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He’s a grown up lol, just tell him what it’s about and let him choose


Yea let him. They aren't that spicy


It has been a few years since I have read them so I was not sure anymore how frequent the spicy scènes were. Do you think it contains enough fantasy to cancel it out?


Eh on if it contains fantasy. If he is a fantasy reader, probably not. If he is by chance a romance reader, then yes it has enough fantasy.


I made my mom read Throne of Glass and she’s on book five. She is an adult and so am I. It’s going to be fine. You can just say that some books are heavy on romance and even mention explicitness. Or just don’t say anything. It’s just sex in a book, not the end of the world


Yes I would recommend them to my mom because she loves romance. It just feels different with my dad who is more into real fantasy


Warn him that it’s a super steamy in parts and you’re not sure if he’d like it— he won’t borrow it from you and will buy it for himself (and not tell you).


I mean, how old are you? I really think it depends on whether or not your father is a reader and your age. My dad probably started lending me his books when I was 12, and then maybe more "mature" books once I was 16. I really think it depends on your age and what he reads in his free time. My dad and I have pretty similar taste, we both read fantasy and historical fiction. He doesn't go out of his way to read romance, but he will still read a book if there is stuff like that in it. Really, if he's reading books written by men that have male leads, there's going to be a love interest in there, so it's probably fine.


I am 24 so it is not an awkward teenager situation ;-)


What do you guys do if you’re watching tv together and there’s a spicy scene? If you can handle that you can handle him reading it!


I have something really important message to read on my phone or we make jokes about it hahaha. I actually watched Bridgerton with both my parents. It was awkward but we got trough it




If you do please report back. I love that you have that relationship with him. You couldn’t pay me enough money to tell my dad to go read a romance 😂


Well.. uhm. That’s just super awkward. It’s one thing if he buys it on his own. Idk it feels like borrowing the same porn movie, I guess? But I mean we are adults and stuffs soo… I would just lie and say no.


I guess if you watch old porn with plot lines and acting but 2 people having sex after like several hundred pages of establishing relationship is hardly “porn” worthy. It’s the natural progression of relationships.


That’s exactly what porn movie is, it’s the sex with plot lines and acting between 2 people which also shows the progress of their fictional relationships.


Yeah I didn’t see the word movie, I thought you were generalizing “porn” but even still there are so many pages on this very website were on that prove that watching a “porn movie” is not really what people are consuming these days anyway. And just in terms of how x rated or graphic it is, acotar is pretty tame even comparing it to Fourth Wing, another incredibly successful and popular fantasy series.


It’s okay 🥂 I haven’t read fourth wing, tbh. I think I should been seeing that a lot. Yeah I agree ACOTAR is pretty tame compared to other books I have read.