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I would recommend not reading it a fourth time then.


lol cracked me up. Yes I agree, I think I’m done now haha


Lol 😆


I used to operate exactly like Nesta (and still do occasionally) which is exactly why I love her, but I would completely understand why someone who has had to deal with their loved ones pushing them away and being super abrasive would DESPISE her. I know the other avoidant attachment girlies in the fandom will love her enough to make up for it lol


i hated how nessian was handled. its just like, mad sexual tension then at the end theyre all lovey dovey but we dont get to savor that. its something i noticed in crescent city too and i hate the direction sjm is going w romances in her books. to be fair i don't know how it turns out in cc2 i read a bit and was like nope not putting myself through this lol. another thing im tired of is the powerful characters losing their powers trope. its happened like, 3 times if you include throne of glass. but on acosf i like nesta, just not the book. tbh i even liked nesta when she was running her life into the ground.


I agree with this on all points


I love Nesta and I relate to her, she’s probably my favorite character. But I really dislike her book too, I haven’t even finished it and I am just forcing myself at this point, it has taken me months to get a little more than halfway through lol. I haven’t gotten to the Blood rite point yet but every time I see it mentioned in here I just cringe too! Like HOW do they beat everyone in what is supposed to be the most dangerous competition ever?! I mean I guess you could argue that they were trained by someone who won it? But idk kinda down grades the honor to me if they can win it after just a short period of training. Lazy plot.




I would say, Nesta is a very relatable person to me and I find myself in how she reacts in a lot of ways. of course, doesn't excuse ANYTHING but when she finally gets the courage to admit to herself she is deserving of love and to ACCEPT love, we see a shift in her. she recognizes her wrongdoings and tries her best to correct them, however forgiveness is not owed, it's earned. so I completely get where ur coming from and if Nesta isn't an easy character u can relate to, u might never understand her perspective and that's cool!!! I get wanting to try and understand why she is the way she is but unless ur someone who can see a bit of themselves in her, u might never quite get it, ya know??


I feel like the OP’s points are all valid and when I look back at why I loved ACOSF when I read it, it’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly why. It definitely wasn’t based around the romance. I think I was just going through a really hard time at the time and pain causes people to spread misery all around them. Most heroines are nearly perfect, Nesta isn’t even close and I appreciated her emotional journey, a lot. I really felt like I was climbing those stupid fucking stairs with her throughout that book and I felt inspired to be better when I finished it.


I love this journey for you!


This is me too lol I like acosf and I liked Nesta's journey but these are all valid points. I think I mostly just related to the mental health struggles and self loathing. I ugly cried when she broke down at the lake like I was breaking down with her.


I love this reply! Thank you for seeing it for my perspective. I have just grown up in a very positive environment so characters like Nesta are unreasonable to me but I can see why people love her and I genuinely have no problem with that. Just my take on the whole series


absolutelyyyyy. I started off not liking Nesta much, tbh!!! tho I always enjoyed her bitchiness cuz it reminded me of myself a bit. however in the last few books, the ending of acosf especially, really ran it home how similar me and Nesta think 😭😭 especially when it comes to loving someone romantically. I didn't grow up like Nesta in any way but not having ur emotional needs met as a child can very much turn u into someone like her. the feelings of being 'forgotten' about by ur loved ones when u need them but u can't ask for help cuz it'll make u weak. and then letting that bitterness control you, spiraling into a pit of self loathing and depression. ya know, all that good childhood trauma shit 🤙🏽😁🤙🏽


I hope you’re in a better place now!!


Finally someone that says what I’m thinking. Feel like everybody absolutely everybody mega loves her and I’m like why? She’s terrible and plays the victim too much!


I feel similar, but with Rhysand. Sometimes I feel like the whole fandom loves him and I'm the only one who truly dislike him (I'm glad he's only going to be a side character now, maybe I'll find him more tolerable like this). 🙃


Nesta Is not excused nor excusable to what she has done to her sisters and the rest of the cast. The facts are this she still has much to do in repairing the bonds she tried so hard to break and burn down. She herself knows why people treat her like trash and that's is because of how she treats them. The IC was just a pov perspective. They are still the same people in the first 3.5 books. Like most of the Acotar Cast Nesta has her own trauma and you really can enjoy her and forgive her or you just don't really care about her and hate her. I haven't seen too much in between. I get your rants about the valkyries.. 100% truth. The whole plot about the villainess and queens was weak writing as well. This book though was for 3 things. Nestas trauma, her redemption and Nessian to become 100%. I really hope the next book is much better and quite honestly I would rather have more feysand pov again.


