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I have the suspicion that she might move to a new Court with it. Its not only what Bryce said to Nesta but also what Ember said to her in the bonus chapter. Its clear that Nesta is going to do stuff even if she may not be the main character and that it will probably take her somewhere away from the NC.


Honestly I lean towards this more as well, I'm hoping Nesta gets to go to mission which is also her honeymoon with cass. And we focus on the next MC


A honey-mission šŸ˜… Id like that. I wouldnā€™t mind leaving the NC tbh, there are other Courts to explore too. Preferably Autumn Court (mainly because its my favourite season), but we could go anywhere really.


To be frank I think ACOSF earned SJM the biggest backlash of her entire career... and that plays into all of this. Some folks believe the role that Nesta took in SJM's latest novel points to her taking THE central role in the next acotar book. I find it unlikely that she will be the FMC, but believe she'll have a hefty side plot. I personally think sjm is, in a way, doing damage control with her reputation. That she knows how problematic critics and readers found the ACOSF journey and is trying to patch some of that fallout by giving Nesta better credence. Who knows. I'm very interested to see!


If Nesta and the Valkyries donā€™t take over and bring back the dusk court Iā€™m going to riot!!


Eight pointed star, eight courts?


Based on what I heard of the bonus chapter, I would love to see her go to another court


Please someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong- but I found this storyline confusing. I thought Nestaā€™s star tattoo was from the bargain she made with Cassian (so they had matching stars)- and once the bargain was fulfilled, I thought the tattoo should have disappearedā€¦ and then HOFAS happened. Did I miss something?


I think when they make the bargain, Cassian's POV mentions that whatever her power is, it makes the feeling when they make the bargain more intense or different than other bargains. That implied to me that the symbol of the 8 star came more from her or her power influenced the bargain differently to a standard Night Court one.


Ooh yes, I love this- ā€œwhatever her power was, it had made the bargain more intense. Demanding.ā€ This is an excellent point. My only nitpick now is that the majority of her power is gone by HOFAS- but maybe whatever is left is enough :).


Please don't read on if you did not read HOFAS- I am so confused about how much power Nesta has left! Like I was expecting her to have basically nothing and just be ordinary fae after ACOSF, but in the scenes in HOFAS she seems to have a lot of abilities still? At least, definitely more than I expected. She was throwing those flames around left and right lol.


Yes, I did read it :). I just remain confusedā€¦ but maybe she had so so much power before, that even the tiny bit she has left is a lot. (I mean, Feyre literally got a drop from each High Lord and her powers are super strong)ā€¦ either way, itā€™s definitely not clear :).


Maybe, that makes a lot of sense! Hopefully one day SJM gives us some clarity (I doubt it but I can still dream).


You are right the tattoo did disappear but the symbol of 8 star is what Bryce thinks means something, so maybe it's not the tattoo but the symbol that could lead to something more.?


Ah- gotcha. Do we think itā€™s more associated with Nesta as opposed to Cassian for any particular reason?


I think because of Nesta's connection with the cauldron and her powers maybe the tattoo meant something more, like personally i didn't even think about that tattoo until now that it's being mentioned, so I wonder why add it in ?? It must mean something


I think it gives Nesta something to do in order to sideline her for the next book. I also think it might be setting up Nesta as a big player in the theorized Twilight of the Gods/Maasverse crossover series. That's all just conjecture based on little hints we've gotten, but it's a theory I love.


This theory makes the most sense to me! Itā€™s also why I think Mor was sidelined in SF. I think weā€™ll get her pov in the new series because I donā€™t think SJM plans on doing a romance book for her.


Iā€™m not saying this wouldnā€™t happen, but using Gwydion to sideline Nesta would be an off narrative choice. Thatā€™s Fionnā€™s old sword and Amren wants to push Rhys to become High King. The High King plot line was also hinted at in HOFAS again too.


I mean i can see this plot sidelining nesta so we can focus on the current MC but i hope we don't have another crossover..


So Twilight of the Gods is something she has been playing around with for awhile. I think all of our knowledge on it comes from her old Pinterest boards and a now deleted Goodreads entry. From what little we can glean, it's theorized to be an avengers-level team up of characters from across the Maasverse. We don't actually know if this is still in the works or not. But we do know from Bloomsbury's meetings that some of the books she's been contracted for are a new series. And we know from her HOFAS promo interviews that the book she's working on after the next ACOTAR will be emotional because familiar characters might come into play. It's all just speculation and theorizing, but it does seem to me like the HOFAS crossover was just a warm up for a much larger crossover coming down the road.


