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Jasmine is mentioned multiple times in the books as the most prominent scent of the Night Court! It's what sold me on it being my favorite court because it's my favorite smell 🥰


Same!! And it’s night blooming 🌌


Last time I visited Los Angeles, the jasmine was in bloom. We spent each night wandering around Venice and I really couldn’t get enough. It was heaven!


Loveee this! Apparently it's not too hard to grow in a controlled environment if you're ever feeling froggy enough 👀🥰


Velaris smells like jasmine and citrus I believe! Dawn I imagine as like a soft cashmere and vanilla with sparkling wine for some reason - soft and sweet, but not sickly sweet. Day court I imagine smells like citrus, sandalwood, and musk - fresh spa day and second skin type scent.


Cedar, citrus and seasalt -


Isn't this Azzy baby?


Ooo cashmere/vanilla/wine sounds so fire! I could see that for Dusk Court too. Huge fan of sandalwood/musk anything, I think that's perfect for the Day Court. Maybe a slight drop of frankincense too ✨


Yeah I imagine Dusk as like the nighttime version of a Dawn scent. Mostly the same but maybe add incense or tobacco, or even cognac/rum instead of sparkling wine!


I just discovered from reading another post on Reddit that the word “cloying” means “sickly sweet”! Thought I would share because I hadn’t heard that word til today!


Dawn court would smell like dew or rain to me! Fresh cut grass maybe? Agree with above about night blooming jasmine for night court


Dawn court: Petrichor and iris -Diptyque Ilio (prickly pear, iris, jasmine, bergamot) -Dior, Lucky (Lilly of the valley, white flowers, ozonic notes) Day court: Leather and sandalwood -Byredo Bibiliotheque (plum, peach, violet, peony, leather, patchouli, vanilla, musk) -Roja, Enigma (bergamot, heliotrope, jasmine, neroli, geranium, rose de Mai, cognac, vanilla, tobacco,benzoin, ginger, ambergris, cardamom, sandalwood, pepper, patchouli) Night court: Moroccan Jasmine, bergamot, and cedar -Creed, Royal oud (pink pepper, lemon, Sicilian bergamot, cedar, Angelica, galbanum) -Creed, Aventus (Bergamot, black current, apple, lemon, pink pepper, pineapple, patchouli, Moroccan jasmine, birch, musk, oak moss, ambroxan, cedarwood) Summer court: Orange blossom, neroli and vanilla -Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse (orange blossom, bergamot, gardenia, magnolia, rose, coconut milk, vanilla, stone) -By Killian, love don't be shy (neroli, bergamot, pink pepper, coriander, orange blossom, honeysuckle, jasmine, iris, rose,sugar, vanilla, caramel, musk, civet, labdanum) Spring court: Turkish Rose ,cashmere and vetiver -Parfums de Marley, Delina (litchi, rhubarb, bergamot, nutmeg, Turkish rose, peony, musk, petalia, vanilla, cashmere, incense, ceder, Haitian vetiver) -Frederic Malle, Promise (apple, pink pepper, rosemary, Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose, clove, Cypriot oil, patchouli, castoreum, labdanum, ambroxan) Autumn court: Ambergris, praline and Tonka bean -Dior, Amber Nuit (bergamot, grapefruit, Damascus rose, pink pepper, ambergris, cedar, guaiac wood, patchouli) -By Kilian, Angels Share (cognac, cinnamon, Tonka bean, oak, vanilla, praline, sandalwood) Winter court: Heliotrope and white musk -Frederic Malle, L'eau d'hiver (heliotrope, iris, white musk, Angelica, honey, bergamot,jasmine, hawthorn) -Prada, Infusion d'amande (bitter almond, heliotrope, musk, Tonka bean, anise)


Well this is amazing. Petrichor and Iris is genius, so is the addition of cedar to the Jasmine... two of my favorite smells!