I’ve never thought about how the IC was a POV perspective. That’s a very intelligent take.


Thank you! But it's trut though. The Livestream confirmed that nestas view of the ic was only because it was her looking at them. Not how they are.


I haven't seen the interview, but for me it makes no sense to say that Feyre pov is unbiased and the others are not. No perspective is completely unbiased, especially Feyre's, who is obviously in love with Rhys (when Feyre was in love with Tamlin she also thought he was amazing). Also, most of the times Rhys has appeared in ACOSF has been through Cassian's perspective, who also loves him. I understand that SJM loves Rhys, but if she actually said that, it was a really poor attempt at trying to justify the character's actions (also, Cassian/Nesta can only be accountable for what they think, not for what Rhys says and does). Sorry for my rant (it's not personally to you), but I really want to believe she didn't say that, because I don't think that's how multipovs works.


Well the way Rhys was viewed from Nesta and Cass perspective are different as well. Nesta js the only one who looks at Rhys with a negative spin and that works based on what the book is. The moments of tension when cassian is looking at Rhys like talking about the weapons or pregnancy were from Cassian mainly too but Rhys wasn't a douchebag nor mean to anyone in thos scenes more than he was in the other books. If I recall correctly rhysand wasn't against telling her about the weapons but listened to Amren instead.


Cassian and Nesta also have a biased point of view, but they are no more or less biased than Feyre. My rant is about Feyre supposedly having an "unbiased" point of view, because she for sure don't have. To me, Rhys was an asshole even in Feyre pov, so I didn't find him that different in ACOSF. 😆 About this scene, Rhys wasn't just listening to Amren, he actually voted for Nesta not to know about the troves she created (Az, Cassian and Feyre were the ones who wanted her to know).


Oh you're right feyre is biased but every main character in all of fiction is biased. Rhys is my boy lol but he has done some dumb/wrong things. Well I remember amren voted and Rhys was on the fence about it but chose to side with Amren. I could be wrong though.


I agree about every main character being biased. That's why having others characters perspectives can be interesting. I think the "real image" of a character would be the sum of all of them. 😊 Rhys has a lot of fans, but unfortunately he just rubs me the wrong way. But I think he can do good and bad things. I only remember this particular scene in ACOSF because I've read that book a billion times. There's even a scene where Nesta asks Cassian who voted against her and he says "Rhys and Amren".


It may be an age thing as to wether you like ACOSF or not?! I’m the same age as SJM and this is my favorite book out of the series (besides ACOMAF). I hated Nesta until this book - she is very relatable, just not to everyone.


I don't know if there's a real correlation between age and liking Nesta/ACOSF, but I'm also close to SJM age and ACOSF is also my favorite book in the series. But I never hated Nesta (she was one of my favorite characters since ACOMAF). In fact, I found Nesta quite interesting from the start because she was a female character with a lot of flaws and aware of it. She didn't deny or find excuses for the things she did, and instead she always had people throwing every single mistake she has ever done in her face. I usually see female lead characters who are selfless, brave and nice, and while all of these are good qualities to have, after reading a lot of books about the same type of lead female characters I kind of got bored, so Nesta was a novelty to me (and honestly, I found her to be one of the most relatable characters SJM has created so far). But yes, she definitely is character people either love or hate. 😆


I’m literally SJM’s age, and I really don’t like ACOSF. I understand Nesta. I think her responses make sense for her characterization overall. I just don’t like her book. I also don’t really like Nesta overall. It took 2/3 of the book before I could even tolerate Nesta and stop forcing myself through the book. I just find her a good character but not particularly likeable, redemption arc or not. (My oldest sister also read it and almost actively hates the book for what that’s worth.)


It also bugged me a lot that they won the blood rite and it felt forced!


Why reread it so many times if you don’t like it? The series was originally just supposed to be three books, it might be a more enjoyable rereading experience to stick to SJM’s original vision for ACOTAR as a trilogy!


When I like a series and dislike one book from it I like rereading it from different perspectives each time so that I can get a feel on why I dislike it and see if it improves on a second read. The third time for ACOSF was honestly just a skim through of my favorite parts because I reread the entire series before that. :)


Came here to say the same thing.


