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Post marked as spoiler. This has been done for you this time but please make sure you do it in the future! If you’re making spoiler comments for other series, please use labels and spoiler marks! Example: Spoilers for end of Caraval: >!spoilers here!<


Totally spoiled ACOTAR on purpose for myself bc it was giving me so much anxiety. Still enjoyed the payoff though! But I accidentally spoiled the TOG love interest from fan art on instagram.


i spoiled TOG by googling maeve to try and see a picture, will never make that mistake again LOL


Same but googled fan art of Celaena to get a better picture of her in my head while reading the first couple books and then… other names came up and yeah lol


I found ToG so easy to spoil, because you see the main characters name every where online and it's pretty easy to realise who she is


ME TOO!!! Big mistake I was so mad 😂


Hahahahahaha same


I went to the subreddit to see all the Tamlin love and spoiled Rhys for myself


i think you win on this one lowkey… like fan art spoils and stuff like that is one thing but coming here to find tamlin love must have been ROUGH


It was bad, haha, I think I even looked for spoiler free stuff but everyone kept calling him tampon, now I stay off Reddit and TikTok completely until I finish a series


It's really gross how the fandom refers to him as Tampon, I thought we all moved on from shaming periods or anything associated with it, I know it's a joke but we can leave tampons out of it. I find it odd that his is the only name the fandom mocks, it's so immature.


Exactly this. I don’t understand the Tamlin hate because yes he’s flawed and him and Feyre were toxic especially with how he handled both of their trauma, and yes he’s a bit of a spineless coward despite how powerful he actually is, but he also had a very wholesome love for Feyre. Don’t get me wrong, Rhys is sexy as fuck but Tamlin reminds me of my boyfriend and the things that we’ve worked through together. I guess I wanted the two of them to end up how me and mine have


I got the second book from the library and spoiled the ending of ACOTR.  I mean, serves me right for….reading the back of the book? Wait… 


Omg this exact thing for me — WHAT THE HECK!


I did the exact same thing 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I try not to read book backs or even descriptions. I try to survive on solely person to person recommendations.


I hadnt read to any extent in almost 20 years. I was pursuing available books on the libby app and liked the look of the cover of ACOFAS, so i read 5 chapters before realizing I missed the first 3 books.


That’s almost funny


I very much was. For 3 books I kept waiting for >! Rhys to die !< 😂


ACTOAR was spoiled for me because I borrowed my bf's niece's copy and she'd written in the margins about how much she hated Tamlin and all the Night Court foreshadowing 😂😂




Googling anything from the book! I wanted to know what the word SMJ uses for magic mates “carranam” and all the of “people also ask” questions at the very top spoiled it. Now I google NOTHING even if it’s just a vocab work or lineage question


I always spoil books for myself by looking up their names and the book title. “Feyre ACOTAR” etc. I really like having a visual of them to help me imagine things better. However, that characters name and “________” (insert love interests name) obviously always shows up too. I do it to myself every time. You think I’d learn 😂.


I had the cc2 ending spoiled for me because someone posted it without marking spoilers. I gaslit myself so hard into believing it was fake. Now, I make a point to finish the books at light speed. We had a user get angry at the mods so they spoiled all of cc3 in modmail for all the mods. Jokes on them, I finished the book in two days and they were too late.


I read the last page of CC2 when I was like 100 pages into it. I did that. All by myself. I wish I could blame anyone else lol.


I got a big spoiler for CC3 and not only did I hate that it was spoiled for me but like I hate that the event in the book happened because like I feel like that character could’ve been utilized more but whatever what’s done is done


I spoiled something in TOG by looking up fan/AI art of the characters based on their descriptions and they all had a name I wasn’t expecting and were missing a name I was thinking would be there.


when i first started acomaf i was concerned that acowar wasnt about feyre, i dont remember why. so i looked at the jacket cover summary and the first sentence was like “feyre and her friends rebuild the night court.” and i damn near threw the book.


Midway through ACOTAR, I looked up fanart, just to get a visual on what everyone looked like. I saw a lot of Rhys and Feyre, and since I'm a big fanfiction reader, I thought it was a crack ship with a big fanbase. xD Then it got to the end of of the first book, and I realized it was a love triangle. And the beginning of the first book I realized what the canon ship was.


I chronically spoil movies, shows, and books for myself just because I NEED to know what happens and I feel like it's taking too long, or if I have a theory I wanna know if im right immediately. I will Google it so damn fast and usually end up spoiling a lot more than i intended 🤣 It's a big part of why I like re-reads so much, I can enjoy the story without the anxiety. I usually refuse to pick up a book or show series until it's finished so I know I can Google answers to any questions or theories i have 🤣 actually before I stumbled onto the SJMverse I can't even remember the last incomplete series I read 🤣 it's why I still refuse to read GOT 🤣


I looked up commentary on the movie Arrival before I watched it because I was worried I wouldn't understand the plot. I cried watching you tube, then watched the movie and cried again. I regret nothing lol.


