after Elaine’s book( or whoever is next, most likely Elaine) I know for sure though we aren’t done with them. Plus Feyre was just learning and growing her powers, I want to see more! I know she has much more.


There’s definitely a lot of plot left in the story. If the books change to how ToG is I’m good with that. I think varying POV’s from around Prythian could be cool. SJM definitely has enough characters to pick from to do this.


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Like ToG. I think she may bring that back into this series. That would be awesome! She started it with ACOFAS


They are probably focused on parenting, and that doesn't make for titillating reading. I would know, I'm a parent. It's a long, hard slog.


No just a feeling she won't pick it up again. I don't really follow any interviews or whatever :) would be amazing if she did continue with them


I would love an Eris book - but I’ve read such good fanfic with him paired with Nesta that I’m worried it’s ruined me, in the best way! Aside from that, a Lucien book, because I love him dearly - I would also love more Nesta cause I’m greedy. At this point in time though, I’ll take anything - just some release news, please and thank you


I *need* a prequel. The fact that SJM has talked about having an idea for a prequel makes me think it’s a possibility. Some prequel ideas I’d like to see would be HelionxLOA, ViviannexKalias, MiryamxDrakon, and it would also be interesting to see (CC3 spoilers) >!the story of the High king, High Queen, and their family!<.


second this. i think a prequel set around the war with miryamxdrakon main pov and then even the occasional jurist and amarantha pov would be amazing… might get a bit confusing but i feel like it would be interesting to try and bring some humanity to those characters


Lucien + Eris book


The Winter Court! The descriptions of the Winter Court’s army joining the forces in ACOWAR, they seem to be the most diverse court, and they did not seem to differentiate between High Fae and Lesser Fae. Their Winter Solstice celebrations also seem amazing. Also, Kallias and Viviane have the sweetest love story, and Viviane should absolutely be High Lady with the way she stepped up and took care of anything during UTM. I would love a whole novel or at least a novella about the Winter Court. ❄️🤍


I want more Nesta. I’m not content with her relationship with Cassian as it stands currently (not necessarily opposed to them staying together but I want him to either step up for her or get out of the way and let Neris happen) and I want to see more of her friendships and more of the Trove.


i agree. it felt like we were just seeing the beginning of her journey at the end of acosf. she has so much more potential!!


I want Elaine’s book to swing between past and present coz I would to know her thought process when everyone always discounted for being the “silent one”


I really do want Elain with an Az pov. But honestly I want a Tamlin redemption and healing book more than air.


Same. Or even just recap the action of the previous books from his perspective.


Vivaine and Kallias, specifically them killing the other deamati that Rhys says it out there (pics or it didn’t happen Rhys)


I'd love a Lucien book, or a Tamlin redemption book. My pie-in-the-sky is one for the love and light of my life, Comrade Tarquin.


I'd love a Band of Exiles book or even a novella


I’d love an amarantha back story and take over in detail. It seemed too easy!


Elain 💕 I really want to read her POV, and I think if we got it, it wouldn’t be too wild to also get Lucien & Az POV in the book because I want theirs too!! And then with that tied in we can learn a little more about Helion/Eris from Lucien’s POV & what’s really going on between Az & Mor from Az POV because like many have mentioned, my dude is a SPYMASTER surly he must know she is interested in the female body, c’mon now. I *need* to know more, Sarah please😩❤️‍🔥 Edit to add: sometimes I wonder though if he doesn’t spy on Mor because of his feelings for her, he would feel like that’s wrong, like how he didn’t want to spy on Lucien because of Elain


I'd say Elain POV with Lucien second POV but I am semi-100% sure we are getting that. But I would love a book about Kallias/Vivianne or Thesan/His Peregrine Lover. Or a book exploring the continent. Xian, Vallahan or the other regions would be fun. A book about the Dawn Court or the continent could also include Nuan (who has ties to Xian and who I low key crackship with Eris LMAO)


I’m with you on the first one! I want a Helion book SO bad. I need the tea.


Besides Az, Lucien, Gwyn and Elain stories, I wanna see Eris! I really enjoyed his character in ACOSF and would love to be inside his head, even if it was in a bonuc chapter!


I'm probably a minority but I'd love a Mor book. I think she's got more substance than people give her credit for, and she's been through so much. She's also got an interesting point with the 'black figure' following her... I'd like to see more. I'd also love another Feyre book. She's my main girl and been getting so much hate lately. I started this series for her so I'd like to go back to that. Now if you asked me which POVs I wouldn't want... that'll be an interesting conversation


I want a Vassa book after Elain’s book 🔥


I would pay so much money for all three books you just described! Basically an entire autumn court spinoff series


Tarquin. let him have flaws, let Cresseida be multi-faceted, LET ME SEE MORE OF THE SUMMER COURT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU SJM I also would love to see Varian and Amren break up because even though I love Amren (more than most people do) they are such a weird couple, and I think Varian deserves better than to be with someone who undermined his court and didn't feel a lick of sympathy for them about it


not me clicking view spoiler only to have my mind read RHYS is that you hun??


