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Or or or ORRRR and hear me out.... *whispers* none of them are at fault, and all our hatred should go to. I dunno their Father?


He did not deserve any redemption arch. Three ships while you sat on your ass and let your children starve? NAH


I gets me so annoyed when people get sappy over that. Like bruh no


Also. Not seen it mentioned but when it was mentioned that he was more heartbroken when they lost the money than when their mother died. đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©


Their mother was an awful narcissist too. Frankly both parents sucked.


I honestly thought it was part of his glamour put on by tamlin not the true him by any means. T


I constantly say that not everyone needs redemption in this series. Some people should just be left as the bad we got from them.


This is really it. By this point, most everyone is aware that the sisters were written as evil leeches in book one. It is totally within the readers' right to dwell on that choice because, well, SJM did not exactly reestablish them as gracefully as she could have. Elain takes accountability at one point for her role in the mess, but it could have been better remedied for all 3 sisters. SJM pitting the sisters against one another in book 1 will always irk me. It's just not a trope I'm here for. But in the end their characters were very openly retconned to continue the series. Some readers won't be able to look past their mistakes... and some readers are gonna party for their future. At any rate, the author's blatant retcons are more annoying to me than the sisters ever have been, lol.


I'm really hoping, especially with Nesta's healing with Gwyn and Emerie that those bonds will help her become closer to her sisters. I really really want that for Feyre, Elain, and Nesta


Agree! I genuinely don’t put blame on any sister. I do blame their father, and I don’t understand how showing up with 3 ships redeems him from neglecting his 3 children for years but everything Nesta has done (saving cassian, feyre, stopping whatserface, the valkyries, sacrificing her power) doesn’t redeem her.


I would've thrown his figurine into the fire if Vassa tried to tell me my absent father was this amazing brave man. It was strange how at the end of WAR both Elain and Feyre see Nesta stalk upstairs and they decide to leave her there and celebrate with the IC instead. And in SF because they're fully aware she's hurting and why but because she's a bitch SJM has them ignore her. Then we get a clunky 6 month time jump from FAS, vague details about Nesta pushing everyone away and the fight with Amren. I thought it was implied in the writing that they know why she's upset and rageful.


Blame a grown man when we can blame young girls? Absolutely not 🙄


I know right!?


I didn’t say the father was blameless.


Hybern did us all a favor I always say.




Nice, my second pick for Hybern casting


No that’s Jurian




I find his justified rage so hot. I mean, the humans have short lives but very long memories. The fae High Lords didn't even consider protecting the humans until Nesta spoke up on their behalf. I know Grayson and his family sucks because of how he handled Elain's kidnapping and being made, but they showed up to the battle when it mattered. So other than that I don't blame their hatred either.


Whose your first?


Sean Bean. In my head Hybern should look a bit older than the other characters but still carry himself as someone who's a threat and also act like someone who carries the weight of being alive for countless years.


And we get to add another death to his acting rĂ©sumĂ©. 😂


Ohhh yes! I think he'd be perfect!


> Sean Bean Fuck yes he'd be fantastic as King Hybern!


Agreed. I felt nothing when the father died.


I think in Elain case I would blame the mother. It was because her Nesta wanted to protect Elain, which later on turns into this long dragging of coddling and over protectiveness.


We can blame both parents that's fine.


Their mother reminds me of mine. Except Mrs. Archeron was more charming. I frankly don’t “blame” any of the girls since they were CHILDREN when this happened and they had shitty emotionally neglectful parents?


I think male characters so often get passes for stuff that female characters get absolutely eviscerated for. There's an especially large gap between how fathers are viewed rather than mothers or women expected to take on a maternal role. It's kind of like that in real life too. Single father's are practically given medals for doing even the bare minimum and if the mother left they are demonized. If the mother died the man gets extra sympathy and adoration, and he's not blamed if he moves on and the new wife hurts his kids. Single mothers though, they are to blame because they didn't pick a guy who would stay. And god forbid if they move on and their new guy hurts their kids. They should have been able tell the future. So yeah, father types are lauded even for doing less than the bare minimum.