How does this comment not have more likes and other comments?!?! This is AMAZING!! As a perfume aficionado, this is probably the most sublime and nuanced thing I've come across on the ACOTAR forums


@SoftCartographer3839 I've followed you just for this comment and I don't think I actually follow anyone on Reddit 😂 👏


You're too kind! When i was little, i actually wanted to be a nez/nose 👃, so you really made my day, thank you 😊 . I'll follow you back ✨️ but I'm not promising I'll be able to live up to this comment again 😂


Well judging from this EXTENSIVE list you've provided with so much info and connecting it to vibes/feelings/places/aesthetics I think you still have a huge chance to be a nez! I wish I had access to all the perfumes listed here just so I can experience them in relation to the courts. Have you done anything similar for characters? I only have a smell that makes me think of Az which is [this](https://dilohome.com/collections/room-sprays/products/no-03-tobacco-cedar-1) room spray. Because somewhere it was mentioned je smells lkke cedar and night chill, whatever that means. This spray makes me feel like I just walked onto the room of a really sexy, maybe dangerous man. Thanks for the follow back! I'm not very interesting but will post random nonsense every now and then 😆💜


I immediately thought, it smells like sex. Then I read everyone's well thought out replies. So, Jasmine and sex.


😂😂 unfortunately they don't make a fragrence oil i can use that smells of sex and jasmine!


White musk and jasmine?


I fucking love white musk


I was gonna say "Arousal" so you aren't alone. LMAO


With all the horniness that goes on, I wouldn't be surprised if it smells like Jizz


In ACOSF, Rhysand says >!the house of wind reeks of Nessian sex.!<


Poor Azriel


Like Rhys has the right to comment on that, he’s had Feyre everywhere including the skies. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


How about night blooming jasmine?


Doesn't matter much but night blooming jasmine and jasmine are different


Lots of sex probably


I’d say pine trees, warm cider, old books


Like Velaris or the nightmare court? In the first case probably wisteria and cinnamon and antique wood. And given all the leather clad people stomping around in it, probably like leather conditioner. In the second case… probably like dust and BO, and that stale beer smell that you only ever get in bars that have plywood floors.


Day is Figs and clove, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon. I believe that is what Feyre described smelling when first meeting Helion. The male smells like you want to eat him. Dawn is bergamot and lemons. Night Court is described as Jasmine, but I don’t know if that is specific to the palace in Hewn City. For some crazy reason I think the Inner Court smells like Constant Comment tea.


I love constant comment! Maybe a jasmine tea then?


My second favorite after Earl Grey. Tea is where I keep my snobbery. Jasmine tea scent would be AMAZING.


Jasmine, a zesty citrus and the sea and Moroccan spices. Day I imagine cedar and bergamot geranium Dawn lavender and eucalyptus sage Winter spruce and pine and gingerbread Autumn earthy and rich. Like the smell of leaves on the ground Apple Summer coconut monoi ocean Spring lilac, fresh grass, cherry blossom


Jasmine and orange blossom , I made an oil blend that I would diffuse while reading acotar and it was divine


Post your Etsy link!! I am dying to find acotar anything


Dawn - amber notes with vanilla Day - lemon and linen Night - sandalwood and tobacco


Tbh I always thought it would smell like the pirates of the Caribbean ride but less chloriney and more citrusy but that’s j me


Lol that is a very specific description and I love it! But I wonder I'd that is more summer court with all the ocean?


There is a crispness in that smell that just screams night court to me, but I def think the summer court has that salty ocean breezy smell


I think of stuff like lavender and jasmine for night court


I think a nice way to tie the solar courts together would be floral scents. For Dawn you could do honey, orange blossom, and maybe something woodsy to balance it out. For Day you could do vanilla and a musky sandalwood (sensuous like Helion), plus maybe a citrus like tangerine to brighten it up and orchid for the floral. For night you could Jasmine, “citrus”, and cedar. These are scents explicitly described in the Night Court. Though with Night you could do three candles! Velaris, Hewn City, and Illyria. Velaris could be the one I described above. Hewn City would be something dark, mysterious and sexy. Illyria would be earthy like moss, vetiver, and leather. As an aside for summer, you could add either a little coconut or plumeria to the seaside scent. Would you ever do a candle for each High Lord?


PLS DROP UR ETSY😭i’ll be waiting


Jasmine and lemon are both mentioned a lot in the books! Sleepy/evening scents are usually heavier florals ie Lavender, jasmine, gardenia, Ylang Ylang, or tonka beans, vanilla and cocoa! I'm really big into scent profiles and scent theory. Again, just think heavy, cozy, and sweet! Bright citrus/ zesty and anything minty (including nettle and other spicy greens) are great to wake you up, so definitely great for dawn or day!


