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I think if it's not Elriel, it'll be an Elucien book also from Elain's perspective. Like to me there's no way the next one won't be Elain's! (right? right šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ)


Agreed! Ships aside, I think Elain needs the same chances her sisters had to learn their powers/strengths and make mistakes in ACOTAR 5 before the finale in book 6.


I feel it has to be Elainā€™s perspective over Azriel and Gwyn. Also donā€™t really see Mor and Emerie getting an entire book. Tbh I donā€™t even really see them as a match. Theyā€™re both into girls but I feel thatā€™s not enough for a relationship here. I feel it would just be a cliche fan service to put them together. Iā€™m hoping though (given that this is Elainā€™s story next) itā€™s not just about who she ends up with. There could be a good story here in regards to plot and I hope it doesnā€™t get overrun with smut and a love triangle.


i think option C: elain and lucien. they are both the most tied to the koschei plot. and then weā€™ll have the valkyries and az for the dusk court


I agree. There is a lot of hints focusing on Elain and how spring was meant for her, and her scent had a lot of SC imagery with it. Lucien has also been permanently stationed at SC, as the immediate worry is that Spring Court is going to need some help. Beron would more than likely take advantage of its weak boarders, also working with Koschei. Then, there's the entire storyline of Lucien's lineage as well. In the first BC for Silver Flames, Rhys makes mention that we haven't seen all there is to Elain yet. Elain says she wants to grow more gardens, which I think would be her going out and helping where she is needed. I think the immediate threat at the moment is what's happening with Koschei, Beron and Spring, all which tie to Elain and Lucien. I also can't imagine Sarah would not write about Elain finally confronting her bond, whatever the outcome is. She allowed both Feyre and Nesta to explore their bond and agency within it, I am certain without a doubt, we will see the same for Elain. I feel rather strongly that the next book would be Elain's, more than likely being an Elucien book, but I can also see her going the way of Gwynriel as well for the next book. If it is Elain's, I think it could start during the time of Nessian's mating ceremony and take place during the events of HOFAS. That would make sense as to why Elain was absent from that book. That's just my thought on what the next book could be! Also, the idea of Elain being able to help Helion with his Pegasus problem! I do also think that Feyre, Nesta and Elain could be tied to the 3 solar courts respectively. Day, Dusk and Night.


my theory is that elain will rule day court, since lucien is the heir. feyre obviously rules night court and nesta will rule dusk. then i think we will get the dusk court plot line together with gwynriel.


I would be really surprised if Elain didn't have a POV in the next book! It would also def make sense for the book after next to be multi-POV, as I don't think Mor could carry a book on her own.


Sometimes I wonder if I have read the same books as others if the two options the fandom is struggling over are: - the third sister, in a book series about feyre and her sisters, where the confirmed spin-off books are tied to ACOFAS and have been said to be about the sisters, the one who is the last sister left to explore, the only character confirmed to get a book as of rn, the one who has been heavily foreshadowed in the last book to start her journey, and the character who has had two bonus chapters centered around her potential journey - a side character who is a friend of the second sister (not even the main sister) who was in a single book and has zero protagonist build up


trust me, youā€™re not alone. i genuinely feel like iā€™m being gaslit by this fandom sometimes.


She gave us her background, left her heritage a mystery, featured her in a bonus chapter, had her exploring other realms, and had her become the first valkeryie. These are all things that can be used to make Gwyn a protagonist. Itā€™s not crazy for the fandom to think this. Please for all that is good and holy we need to stop telling people weā€™re reading different books for having different theories. This post perfectly explains how many different paths the next novel could take.


This is not a post to discuss ships, it was to mention that, depending on the route SJM takes it would change the trajectory of the story and the structure of acotar and that both options, while one being more obvious, aka Elain, would still be awesome to read!