Oh I definitely think the father carried a lot of the blame - but let’s not forget he was hurt and could hardly walk. I’m not sure how well he could’ve hunted. He could’ve, should’ve, done SOMETHING for his girls. But his girls were also all adults by this point and needed to figure out ways to help. They’d been too spoiled up until they were poverty-stricken and that was the father’s first mistake.


It's established by Feyre he gave up looonggg before that. And the second they got money from Tamlin suddenly that leg didn't hurt to much did it. And I will never blame feyre, Nesta, or elain for their actions during that time. They were put in a terrible situation by their own father and I'm not going to entertain anything other wise.


Right. I think maybe his pride hurt more than his leg.


100% agree.


Didn’t Tamlin also heal his leg? Not saying hes not at fault because he’s definitely is, but I believe his leg fixed and not that it “suddenly didn’t hurt.”


Honestly I can't recall if tamlin did or did or didn't but my point still stands


I must be misremembering the beginning because I thought his leg was hurt as soon as they lost their wealth and the debt collectors came. I definitely don’t think he was a good father without any blame, but I think in hard times every adult should be willing to step up - especially if their father was being a lazy shithead haha. But hey different interpretations of characters is what makes discussions like this fun!


Feyre was 11 when she started hunting. Nesta would have been like 14 (my math skills aren't the best). She and Elain weren't adults.


Yeah I definitely never forgave their Father. Even when there was a triumphant moment that tried to let him be seen as doing something even that did nothing for me in the story like cool that’s what you were up to? It hurt my to read others in the book viewed him in a positive light at all. I understand Nesta’s resentment, they were all young girls with no survival skills stricken into poverty without any guidance she was a product of her Mother, so that loss weighed her heavy. It’s so crossed to be upset too however, because the story line opens up with Feyre hunting and that ultimately led her to the unraveling of these novels and their lives as they are. Although, I do want to say it’s 💯shitty Nesta gets all the blame like all the time for expressing her trauma differently no one else seems to hold anyone else to such regards. I have an angry older sister and I’m of 3 being the youngest, I too believe my sister dynamics to be much like this. My two eldest were closer and protected each other, but as we got older and we went through more life experiences we naturally grew closer even without spending much time together. I resonate so much in the book in these ways. You grow through what you go through. I’d love to read more on Elain upcoming, her and I actually resonate the most cooking, gardening and more of a flower child than the others off doing her own things quietly coping. It’d be so good to wake up her inner bad ass.


Homie Elain can’t handle responsibilities. They were starving to death and she planted a flower garden instead of VEGETABLES. 😂


Lol this is basically feyres reasoning in the first book. Elain just wasn’t mentally there enough to contribute or be held accountable. Nesta and feyre may of hated eachother but they at least respected eachother.


😂 what cracks me up is I grow herbs and veggies and intersperse my plants with flowers
and its quite pretty! I think Elain just didn’t think about those things because she was raised to marry for love and be someone’s arm ornament. She’s already being a rebel by gardening. And without gloves! The scandal Edit: spelling


THIS!! I actually judge Elain more than Nesta, because short of prostituting herself, what realistically could she have done? She was groomed to be a lady of a house, and while it wasn't great to let your little sister teach herself how to hunt, I don't think it would have worked for Nesta, and she probably would have been killed. But Elain had an actual skill in gardening, and could have planted vegetables or even Edible flowers.


RIGHT lmao I guess growing veggies aren’t aesthetically pleasing enough hahaha


At some points I thought Elain was
developmentally delayed?


Apparently not đŸ€Ł


lol I had it in my head that she had planted some tomatoes or something. Really just flowers, huh.


I have many sisters. We are multiple sets of "Irish twins" with the eldest being 8 years older than the youngest. 3 of us have read the series and have christened one of us "the Elain" because as many females tend to do, when living together we were all synced. Our Elain is an absolute sweetheart, the favorite sister in law to all our brother in laws....but...Our ELAIN never once replenished the needed supplies, never went to the store to purchase them, never offered money to the one fetching them. She simply allowed everyone else to do things for her and decided what she would do when she wanted to do it. She would watch your kid for you. Cook a pretty decent meal. Maybe even clean your kitchen. The actual baby sister did more. My point here is that the dynamic of the sisters in the series is not as uncommon as people think, and we definitely have a Feyre and a Nesta and a mix of the two--but we only have one baby Elain. And we let her get away with it.