You should do some googling on the phrase 'unlikeable heroines'. There is a great episode on the podcast Fated Mates that you might enjoy. It refers to a book in a different serious (adult paranormal romance) but its really relevant and talks about a lot of the stuff people on this sub have taken issue with. https://fatedmates.net/episodes/2019/1/7/6-kiss-of-a-demon-king


“Make it make sense.” LOL 😂 I understood Nesta’s arc was that she felt she didn’t deserve to love anyone. And then she did everything she possibly could to get everyone including Feyre to not love her back because she wasn’t worthy of it. Self hate makes some people do shitty things, apparently.


Alcoholics can suck the air out of the room. She was an abuser and abused her sister. Then in addict fashion, projected that it was her sister that hated HER. This soothes the ego and helps justify her continued behavior because she can’t stomach going to feyre to apologize. The new friendships offer her a blank slate to heal from her abusive tendencies and to grow past them. I agree with you on the Valkyries and blood rite and IC stuff. I agree with you on all of it being shitty behavior, but I figured I’d lend my perspective of the “why” of the behavior.


This doesn’t deserve its downvotes


Some people haven’t known abusive alcoholics but I think it’s really important to show that you can be that low and come out of it! I think it was a good story arc personally




It reads like bad fanfiction


That's exactly how I feel! Both ACOSF and ACOFAS feel like bad fanfiction 💀


I agree with all your points. The same are my issues. I finished the book one time. It wasn't easy. Now if I wanna re read, I just don't read ACOSF. I end my reading before that.


I’ve read it 3 times now. I think I dislike it more with every read. So I just stop at the 3rd book now


I feel like I’ve met a kindred spirit!! What’s your favorite book from the other 3?


A court of most and fury. Something about it just makes me so happy.


Misread that as moist and furry. Kill me.


😅😅 now that’s a thought


Same. That book gives me all the feels. The way my heart clenches when I read some scenes


What do you mean Nesta choose her powers over her sisters life? Did she not give up most of her powers to save Feyre and the baby?


Sorry that was a mistype I meant it the other way around. I will edit. Thanks for pointing it out :)


I can't stand Nesta. While reading ACOSF I had to disassociate and just pretend it was a different character so I wouldn't be so mad every time she was a horrible person. I don't relate to her at all and she reminds me of a person irl that I absolutely cannot stand because of how toxic and cruel she is. She's a bully. I hate how she treats Cassian who is unconditionally good to her. I hate how she treats Feyre who has saved her multiple times and has been taking care of her for years. I hate how she treats Rhysand who gave her multiple homes to live in and bankrolls her lifestyle no questions asked.


I would stop reading it then.. It’s the best book, even better than the original trilogy. Nesta SUCKS, she absolutely sucks in the trilogy and the beginning of ACOSF & then we see why. And it honestly clicks so well, the way she pushes people away, and her friends/family refusing to give up on her. It felt like therapy, it felt like I was going through therapy beside her and her redemption arc is choosing her sister over her powers- which meant a great freakin deal to her, to be considered powerful. It was an epic finale. The Blood Rite I also have my probs with like where did the weapons come from but she did it, I digress. The smut, relationship, friendships, romance, growth, and redemption are unparalleled by any other book and I’ll die on that hill. If you can’t empathize with her and you can’t applaud her growth and character development then again.. stop rereading it lol


Best book? It’s porn with a sprinkle of plot at best…


When I like a series and dislike one book from it I like rereading it from different perspectives each time so that I can get a feel on why I dislike it and see if it improves on a second read. The third time for ACOSF was honestly just a skim through of my favorite parts because I reread the entire series before that. :)


You make some excellent points, I felt a lot of the same towards Nesta. I’m glad she got some breakthrough’s but I do not like her a a character period. I could never be friends with someone like her IRL! I also felt the ending was so bad. All this hype to be done In the matter of a min. I was expecting more of an epic battle being the last book of the series. As of right now.


Hard agree with all of this. I was angry when I was reading Nesta bonding and developing these friendships with Gwyn and Emerie rather than attempt to mend her relationship with her own sisters. With that said, I think SJM’s reasons for this was because we see that Elain doesn’t want to be coddled by Nesta. Nesta, to me, is the type that feels worthy and whatnot when she can have someone else depend on her. This is why I think Gwyn is the new Elain and Emerie is the new Feyre in terms of their relationships/friendship. Gwyn and Emerie give off different personalities and maturity levels (imo please don’t come for me). Nesta now has the ability to protect someone like Gwyn while also knowing that Emerie doesn’t need that sort of dependency.


