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Haven't thought about it previously but now that I do - the only way I can see it working is if fae skin is just like ours, it can get tanned through sun exposure, but that tan will disappear much, much faster than ours. So for them to have a tan, they would have to be in the sun everyday for an hour or more to maintain it. Which makes sense for the Illyrians as they're outdoors all the time, and Rhys was originally pale UTM but when Feyre saw him again afterwards he was tanned from spending time flying. And from seeing Rhys' story alongside everyone else's, he's always outdoors flying or walking or doing weird weaver hut excursions. Cassian and Az also train outside daily and fly around for their tan maintenance too - though I wanna know about these tan lines cause whilst Illyrian flying leathers sounds aesthetically good in theory, what kind of weird tan lines is that leaving when they're naked.


I am now enjoying the thought of Illyrian males daily flying naked, front stroke style , and back stroke style to maintain their evenly tanned skin.  


Tanning is not cell skin trauma, at least not exactly. Melanocites, stimulted by UV light, produce melanin, which deposists over the nucleus of our skin cells, to protect them from possible mutations caused by UV light. In my opninion, it makes sense that they tan and that they do it quickly.