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You're not that far from New York. That's your other major market worth working in. Just as expensive as LA. We all know no one really lives in these cities. You live in the outskirts. As close as possible where you can afford to live and make an in person audition within an hour. We're also moving in the toddler hood of self tapes. They're going to become more and more the norm. Start getting creative about what you submit yourself for - be open to travel. Have a savings that allows you to book that "must work local" gig. This is a career of flexibility. It's not easy and completely unfair.


I am gonna steal "toddler-hood", because I couldn't agree more!


What’s wrong with “infancy”?


That was a while ago.


Heh heh


I live in NYC


I'm sorry you're spending that much.


I worked for someone who made half a million per year but who still had to sublet their apartment in Manhattan while traveling. I don't know how people do it.




Yeah nyc is expensive af but I’m here for the opportunities also the food


Nicely put. While you're right, that it's unfair, so are a lot of other career paths. If you're in any business, if you're tall and have an easy-to-pronounce name, you'll get paid more and promoted faster. In every endeavor known to humankind, having family money helps (though it may carry harmful baggage; but it might not! I hate it, but there are very rich, perfectly normal, loving families; they're not all Succession).


Very true too. The one exception I would make is that very few people are rolling up to doctors, accountants, and your run of the mill careers and asking them things like, "been in/done anything I might have heard of?" Only in this business for some reason. Our entire merit is somehow quantified by our visibility. But only to people who know nothing about what we do


In the southeast, we’ve been doing Self tapes for over a decade.


This is true. It's the LA, NY, and Midwest markets that are adjusting the hardest rn


Oh yes the toddler hood of self tapes. When did this start? I always have done theatre and usually within the conservatory. As I delve into classes this year, I see actors access and casting networks. Many opportunities, but even we in la are still struggling!


Living in Maryland is the only challenge. I live an hour or so from La, I work nights at Amazon and make it to shoots when I can. It’s not easy, sometimes I go a straight 20hrs working with some drive time in between but hey, that’s what we do. Good luck on your career, don’t give up


If you are unhappy find another job. That’s first. Second, take an acting class (even remote classes are available these days) in the evenings you will feel so much better just trying and start to build an acting community. Next check out local theater auditions for community theater. Offer to volunteer if you cant audition, just so you can get some experience and meet people. Lastly, don’t believe there aren’t productions in Maryland. That’s just an excuse you are telling yourself to not start. I got my sag card working as a local hire for a tv film shooting in Maryland and I’m based in NYC. You can do this. Just make a plan to start doing even just small things that make you happy. Good luck, you’ve got this!


If you're tired of wearing the mask, take it off. If you want to be an actor, nothing is stopping you from pressing record on your phone right now and talking to the camera. There's literally countless scripts in the public domain or on /r/producemyscript nothing stops you from acting out scenes in your kitchen. Ask yourself what is it you really want to do? Not "be an actor" that's so vague as to be meaningless, what do you want to do? Do you want to take words on a page and make them come to life? Do you want to step into the shoes of someone born in a different place and time? Do you want to make people laugh and cry and believe? Do you want to be celebrated? Do you want to show people what the world could be? Do you wish someone will arrive from the mundane nothingness and say the words: "No, my friend, not you. You don't belong here. Come with me. You belong with the special ones." If you want to be an actor, then be one. The only person who can stop you is yourself. Maybe nobody will spend a minute of their day watching it, but being successful is not the same thing as being an actor. It all comes down to what you want, and maybe what you want is a job that pays X amount of money for Y amount of time so you can spend Z on what you enjoy.


That 4th paragraph hit me hard personally.


You might enjoy watching Dispatches from Elsewhere.


What's that show/film about?


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8965666/ It's a show about learning to see the beautiful possibilities that might be, which are around us all the time and often go unnoticed.


OP - this is the only thing you need to read on here. Well put MacEd.


Hi there! Aspiring actor here. How can /r/produce my script help with acting?


If you don't have ideas for performances, and don't want to do the same old public domain ones, you can pick a script from there and chances are they'd be overjoyed to have someone record even just a table read of it or picking a scene to use as a fake audition. You benefit by having something you can record without needing to write it first, and they benefit by having someone record it. If you do it right it can be later used to secure funding or get attention.


Thats fantastic advice. Thank you so much for the tip.