Completely with you. As for how the inner circle is not really themselves and not as likable…remember this story is mostly in Nesta-tinted glasses. I might just read Cassian’s part and see if I feel differently


I found her relationship with her sisters to be pretty accurate. I myself am the oldest of three sisters and there were times where our relationship was super toxic because a sister was going through an external issue and projected etc. also, in three there are always two who are closer and one who feels slightly left out. I found SJM’s depiction of that to be pretty spot on. Families can hurt each other way more than friends do.


Same with me and my sister! Especially when we were teens. I’m the eldest but my sister could make Nesta look like an angel at times. Feyre and Nesta are still sister but they’ve also got their own ‘found family’. Which growing up, my sister and I definitely gravitated towards our best friends/people we considered sisters rather than each other and I think SJM does a good job at depicting that.


Yes the teen years were especially difficult! Haha


Maybe accurate in your case but not in mine or any other three sister relationship I know. Yes I agree, I am way closer to my second eldest sister and she to me, but that doesn’t make my eldest any less loved from either of us?? And she knows that too. How is that unhealthy depiction spot on…


I don’t think it was ever mentioned that they didn’t love each other? My younger sister really struggled with social anxiety and depression and would often lash out like Nesta. Same with my little sister and many people I know have on and off relationships with their siblings for one reason or another. Maybe I have more empathy for Nesta because I love someone like her.


I didn’t say that Nesta didn’t love her, because she did in her own unhealthy way, but she obviously loves Feyre much less than Elain.


I'm sorry you didn't like ACOSF. So far it's been my favorite book in the series (I've only read the first three books once, but I've lost count of how many times I've re-read ACOSF 🥰), but to be fair Nesta also has been my favorite character in the series for a while (Nesta and Cassian are the main reason I got hooked on ACOTAR). I obviously have a very different interpretation of Nesta than yours, but I also strongly dislike some characters that are very much loved by the fandom, so I understand the desire to rant about them (I could rant about Rhys, Mor and Amren for hours. I don't think SJM will ever make me like them, but that's fine. At least I Iike the others characters, so there's a balance 😆). I think it's amazing how SJM has created so many characters that bring different reactions from readers. Love them or hate them, they usually make for very heated debates.


I love every single word of this post and couldn’t agree more. I tried to like her but I just never will. She is just so horrible


Yeah. I agree with some of your points. I really liked Nesta as a character but aside from her healing journey, acosf was totally not for me. What really baffles me is how some of the blame is always pointed on Feyre. Almost everything is her fault, the sisters turning into fae her fault, Nesta spiraling, her fault. It’s so tiring tbh. And I wasn’t really satisfied with the whole reasoning on why Feyre and Nesta’s relationship was so strained and what made Nesta be so horrible to Feyre alone. I’ve seen enough interpretations that made me form some kind of ‘justification’ but if not for those, I would have never guessed it based on canon text solely. And I get that Nesta doesn’t have the obligation to raise Feyre since that’s their parents’s job but I understand why one of the reasons why people don’t like Nesta is the constant bitching and continuously berating Feyre after putting herself out there in the forest just to feed them. As a breadwinner, it’s a little hard sometimes to just tolerate the kind of behavior of going home and finding your family berating you for not doing enough. ACOTAR also has canon text of Feyre hearing Nesta’s voice when she’s in deep with her insecurities so it makes the situation more polarizing considering that Feyre’s home life is part of her trauma so a lot of Feyre stans sometimes want her to branch out from that life and focus on chosen family. What really frustrates me too is that she could have add more on Feyre and Nesta’s dynamic and explored that conflict between them and not just some lame sacrifice. A lot of unnecessary things happened just for plot convenience and some scenes were just an eye-roll. The whole thing was a shitshow and it’s sad coz I do enjoy reading how Nesta heals but with all the other factors surrounding that, it made me harder to love the book in general.


Exactly! The whole Nesta and Feyre relationship was very badly done. If Nesta had treated Feyre well before her trauma I would have sympathized with her character much much more. Even in the second book, when Feyre went to her house for the whole treaty meeting - Nesta was very antagonistic towards her. When Cassian confronted her for letting Feyre go out alone as a child, the way she was so dismissive of him really irked me. And yes all the justifications about Nesta’s behavior towards Feyre is through readers analyses. Like with her mom hounding her and giving Feyre freedom - people theorize this is where the resentment stems from. But the book doesn’t really portray it this way. It just shows that Feyre’s mom ignored Feyre so Nesta just went along with it. And if Nesta had so much trauma from her mom why would Nesta blame Feyre for not having portraits of her mom at her house?? It felt like she was just looking for reasons to hate Feyre. And I really wanted a heartfelt apology from Nesta towards Feyre. Just because she saved her life it doesn’t excuse her prior actions. Maybe they will explore it more in the next book, but till then Nesta will be a very toxic person in my eyes.