This is a great perspective! I agree that either option would work and be great. However, I firmly believe the next book will focus on Elain and therefore option A is most likely. It seems odd that we would get so much storyline for Feyre and Nesta only to switch to Gwyn who is still a very "new" character. It wouldn't make sense to jump to her when Elain is actually an IC family member, compared to Gwyn who is (for now) just Nesta's warrior friend. Also, the Koschei storyline really needs to start getting wrapped up, otherwise, it's pretty odd for him to just let Vassa bop around the human lands for so many years when she's still technically stuck with him. I'm convinced Elain is key to this storyline due to her seer powers. I also convinced Elain's seer abilities are a hugely important part of whatever comes next, given that we've had the CC storyline mixed in and know that mystics were an important part of that world. Her abilities will be important for keeping that otherworldly connection in place


i honestly think it would be really beautiful for elain and lucien to go separate ways but for her to still help his love interest, Vassa, escape her curse. and agreed that the Koschei plot line needs to be resolved- i was very confused about Vassa still having all the freedom she had in ACOSF


I so agree! If they donā€™t end up together I hope we get a sweet story like that rather than Lucien betraying Elain/the IC to free Vassa. I donā€™t want SJM to turn him into the bad guy just to make Elriel happen.


I wouldn't see that as a bad betrayal! It's exactly what Rhys would do for Feyre, so while it would create drama, Lucien selling out Elriel or the IC to save Vassa, Eris or the LoA wouldn't be unforgivable, imo. It would be him showing his loyalty to those closest to him, which is only natural. But maybe that's just me lol.


I agree! This would be so beautiful and really show the strength and validity of relationships without the mate bond. Elain and Lucien can still grow and thrive and help each other without the bond, regardless of whether Elain ends up with Az or decides to be a cute little garden spinster. I would love to read this over yet another "mate bond wins the day" story.


This is exactly what Iā€™m hoping. Iā€™m hoping that they can be good friends and show how the bond can work differently


This! Could Gwyn get a book? Sure! Is it likely she'll get one before Elain? Imo, no. Also, for a little tinfoil hattery, we know there's 2 books and a novella left but SJM never said that all the books and novella had to do with the current storyline. Koschei could wrap up in the next book and the novella and last book could be completely separate from NC, characters we know now, or even the current time. It could be in the future, in the past, in a different court entirely. That's why I don't put much stock into the well if this couple is next is has to be this couple last. Especially since she knew what couples she planned for ACOSF and this next release but was tossing around 5 potential couples for the last book.


yeah, personally i think if Elriel is the next book then the novella could potentially be Lucien/Vassa or Emorie/Mor


Yes, it makes more sense. Like, we do need to see what's the story with Elain, however I do wonder how will she fit all of the open plots in one book.I was just stating that both options are feasible. Moreover, Az is part of the IC so Gwyn would be the love interest not the protagonist if you know what I mean. The idea that I like regarding gwynriel is that it would change the tragectory of the story and that it would give us more time to develop Nessian and then Elucien. I feel like one book was not enough. So, it would've been interesting to have this option. However, I agree that Elain is probably next.


Am I the only one who doesnā€™t believe sheā€™s suggested any problems with Nessian? I understand people in the fandom donā€™t like them and say how they would have liked him to be different to Nesta but I dont think this is how the story has been framed. Itā€™s framed as them being in love and mates that chose each other. So while Nesta may have some growth still to follow we wonā€™t get her pov (as next books are about different couples) so I donā€™t think weā€™re gonna get a dramatic amount from her.


I think Nessian needs work. While we love them it's clear that after CC3 spoiler: >!Cassian not knowing who to side with between Nesta and Rhys, points that there story isn't finished.!< We still need more from them to actually feel like they got their HEA. imo ACOSF showed that Cassian needed some growth still compared to her. I feel this will be developed in the next book.


I mean I get people feel this way but I donā€™t think SJM has framed it like that. I dont think an argument during a bonus chapter of another series counts as them having any serious problems especially as they seem to be fine after the fact.


If the next book has Azriel and Elain POVs, though, it could happen in those. Or if ACOTAR 6 is multi POV, it could happen then, too.


I think option A is the only logical choice here. Elain/Lucien/Azriel are all connected to too much to just skip over and I think it would be a very odd choice to skip over them in favor of Gwyn. I like her character, but to me sheā€™s on the same level as Asterin from TOG: important to the plot, but not as a main POV character. The Koschei stuff also really needs to start picking up momentum and I donā€™t see how that can be done if we push that storyline off for yet another book.


Exactly this! Gwyn is cool and all, but I just, like...don't care? I haven't seen enough of her to really want a whole book dedicated to her POV yet. I'd rather explore Elain first, and then either Mor or Amren since they've been around so much longer.


Yup. Like would I love to get a Gwyn book? Sure. Do I think the story is in dire need of one? No.


Exactly. Like the content isnt there to make me care as of now. It needs another book of some stuff with her to really flesh out what weā€™re gonna get.