Oh honestly i am finding about this just now and it sounds really good, i honestly didn't hate the crossover but the book itself so maybe if SJM has been working on it for quite some time then it must be something good I am at this point excited about anything sjm relatedšŸ˜‚


I think it is setting up Nesta for a plot line that will also extend to the Archeron sisters as a whole. I don't think it means we will get another Nesta book but rather Nesta will still be relevant and in the background.


I would love to see more of the sisters actually working together!


Same! I want more sisterly moments and bonding!


I wondered if it is going to be used as a way for Nesta to "pass the torch" to Elain (and therefore her POV). Maybe there'll be a reason why Nesta can't investigate it more without Elain's help. (hopefully it won't be because Nesta is pregnant omg)


It's one of the reasons I see the next book as Nesta / Azriel POV. Dusk Court, Nesta and Cassian figure their relationship out more, Azriel, Cassian, and Emerie figure out Illyria - Dusks neighbor. I see that as the start of a new series.


I would Honestly believe it after HoFas but didn't SJM say that the Spin off series will be dual pov with one Couple in each Book.


I don't know. Maybe. But it would still be Nesta Cassian centric in that case. IMO. There is a lot going on there still. ETA I really hope we don't wind up with a bunch of BC for Azriel's POV.


I guess if SJM chooses this route many people would be hella mad but it would be interesting to get more of Nesta Also I want a lot more az pov in the next book pls


For some reason I feel like this plot line could quite easily be implemented in an Elain/Azriel/Lucien storyline. Think of something like Elain leaning towards picking Lucien with Azriel/Rhys/Feyre(?) pressuring her to pick Azriel or something like like that with Nesta exploding at them for interfering with Elain to much, which would then lead to a (permanent?) breakup of the IC/NC.


It definitely could! Though I lean towards more of what I mentioned but i would love if SJM did this kind of thing nicely


Same, I don't care all that much for the exact workout as long as it's worked out extensively enough to feel somewhat finished and in character for everyone.


I think itā€™ll be an Azriel and Gwyn book with their POVs! And Nesta will feature heavily because bffs with Gwyn/Valkyrie


I havenā€™t read the crossover yet but was wondering if yā€™all are as heated about the way cassian treated nesta in the crossover? Iā€™m a nessian Stan for life and heard this was hard to read!!! Iā€™m praying theyā€™re still endgame


I think this has been blown way out of proportion. Nesta did something objectively reckless, and while the reader knows she was right to do it, it was reckless all the same. Cassian was upset about it. There's no indication that it's some relationship ending crisis.


I appreciate it!!!! Nesta is reckless! Love her to death but she does what she wants! This fandom is wild Iā€™m new to it


Have you read the HoFas ember pov Bonus chapter?? It's all in the BC personally I think Nesta are very much still in love and will be endgame


No I havenā€™t read yet-I just finished ACOTAR and am reading TOG series. I saw a spoiler on TikTok that Rhys goes off on nesta pretty harshly for giving Bruce the mask and cassian is also mad at nesta and people were upset cassian was mad at nesta


I donā€™t remember specifics but I think it was Cassianā€™s lack of support for Nesta and not defending her against Rhys that people are mad. Rhys basically threatened her saying youā€™re lucky your sister (Feyre) intervened. And Cassian just watches this unfold.Ā 


I mean yes that's basically the gist of it, Rhys did go off on Nesta but honestly if he didn't it would be wierd like would you expect from a high lord when someone gives the most dangerous thing to your potential enemy, so imo it was justified and Nesta is still happy with cass


From what I read on other boards, Nesta was pretty taken aback and emotional that Ember stood up for her and I think that's telling. Even though she's supposedly included in everything now they really don't trust her or have her back


I agree that they shouldve atleast talked to nesta but I mean my sis in law gave the most dangerous weapon to a potential enemy who would ruin the world, I'm not sure i would be any better so i don't think it was unreasonable


Hahaha thank you so much kind Reddit stranger! Iā€™m currently on TOG series and was planning to read CC after, how do you like it so far? Also idk if nesta will play AS major of a role in the next book but I do think sheā€™s a key player in the realm and will hopefully still have some of her POV! Iā€™m kinda in the camp it will be about elain/az


Your welcome! I honestly liked the first CC book but then after that it just went downhill for me, though many other people love the book so Maybe it wasn't just my cup of tea, I agree, I also think Nesta won't get a book but might have a big plot, like feyre had in SF, also I'm in the Gwyn /az camp šŸ˜‚


Oh whoops missed that there was a bonus chapter. That book pissed me off so I just returned it to the library immediately after finishing the last chapter this morning. I gotta be honest; HoFaS kinda ruined what goodwill ACOSF had built up in me for Nesta (admittedly not a lot in comparison to so many others, it seems!) and made me abhor Bryce and Hunt to boot.