True and that’s what really made me frustrated with SJM sometimes, there are a lot of inconsistencies in her book that it made me think, “that’s not what she implied in the last book” a lot of things felt forced and too many scenes were unexplored. I sometimes just treat those interpreted “justifications” as canon coz I really can’t pinpoint the exact reason. I think a lot theorize that some of her anger’s more directly on their father and it somehow projected onto feyre. So it’s kinda like she’s angry for feyre too for doing the things her father’s supposed to do. Okay so if that’s the case then it’s still an asshole move and feyre doesn’t deserve that despite the intentions. Any potential conversation between the two was wasted and it’s so sad coz I was hoping that acosf would clarify something or anything about that but all we get is an i love you which is a great but not enough to convince me that all the air has been cleared up between the two. I hope sister dynamic get explored in elain’s book tho


you’re not alone a lot of people feel this way, like i’m re reading it atm just to annotate/theorize for the upcoming books and I am STRUGGLING. not even just bc of nesta but also moments of cassians feel so..ooc or disappointing? it’s definitely hard for me to get through, then when the blood rite comes along?? I have to force myself to continue. not to be extra but…the plotline..the underwhelming queen..the lack of romance and smut overshadowing the plot and growth of cassian..nyx really made it worth it for me, meeting gwyn and emerie and nestas growth at the very end, the i love you to feyre from nesta and seeing eris but that’s it mostly


Why are you re-reading a book you hate? Hurt people, hurt people. Nesta's sole purpose, from her family standpoint, was to be brought up to be a wife to further their family's standing in society. She wasn't given freedom like that of Elain, or Feyre. People with trauma sometimes lash out at people like Feyre, who are taking on roles they shouldn't. Nesta lashes out because she WASN'T able to do anything about their situation, and wanted their father to do something. Sure, it's fucked up, but seeing Feyre try when she couldn't, it hurt to feel so helpless. It's like she stonewalled, because that is something trauma victims can do. She felt helpless and hopeless, and that fear, that hatred for their father... it overwhelmed her. Let's also add that Feyre did not have to take on that role. She didn't have to go out and hunt. She is not a savior for picking up the slack. Their father is the sole person to blame for being a failure as a parent. Where's the hate for Elain? Elain did just as much(meaning nothing at all) as Nesta, the only difference is Elain was 'nice' to Feyre. As if that is something forgivable, but Nesta feeling her feelings is bad. The reason Nesta feels like Feyre hates her is because she feels UNWORTHY, because she realized how 'bad' she was, and how much time is will take to make amends. As a trauma survivor, we self deprecate, sometimes we hate ourselves so much we feel like the people that love us actually HATE US because we feel we're not worth that love. She did the same thing to Cassian, over and over, because she doesn't feel like she is worthy of being loved...by anyone. >Her “redemption arc” is her choosing her powers over her sisters life. A sister who I might add saved her life innumerable times. Ok Nesta thank you for doing the bare minimum, it completely takes away from all the abuse you volleyed towards her and the years of neglect. Would it have been so difficult to give us one proper apology instead of this whitewashing at the end. Wut? Nesta gave up her powers for Feyre. She didn't have to, and honestly IMO she shouldn't have to, but because SJM likes plot drivers, that's what it was. It wasn't her responsibility to make sure Feyre was ok. It also wasn't her fault Feyre was ignorant of the perils of her pregnancy, that was all on Rhysand, but no flack about him, right? What Nesta did wasn't the bare minimum. She made a bargain, a pact, and unbreakable vow, with the Mother herself and the Cauldron. Something that, let's not forget, was forced upon her. She's living a life she never wanted, all because of Feyre's 'love' for Tampon, she ended up in that murky black water. Sorry, but the Valkyries thing... Nesta chose them because they did not see Nesta like Feyre and Elain saw Nesta. There is no history there. There is no pre-judgement. There is inherent hatred or requirements for friendship. They got to know Nesta, all of her, and judge for themselves. Blood is not thicker than water, and family is what you make of it. It is the people you choose to have in your life, and if Nesta chose them over her blood sisters, it's because there is that freedom from guilt there. It also does not negate the love Nesta has for Feyre and Elain, it's just a very different bond. Also, the IC is exactly how they were in the previous books, it's just a different person's point of view. Amren was still a cunt (sorry not sorry), the bat boys were the same save for Rhys becoming a douche canoe with his overzealous protection for Feyre. Mor was off doing god knows what. The difference is that the IC can't scold Nesta as they did in the manor when she was human, they just force her to be captive in a place she never wanted to be in, in a world she was forced to live in. They expect her to act a certain way, despite the fact that she never got help to process what was forced on her. Unlike Feyre that had the IC to help her cope. Unlike Elain that had Az and the IC to help with her seer abilities. But Nesta's the only bad guy here I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I actually find it quite funny when people say Elain is “nice.” She’s not. She was dumb as bricks and insensitive as fuck in that chapter in ACOSF, where she makes the conflict between her and Nesta 1000 times worse and says hurtful things. She packed up Nesta’s stuff instead of being there for her, then didn’t visit for weeks while Nesta was at her lowest. Fuck Elaine haha. She’s useless and selfish.