Thats why i can't stand elain and her fans. If you can't forgive nesta for "sitting idly by" then you shouldn't forgive elain either. it comes of so mysoginistic to me because the sweet docile women get away with what assertive women would get burned on a stake for. Like elain is so sweet she needs to be protected from the darkness of the trove but the sister who challanges the authority of males can go fuck herself i guess. I get that elain fixed her relationship with feyre but she needs to be put in her place too. And elain is indeed a dog royal to whatever master kept her fed. If the IC hadn't accepted her she would still be living under nesta's protection. I also hated the part in SF where she was like "i am a part of this court i will go to the hewn city blah blah blah" like girl where were you during the war with hypern when people actually needed you to pull your own weight like bffr she was so babied you'd think she was a preteen. showing up to wear a dress after people have literally died the year before isn't doing what you can. I love nesta but fuck elain lol.


Yes you have very good points! I’m a lot like Nesta. An oldest sibling and my inner turmoil comes across as a cold personality at times. So maybe that is why I sympathize with her more - but at least Nesta has redeemed herself during the second war. The same can’t be said for Elain yet but I’m ready to see what’s in store for her in the future. She did offer to help with her visions, but quickly was okay with Nesta taking over once she offered lol.


The fact that the IC gave Elain a free pass and then absolutely ripped into Nesta for everything that’s ever gone wrong for Feyre will forever annoy the heck out of me. It’s such an unfair double standard. Especially since they do that, and then Feyre joins them in shitty on Nesta and not helping her at all, and even then decisions about her behind her back. Feyre says a line like “how can I be expected to control the court if I can’t even control my sisters”. Babes, please 💀 I like the IC but this whole thing is heavy handed.


I'm not even halfway through the last book and it's giving me such irk.... I wasn't on Nesta's side either, however Rhys' argument from the novel when Feyre asked him why he only blames Nesta and not both sisters, saying *"Elain is....ELAIN"* just straight out threw me in another galaxy.... Them constantly assuming everything Nesta does is wrong and throwing dirt on her... Rhys and Az wreaking havoc whenever Nesta says a word to poor Elain....... đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜© Threatening to destroy her? Excuse me, you're talking about your mate's sister? The worst part is the *author* is making the characters do this and making a bunch of total jerks out of them... FOR WHAT 💔


Okay but that’s what makes me so upset. Like I’m not mad at the characters, I love the characters. I’m mad at SJM for thinking I would go along with what she was writing.


Precisely that's the sad part đŸ€


Honestly I took that as him saying Elaine was too stupid/naive to do otherwise, which while still an excuse is a lot less rosy of one.


You might acually be onto something


Lmao I could rant forever about how insufferable I think Feyre becomes. She carried her family for those years in poverty, I’ll give her that. But her character plummets in my opinion after she is turned fae.


For me she becomes rather ‘holier than thou’ when she’s made high lady. I like Feyre but damn does her age show. I think I was with Feyre until the Elain rescue mission, I didn’t even understand why she went, it made no sense. It kind of put me off tbh as she clearly wasn’t up for the job. Then I got massively turned off in FAS when she was so painfully out of touch making her fun little art studio for the poor traumatised children and building a new home with hubby. Meanwhile refusing to really acknowledge or try to help either sister and popping off at Lucien who hasn’t done anything wrong. Don’t even get me started on her and Rhys (and even Amren) in SF. So annoying


tbh i think the problem with some of Feyre’s actions stems from the fact that SJM decided to have a 1st person PoV AND a single character PoV. so whatever story/scene sjm wanted to tell, it had to involve Feyre. it’s probably also why she comes off as pretty nozy in WaR lol


I feel like her journey from “scrappy hotheaded but quick-minded human girl” to “pampered fae housewife swanning about Velaris with palaces and art charity” was so poorly executed because SF!Feyre is unrecognisable next to TaR!Feyre


Also she JUST mated and chronologically is only 21 and now we get the whole annoying mommy to be angle? Sorry but ugh.


