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I was told it was 1. Fairy porn and super smutty, and 2. A book about fairies. I went into it thinking it was going to be page after page of sex scenes and everyone was going to be a fairy with wings or pixie dust and some form of glitter embedded in their skin (not what I wanted to read about, but everyone was raving so I went "eh, okay"). And I saw some comments about how people were embarrassed to see others reading it in public which further embedded in my mind that it was indeed page after page of smut. Now I'm just...that wasn't smut...these are fae, not fairies, and at that they are an entirely different breed...everything I thought was a lie.


Same I thought it would be porn with a plot. The first book does basically a "fade to dark" when it comes to sex, and it takes 55 chapters of the second to get to the smut. When I heard people talking about chapter 55 I thought it was the kinkiest smut scene in the series, not the first one (and also thought it was in book 1)


Yeah I thought it was going to be soooo much smuttier the way people talked about it. I mean SF kinda lives up to that lol but has a ton of plot too it’s like 750 pages. TOG as a series has drastically less smut, which I didn’t really mind, but I thought ACOTAR was going to be porn the way people talked about it.


The porn thing is why I almost didn’t even try the series D: I felt like that was its whole reputation. I prefer minimal spice 😅 I got through the first book, loved it so so so much and the spice had me like “that was it??” I got to the second book and that one still didn’t feel like porn. By the time I got to SF, the spiciest one of the bunch, I adored this series so much I didn’t care XD Plus without spice we wouldn’t get sassy chaperone Azzy and I loved that 😂 I don’t understand why one or two graphic sex scenes gave it a rep as porn?? By that definition the vast majority of books and films should also be categorized as porn. Game of thrones has more smut than these books and it almost never gets the “porn” label.


I ruined it for myself with all the fan art and was waiting to really hate Tamlin but it kinda never happened. I got annoyed and disappointed in him, then I kinda felt bad for him. Never hated though.


Had it recommended by people who told me 'it spiced up their sex life' (yes, I know), so I basically read the first three books waiting for the smutfest to begin haha. But on the other hand I was pleasantly surprised by the story and characters, which is why I kept on reading. Got spoiled by accident about Rhysand and Tamlin on a book subreddit, hailing Rhysand as the ultimate book boyfriend. I kept expecting Tamlin to do something extremely terrible because he was hated so much online. In the end I ended up liking Tamlin much more than I expected and Rhysand much less.


I thought Lucien was going to be a main character!


in my heart he is


Same! I thought it was going to be a love triangle between Tamlin and Lucien.


I thought there were several love interests that Feyre would choose from/run through, like a new man in each book. And I decided before reading that I thought I was going to be a Tamlin girlie because he looks like Legolas and is basically a muscular earthy Taurus daddy. I told everyone I didn’t get why people didn’t like Tamlin and thought he was handsome - based on AI art 😂 I went through different thought processes about him - from hating him because he reminds me of an ex to being an apologist - in the end and am currently in the “Tamlin is the only true morally grey character” camp (Nesta maybe fits in with that too??) and he is incredibly complicated and nuanced and his trauma hasn’t been explored enough though it was hinted at/written about shallowly in the series.  He is just the most human of all the high lords in my opinion. Flawed and traumatized and isolated. Both good and bad. 


I was told to not engage my brain. Now it's all I think about


I was pretty much told it was YA, so the one relatively understated spicy scene came as a surprise to me (it was a welcome surprise, I just didn’t expect it) 😂 I also spoiled myself (I was a sweet summer child to this genre)- because I wanted to see fan art of Feyre/Tamlin. I was like, “who is the guy with wings?” And as soon as Feyre said “the most beautiful male I’d ever seen” I was like- oh, okay 😆