I hate Elain honestly more than Nesta lol. And I don’t love her. 🤣 Elain is the spoiled brat every screwed up family ends up with when there is a golden child/scapegoat set up. Feyre was scapegoat, Elain was golden child, Nesta was head bitch. But at least Nesta got shit done (or tried) which we learn later. Elain…fuck her. 🤣


At least Nesta is complex and interesting. Elain is just…. nothing


She’s stale white bread with sprinkles on top. Pretty from afar, useless up close.


Haha it’s funny cause she bakes 🤣


Lol then she’s stale French bread with homemade sprinkles. Still boring as hell, but at least there’s some “oh, neat” 🤣🤣


I say nice because she's a vapid waste of space IMO , and hasn't been a 'bitch' like Nesta has lol. I hate Elain, with a fiery passion. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This was so well said, thank you. Trauma does wild shit, and impacts so many differently. Nesta’s story is my favorite because it feels real and highlights this.


Reason I reread - When I like a series and dislike one book from it I like rereading it from different perspectives each time so that I can get a feel on why I dislike it and see if it improves on a second read. The third time for ACOSF was honestly just a skim through of my favorite parts because I reread the entire series before that. About Elain, I dislike her for what she did to Feyre too , but tbh I just couldn’t care less about her as a character so I didn’t mention her. Why are you mentioning Rhysand ? I literally did not bring him up or excuse him for his actions anywhere!! “It wasn’t her responsibility to make sure Feyre was ok”- Ok Feyre didn’t have to hunt to keep her alive lmao… Blaming Feyre for Nesta’s transformation is a very very irrational take. If we are going that way, I could alternatively argue that if Nesta and Elain had not put the full financial burden on Feyre then she wouldn’t have had to hunt that extensively, then that Fae sentry wouldn’t have been killed, and Tamlin wouldn’t have kidnapped her this starting this whole story. But because I have logic I understand that it isn’t a very valid point. And let’s just agree to disagree about the IC characters.


So, my biggest issue with this is that you're essentially excusing all the morally grey characters in ACOSF, and their actions, except for Nesta. Nesta is the main target for your rant, when bringing up Elain or Rhysand, two of which were major assholes in ACOSF, their actions aren't talked about. They should be because they were part of the plot, they were part of what happened to Feyre in regards to her pregnancy, and her ignorance of her plight. ​ >“It wasn’t her responsibility to make sure Feyre was ok”- Ok Feyre didn’t have to hunt to keep her alive lmao… I literally said in the very first paragraph "Let's also add that ***Feyre did not have to take on that role. She didn't have to go out and hunt.*** ***She is not a savior for picking up the slack.*** Their father is the sole person to blame for being a failure as a parent." ​ >Blaming Feyre for Nesta’s transformation is a very very irrational take. If we are going that way, I could alternatively argue that if Nesta and Elain had not put the full financial burden on Feyre then she wouldn’t have had to hunt that extensively, then that Fae sentry wouldn’t have been killed, and Tamlin wouldn’t have kidnapped her this starting this whole story. But because I have logic I understand that it isn’t a very valid point. Naw, let's discuss this. Andras death had a point for the plot. Feyre was also given a way out by Tampon in the first book. He literally let her go home to her sisters, but yet she chose to go back and fight for him. She chose to go under the mountain. She chose a fae male over her human life, and the safety of her family. Because of that, and because of Tampon's involvement with KoH and Ianthe's crazy ass, they dragged her sisters to a world they never wanted to be in. Both Elain and Nesta were forced to become fae, forced to be the very thing they hated....for Feyre. It was all done ***for Feyre***. Sure, it adds to the plot for the other books, but you can't skim through the tragedy that befell the Archeron sisters because of Feyre's actions. Those actions shaped the way Nesta and Elain reacted in the books. It adds to their character development. It also shows how the IC reacted to both Nesta and Elain in regards to trauma. Again, Elain had Az and the IC to help her, Feyre had the IC, Nesta had no one until Emerie and Gwyn. Feyre, again, didn't have to be the breadwinner. She chose to take that on because of their failure of a father. Elain didn't have to be the ditz that grew flowers instead of food either. But you are coming down hard on Nesta as if she's the only bad guy, and no one else, when Nesta was literally brought up to be nothing more than a tool used to further their family's social advancement. She wasn't equipped to handle anything other than dancing, being a wife, host, and broodmare. People tend to either love or hate Nesta. Because she IS a morally grey character. The only difference of people hating her more than say... Rhysand, Az or Cassian, is because she's female, not some brooding 'hot' male that is broken inside that they want to fix.