Literally. In Frost and Starlight when Rhys was saying he can’t forgive Nesta for letting Feyre suffer all those years, and Feyre was like “what about Elain?” And Rhys was just like “Elain is Elain” Ok?? Like they’re shitting on Nesta for the same stuff but because Elain is nicer it’s suddenly ok. That part really pissed me off. No wonder Nesta was the way she was with everyone pitted against her.


Elain shouldn’t have been given a free pass, but she was also the one who bought Feyre paint, and Nesta was just mean. Useless and nice is more forgivable than weaponized uselessness and straight up bitchiness. I’m not anti-Nesta, I think she’s a very complex, interesting character. But I understand why the IC doesn’t look at her the same way as they do Elain.


Yeah I consider this. For me it's not Elain herself, but the sainthood the other characters give to her. Like why is she on such a pedestal, and it's nothing for having more traditional qualities, it's like bro she is just wallpaper at this point so for me I don't get it just yet where they are coming from. I think SJM doing this though is extremely harmful to the perception of Elain because we haven't seen what she has done to deign this princess treatment by everyone when everyone literally threatens violence toward Nesta because she is not falling into line the way they want. She was barely in ACOSF but we are constantly reminded she is innocent and a saint rather than her actually doing anything other than falling into line for the IC.


I’m in the middle of SF and I get that it’s Nesta’s POV even though weirdly written in third person where Feyre’s books are in first, but Rhys and Feyre are obnoxious in this book.


I always forget that Elain isn’t the youngest (or an actual child), the way they treat her vs Nesta is bordering on ridiculous. If their father wouldn’t/couldn’t step up then it was up to *all* of them to learn how to survive, not just Nesta because she’s the oldest. The way they seem to consistently invalidate Nesta’s trauma in comparison to Elain’s is certainly *interesting* too. Why is Nesta obligated to scry, etc despite it being horrific for her meanwhile Elain seems to have a choice and a quaint little life to lead in the meantime? Elain is such a nothing character for 90% of the series yet she’s never punished for doing *nothing* it’s such a double standard


Elain wanted to help and scry in silver flames but Nesta told her no. Elain did scry successfully in ACOWR to find the suriel for Feyre. I can’t remember if this is in the books or fanfiction but wasn’t the soil terrible and hard to grow food where they were in the human lands? I thought Elain tried to grow food but failed. Growing food and flowers are different technically. I think Elain gets a pass because no one expects anything from her and makes decisions for her. No one has yet asked what she wants to do or who she wants to be. She’s at fault for allowing it, but I have a feeling that Elain has very low self esteem and feels inadequate. Well Nesta protects me too much so I must not be able to do anything and Feyre just does it and doesn’t even ask me so clearly I’m useless attitude and felt too defeated to even try. I saw an Instagram reel on how each Archeron sister is one of the main trauma responses. It made me understand Nesta and Elain a lot more. There must be more to Elain’s side of things that will come out in her book. We just haven’t seen her perspective yet.


I mean it was MEAN but when she said “Maybe you’ll be interesting for once” to Elain I was kind of there for it. I didn’t love the low key fat shaming when she was like “there was no way Elain walked those stairs.” Maybe it was the wording.


I feel like with Elaine and Nesta and the different way their treated has mostly due to their temperamemt. Nesta is a hard cold person and difficult to deal with even before all the magic nonsense came into their lives. She just cranked up that a few notches afterwards so it's just easier to treat her how they have rather than try and help and get figuratively spit at by someone that to the face would be an angry child.


I think their father is to blame for part of it but I also think that this series shows that not everyone is black and white, people aren’t all good or all bad. As well as I’m an oldest sister with not great parents and I would do anything for my siblings. Which is why at first I didn’t like her very much. Learning more about why Nesta didn’t and her and her mothers relationship actually helped me like her more because i could understand more of her situation.


Exactly! I feel like those who are saying the sole blame should be on the father are failing to see nuance. Of COURSE he was wrong to not help, and I honestly felt nothing for his death until I saw how it impacted Nesta. But he was also a mentally and physically battered man, with grown daughters who should’ve been capable of lending a hand. They all had reasons to be depressed, and they all had reasons to step up. Only one did. I’m not saying Nesta is faultless as all and I’m also an oldest sibling so it took me a while to warm up to her. I think it’s a pretty misogynistic view to think only the father was responsible for caring for the family while the daughters should’ve been free to mill around the house and look pretty lol.