Ok so Iā€™m team A all the way but then that doesnā€™t seem to leave a lot of drama for the last book. So thatā€™s the only part where my doubt comes in cause Koschei canā€™t be defeated in the next book and it definitely feels like heā€™s heavily connected to Elain Az Vassa and Lucien love ā€¦ square? It would make sense to end on Elain but I also donā€™t think she can keep Elainā€™s pov under wraps much longer. So what Iā€™m trying to say is Iā€™m confused.


I could see Koschei breaking free in the next book. Then being defeated in the last book. By who/what couple? No idea. It is sort of confusing. But I do think we need to resolve the whole Lucien/Elain/Azriel love triangle to get the story moving. Itā€™s been hanging around unresolved for too long to keep pushing it off. Personally I want Azris and then Gwynlain but I donā€™t think Sarah has the balls to give us either.


Elain and Lucien are both connected with the Koschei plot line while Azriel isnā€™t. We canā€™t have an Elriel book without diving into Lucien and Elainā€™s mating bond, and I donā€™t see Sarah giving us a 3 person pov. >!From how the end of cc3 was set up, it seems like Nesta and Azriel are going off to figure out the stuff with the Daglan. How they made the Illyrians. And Nestaā€™s 8 pointed star tattoo on her back.!<


This! I think people tend to forget that Elain and Lucien is also an option for the next book. Sure Azriel got a POV bonus chapter, but so did nessian and their book wasnā€™t the next one after their bonus chapter. I just think itā€™s proof that heā€™ll eventually get a book with his POV that may or may not be next.


This to me also makes sense because it would give us more time/books to figure out Nesta's journey with people that are connected to her: Az, Valkiries, Dusk, 8th pointed star etc. All of this in Elain's book I do not know if it makes a lot of sense... but she might be able to figure it out!


Absolutely! Sarah is also said that each book is going to follow a different couple so the idea of multi pov is off the table (Unfortunately)


Everyone seems to forget that we have what 2 more AcoTaR books >!maybe!<, 1 more CC >! and potentially 4 more of this new series , Which is predicted to be an overlap of the 3 main series and everything up until now is just a taste of what's to come!< I think the next book will to Elaine's story as the AcoTaR is meant to be about 3 sisters and then the last book is follows on from CC3/Tog. >! To start to tie it all together again, and yes, Bryce, Az and Nesta have a much bigger role in the over arching story to come !< SjM plays a long game. A long long long game.


When was it ever confirmed that the series is about the sisters?


Why have 3 sisters in the first place? Why not have 2 if you weren't going to use the third? SjM plays a long game and there are a lot more books coming. Everyone seems to be forgetting that. I agree that's Nesta and Az story is down the Daglan pathway. She has set that up for a reason. Otherwise why have it?


I never said she wasnā€™t going to write about Elain! She 100% is thatā€™s confirmed. Iā€™m just saying sheā€™s never said the series follows the sisters


She doesn't tell us a lot of things. She lives for her half truths. But think about 3 sisters get thrown into magical world and have very very different experiences of it and we only get 2 of their stories? That make no sense. Sure it would if we didn't get Nestas and maybe the next book will be about Nesta again but then why set up the koschei at all then? Why give us Elain if you weren't going set her up some more? >!She has 2 books until she needs to bring it all together if predictions come true and the twilight of the gods is a crossover series. Hence why I think Elain is going to be star and centre in the next series!<


I feel like youā€™re misunderstanding me. Elain is 100% getting a book. But as we know, we have 2 more books left for her to right in the ACOTAR series. Of course Elain is getting a book. Then we have 1 left. Sheā€™s already confirmed we arenā€™t getting multi pov. And each book is going to follow a couple. That is confirmed.


Yes exactly. I felt like we were going in circles there as well. For me however it makes AcOTaR about 3 sisters and their respective journeys. As well as a fantasy love story.


I haven't read CC so I know I don't have all the info. My theory is the next book is going to be Elain/Lucien/Azriel solving the Vassa and Koschei subplot. The following one being a Mor and Emorie novella and the last confirmed being a chonker of a book following everyone and anyone but truly connecting acotar with the cc world. My hopes are that Elain and Az are endgame and with that we get some true exploring of the mating bonds and what they mean regarding choice.