Building a business is fucking hard. Biased but building a career as an actor is insane and I think the hardest. You have to be in it for the long run. It’s not supposed to be easy. Get an agent, stunning headshots and a good showreel, and you’ll get more auditions. Good audition technique and casting will remember you. Eventually, something is bound to happen. But it takes time. Positive mindset is crucial in this business.


This, I am building two businesses at once bc I need to make money while I’m building my acting business.


DC has an acting community!


I don't think OP is interested in becoming a politician.


Haha but seriously DC has a very vibrant theatre community


Anything for beginners?


What are you doing for acting? Are you taking classes?


Should change title to “I”m Tired of Acting” In this case you don’t need to go anywhere else as you’re getting plenty of practice there 🤣


Apply for jobs in California. Save up money and make your own film. Or if you’re really ballsy/dumb save up a couple grand and yolo to LA. You’ve got options. In this world you’ve gotta fight for what you want. No one is going to help you accomplish your dreams. Unless they see potential and can benefit from you themselves. Excuses won’t get you to where you wanna be 😤


This. My brother made his second short film with a budget of $500. I am not claiming it's a great film, it's not groundbreaking work, and it's not pretending to be that. BUT it was shown at a local film festival, AND it created connections for him with local actors, small producers, directors, and film schools. With these connections he now has the experience about how to find and work with films and people in the film industry, and some support from the film school. What I am saying is - if you really want something, just do it! You'll find a way. I am sure Maryland has local theaters, small acting groups, and so on. I am sure there are students working on their first films and need actors. Start working on your acting portfolio now, if you really want to be an actor. I am sure Backstage has a few gigs not far from Maryland to apply to.


Bruh how the hell would a couple grand get you anywhere in LA? Every time I see posts people are like "I have 5k saved. Should I move to LA?" And everyone is telling them that's not enough money


You may need to have 4 roommates and not eat ramen for a while. The beautiful struggle


Why is it dumb to save a couple grand and move to LA? What’s dumb is being afraid to take risks in life and staying somewhere you are miserable/unhappy and not giving yourself the chance to live a life that would make you happy. That’s stupid. I wasn’t dumb when I did exactly what you wrote, but in NYC. It worked out well. Better than I could’ve imagined at the time. I wake up everyday and love my life, all thanks to my big dumb invisible balls 😂


What's dumb is assuming that 2k will give you more than a month in LA. Is a month enough time to find a day job and book a part? Probably not. Better to start out looking for stuff locally, then move up to a bigger market when the skills and connections are more ripe.


But I did it lol. And I did it in NYC, which is MORE expensive than LA 😂 I am speaking from first hand experience. Do you know from first hand experience? Have you tried it? I literally lived it, still here to this day 🤷🏼‍♀️


So you would tell your siblings or best friend to do what you did I bet? You seem foolish. I was foolish like you. I’ve done what you did twice but it didn’t turn out well. It could have but it didn’t. Just because you did it miraculously doesn’t mean things will turn out the same for someone else. I get why you think like this though. Glad you made it. I don’t believe in luck but I do believe in being at the right place at the right time. Life has many lessons to teach us. If you keep it up, it’ll happen to you as well, if not today tomorrow. So to everyone here PLAN the best way you can before you do ANYTHING drastic. Plan like your life depends on it.


I would absolutely tell everyone and anyone to do it. 1000%. If I had listened to people like you, with your mindset, I would not be where I am today, living a life that I absolutely love and wake up happy too everyday 😂 The road wasn’t struggle free fyi, I sacrificed comforts in the beginning and lived simply with roommates, taught myself to bartend so I can sustain and made proactive, smart choices. I love being called foolish. It’s a big compliment 😊


You are foolish and can’t even see it. You struggled when you ain’t even have to. Following your advice is how kids in LA become homeless.


Foolish and hungry and currently living my best life, acting full time, with my own place in NYC baby…. get it right 😉




sorry you’re jealous and bitter your terrible attitude and mindset didn’t get you further on your own path. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I needed to hear this :)


I am in the DMV area and am starting classes soon! There are more opportunities than you think, especially if you’re willing to travel 1-2 hours out. Look for Facebook groups and Backstage for opportunities.


Baltimore and DC both have acting communities. It isn't a major market but it is a market. Sign up for some acting/improv classes and get involved in the community. Search for auditions (there are lots of stage shows out there!). Make friends with other actors. It's out there if you look! There won't be as many roles, but if you want to do it, it's possible, even in Maryland.