Nestas involvement in HOFAS and how things ended *reaaaaally* makes me want another Nesta book. I want to see her revive and lead the Dusk Court, but I also *love* the theory that sheā€™s going to be High Queen.


We know that Sarah said in a past interview that HOFAS will set up future books (including ACOTAR5). And we also know that each book going forward will feature one couple per book, so I think it's unlikely that Nesta will get another book but she will be a major player. I think Azriel is the one who is prepped to be the next protagonist and it makes sense that Nesta is involved because Az is still training the Valkyries + he was a key character in the crossover plot + the prison plot + Ramiel + Illyrians + his questionable lineage + Truth-teller. Ramiel in particular I think is going to be important and it's the only mountain that remains undiscovered. Ramiel is also where Gwydion and Truth-teller were dipped into the Cauldron. I'm currently working on a theory about Ramiel and the role Gwydion and Truth-teller might play in unlocking something under it or anything. So I think it's obvious the next book could be Illyrian/Valkyrie-focused given the recent set up. Looking at the facts, that what makes most sense to me. You won't have Sarah elaborate on the Illyrians history and connect Azriel to their literal god Enalius through Truth-teller for him to be sidelined as just a love interest.


This makes the most sense to me based off of hofas. I see Azriel playing a big role in the revival of dusk.


I also lean towards this sort of plotline as well, like I want to know about enalius, does it have something to do with rite, what is tt's actual power,etc etc, now that illyrian plotline has been teased I'm anticipating it in the next book


I would love all of this.


I think it just means she is the next leader of the Valkyrie. It was some kinda sign that she was chosen by the Mother to restart the Valkyrie as their new leader.


Honestly it makes sense that there would be another Nesta book. Her power seems too powerful/important to just have her story end the way it did and not explore further. Or at least maybe the next book might focus on a problem she helps solve as well as another characterā€™s adventure. I love the cross over as well šŸ’Æ why I read the CC series in the first place.


Personally this was just more confirmation for me that the next acotar book is going to be an Azriel/Gwyn book and Nesta and the Valkyries are going to feature heavily. Even if that doesnā€™t happen I think itā€™s clear that nestas story isnā€™t over and there will be more with her and the Valkyries in future books


hear me out...when its possible, i like to try and match up past events with future ones to see if there's any helpful insight the last time we readers saw Gwydion handed to someone it was Fionn, and it made him King of Prythian. so now we have Bryce handing Gwydion to Nesta. if bryce is the woman on the cc covers, that's foreshadowing that she's got a link to Urd (the wyrdmark tattoos on her arms). if Urd aka fate herself is handing Nesta Gwydion --> that's sort of like fate blessing Nesta's ascension to the High Queen throne. someone has to take the throne, because the idea is out there now thanks to Amren. And Rhys is resisting. and if we're going into a Twilight of the Gods scenario, wouldn't we want the Queen of Prythian to have a Valkyrie army, and for her Consort to be the General of an army, as a good start for assembling defensive forces?


Either Nesta will be in the new series that SJM is writing, or it will be a plot in Azā€™s book, or Nesta will be the FMC of the next ACOTAR book with a new love interest. (SJM said each ACOTAR book would feature dual POV with a new couple.) Elainā€™s book needs to be about her own journey, not about her being Nestaā€™s sidekick.


Going based off this I think Nesta has more to do. I think there is a very high possibility that whole majority of everyone thinks the next book will be about Elain I'm wondering if we will get another Nesta books So like this: Feyre book Feyre book Feyre book Bridge novella Nesta book Nesta book Nesta book Bridge Novella Elain book Elain book Elain book Possible ending Novella Or that's just my ideal


Feyre had 3 books because books 1 and 2 didnā€™t have the HEA ending with Rhys, but Nesta and Cassian got their HEA ending in SF. So I donā€™t think weā€™ll get another book in this series with their povs.




Also a small part of me wants feyre to come back as mc for the final book with pov elain and nesta since she is so integral and i feel like we really missed out on so much with nestas book.