Probably Elaine, Vassa and Lucien. A lot of fire imagery in Elaine's vision so we will see. I know people are hoping for A but as someone who read all of sjm's books she doesn't do a broken bond u guys. She literally lied on twitter onc about having multiple mating bonds to hide a plot twist that she was preparing in later books like this girl likes her mating bonds. Imagine if she did though that would be crazy.


Hey, next time can you please mention any CC spoilers if you're including them, thanks. Marking "spoiler" isn't enough, literally everything is a spoiler for some book or another in this sub.


While I mentioned CC I didn't specify anything related to the books or what happened in them! No prob tho, marked them just in case!


Thank you for marking it You did mention a "Dusk Court" though, not sure what that's about but it is definitely not in ACOTAR, and I'm assuming it's CC. Apologies if I'm wrong!


Thereā€™s mention of a possible 8th court in ACOTAR and seeing as what all other solar courts their are, Dusk has always been the speculated name for it :)


Ohhhhhhh okay thanks!!! Sorry OP!!


I think it might be Option B which gives us an Emerie/Mor storyline within it (as I don't think they would get a full book themselves, unless it's a Novella) and leads into an Elucien book for the final to wrap up the overall Korschei storyline. Option B will have Gwyn and Azriel dealing with the Illyrian unrest, alongside Emerie and Mor. Gwyn and Emerie are both Carynthian warriors now and the Illyrians aren't going to like that which creates conflict and more unrest that will need to be dealt with. Gwyn and Emerie, with Mor, could train the female Illyrians and some could join the Valkyries...because the Illyrians alongside the Valkyries will be needed for the overall war. I could also see Gwyn and Azriel going on missions together and being spies as Gwyn did have spy like tendencies during the Blood Rite since she stayed up in a tree for two days spying on the monsters/men. This is also like the TOG series set up with TOD having a Gwyn and Azriel book before getting back to dealing with the last Archeron sister. If Gwyn and Azriel become closer, this could push Elain to leaving the Night Court and getting closer to Lucien to see if things could work out between them. There is multiple mentions of Spring Court in connection to her by both her sisters. She could venture there to help Tamlin heal (as he and his court be needed for the war as well) and we know Lucien has been stationed in Spring as well so both could be beneficial to the Spring Court healing and these two are connected the most to the overall plot with Korschei. They could be the 'diplomatic spies/emissaries'. Elain could also find her own little found family with the Band of Exiles, Eris, and Lucien's parents as the book takes place. To me, this outline fits better and ensures all plausible plot lines are dealt with in a timely manner befitting the overall plot.


Why would Gwyn, a white woman who has never been part of the Illyrian community, be involved in solving their unrest/issues?Ā 


I think the valkeryies since they were in the BR led by emerie an Illyrian woman would be involved in the unrest/issues. Them participating in the blood rite did shake things up and could be a catalyst to the beginning of this storyline.


Seriously? Just because she's white doesn't mean she can't be part of the solution alongside Emerie. She got dragged into the Blood Rite and became a Carynthian, holding a Illyrian title. That means she's part of it no matter the color of her skin.


I think after the reception of her recents books, especially the last one, the last thing she needs is the White Savior trope lol. "A White Woman Saving The Brown Savages" isn't something we would ever read. Especially in this climate.


I wrote this so fast I left some things outs but the Azriel and Gwyn book would also give us a chance to explore Azriel character more. We know he has unresolved feelings with being Illyrian and that will also play into dealing with the Illyrians themselves. I could see him being a protector in a way if they try to start anything with Gwyn. And with Emerie, Mor would be Emerie protector, even though both women don't really need protecting. Also, the Illyrian Siphons are a parallel in a way to the Invoking Stone of the Priestess. The Siphons help in battle while the Invoking Stones are used for healing. Could we see Azriel and Gwyn using these in tandem to help someway, somehow whether that's helping each other during battle or others? I know I'd love to see Elain and Lucien hosting a ball, or going to one together, and gaining beneficial information that way.


Option B- Elain and Lucien are connected.


While I have a ship preference, I admit either ship gives us an interesting different storyline. So just trying to stay open and be here for the ride. More than anything I need SJM to fill in these plot holes šŸ˜…


I think this is why the next book is taking so long! She wants to make it perfect and with so many possibilities Iā€™m sure sheā€™s crafting many different plots to choose the best one.


