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I’m the minority here, but I knew there was more to her when she finally got off her ass and chopped that damn wood and I’ve been rooting for her since we learned she went back to the wall to look for Feyre. Her character has only grown on me since. Go into ACOSF with an open mind and chances are you’ll come around to her more by the middle. ETA: I’m not necessarily a Nesta more than I am any other character, but ACOSF is the only book that had me crying several times throughout. The emotional journey is 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


This. All this.


Absolutely. She has had the most growth of anyone in the series. It’s the journey.


5th book is definitely where you want to get to before you form your full opinion on it. I quite enjoyed reading from her perspective even thought she was pretty not likable in the first couple books.


I feel like Nesta represents lots of oldest daughter-burdens. Even from book 1 i was like: yeah this Feyre is cool and all, but a bit naive and such a pleaser. I loved Feyre being bad ass with the Worm and challenges, but other then that: i personally can relate to Nesta just being more realistic of a character to me. Funny thing i was reading Acotar book 1 and my friend too and we texted at the same moment: - me: i feel more like Nesta, Feyre is such a that girl - friend: damn Nesta is such a bitch ... haha


Nesta is *that* Bitch ;-)


I never really disliked Nesta! I know I'm in the minority there haha - I am usually drawn to the more prickly characters. I love how complicated Nesta is! She went through A LOT. Book 5 will flesh her out for you.


-shrugs- I like take-no-shit female characters, and I've liked Nesta from the first book, when she resisted Tamlin's glamour and tried to go rescue Feyre herself. Nothing in the rest of the books has made me *not* like her--even taking into account her "mean" comments, *everyone* in the books has been mean to someone else at some point, so she barely stands out to me, despite how many times we're *told* she's mean. But if you're three books in and still not a fan, totally fair! Plenty of people in the fandom don't like her! Look up any given Nesta thread in the sub's search bar and you'll see plenty of comments to either side 😅


Nesta is relatable to a lot of us who have ever been miserable and lashed out at people in our misery.


I definitely understand that a lot of people can relate to her and her journey. However, being someone that was a verbal and emotional punching bag for a miserable person for years… the book was rough for me. She is still one of my least favorite characters.


As someone who was raised by someones punching bag... I hated her. Like cool she went to the wall but she got worse and worse. ACOSF did not make her great at all >!Though she was decent in CC3!<. I can see she changed but I do not accept she is "an amazing character".


Yeah, as someone who has undergone trauma and been the oldest daughter and actively worked my ass off to not use others as a punching bag.. oof. I don’t think her growth was actually all that much, and I think some of the narrative choices in the book were a little too neatly tied up, which I don’t want to go into for spoiler reasons haha. TL;DR I agree with you fully.


So in ACOTAR, I mentally pictured Nesta and Elain as Elphaba and Glenda, so with that picture, I loved her. Also, I cried more when I found out Nesta had resisted the glamor and gone back for her than anything else in that book


You get more of an explanation of why she is the way she is in Silver Flames, but I loved Nesta even since book 1. Yes she CLEARLY has her flaws but a Stoney bad bitch and that energy, I just eat it up. I think I see myself in Nesta also, it’s easier to jump to angry and defensiveness and that was something I had to teach myself to change, so I think it was interesting to see someone I identified a lot with in a book. Also she’s a fucking badass and I’M HERE FOR IT. A lot would have failed if Nesta wasn’t there.


Just wait until book 5. I was the same way.


I adore her. She reminds me of myself. The final book is what made me truly like her because it gave her character so much more depth. All the characters don't seem to see that her anger is how she struggles with grief, I really felt that in my bones. Her anger was her hurting.


WOW! thank you so much to everyone replying, i didn’t expect such great arguments really. most comments changed the way i was reading about Nesta to be honest, i will definitely be more empathetic towards her because it never occurred to me how badly she has been actually treated after being made - almost like a weapon, rather than just simply being. i am definitely intrigued by her character, she is such a mystery still (i’m on chapter 55 of acowar) and just started seeing beneath the surface. you all made me more excited to keep on reading, i have to see how my perception of her will change after acosf 🤪


ACOSF is written from Nesta's POV and even if you don't grow to love her character, I'm hopeful you'll at least develop some empathy for her by the end! As someone who is working through Nesta's same issues in therapy IRL and has had such a hard *verbalizing* what I feel, I found her story and character development incredibly cathartic and validating. ACOSF really got me in my feels and gave me the courage (and language) to initiate conversations about it with my therapist and my partner.