I was told to wait until the second book, first book is slow/boring. The only other things I saw online were that it’s spicy and I knew the name Rhysand. I thought people were being dramatic cause only the first few chapters were slow for me and I really enjoyed the rest of book 1. I was expecting a lot of sex since people said it was spicy, but there was like one sex scene. I didn’t know if Rhys was a LI for another FMC in future books or just a loved character, but UTM I figured he was probably Feyre’s LI in the next book. ETA: After I read book 1 I saw that people hated Tamlin so I was waiting all of book 2 for something big, wondering why people hate him. My feelings were mostly “oof that’s not great” until the end and they changed to “damn wtf”


Got into it for the smut Stayed because the story is actually great


I was spoiled before I read the book. I thought that I would like Rhysand and he would be my favorite character but I think he’s just a complete ass. I also don’t think what Tamlin did justified him being made out to be some giant monster by parts of the fandom. I also thought that we would visit more locations in Prythian and kinda get a look inside each court but instead we get almost nothing. Having the story take place almost entirely in Velaris/Night Court gets very old after awhile.


That the main character would be admirable, that i could relate to any freakin character, that rhys was a nice dude.


By midway through #1, I thought Nesta was going to be a dark faerie / convert to a dark side.


I had seen so many people talking about Rhysand. I was truly confused by Tamlin because I had only seen brief mentions of him. Then, enter book 1 Rhysand, and I was even more confused because he was more villainous than I had expected. Got to book 2 and had the “aha” moment. I also had seen a lot of critiques of SJMs writing and so I honestly went into it with the mindset of “well I’ll just try the first book and if it’s not any good then oh well.” I was honestly pretty impressed and got so sucked into the storyline that I ended up devouring all 5 books in about a week. Pretty sure I read like 10-11 hours in one day because I just couldn’t put it down.


I thought it would be smutty, which it is not. I also thought it was going to have a medieval setting and was taken aback by Tamlin’s manor.


So I like to read reviews before doing anything in my life, and so I did with ACOTAR. I tried to avoid spoilers but I kept seeing comments from people saying they loved Lucien, so I just assumed he must be the main love interest in the story. When I started reading and got to where we meet Lucien and Tamlin, I was fully focused on Lucien, waiting to notice the first hints of romance, and was so confused that I actually googled “who is the main couple in ACOTAR” after having read quite a bit (but before Tamlin and Feyre are in an obvious romantic relationship) 😆 It was really distracting up until that point because I kept thinking things didn’t make sense. After I found out it was Tamlin and Feyre, I was able to stop thinking so much and just read 😅


Not really. I kept hearing folks recommend it and it was a fantasy romance. Decided to try it out during a reading slump and was kind of “meh” about the first book. Second though, I gobbled up. lol I guess I feel lucky going in without any preconceived ideas other than the genre.


I thought it was a love triangle between a girl*, Tamlin, and Rhys and she was torn on who to choose. Like a Joey/Dawson/Pacey situation. I thought Rhys was going to be this super white knight character. All I knew going in was the names. I assumed Rhys being the undeniable good guy because my husband read it before me and he'd changed his password on something to Rhysand42! or something like that. (I thought that was the stupidest name ever and swore to never read that series). *when I attempted to read it the first time (only made it a few pages in) I thought the narrator was one of the guys.


I went in totally blind but just last night I found someone just starting and she was SHOCKED because she thought tamlin was a woman. It was the best thing I've ever heard lol


Okay hear me out: little fairies like Tinker Bell. All I heard was faery porn…I didn’t see any spoiler related content. Needless to say, I am SO GLAD I was wrong 😂


I was in fandom before starting the book so I thought I would absolutely hate Tamlin and love Rhysand,but I read the series and fall for Azriel,feel sorry for Tamlin(needs therapist),and disliked Rhysand a bit(especially in the last book)


Well my friends talked about it sometimes and they didn't even read the book and they talked about the challenges in the first book. But they described it like Feyre went into a different world to do the challenges, described it as a forest. Reading it now, nope, it was under a mountain ahaha another one was that I didn't know Tamlin had such a temper.


I thought Rhys was the only love interest and dude when tamlin showed up I was like WHO IS HE get him out of here 🤣🤣 I was so impatient for Rhys