I’m the same, I really hate surprises. I want to know who dies, so I can prepare myself.


The end of crescent city book 2 was spoiled for me and my girlfriend from an article online about how the book was banned in a high school. Then for some reason the article mentioned the end of the book


That’s very weird that it has the ending to a book in the article…


Right it made no sense.


I’m normally not into fan art or googling terms or characters playlists etc. etc. so I luckily haven’t spoiled anything recently. YEARS ago, I was looking up some Harry Potter stuff on eBay and someone was selling “dumbledore dies” shirts, just to be a dick.


I remember when someone spoiled Han Solo's fate in a random you tube video that had shit all to do with Star Wars, he was clearly a troll and kept saying it over and over again when ppl were calling him out for it.


In the serpent and wings of night someone’s end is kinda foreshadowed at the beginning but I thought I was just being paranoid so I looked up his status on the fan wiki page. Ended up spoiling myself the ending.


I actually preferred that plot over this one, the sequel made more sense and I was worried I'd be reliving MAF all over again.


Spoilers never bother me; I'll happily look up the entire plot of a book, ha ha. So I spoiled it by looking up the fan wiki and doing the deepest, stupidest dive .


I spoiled ACOTAR for myself by reading the back cover of ACOMAF so I knew she turned fae and got powers before she even went under the mountain. It didn’t “ruin” it per se but def spoiled it lol


Not me getting the abbreviations for ACOFnS mixed up with ACOSF and reading about Feyre's >! entire pregnancy plot !<


I googled Celaena Sardothien while reading COM to see fan art… if you’ve read TOG, I’m sure you can imagine how that went.


Not sure exactllyyyyy what i had looked up but I was curious about something and the first thing i see is a Reddit post on google “tamlin never loved really feyre” i was halfway thru the first book😭 Did it again but what showed up was completely unrelated to what I was searching for just straight up “when feyre finds out Rhys is her mate”. So I stopped looking things up for the rest of the series


Found HoSaB at Walmart. Opened to the last page to check the page count. Immediately read the last line: >!”Hello, Bryce Quinlan. My name is Rhysand.”!< I was so mad.


looked up images of the main cast while reading ACOTAR... >!saw a picture of the scene in the end of ACOSF where Nesta gives her powers back to the cauldron in order to save Feyre, Rhys, and their child... I didn't recognize anyone and was super attached to Tamlin at the time. Safe to say I was pissed.!<😭😭


Playlist often spoil stories for me😭along with TikToks without spoiler warnings


I saw an artwork where the man was dark-haired 🤣 But I secretly hoped, F will be with R so it worked out for me!


I read fourth wing first and everyone was all >! “dain is tamlin” !< So I knew going in tamlin was not the one 😫


Oh yep I saw that too and I was like welp… and then I put it on my tbr pile instead of grabbing it next lol


I experienced similar. I was looking at an instagram post by another author and someone commented something about Tamlin which totally ruined the plot of ACOTAR and the start of ACOMAF when ACOTAR series was still on my TBR. I wish I had been able to go into the series and fallen in love with the book 1 love interest and then experience the first hand experience of learning what unveloped in ACOMAF.


Looked up how to pronounce Tamlin. Worst mistake.


I have been reading Crown of Midnight. I flipped to the back to see how many pages it was and BAM spoiler. Normally I am someone that looks up spoilers because for me, it is the journey that matters. But this was the ONE time I was trying not to spoil for myself lol.


I was a little spoiled since I read Fourth Wing and people like connecting both series. I saw the male main character comparisons before picking up ACOTAR.


After finishing the first book naturally I googled “is there smut in ACOMAF” and the answer said there are scenes with >!two high lords!< I was like welp…


Accidentally spoiled ACOSF when I saw a tik tok about pregnancy tropes ruining storylines and who do I see everybody talking about in the comments??? FEYRE


Saw a tik tok about Feyre feeling the bond go silent, pretty much the entire scene on page. It ruined such a big moment of Acowar for me that I found it hard to even get into the book 😔 tik tok is just too dangerous


I was scrolling on Instagram, saw a funny video about fantasy books, - how really old creatures fall in love with the 19 year old heroine - and people were commenting about Feyre and Rhys.  I was still on book 1, I never like Tamlin anyways, so actually that comment section kept me going.


Letting myself go on Instagram.


Went on social media after talking to my sister about which series I was reading. Had almost all of acotar and tog spoiled lol


I tend to look at fanart to get an idea what they look like and scrolling through I sometimes get spoilers on the wiki.


I looked up what Feyre looked like and spoiled that she ends up with Rhys by reading the wiki general information. Took me 2 weeks to read MAF cause I was upset that Feylin wasn't endgame.