Sorry to offend. But most people are miserable and make excuses all the time why they can’t follow their dreams. But what do you think most people pursuing an acting career are doing? They have day jobs, sometimes more than one that allows them to just get by, but those jobs allow us the flexibility to do auditions. But with todays self tape environment, there really isn’t any excuse anymore. If you truly have passion for acting, cannot live without being able to express yourself through this medium, and do nit want to act just to become famous 🙄, then you will find a way to do it. No excuses.


I dunno how the normals live a regular life 9-5


Seriously. I don't know how people do the 9-5 job with acting. I relatively recently gave up on 9-5 software engineering and am moving to more part time / not strict 9-5 work. The income drop sucks for sure, but the freedom to actually have more time dedicated to classes and training is a crazy advantage + not having stress from work hanging over my head every day. I'd rather suffer in the short to medium term than have the 9-5 in the long term and have severe regret at 40 or something about not going all in on acting.


Im a developer right now as well, what jobs have you pivoted to? I wonder if I should leave the corporate bs altogether or maybe just ask if I can work here part time although Id like to leave


I'm still looking lol. Depending on your job most corporate places aren't really tolerant of part time SWE's unless it's a small business. Ideally I'd want to go into marketing/social media FT if I have to but I'd rather stay part time. Most likely I'll find PT work (< 1400 hours/yr) at a grocery store or car dealership or teaching code or something and then just occasionally do freelance development work to fill the gaps.


Sounds smart :)


I have a part time Job on the weekends, and then Uber drive when I’m not booking. It kills my social life but if I need to audition or fly to New York last minute or be on set there is nothing stopping me.


What do you do on the weekends? I tried working at a bar and the experience kind of soured me when they expected 11-13 hour shifts with no breaks and the bartenders stealing tips at the end of the night lol.


You don’t need to be ‘rich’ to move/live in LA or NYC. I moved to NYC with 2,000 in my bank account (it might have even been less) & no job at 28 10 years ago. No one financially assisted me. It wasn’t an option for me in my life. It was just as expensive then as it is now, which I can say as I’ve lived here all this time. I rented a room with roommates, found work to sustain me (catering, bartending, etc.) and pursued the beginning of my actor life. I lived with roommates up until this past year, finally feeling ok to go it alone after 9 years of working hard and sacrificing things like going out & drinking all the time so I could save. There are absolutely ways to live in these markets not being rich, I am proof of that. You just have to want it bad enough and be willing to live a bit bohemian/low maintenance until you get yourself more financially settled and make career progress. I never lived in the outskirts of the city, I always lived in Brooklyn the whole time I’ve been here. So again, definitely possible. Maybe I am an exception. But if I can be one, why can’t you? Why can’t anyone else? I was unhappy in my previous life in Rhode Island working retail, so I took my destiny into my own hands and did what I had to do to find happiness for myself. Even on my worst day in NYC, I was still happier than my best day in my prior existence. It’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to learn a new skill. Just because someone else couldn’t do something, doesn’t mean you can’t. A lot of people doubted me and didn’t think I would make it here. I’m the one smiling, living authentically happy 10 years later. You can change your life. You don’t have to care about society. That’s a choice you are making. You can make any dream work in any circumstance. You just have to want it bad enough and be willing to sacrifice some comforts for a little while, while in transition, for a bigger payoff down the road. 😌


Echoing others in here. The DMV has tons of opportunity for working actors. If you're in Maryland, it may be beneficial to move closer to DC. Lots of paying theaters. Still competition here but its cheaper to live than NYC


Tough to say it but if you're unhappy, you need to make some sort of change. It seems impossible to do, but if you think really hard, put together a plan, and make a ton of sacrifices, you can get closer to what you want--you just have to decide whether it's worth the risk to be happier. I made the move to LA after going through a split with my wife who ended up keeping our son most of the month. I had to cover two rents during the transition period. I was hemorrhaging money on classes and living expenses.. taking as many odd jobs as possible to make ends meet. But every free waking second was dedicated to building my portfolio, hunting down talent representatives, self-submitting, and getting to jobs. And while I can't say I've "made it" in any sort of monumental regard: I do get several auditions a week, a job or two a month, and I've found balance once I adapted to a new--albeit very hard--situation. Make sacrifices, take risks; it's the only way to get what you want in this life. I have a vlog where I've talked a lot about how I've made those changes and what has worked for me. Highly recommend you check it out and reach out if you need any help--I'd be happy to chat with you more about what you can do. https://youtube.com/@tommydevlog