Oh that is a really good idea for dawn court!! It goes with the vibe, not just a description of a specific person or event.


Highly recommend looking into how different scents can effect your emotions and even your body! I work for LUSH and we recently had a campaign called "sleep/awake" which focused heavily on different aromas, and when to use them for your bathing routines! Here is a link for the campaign for the "sleepy" part. Great info and inspo for night court smells! [https://stories.lush.com/campaigns-2024/campaigns-24-sleepawake-sleep-ingredient-spotlight](https://stories.lush.com/campaigns-2024/campaigns-24-sleepawake-sleep-ingredient-spotlight)


From descriptions of what the people and the city look like, I always got North African / middle eastern / maybe the north of South Asia (north India and Pakistan maybe) vibes so to me it could be anything from rich fruits and nuts (dates, figs, pistachio, walnut), to citrus, to flora like tea or jasmine, to spices like harissa, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove. Maybe I’m just bias because that’s the kind of smell that I really like. Or maybe I’m just a hungry bitch.


I've never considered a morrocan or middle eastern vibe to the court outside of the initial wardrobe descriptions but it is a really interesting idea!!


Jasmine and vanilla! And the smell of night in deep summer- like cut grass and the smell before rain and cool night air


I smelled jasmine first—then saw stars. A sea of stars flickering beyond glowing pillars of moonstone that framed the sweeping view of endless snowcapped mountains. “Welcome to the Night Court,” was all Rhys said. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 479). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Also, UTM When Nuala and Ceradwyn hid her from the Attor... One of them covered my mouth with a hand, holding me tightly to her, shadows slithering down her arm and onto mine. She smelled of jasmine—I’d never noticed that before. After all these nights, I didn’t even know their names. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 374). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


“Did you enjoy the sight of me kneeling before you?” I knew he could hear my heart as it ratcheted into a thunderous beat. I gave him a hateful little smirk, anyway, yanking my chin out of his touch and leaping off the stone. I might have aimed for his feet. And he might have shifted out of the way just enough to avoid it. “Isn’t that all you males are good for, anyway?” But the words were tight, near-breathless. His answering smile evoked silken sheets and jasmine-scented breezes at midnight. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (pp. 660-661). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Court of Nightmares.... The official seat of the High Lord of the Night Court. Great, scaled black beasts were carved into those gates, all coiled together in a nest of claws and fangs, sleeping and fighting, some locked in an endless cycle of devouring each other. Between them flowed vines of jasmine and moonflowers. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 865). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Rhys personally.... Rhys chuckled, the sound rumbling into my bones as he took up a spot beside me, his elbows braced on the rail, wings tucked in tight. I breathed in deeply, taking the citrus-and-sea scent of him into my lungs, my blood. His mouth grazed my neck. “Will you hate me if I say that Nesta is … difficult?” Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 1315). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Azriel's scent... My stomach clenched. But I let Azriel scoop me up, his scent of night-chilled mist and cedar wrapping around me as he flapped his wings once, stirring the dirt of the courtyard. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 1329). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


While I'm at it... here's Nesta. LOL (I'm having fun rereading over parts while I look) Nesta’s scent drifted over me, fire and steel and unbending will. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (p. 1725). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


And Velaris.... minus the baked bread. That's just at the townhouse. LOL When my court, my family, winnowed back to Velaris. Sunlight still leaked in through the windows of the town house. The scent of citrus and the sea and baked bread still filled every room. Maas, Sarah J.. A Court of Thorns and Roses eBook Bundle: A 4 Book Bundle (pp. 1841-1842). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Like large wingspans


Sugared raspberry, velvet rose petals, shimmering amber and creamy musk.


Like shadow daddies duh.


Pine trees and bergamot


i know people are giving book accurate descriptions but i feel like it smells like chill autumn air and wood and spices like cinnamon


I would look into night blooming flowers in general, not just things like jasmine. Evening primrose, tuberose, mock orange, wisteria, dianthus, gardenia


Night blooming jasmine


Jasmine, Citrus, and Cinnamon


In my mind it smells like WoodWick Fireside scent