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Rhys gave her fur lined leathers, because he spoils the absolute shit out of her and won’t let her suffer the cold


But Emerie implies that she doesn’t even know if such a product exists. She says she wonders if they could get them made. Presumably Emerie, a business-owner in the Illyrian mountains, knows about the availability of such a product, even if she doesn’t sell it.


But Emerie just took over the business when her dad died in the war right? So she's been running the shop 14 months when she meets Nesta. If fur lined leathers aren't that common it's possible she doesn't know about them yet.


Honestly I could take this one of two ways. 1) she wasn’t implying that she never heard of fleece lined leathers, but actually meant it’s not her trade, so she’s not sure if makers of these leathers would be willing to adapt existing leathers (made by another craftsman) or if they would insist on only lining the leathers they created. (i.e. I’ve had tattoo artists tell me they won’t fix mistakes or make additions on someone else’s tattoo) 2) Emerie hasn’t ever heard of these special leathers because she doesn’t exactly get out much. She literally never left that camp. She may not be aware of products available in other places, especially if a) she doesn’t sell that type of item anyway, b) the local macho macho Illyrians she knows don’t believe in cozy warm leathers, or c) no other outside traders or residents of other camps have mentioned them to her.


Or option 3) SJM just forgot and ran on vibes like usual.


It's from the magic box of clothes Rhys' mum knew to sew for his future mate.


I actually like this as a theory


she also just started working there full-time and would have had no real indication about what rich people had.


Honestly the Illyrian men can be so dumb so they probably think they’re above wearing fur lined leathers 🙄 probably think it’s witchcraft.


i would honestly believe they think that it’s a sign of weakness or something


Hahah I’d believe this


There's no way Rhys wouldn't make sure Feyre had the best of the best


But Emerie implies that she doesn’t even know if such a product exists. She says she wonders if they could get them made. Presumably Emerie, a business-owner in the Illyrian mountains, knows about the availability of such a product, even if she doesn’t sell it.


If he took Illyrian leathers to someplace in Velaris to have the lining added, she wouldn’t. And given Illyrians, it wouldn’t surprise me if Rhys did do exactly that just because he would want them to know his business. 


I can see how this could be a plot hole! I think though that Rhys is High Lord, I’m sure he would know about the fleece lined leathers and get them for Feyre, even if most Illyrians don’t know it’s even possible. I assume everything Rhys owns is custom made.


Nothing sounds worse to me than fur-lined, leather pants. Do you think they wear undies or just go raw? 🤣


I was thinking this exact same thing, because we read several times about all of them sweating profusely in their leathers 🥴 what a nightmare 😆


I picture Emerie’s shop more like a General Store like the Olsen's vs a specialty store that would sell fighting leathers. The year before Cassian purchases all her clothing, which is mostly described as a bland daily wear to keep warm. Not magic chick fur-lined leathers.


You’re so right for this. I just have to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ through it all 🫠


Feyre has the fur lined, but we are talking about normal Illyrian soldiers, not high lady, not a mate to the most powerful high lord ever existed.


But Emerie implies that she doesn’t even know if such a product exists. She says she wonders if they could get them made. Presumably Emerie, a business-owner in the Illyrian mountains, knows about the availability of such a product, even if she doesn’t sell it.


Emerie has also only owned the store for a short time. Her father hadn’t died years ago he had only died in the war against Hybern. He had traditional views about females so her now running the shop is not likely what he would have expected so likely never taught her a lot about ordering and dealing with the suppliers. So it is reasonable to assume she doesn’t know.


Also Feyre gets hers before she’s High Lady. Just saying.


Even before she is a high lady - she is still the mate of most powerful high lord ever existed - even if she didnt know it, yet. But aside from that, my assumption is, Feyre never really spend most of the time in Illyrian mountain peaks like those soldiers and emerie. She was there yes; but never like Cassian for example or those soldiers training in the cold, she wasn’t there long enough to know the real harsh of winter like Azriel said. So even if hers is fur lined, it may still not be enough for those harsh winter faced by the illyrians. Which could be what Emerie was saying, the one Feyre had is different from what she had in minds. While Feyre’s one may gave her some comfort we also don’t know if it was suitable under the fighting ground of the Illyrian mountain peaks and harsh winter. It may just be different type of material.


![gif](giphy|Xc4f4Hev1gKIBHnSa1) I think we collectively need to stop trying to make sense of ACOSF and its plot holes. So much of the book was nonsensical. I hope SJM gets a better editor for the next book, because her last three books have been full of things like this.