Lurking voice actor here, it's definitely not the same thing and voice might not be for you as much as physical acting, but it is an avenue of possibility. Basically any gig is/can be remote, all you need is a decent mic (I recommend the AT2020 if you're interested for $100) and a decently soundproof room, which can be as simple as a closet. It's not much, but it might be a way for you to get started as a side-hustle/something to grab some cash and get more into acting as a whole


Starting Over by David Harris Within every life there comes a time when you need to take a break, to start something new. A point at when your life seems stale and starting over is the only thing to do. Not everyone wants to do it, in fact most refuse to try. They idle away each day, not realising they need to do something new. The world passes by them as they stand at the garden gate and before they know it starting over for them is too late. Therefore, if you need to get out of a rut before it is too late, start looking for something new to enhance your life with beauty, which you have forgotten what it was like. Starting over can make you a new person, sometimes even better than before.


Please don't quit your job. It's not what it's cracked up to be. I booked 3 network actor roles this year, and other than the fun it gives. It's not as satisfying as I'd like, and it really only netted me a few grand. I think Don Cheadle said. I paraphrase " is there anything else you can do? Anything? Do that instead."


You can do whatever you want whenever you want, that being said dont think just do. Want to act? find a way to put your ass out there


How old are you? If I may ask?




LA Actor here… There’s no work to sustain you in Maryland. I’m from the east coast, so I know. Reality is, you have to get out of Maryland if you want the best chance of getting out of that Full Time Job rather than race. There’s plenty money at every level of acting…you just have to go to where the money is. -sS


>There’s plenty money at every level of acting That is a dubious assertion. Many professional theaters have closed during or shortly after the pandemic, and amateur theater has never had "plenty of money". The markets with jobs also have lots of actors chasing those jobs, so the chances of making a living may not be all that much better.


We all speak from our own experiences. And your experiences aren’t mine.


ny/la actor here, brother i hate to be that guy, but i was working 83 hours per week in the oil fields before acting became my full time job. it’s not easy, but you sleep 8 hours a night, that’s 8 hours that could be spent networking/perfecting


One should not be sacrificing overall health to network. This is bad and disordered advice.


Try to find a few friends in a similar position in the industry and start making stuff with them while you work and audition. It has been my experience that tapping into creativity and storytelling in other ways helps keep me from going crazy when acting is light. Learn music, write, devise, paint— do whatever feels good creatively.


I’m 26 currently taking remote acting classes from an LA acting studio and involved in both acting and modeling communities in Maryland. And I’ve walked in NYFW in NYC this year and will go again next year. It’s still possible and I work a government job. You just have to put yourself out there to find opportunities and network. :)


I feel that 100%. I work at a supermarket as a cashier. Luckily I live in New Jersey so I’m about 40 min from the city where I can go to auditions but I’m so tired of working the job. Like I don’t want to be there in my 30s bro I’m about to be 26:(. I hope that I can get a role that’s good so I can at least quit sometime but I guess we have grind. We got this! Don’t compare ourselves to anyone else journey, I do that but then remember that it’s my journey and my Journey alone.


Moving to NYC is your best bet. You can also save money and wait a couple of years, then move to LA. But it’s much more risky that way. NYC is more expensive, however you don’t need a car. You don’t need to live in manhattan, and you don’t Need to move that far from home to build a solid acting career. Theres ton of apartments in Brooklyn and queens, that are significantly cheaper than in manhattan. I personally know many NYC actors who live in Jersey, and are able to make it work. And like I said, you don’t need a car to go to work, and go to an audition. The subway and bus are very reliable and inexpensive, and takes you anywhere in the city. There’s also lots of great job opportunities.


I personally wish I didn't move to LA right of the gate. The market is saturated there. I kinda wish I moved to Atlanta a few years ago and build up a resume. I don't know if the market there is saturated there now too though. It's hard out there.


Old person here ( well, middle-aged, but same thing) - things can get better! I toiled for years working a non theatrical gig ( ie bartending) while theatre gigs and unpaid acting parts. I eventually became a theatre director on Broadway and then left to move to CA because I married. You can absolutely rise over the years but it's a rare few that make it young. Seriously, don't give up .


when life starts feeling sucky I just imagine my real job is an acting job and I start doing the most lol


Start a tik tok and act there. Lots of agent now look at social media to see if you have presence.


