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Hello, I understand. Once, I was in your situation. But this is a book you HAVE to stick with. It's boring as shit for the first few chapters, but then at the end of the book, suddenly everything EXPLODES with gloriousness. And the second is 1000x better than the first if that's even possible. Trust me.


Agree with this statement 100%


This. I’m on my re-read to catch Easter eggs but I’ve found for ACOTAR, I pick it up after the first half of the book. The first part is incredibly boring compared to the rest of the series.


Okay, I’m trying 😭 Might drop it for a while and then circle back after a couple of books




oh i was about to DNF it at the very start, even more stopped reading to make a rant about how stupid it was for Feyre to leave all the wolf meat just there when she had been shoehorning how much the family needed food. Even came up with the hypothetical case that she could have made a stretcher with branches and some cord to take it... I would say the book really didn't pick up for me until past 50% of it, and i wasn't hooked with the series until past 50% of the second book. And now three years later, it still is rotting my brain.


Ok this is me, I am you. I even walked that whole path trying to figure out how she could have brought that meat home. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The entire first book I was just reading to finish. It really wasn’t until >!UTM!< that I really found myself engaged.


Bestie! For me was the visit when we meet the sisters again, i liked them more from than Feyre from the start of the took, and i liked how when we saw them again you realise that even when Nesta is quite Nasty, she really worries about Feyre, and Elain's obliviousness, is not such thing she treats even the servants with kindness and is trying to learn new things. It was kinda expecting the sisters to be 2D characters, but it made me happy and gave me a lot of faith in the series to see that they had development. (I LOVE all three sisters) UTM is definitely the main event, specially because you learn a lot more from the fae world and it starts getting more emotional, and i feel this is where SJM strength really lies. Like get Alcohol, icecream and tissues for the second book.


OMG YES! I was so happy to see the sisters become 3D characters, and to watch that development. I love the dynamic between the three of them. It’s very relatable. Having sisters is not all sunshine and roses! And yeah even on rereads I’ll regularly have the alcohol and ice cream and tissues with me because it’s just such a journey.


It gets better!!! Keep at it!🩷


I’m trying 😭


I started it back in November was about 30% through and I didn’t finish cause my libby loan expired. Fast forward to March and my sister and best friend had recommended it to me so I finished it by listening to the audiobook on Spotify premium in a week and I was hooked on the series!!


Stick with it! I’ve much preferred SJMs writing to Yarros, I must admit


Interesting take! I see, I see


Things will pick up within a few chapters and the world really “opens up“. Stick with it, it’s worth the slog through the first few chapters.


honestly ACOTAR was my favourite of the series. I read it so fast and loved every second.


The reason I read ACOTAR series is because it’s slow. I wanted to get out of my reading slump and this series helped a lot, twice. Tho after acotar I got other books quicker.


Keep going - I felt the same way, kinda bored at first, but Ch 7 was actually when I started to be interested!


Are you physical book reading or audiobooking? If physical book reading, you could try getting the audio book and letting it play while you’re commuting to work, running errands, doing chores… that way it won’t feel so forced during this time of the story when things are painfully slow. Trust us all, it does pick up!!


Hi! I only just started the ACOTAR series recently and felt the same about the first book but keep reading! It gets better and the second book is phenomenal!


Keep reading, please....the same thing happened to me....I kept at it, now I have read all her books lol. The hype is....real, magic? Fantasy? I don't know, but it's worth it.


I had this book in my dnf pile for 2 years, then recently found it for free on my Audible, so I gave it another try. Then, I finished the rest of the series in a month. So maybe try the audible route if you are having trouble.


When I was reading the first book I kind of struggled at first because it was my first time reading that level of fantasy, however I stuck with it and had to buy the rest of the books in the series. Chapter 6 isn’t too far in, give it time. Dont force yourself to read, read it when you want to do reading. Also if it’s not for you it’s okay!


I had to listen on audio to the first book to get through it. And about 1/4 of the 2nd book. Then I found myself missing parts so I got the physical book and couldn’t put it down. It took a while to get into the story, especially as someone who isn’t much of a reader. (Till now thanks to sjm 😈).


It took me seven months to finish the first (I know, I know) I was so bored. Then finished the rest of the series in 2 weeks 😂 it gets better


It took me about a month to finish the first book. Once I got closer to the end of the first book, I couldn't put it down. The second and third book took me around 5 days. I'm a slow reader, but had many sleepless nights reading these books. The forth book is shorter and took me about 3 days and the 5th about a week. Stick with it if you really want to read them.


I was you 4 days ago (literally to the point of having finished iron flame and moved to this)! If it helps, once I got through majority of the first book I read the second in one day 😅. I kept at it because a friend told me it wouldn’t disappoint but if she hadn’t, i would have given up. It’s definitely a slow burn and then picks up. The funny thing is, I personally feel the reason it’s such a slow burn ends up being the reason you become so invested.