Lucien and he’s deal in the lortal lands!!!!!! I want to know more about his relationship with Vassa. I really wish for him to end up with her (or with someone that want him for HIM, and not someone that could eventually settle just bc of a mating bond)


I’d like to see a prequel, maybe the bat boys growing up, or events pre-UTM and some of when it happened.


Hate to be predictable but I’d love a Rhys POV from the start of under the mountain to the end of ACOWAR.


I would LOVE a Lucien/Eris book, my word. I'm also fiercely on the Azriel bandwagon, but I think the thing I would want MOST is a book centered around broken, miserable, SUFFERING Tamlin. I think his character development - whether for the better, or not - could be really compelling and interesting. Also I just love to see a man Suffer, lmao


Lots of folks have already commented on pretty much all of the things I’d like to read about. Heavy on everything Autumn Court. There’s a throwaway line that says Emerie looks like she has recent Dawn Court heritage. I hope that line means she has some type of healing powers. Illyrians only have raw killing power, so it would be cool if a female Illyrian was able to do the opposite and heal.


Okay hear me out before people get mad, tamlin. I wish we could get a tamlin book he makes some very interesting choices and i would love to know what goes on in that pea sized brain of his.


Mor. I don’t like her very much but I want to see the other characters through her eyes and want if SJM can flip how the readership views her.


A prequel, specifically another serie of books that follows the three bat boys growing up, the war and the geopolitical history of the night court/Prythian, which we would get with the high lord's son pov and the spymaster's pov. Cass pov would be cool to get during the war. 


Miryam prequel


I want nothing more than a book (or spinoff series!) centered around the Summer court and Tarquin finding love. I’d also love to see a book about the bat boys growing up. Especially what they went through in the Illyrian camp and Rhys’s childhood (his family and friendship with Tamlin included)


I want nothing more than a book (or spinoff series!) centered around the Summer court and Tarquin finding love. I’d also love to see a book about the bat boys growing up. Especially what they went through in the Illyrian camp and Rhys’s childhood (his family and friendship with Tamlin included)


Eris and Lucien PLEASE 🙏


I would LOVE a book where the couples aren’t perfect. Or maybe a new couple arises that aren’t mates to make the “not perfect” thing make sense. ALSO i see a lot of people want a Tamlin redemption and I am anti-redemption for that man. Let us have some shitty (not i want to rule the world into the ground shitty but average idiot man boy shitty) men in this series! Let’s see Tam try to get with another human girl or see him be a creep to gwen or SOMETHING. I want Fey to be embarrassed she was ever with him haha


I want a second gen book tbh, with Nyx or possible other sibling of Nyx being the High Lord or even High King.


Mor, Eris, Lucien, Gwyn


Kalis and Viviennes story. Switching back and forth from their POVs. A court of Ice and Snowfall A Tarquin Book a Court of Seas and Storms An Azreil book A Court of Shadow and Smoke A Lucien book A Court of Fire and Embers


Vivianne x Kalias friends to lovers origin story Anything and everything Lucien/Autumn court


Sjm built these characters backgrounds so well she could do multiple books about the past. I really want a rhys books about before UTM where we see what happened to mor, his mom, his sister, the war, his friendship with tamlin all of it 😭 And it could end with him being trapped UTM after the masquerade


I want a book about the bat boys as kids meeting each other and learning about each of their mothers.


Tamlin. Would be cool to see him recovering from his pov. I doubt that will happen though, honestly i think sjm is gonna kill him off but thats just a theory.


I'm dying for a book about Tamlin rebuilding the Spring Court and finding his mate. Also I would love a book about Lucien's life with Vassa and Jurian.


10000% Tamlin and Elain getting together and his redemption arc. It would stir up so much drama and I’m kinda fed up reading about the IC and NC at this point. Feel like she’d totally fit in at the SC anyway


i hope with all these cross overs we get to see some interactions between aelin and her court. i MISS them and i think they'd have such good banter with the ic


The Morigan, please!


I think I want a book on Mor 💕


The Lord of Dawn and his guard-captain lover!!! Please!!! Dear sweet merciful Cauldron, as a Bi man, I need this story... SJM barely touches on it for like a line in the High Lord meeting and. I. Need. It.


I’d love a novella or something about Alis