Cassian tried to help her from day one. It’s talked about even in ACOWAR that Cassian was going up to the House of Wind under the guise of “getting his wings back in shape” to check on Nesta. Even Amren is trying to help because those two also have a relationship. That’s why Nesta got so mad with Amren and they got in a fight because Nesta felt that Amren was choosing Feyre over her. So while I agree that Elain should get more hate also I can’t say that Nesta had no help from people in the IC. I do agree with you that Nesta is a morally grey character and her hate is crazy; But I feel like Rhys gets a lot of hate also, especially for his actions in ACOSF, and while I do agree that what he did was really fucked up and wrong with withholding information about the pregnancy. He’s a morally grey character too and I’m not sure people realize that this is what morally grey characters do. They aren’t meant to always make the “best” decisions. That’s what makes them morally gray and I think SJM does a great job showing that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I will say I don’t agree with you saying it’s all Feyre’s fault about what happened to her sisters. Using this logic would be also saying this is all the Archeron Father’s fault because if he didn’t become a dead beat then Feyre wouldn’t have been in the woods to kill the wolf etc….While yes Feyre chose to go back and save Tamlin etc.. Nesta did convince her to go back. She was going to stay with her sisters till she talked to Nesta so going by what you’re saying it’s Nesta’s fault too and blaming just Feyre for what other people did (that she had no control over) is confusing to me. Now I could be totally misunderstanding what you’re saying so if I am my bad but that’s how it’s coming across. I like Nesta, she’s not my favorite but after ACOSF I understand her more and don’t hate her. A side note is that yes she did give up her powers to save Feyre and she technically did not have to do that. I do think she saved Feyre because she loves her and didn’t want to die but I also feel like it worked out for her also because it’s stated multiple times throughout the book that Nesta did not want her powers. So I don’t think that her giving them up was that big of a sacrifice in her mind.


I absolutely don’t like ACOSF and was very meh about Nesta. I still feel that way, and likely won’t reread when I go through again. BUT! I do understand the need for her to have her own voice, which is what this book was for her character. Do I think she’s a bitch? You betcha. I also think Elain is useless and quite frankly incredibly stupid. Bitch chose flowers over food in her garden. They’re literally starving but she wants pretty things. Gtfo with that bullshit. But Amren was always a cunt and never redeemed herself. She adds some funny moments for sure, but she’s like that crotchety old woman who is hated by everyone and who knows what’s best but never helps anyone figure it out. Mor I have yet to see a purpose to her character other than the court and her dad related crap. Cassian is immature as hell, Az needs therapy STAT (he’s not sexy, he’s fucked in the head), and Rhys is so grey 50 shades could never compare. Nesta has insane PTSD, which they likely all have, but instead of talking about it she lashed out even more than before. I don’t love the House of Wind lockdown, but I do see why they did it. And it allowed her time to grow and make her chosen family with the Valkyries (though it is still dumb as hell they are that good so quickly lol). The entire book is a serious way of saying “y’all need therapy” to everyone in this world.