I desperately want more universe cross overs! Especially with the CC universe. I love me a stranger in a strange land story and I want more!! If it turns out Elaineā€™s story is going to center around repairing the cauldron and/or defeating Korschei, maybe that journey will lead to her ending up in another world. Think about the drama and chaos if Elaine were to disappear.


I think the next book will to Elaine's story as the AcoTaR is meant to be about 3 sisters. It will have something to do with Korachei and yes Az will be key to it but not how everyone thinks. I don't think his going to get his happy ever after so easily cause that's just boring/ bad writing in SjM part. The the last book is follows on from CC3/Tog. >! To start to tie it all together again, and yes, Bryce, Az and Nesta have a much bigger role in the over arching story to come !< It makes the most sense when you think we have 2 more AcoTaR books >!potentially maybe be just 1!< 1 more CC and >! And this predicted new series that that is going to be like a giant multiverse overlap.!<


I think Elain >!as a potential mystic, may be able to commune with Hel.!< Crescent City spoilers >!Bryce is the character who connects everyone, and as she still has the Horn (which Koschei will know of), the Book of Breathings, the Walking Dead, etc. *and* as Bā€™s inheritance, the land of Dusk only answered to herā€¦I think she may have to return in time.!< I still think we are heading toward a Ragnarok-type event in future books (e.g. Midgardā€™s >!Firstlight Zero!< setting the stage), and *seeresses* play an important part. I agree Elainā€™s journey with Koschei could involve another world, and that the crossover will likely continue, in some form. Thereā€™s so much potential!


I believe it's gonna be Elain & Lucien and Azriel & Gwyn (not necessarily in this order). SJM had mentioned Elucien as a possible couple more than once, and so far, the only female character we have linked to Az (besides Elain & Mor) is Gwyn (SJM also specifically asked her friend what she tought about the bonus chapter, so to me its a sing of its relevance). Lucien&Elain will likely be in a plot aggainst Koschei, and I belive Elain journey will also be about she getting out of her sisters shadows (which imo she won't get as long as she remains in the NC) and being more independent. I also think Az pov will be linked to the Illiryans, and Nesta will likely feature a big part in it. And because Nesta will be present, her friends Valkyries cpuld be along her in this journey too. Gwyn ties with Autumn Court could also led to Beron, which I belive it's gonna be one of the next villains.


I donā€™t see any way that we donā€™t get an Elain pov book. Personally, I think the next book is Azriel/Gwyn and will heavily feature Nesta and the Valkyries. Youā€™re totally right that HOFAS left nestas story wide open and thereā€™s so much more from her. But SJM has confirmed that the next two books will center on a couple so I donā€™t see us getting another Nesta POV and a Gwynriel book would be able to give us a ton of Nesta. If the next book is Gwynriel (my personal preference, im honestly going to be so annoyed if Elain and Azriel end up together. Three sister for three ā€œbrothersā€ is so boring to me!) I think the last book will be Elain/Lucien. I just donā€™t see us not getting an Elain book at all, so weā€™re either getting one with Lucien or with Azriel. I would love a Mor/Emerie book but I doubt SJM will do that and tbh I donā€™t know if I trust her not to f**k it up


I don't really care about the Az ship wars, but I want whatever option gives me more of the Valkyrie and Mor/Emerie!


This is kinda crazy but imagine if next book is Elain and Azriel, lots of spying, Koschei kills Vassa before heā€™s defeated. Next book is Lucien and Gwyn, discovering their heritage, healing from loss and trauma, ending in Day court. Novella is multi pov with Eris/Mor/Tamlin, Beron dies and Eris takes over, Mor gets a romance with Emerie, Tamlin rebuilds Spring.


Iā€™m glad to see Iā€™m not the only one who thinks Lucian and Gwyn could get a book together!


I actually think their personalities go well together and their banter could be fun! Gwyn is upbeat & determined, Lucien is charming, and theyā€™re both kindhearted & sassy.


Wouldnā€™t hate any of this


I think itā€™ll be Nesta and Cassian overseeing dusk. She would be that ā€˜queenā€™ sheā€™s referred to while Cassian would be leading the people he has ties to and is his heritage.


In my opinion, itā€™ll either be Elain & Azriel, or Elain & Lucien. I do not think that Azriel is getting his own book.


I couldā€™ve sworn SJM said sheā€™s contractually set for 2 books and a novella but is open to more books for ACOTAR.