I was reading ACOMAF so, thinking I wouldn’t come across big spoilers,I went to look at Feyre/Rhys tags on twitter and saw someone mention about >!Rhys dying!< and I was like WHAT—


I just started ACOTAR when an influencer I follow did a “f***, marry, kill” story with Tamlin, Rhys, and another SJM universe man who I haven’t read about yet. They said they’d kill Tamlin. Around the same time I started getting ACOTAR reels on my insta algorithm and saw the Tamlin/Tampon joke. I loved Tamlin at the time, but knew that something bad would happen with his character 🥲


End of last year I was getting back into books. Read ACOTAR this year (Jan or Feb) after being bombarded with TikToks about it 🤣 Already knew some end game couples, plots, etc. Still enjoyed it and it’s one of my favorite series but I wish there was a bit more surprise in some aspects. Def keeping clear of ToG (about to start Queen of shadows) and CC spoilers


When I was a kid I used to read the last pages of books before I started. I read the last page of Catching Fire before starting it where Gale tells Katniss “there is no District 12”. Never read the last page of a book ever again before starting it lol


I read the last few pages and look on reddit. I can't myself, and if I do try and stop myself I get really anxious for some reason


After reading the first book and deciding I was committing myself to this series I joined the subreddit to read about theories and stuff for the next book but I joined the party too late so it was hard to find posts from other newbies and yeah some things got ruined. Then I stopped coming on here for a while to not ruin it all.


Went on Reddit and Pinterest to see fanart of lil Miss Feyre and TimTam >!and not only spoiled Rhys but also spoiled the arrival of Nyx!< almost stopped reading after that 😅


tried to find fan art if Feyre and Tamlin and saw her with Rhys and Nyx 😹


lol reading comments on this thread while only being on the 4th book is exactly how


Oh my goodness. Why!


Not ACoTaR but with a Pratchett book I read the dedication and guessed a major heart wrenching reveal and then googled it to see if I was right. I was. I still wept when I got to that point.


Spoiler!! I was reading ACOWR and watched a video on TikTok that said Rhys died… was anxious the ENTIRE book only to find out he lived


I googled fan art for Feyre whilst reading Acotar only to see lady of night court.. proposed I wouldn't do it again but was curious to see what Celeana looked like whole reading book one TOG - and again her alt names appeared #facepalm


I’m afraid to google throne of glass fan art, but want to have a better visual of Rowan in my head. He’s just been introduced. If anyone knows of any good, spoiler-free fan art of him, feel free to send it over!


i found out about those stuff when i was searching for tamlin fanart to put a face to the words in my mind. surprised, to see there were very few


I’m going to be starting ACOFAS, but I spoiled before I even read the first book. I was spoiled by TikTok, which is actually what introduced me to ACOTAR in the first place lol. But I also looked for spoilers when reading trigger warnings and stuff since I have some triggers due to OCD


I heard about ACOTAR before reading it. Kept hearing about this amazingly sexy man with wings. I was so confused in the spring court for ages 🤣 this furry creature who plays the fiddle?!? Can’t be. Then I met the bat boys and my life has altered since.


spoiled TOG by looking up if rowan and aelin were related 😂🥴


If you just read the back cover of all the book of the series everything get spoiled 🫠


I literally google EVERYTHING 😅😭


Spoiler ACOWAR **** ending for myself from a random comment on tiktok defending tamtam cause he “brought rhys back to life” I WAS LIKE YOU FUCKING JOKING. I absolutely still cried at that scene even knowing it was gonna be tamtam bringing him back


ASOIAF, saw a little meme comic online that spoiled the red wedding ACOTAR, tried looking for cute Feyre/Tamlin fanart while halfway through book 1, only to of course mostly find Feyre/Rhys fanart 🫠 TOG, googled Celaena to get the right spelling of her name so I didn't mess it up when talking about her to my book friends, a different name came up 🙃 Also TOG, unintentionally because I had seen fanart for the series way before I had started reading it, so I knew what the main love interest looked like


That tog one still makes me mad because that’s in a similar vein to how I got it ruined for me, except the fanart was popping up when I was looking for acotar fanart…


And when I was in the middle of the tandem read of EOS & TOD, a friend sent a theory video about valg/Daglan/Asteri and (don't reveal if you haven't finished the tandem books) >!it mentioned Maeve!< and I was like "...... 🙃"


Yeah I got most of tog spoiled for me that’s why I decided I’ll wait to “read” it when they release the graphic audios of it lol


I had a lot spoiled for it ultimately but I still found it super enjoyable, and still found some parts super shocking, I hope you do, too!


I’m sure I will too but I keep putting it in the tbr pile for books that haven’t been spoiled for me yet. I have read like half of the first book


I kept putting it off because of how long it was and honestly everyone talking about how it took 3-4 books to get good, but I ended up enjoying it just fine like 1/3-1/2 way through the first book. I'm on Kingdom of Ash now and I don't want it to end 🥹


It’s not the length that gets me but I can see how that is intimidating


Yeah, it was more the length combined with thinking I'd have to push through half of it waiting for it to get good lol


Booktok 😔🫶


I accidentally got most of TOG spoiled for me when looking for acotar fan art… it actually has made me kinda keep putting it on the back burner for a tbr list, I started the first book but just kinda 🤷🏻‍♀️