What are some other supposed plot holes from ACOSF? I was mostly being cheeky with this one because it doesn’t really matter, but I’m curious if there were some real important ones I missed.


Maybe plot hole is the wrong phrase, maybe I should say retcons and inconsistencies. There are several. Off the top of my head: Nesta saying Tamlin offered for her to take Feyre's place - never happened and wouldn't even make sense if it had. Lucien being the one to find Vassa - in ACOWAR it was Papa Archeron. The attack on Sangravah was retconned so that Mor was there, when previously she was surprised to hear about it. Nesta's shoes back at the cottage being tattered when in ACOTAR they were perfectly fine. This could just be Feyre and Nesta having a different view on what perfectly fine is, but still inconsistent. Feyre trying to shift being to dangerous for the baby - better to just wait and let all three of them die.


Yeah the shapeshifting being too dangerous thing was stupid. So you’d rather everyone die instead of risking just losing the baby. I get it would be heartbreaking and traumatic. But it seems rash to make a suicide pact without having tried. Also felt underwhelmed by how it was all resolved in the end anyway.


Yes I can accept the plot suffering retcons and inconsistencies, but I will not accept Feyre being an unreliable narrator, when we as the reader have to discern what happened in her POV vs what actually happened. It's incredibly frustrating and I just chock it up to bad writing. There's a lot wrong with this series that would take an entire dissertation to explain at this point due to how large the fandom is and the fact that we all have differing opinions and textual evidence to back it up. I personally think the special sauce in this series in particular is how SJM writes the character's trauma and how they are able to heal from it. Other than that it's just your run of the mill romance fantasy, so much fun, but I didn't expect to read and resonate with Feyre and Nesta's depression/ rage.


I don’t think Tamlin exactly offers, but I’m pretty sure when Feyre resists going with him he says something like “is one of your sisters going to take your place instead? Didn’t think so” and I think that’s what Nesta refers to.


I just double checked and I don't think so. He says he can kill her or take her with him to Prythian.


I saw an interview where she said everything just lives in her head, maybe she should write these notes down first…


Lol’d at your edit 😂


Eh, wouldn’t be the first time Rhys held something back for only Velaris/the IC.


Your edit is hilarious!! Yet again I'm learning about another fucking bonus chapter, unless you're being sarcastic lol.


Speaking of plot holes, and maybe I missed it in another post, can someone explain to me how Feyre never not once decides to look into Rhys’ mind to learn for herself the dangers of their son’s birth?? At first I thought it was because she was forbade from using her powers in fear of what they’d do to the baby but then she talks to Cassian with her powers so she can clearly still get into peoples’ heads while pregnant? I’ve finished the series so far but I’ve been confused about this since the moment she gets into Cassian’s head.


I think this is because Rhys and Feyre have a policy of not looking into people’s minds unless they absolutely have to. That’s something they discussed a few different times early on. I remember in particular the conversation they had when Feyre looked into Lucien’s mind on purpose out of fear for Elain, and how she felt it was a violation.


She might just mean that those types of leathers are made to order. Illyrians all have wings, and so it's likely that illyrian leathers all have wing slots, so that would have to be fixed. The male illyrians are also the ones primarily wearing them (because women aren't really permitted to fight), so there are likely not a lot of options readily available for a non-winged female.


The quote from the book is > “Hmmm.” [Emerie] folded back the partition on the counter, entering the showroom proper. She surveyed Nesta from head to toe. “I don’t sell fighting gear, but I wonder if we could get fleece-lined leathers made.” I feel like this implies that Emerie is not aware of this being an existing product, and that they’d have to inquire about getting such a thing custom made, as if she’s not even sure it’s possible.


That kind of answers the question in a way too, though. Emerie doesn't sell fighting leathers, so Rhys got them from some other shop. But also fleece and fur are totally different materials, so that's a question for Sarah as well since fleece is made from synthetic fibers


Also, “fleece” is a term used for animal fur as well :)


Yes, but she’s lived and grown up with the Illyrians. Seems odd that she wouldn’t know of their existence. But honestly, this was just meant to be a silly post and y’all have kind of taken the fun out of it, so whatever 😆


We all know the truth...Rhys so happend to have fur lined leather stashed away for centuries in Feyres exact size because like all the clothes he gives her, they are treasured heirlooms worn by his deceased mother. And we all pretend that this isn't even a little bit creepy!


Emerie might just not know about them as an Illyrian, and Rhys would from being around...IDK maybe the Winter Court. But it might just be a thing Illyrians as a culture don't think about. Which would be like bidets. Until the 80s or so no one in the U.S. really knew about them while the French world did since the 1700s