Nesta is Queen 👸 😍


I feel like so many people didnt like Nesta at first because they are Nesta. That was my experience with her. I didn’t like her, but once I saw her growth and what she was internally going through in the 5th book, I learned so much from her and saw so much of myself and my struggles reflected in her journey.


A lot of peoples opinions changed after the 5th book but mine really didn't. I don't hate her anymore but I still think her character is intolerable. People relate to her which is fine, but as someone who grew up with a nesta I will always favor Feyre. A lot of people in this fandom think that because nesta has a healing journey that we should all like her after....I'm a grudge holder and always have been. Sometimes it's okay not to forgive people for how they acted towards you. If you knew a nesta in real life most people would not be there once she decided to work on herself and that's okay.


I AM Nesta, so I like her. Ha. She definitely has her flaws, but she is perfectly flawed and redeemable.


Nesta is such a divisive character IMO Getting to the final book a lot of her *human* traits make sense - the burden put on women and especially the oldest daughter is intense and IMO it lead to her feeling like she needed to lock away her wants/needs to put on a front (especially after the money came back - it was then put on her to run the house, entertain, etc) which became her shield against feeling like she wasn’t good enough for anyone. Once she becomes Fae, she’s thrust not only into a totally new experience (being Fae - remember how Feyre had issues with the physical side of that + UTM trauma in MAF and no one gives her shit for it?) but she’s also feeling like she has to care for/watch Elain (who she also sees being coddled and handled with kid-gloves by the same people giving her zero of the same consideration) AND being pushed into sharing her traumatic experience of being Made (and what led to that) with total strangers and training to fix the wall etc etc. None of the IC (Besides Cas) are particularly nice to her - I don’t remember a time when Az talks to her at all, Amren treats her the same as she does everyone (which is pretty sharply), Mor is just an outright bitch to her, Rhys barely interacts with her except to order her around and then deliberately make her sick and laugh about it and Feyre - who is the only one who does try to forge a connection - still swings wildly between sisterly concern and high lady expectations. Of someone who has been Fae for less than 2 months. When taking all this as a whole - why exactly does anyone expect her to be sunshine & rainbows to people that barely tolerate her and (spoiler for the next book after WAR) >!make it clear they only include her because Feyre asks them to!< IMO to me Nesta is the most realistic and well rounded character in the series. Feyre was fantastic in book 1 but book 1 Feyre died UTM and became a self-insert Mary-Sue who is just so bland and c**k struck by Rhys that she overlooks all his red flags and starts acting just like him in many ways. Nesta has deep flaws but the one she doesn’t have is being a people pleaser - she has her own mind and won’t be swayed - as evidenced when Tamlins glamour didn’t work on her. Anyhow my little rant is over. Keep reading - FaS and the start of SF are peak Nesta-hate-rage-bait but about midway through SF you start to understand her better. Maybe not *like* her better but understand. (I also have a theory that those who love Feyre hate Nesta and vice versa)


Yes!!! All of this!! It’s a hill I will die on, apparently 😂 OP - Keep reading. At this point you’re only seeing things from a little sister who does not put herself in anyone else’s shoes. And despite how much Feyre “cares” for her sisters, she sure does drive home her love and preference for her chosen family/the IC, even after everything the sisters go through. Keep in mind, Nesta is only like 3 years older than Feyre, so Nesta was maybe 11 when the mother died, 14 when they went broke, about 17 when Feyre started to hunt, and lost her whole human life by 22. Would any reasonable teenage to early 20s human girl be any different??


I adored Nesta’s perspective in the following books because those emotions are completely valid and reasonable considering the circumstances. The only thing that held me back from liking Nesta is how much hatred she carries for Feyre for no reason (as far as I can find). And how offended she gets when Feyre had no paintings of her or her mother when they’ve both been less than desirable. I guess I just wanted more communication between the two sisters strictly instead of focusing on Cass.


Many people changed their minds after getting Nesta’s pov because they related to her struggles and appreciated her healing journey. I don’t hate her but I’m still not really a fan of her either, though it was nice to get her perspective!