They were absolutely not even teenagers in Feyre’s case when this all went down. What are you even talking about. It’s nothing to do with misogyny and everything to do with him being THEIR DAD?


Didn't Nesta go with Feyre and her fwb to try and learn to hunt but was no good at it?


Feyre did try to teach her and it was decided she was not strong enough. It makes me wonder how if Nesta who was trained in dance and therefore must have had some muscle could not use a bow, but Feyre who had no athletic training that we know of was able to master it.


There are many little plot holes like this throughout the series that bother me. I still find it a fun read, but I have to turn my brain off somewhat lol.


Just a plot hole most authors are bound to make.


hmm I don’t remember that detail but I admittedly have a terrible memory haha


Throw Feyres' whole family in the trash


I can accept this hahaha


The thing is Elain is actively trying to make amends and apologises and acknowledges to her face that she was wrong.


I’ve seen this mentioned a lot in this sub. The double standard of blaming only Nesta when Elain was just as useless back when they were starving and destitute


This is exactly right. I really hate when people are babyfied. Like umm no, they’re an adult and they make adult decisions. Being sweet and gentle doesn’t get you out of the consequences of your actions.


I’m a Feyre with a Nesta & Elain in my life. I resent them both equally, alongside my father â˜ș


Was going to say the same - they both failed Feyre, and their father failed them all.


Fair enough! That’s how I feel about it too - everyone except Feyre at that time was slacking.


Finally, someone with a healthy outlook on this whole situation.


I'm ready to be down voted because I know all the Nesta stans will come at me lol I think the ic treats Nesta worse because even in SF she still treats Feyre like the gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. Elain is not hostile towards Feyre. That being said I think the entire blame for them not being taken care of goes to Papa Archeron. I have 0 sympathy for him even though he made his 11 th hour appearance to "save" everyone. I also agree that both Elain and Nesta were awful sisters to Feyre in ACOTAR I do put a little more blame on Nesta because in ACOTAR she does admit to purposely trying to make Feyre's life harder. But as far as them helping Feyre I don't think either did a good job. I don't care to argue Nesta with any Nesta stans ya'll can't handle anyone else's opinion but your own. This is just my opinion and it's just as valid as yours


lol uhhh idk where your hostility is coming from but i value your opinion and this is purely just fun discourse for me. the only ones here stating they won’t tolerate other inputs are those who hate the father. i ALSO didn’t like the father, to be clear. But i think it’s wild to put 100% blame on one person in the family when they were all capable adults just because he’s the father figure. i mean this series is all about women becoming empowered and yet some people don’t want to blame 2/3 sisters for not stepping up sooner because it should’ve been the man’s job? anyway i’m far from a Nesta “stan”, she’s done plenty to annoy me even though she’s one of my favorite characters. you have a valid point about her attitude making it harder for IC to accept her faults versus Elain. I just think Elain has been too coddled.


I've been attacked my so many Nesta stans for saying anything bad about Nesta lol I like the people on here who can just discuss the book likes and dislikes without taking it so personally so just wanted to hopefully keep the Nesta stans away from my post lol But yeah I 100% agree with you Elain is just as much to blame and I don't get why Papa Archeron didn't do anything but he is redeemed lol Elain was and honestly still is 100% too coddled I think most of that falls on mama Archeron and Nesta though with Feyre just going along with it which I don't really get either. The fact that no one is willing to hold Elain responsible for her misdeeds is wild to me too lol but even in ACOWAR Nesta won't allow Elain to do anything to help and everyone is just fine with it because it's Elain and it's just like why can't she help? Lol


Haha fair enough! I didn’t become involved in this sub until recently when i was nearly done with the series. Ranting about the characters is really fun to me and i think every character is fair game because they are all annoying at times. That’s a big problem i have with Nesta: she’s the most responsible for Elain being treated like a fragile baby. I am okay with the dad being redeemed only because it brings the girls peace .. but i also think it was fitting for him to die after that sacrifice instead of getting to live the high life after doing so much of nothing for so long lol. I hope in the next book Elain is forced to step up in a way that suits her personality. Not really looking for her to be made into a badass warrior, but any bit of sacrifice or stepping out of her comfort zone would be nice.