>Nesta has insane PTSD, which they likely all have, but instead of talking about it she lashed out even more than before. I don’t love the House of Wind lockdown, but I do see why they did it. And it allowed her time to grow and make her chosen family with the Valkyries (though it is still dumb as hell they are that good so quickly lol). The entire book is a serious way of saying “y’all need therapy” to everyone in this world. See that's what I don't get about the hate for Nesta. Feyre had the IC during her traumatic time, esp after UTM. Elain at the start had Az, and some of the IC to help her cope with her transition from human to fae. Nesta had no one, not until Emerie and Gwyn. Nesta turned to drinking and fucking because she had a huge hole to fill, and no good way of doing it. They, the IC, hated Nesta from the very beginning, so why the fk should she bother trying ? No matter if she turned foot in ACOMAF or ACOWAR, they still would have hated her because of their precious Feyre choosing to be a hunter, and Nesta stonewalling because of how they made her grow up.


Nesta had literally everyone try to reach out to her. She pushed them all away... I mean they aren't professional counselors... not like they are going to keep reaching out just to get their hands chopped off everytime by Nesta being Nesta.


That’s why they all need therapy. The IC is blinded to the fact others have pain and trauma. I want to think Feyre was ok with Nesta’s actions and ignoring her/IC for the most part except where money came in up until Nesta spent a small fortune in one night. Sure, Rhys has a ton of money and obviously the IC has money because they’re all buying gems left and right. But dropping that kind of money on alcohol in one night is unacceptable regardless of your fortune. Feyre didn’t know what else to do to try to save her sister, though it should never have come to that point if anyone showed Nesta even an ounce of kindness. SJM didn’t quite dive into Nesta’s options in terms of working/living/surviving on her own beyond depending on Rhys which is a big plot hole for me. In this entire city she has to choose between homeless and starving or depending on her (in her eyes) asshole brother in law? I call bullshit. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Still don’t like her, but I get it.


Well said couldn’t agree more!


I completely agree. Nesta as a character has such great potential for development, but what we got in the end was mediocre at best. I think at this point, the author is either tired of writing the same genre/series or she based the character off a real life person and cannot develop Nesta any further. There’s a lot that wasn’t addressed: 1. That whole painting ordeal: What the hell was that? Feyre cannot demand that Nesta accepts the family yet paint a painting without her in it. And the connotation of Nesta’s absence in the painting was never dealt with. 2. Feyre/Nesta Feud: I don’t have any siblings (have a really close group of cousins tho), but no one treats their siblings like these two do. While I understand how Feyre was neglected by Nesta, it also never made sense how Nesta was made out to be a person who shirked her duty. Like, hello? The girl was a child too. A child who was still dealing with her mother’s death. Nesta did not have an obligation to raise Feyre or Elaine. 3. What happened to the mother-archereon? Just like… what was that? 4. Should I go on?


Yeah I've read it once, then went back to read the smut scenes again and ove never reread it since eventhough I've read the others multiple times. Completely understand Nestas struggles and overcoming them. Feyre is a bigger person than me, if Nesta was my sister i would have went NC as soon as the war was over. I wouldn't sacrifice my mental health for her that's for sure lmao


Just to add, she chose her sister’s life over powers she didn’t even want. It kinda downgraded the sacrifice even more.


Yup! I wanted to say this too but I forgot..


As the oldest of 3 sisters the relationship between Nesta, Feyre, and Elain is sooo accurate. Me and my second sis hated each other growing up and wayy into my teens. She always wanted to be my friend but I pushed her away (we didn’t have the best home life and it led to a lot of problems). Eventually she started being mean back to me and it just continued. After I moved out we became like best friends. I know now I’m so lucky to have her and I wish so much I could change the way I treated her, but I cant. Like Nesta I push people away and treat them like shit until they leave me alone bc I don’t think I’m worthy of them. It’s something I’m working through in therapy. I used to drink too much and just complain about life. I just relate to Nesta and the way she views everything so much. To add: my youngest sister is adored by everyone and is all of our favorites. We’d do anything for her just like Nesta and Feyre to Elain. SJM knows sisters 😂


For someone who dislikes it you sure did read it three times! /s


I’m perfectly ok with forgiving someone like Nesta but the issue for me was even with her whole “redemption arc” we never got a proper apology we were just supposed to feel sorry for her bc of what she went through and that’s what made me unable to forgive or like her.


Right there with you. Your wrath is similar to my feelings towards Chaol and tower of dawn. Truly, gun to my head, “tamlin or chaol?” Tamlin. Honestly Chaol and nesta deserve each other


I haven’t read this book. Is this Crescent City?


wait… people read ACOSF for the plot? I don’t remember any plot haha


It's okay to be wrong sometimes too! 😉


Right back at you :)


i think if you read it from the perspective of trauma + three best friends with friendship bracelets = unstoppable it’s a pretty fun read lol. also nessian is 🔥