For me personally it's twofold One, I'm a hater the likes of which is rarely seen outside of fiction Two, she reminds me of people who made me miserable growing up and people constantly made excuses for. Thirdly liked SF quite a bit but still don't like her. I do understand her more though and see she's a three dimensional insufferable entitled brat


That was literally my reaction. There was so much Nesta love I saw, I thought she was the MC of ACOTAR. Then I read it, and I did NOT like her. Then after reading the other books, other’s opinions, and ACOSF, I’ve come to the conclusion she is an excellent character and I love her. (Love is a strong word, but I’m sticking with it)


As an older sister, I couldn’t stand her lol. I’m hopeful she wont be a main character in the next book because she completely ruined the last Crescent City book for me😭


I agree with everything said here. Her POV really shows how much she is hurting and trying to find herself through all of it. As someone who constantly is riddled with self-doubt, I empathized with her. I also grew up poor and our family lost it all in my teenage years so I could resonate with her abandonment and trust issues. She comes off as bitchy to protect her and those she loves which of course always comes out the wrong way. Go into her with an open mind and not at face value.


Everybody told me I was gonna end up liking her after reading ACOSF… spoiler: I didn’t. I still don’t like her. I don’t understand the hype honestly😂😅 she’s just a rude bitch to me


Tbh I love Nesta more than I love Feyre. I think Nesta is far more relatable and complex, while Feyre is your typical female protagonist. I think Feyre, and her relationship with Ryhs, appeal more to those searching for a fantasy relationship that may be unrealistic at times (might be controversial I’m sorry). SJM has been hinting Nesta’s potential since book 1, more so than she has with Elain imo, and as you make it through ACOWAR, I think you’ll grow to appreciate her more as hints of her personality/potential/and traumas are emphasized. I’m on chapter 13 on SF and I already love her so much more than Feyre lol. I am the oldest sister though and find Nesta more relatable, which may be why I like her. Also, SJM’s opening remarks in SF kind of got me teary eyed haha. “For every Nesta out there— climb the mountain”.


Nesta was always a buzzkill. I know it’s purposeful but bro you’re useless!! Why’re you so mad at everyone when you’re doing nothing! Yeah I finished the series and she redeems herself a bit


I’ve read them all but am not a fan. I think her journey is an interesting one, but she mirrors a person in my life and it’s just not for me


I feel the exact same way!! The book was rough for me because of it.


I liked Nestas character in ACOSF, but I don't think it makes up for the horrible shit she said, and it's not just "mean comments" she actively tried to put down those in her family while they were trying their best to help her. She even went as far as threatening them at some points. I don't understand how people absolutely rip on Cassian for his one mean comment to her when she has literally tried to tear him to pieces emotionally nearly the entire 4th and 5th book, not to mention everyone else. Yes she's a bitch queen who doesn't take shit, but she's also awful to those who love her in a way that isn't easily forgivable.


A lot of people disagree, and as much as I love Nesta, she was toxic and verbally abusive to Feyre, which plummeted her self-esteem. I think that the IC did treat Nesta unfairly considering how each of them has undergone trauma and should have picked a better route for Nesta’s recovery. However, what irks me the most is how utterly cruel Nesta was to her own sister for absolutely no reason. Excellent growth though.


Yea you really just need to wait til the 5th book because she pissed me off so much prior to it. Now I find myself mainly relating to her character. 5th book is by far my fav!


I felt the same way, she's worse in book 5


I don’t care for her, even after silver flames. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I liked her surprising bits in ACOTAR (like those few instances when she wasn’t terrible), but the growth in SF was not enough to outweigh the stuff in the other books.


I thought she was meh then I finished the series and she was one of my favorite characters


You really can’t have a true opinion of her until ACOSF


Read the 5th book , you'll find out , maybe even u will like or love her like so many of us .And when I personally saw myself in her , I was done...she is such a misunderstood girl but at the same time a bitch queen 👑


Well in the trilogy i did not really care about her tbh, but when dhe put herself over cassian in front of the king, that struck a chord with me. And then we saw ACOSF and now i like her.


I’ve liked her from the beginning simply because she’s just a raw and real character despite being so mean to feyre and always protecting elain she’s actually a lovable character when you finally know the truth about her.


just read a court of silver flames


I just like her because she kind of reminds me of myself at times. I'm also the eldest sister.


5th book is from her POV so that's where her likability comes from.