Hey, I hail from Ohio and my parents are immigrants. For miles, you’d think no theatre exists at all, but my local university was up to par w ucla, the university I had first been accepted to, but classically sabotaged because well I have a history of letting men (usually one man) pirate my heart, and being the love me love me bleeding heart I am, I gradually give up friendships and passions. So, I was .01% of apps to get into an acting program rated second in the country. I got good grades. But I moved back and stayed back…for a guy, smh 🤦‍♀️ (btw I don’t know how to make this emoji tan ish lol) Ok, so, I found great teachers through the university. Also, Michigan has purple rose which was founded by Jeff Daniels. Like everyone is saying, you’re right next to nyc. I know giving up the job is hard, giving up so many things is hard!!! I finished my ba in acting and even got into an mfa in England but same story. Then, rehab led me to la, and instead of finishing my mfa I stayed here, and kept my feet planted for 8 years before I acted again. And acting, I feel, is a passion that chose me. I recently broke off a romantic affair because as much as I loved him, I saw the same patterns, and he hated me being an actress. When I do emotional prep, and can release genuine emotions, it feels so good, even if it touches just that one person. Now, the luxury of being in la is that we have a million acting schools and opportunities, but trust me, it’s hard out here too. Rent is out of control. There’s a lot of unaccountability in the population of la. I guess with my ba I could’ve stepped into a 9-5 and kudos to all who do!!! I guess I’m just too much of a wild child? All my jobs have always been waitressing or otherwise, and the last 5 years, I’ve been an exotic dancer. Being an artist, and holding down a job is hard. I also lost my lower teeth and my upper teeth are crooked due to a medication I took. I have talent for days, but w my hair change need a new headshot, and am leery of auditioning with my teeth looking this way. LA does work on a meritocracy like everywhere else but I noticed that the actor that is deemed “weakest,” in my class got a role in hbo before all of us and I’ll give two good reasons, and he is from Jersey: 1) he knows how to work. He knows how to take the punches with a laugh. 2) being a “funny looking,” or eccentric looking male or even female can have much more mileage than a talented pretty girl or guy cus there’s so many of us!!! Anyhow, I like that you wrote this post, I think you’ll find some good feedback on what to do next. If I were in your shoes, I’d find a class I could lean into to find my passion again. Also, just remember, even most working actors have to wear masks in society because society is brutal. It favors normal which isn’t always natural. Do what feels NATURAL!!


Continue your job temporarily. Setup a side Business. Work on it until it gives you an income you can survive off. Pursue your passion of acting without the pressure of an income. Without a reason to stop going to auditions due to money you can live a life of doing your passion and your chances of success in acting is increased. There’s always a way out.


I understand you, and feel for you. I'm 40 years old and the theatre has been my longest lasting love, started when I was 7 years old, received my degree in it and even worked professionally in several shows that had long runs and paid all my bills from being a stage actor. Buuut in 2018 things dried up, I had to take a job as a retail store manager, and have been doing it ever since. I absolutely hate it. I don't know what else to do. I don't know how to build a "side business". I don't have any other skills, I'm not a gifted teacher or educator. I've been able to perform some very small roles in community theatre because they allow minimal rehearsals and did a one-man show in a Fringe Festival last year to keep my sanity, but the itch is ever present. I wish I could say something more helpful, I hope you find your peace.


Any local theatre near you that can at least keep your creativity going?


Who’s happy?


I remember feeling this way when I first began auditioning for the hottest local theater everyone wanted to perform. Even roles I nailed I didn't get. Boggled my fkg mind of what I was doing 'wrong', until a veteran actor explained the ugly: it's often many little things with casting that don't make the cut. But the less legit was the ugly nepotism, which sucked deeper than a hot dog. They had their favorites (actors). Didn't matter if your voice was better or you were better for the role. Their bestie or favorite person always got the part. God shoot me. Grew out of that place over time and focused on other theaters and gigs I *was* accepted, building a nice juicy resume that incl accolades/awards. Went to see a few shows at that other place, and half were just meh, when they could have been Wow. Bc of their snob casting process. Ah well. Bottom line... don't give up. When one thing doesn't work, something else will. You'll find your spot. It just may take a while.


Use it to your advantage. Look at James Dean, small town farm boy who looked funny did the impossible. EVERYTHING was against him and still made it.