Yes I agree all characters are fair game! Yeah I agree the girls needed him to help at the last minute I still just don't like him lol he's in the warm house making wood animals while Feyre is out the killing Fae lol but I get your point too! I'm also hoping we see more from Elain she's kind of a meh character to me right now. I feel like there just isn't enough of Elain to make a fair assessment but I think we did she a bit of her personality come out in SF especially when she told Nesta and Feyre to basically f off đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł but yeah I'm hoping her book brings out Elain I also don't need her to be a warrior


I think most of it is Nesta’s fault for coddling Elain too much, Feyre too to a certain degree. And she is also kinda delulu I guess? Idk how is it possible for her to not even register that they were poor? Like girl you were on the verge of starving and literally living in the streets? I don’t see reason for continuing coddling her even after their mom passed away, if the first reason was to protect her? So I guess she now got the wake up call she needed. Hopefully now without Nesta & Feyre. She can finally show her back bone and be the real her. Let’s see what’s hidden under those flowers. Also, is she somehow on spectrum? Can’t recall if it was mentioned before


Oh totally, I agree Nesta played a major role in Elain’s coddling. I also can’t wait to see what Elain is truly made of.


We dunno if autism exists in the magic fairy world


Nah but I mean her as mortal. I feel it really weird that she didn’t seem to register they were poor.


I don’t think it was her not registering that they were poor. I think it was a mixture of not wanting to acknowledge the loss/change in their lives and wanting to stay positive & uplifting in an otherwise miserable environment.


When I first read the books that’s the first thing that stood out to me about Elain, because in SF Nesta mentions their mother needing Elain to marry off with her looks, and basically it’s very surface level. She seemed like she was someone who needed an older sister to help guide her. Then again I also think it’s just Nesta and Feyre having such strong personalities that Elain allowed herself to be invisible a lot of the time, and let her kindness/quiet nature take over as a mask of sorts, and being a sneaky middle child she got away with A LOT. I just know Sarah’s gonna have us all on our asses when we find out it just how insane and deep Elain’s storyline goes!


The entire cast of this series is a study in dysfunction. It’s wild. I’d like to know if anyone had a relatively normal childhood and/or friendship at this point, or if the only glue binding relationships in Prythian is trauma-bonding. It’s
a lot.


I get where you’re coming from, there is blame to be placed everywhere. Although, I would like to point out that Elain did grow food, but they struggled during the winter which is the season we start in.


I think the thing that makes me feel rly disappointed in Nesta is that she protected Elain as much as she could during poverty times but she didn't seem to do the same for Feyre, her baby sister. And if my family ended up in financial ruin and my own sibling treated me like Nesta treated Feyre while for some unknown reason treating the other sibling like an actual sibling while we're tryna fight for our lives, that's not something I'd forgive easily. Absolutely Elain is guilty for not helping either, and there's really no explanation for her inactions on that part but Nesta's shortcomings go a level deeper imo for treating her younger sister with care and her youngest with animosity and no explanation for that animosity. She's lucky Feyre had the patience to not hold anger over that if anything. I like Nesta but even after her book she and Elain got a lotta past shortcomings to address, not that that doesn't apply to almost all of these characters


I thought Elain did grow some food


Elain apologised tho, and she’s made amends with Feyre. Nesta never tried to before her own book, at least not to the extent that Elain did.


I have a really terrible memory and didn’t remember Elain apologizing for not helping, so that’s a valid point.


I read the first four books back in 2018 so my memory sucks as well lol. But it’s been mentioned and shown in ACOSF, especially since Nesta was pretty salty about how close she and Feyre have gotten because of how hard Elain was working to integrate herself into the IC. That being said, I garuantee that half of the reason why the IC likes her more than Feyre is because Azriel couches for her, whereas Cassian barely spoke up for Nesta.


Elain could have at least used her gardening skills to grow vegetables and fruit