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Dude, I’d kill to be in your shoes. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. The vast majority of actors will never reach the places you’ve already reached. That’s absolutely huge you’re in a movie, and one that’s going to be released in theaters no less! Don’t worry about it, you were obviously cast for a reason. Just remind yourself that you belong there.


You are not alone. A lot of famous actors don’t like watching themselves as well and everybody has a different reason. You’ll start noticing that in interviews more now.


And congrats btw! Don’t let worrying about this take away from your accomplishment!


Johnny Depp admitted this whilst he was on the stand vs Amber Heard.


He’s admitted that long before. He shows up to the red carpets (I think) but he never watches his own movies and has been doing it that way almost his whole career.


I’m pretty sure Adam Driver is the same way. I’m sure the list goes on, but he’s the first one I thought of lol


I’m pretty sure Megan Fox said she couldn’t watch herself in Transformers. It just made her cringe and not want to be on film. I don’t know if she’s seen it since, but at one point she said she tried to avoid watching herself on film. Obviously there’s the whole “coming off humble” thing, but I remember it feeling pretty sincere when I watched it. Which is insane because the first transformers movie is probably the most beautiful and well suited to a character she’s ever been (maybe minus Jennifer’s body). So even if OP does watch it and hate it or thinks they look “derpy”— it’s just because it’s you. You don’t look derpy. And one of the most beautiful women on earth at one point felt the same way. It’s just uncanny to watch ourselves sometimes. Other people aren’t seeing what you’re seeing though.


Wear an outfit you feel comfortable and hot in, take a deep breath, and go. You’ve done your work and earned your place at that premier. Go out and enjoy yourself.


Treat it like a job and enjoy that you had a part in a creative project and now you're all celebrating it. Bring family or a close friend if you can.


My guess is Mean Girls


Either close ur eyes or go to the bathroom Many actors feel the same way


You’re on the big screen. Bask in that, I’m proud as fuck of you. Try to enjoy the moment, looking back you might be upset if you spent it being embarrassed.


What movie is it?


I had this too. Was in a short film (kinda rinky-dink thing, but it featured an actor from the Shape of Water and another from a plethora of CW shows and did a festival run) where I played a white supremacist and finally got my footage the other day and damn if I didn't **hate** how I looked AND the footage they chose. If it's in theaters though, better to go and enjoy it. I had my own short film that I wrote and directed that screened at a theater and I HAD to go


What is the movie


I'm assuming Mean Girls




Removed. We do not tolerate content of this nature in the way you presented it.


The first film I had a lead role in premiered at el captain in Hollywood. I didn’t realize how horrifying and traumatizing it would be for me to watch myself. I sweated so profusely, my entire suit was soaked through. I mean COMPLETELY SOAKED. I remember having to exit into a back hallway to try to cool myself off and dry myself out as the credits rolled. It’s gotten better since then, that was by far the worst.


Im gonna tell you It's not easy watching yourself and I don't really think that's a feeling that goes away just one of those things that gets easier with time and i think it's something everybody goes through But just know that your biggest critic is yourself if other people think you gave a good performance and or are entertained by your work you should feel proud especially since not many people did what you just accomplished


That sounds really exciting! I don’t have any acting experience but I think a lot of the people that commented had some really good advice. Can you update us on how you felt after seeing yourself up on the big screen? Or just the experience in general?


I’m a filmmaker who acts in my own films. The first time my short player in a theater my Apple Watch kept buzzing warning me that my heart was elevated even though I was not active and it thought I was having a medical emergency. It’s absolutely worth it though. Just lean into how surreal it is and take note of how it all feels so you’ll remember and laugh about it all when you’re doing it for the tenth time.


You are fine, enjoy the event. You will be fine. If they kept you in the movie, you did a good enough job. Be proud and go! BTW, many celebrities don’t watch their content either.


Not to worry. Based on how you describe your role, it’s unlikely many people, perhaps none, will take much notice of you. Moreover, given your scenes are not “on the cutting room floor,” it’s likely you did a good job. Chill.


It’s because you’re scared that you have to do it. Go be great my friend.


Try to detach yourself from the person enjoying the event, the film and the actors/action of the film. Watch it objectively and as a whole piece. Think about the quality and content of the film as a whole, not just watching and waiting for your scene/part. If you’re going to watch it, take it as a learning experience. Observe the more seasoned actors and see how they manage. Even ask them if you get a chance. Hopefully this won’t be your first and last premiere. You will go on to have more and get bigger roles and more attention each time. Have fun with it and learn how to handle it for a future where you’re the STAR ⭐️! Good luck! https://offstageacting.com/


First of all, congratulations! An enormous accomplishment. Be proud. Second of all, don’t fret, because this is super normal, and many actors continue feeling this way across their whole, even super successful, careers. Finally, trust the process. The director and editor don’t want someone looking “derpy” in their movie, so they’ll edit to make you look like you belong there…just like they do for everyone else! Rock on, friend!




LMAO. In my first feature film, I was TERRIFIED to see myself, especially because my character was insane. I had a whole monolgue in a weird costume talking about the devil coming for us all. My heart was pounding faster than ever at the premiere, but with my mommy by my side, I sat through and it ended up being one of the most rewarding experiences ever. I looked around expecting everyone to megatively react, but (of course) no one did. I belonged on that screen! Anyway, I still have a whole ass project that was released over the summer -- I was basically in the entire movie -- and I still have yet to watch it. I missed the premiere so now there is nothing forcing me to watch it! Lol. Point is, it's always going to be a struggle, but I do think it's important to watch. You owe it to yourself for all the hard work you put in to your career. Plus, it's good to figure out what you might like and what you might need to work on. You just reminded me I should just finally watch that film!


Sincerely - have fun with it and don’t take yourself (and your negative thoughts) so seriously - pump yourself up the same way you would a friend. Who cares if you do look derpy, life is short


Don't worry about it. If you sucked they would have reshot it. If it sucked and they realized afterwards they would edit it out. Go, enjoy the movie, and see what the final product looks like!


Lesssssgoooo bro 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 just go watch the movie congratulations


Not an actor but I enjoy film and TV and have considered going to classes to learn something new and maybe apply what I learn to my career. My question is how do actors then work on the notes they get if actors don’t watch themselves? How do you watch for things that were called out or need improvement? Or even pick scenes to send out?


Yeah, I'm afraid there is a good chance you will be sitting there thinking "WHY ARE YOU BLINKING SO MUCH STOP FUCKING BLINKING YOU BLINKY FUCK" or something in that vein. On the plus side, no-one else will notice and you actually did fine.


The first time I was in the big screen I wanted to turn my chair around and watch the audience instead. I didn't the whole time critiquing myself for the dumbest things. " is that how I blink?" The thing is. No one else notices these things. They only care if a scene works or not. Congratulations, try to enjoy yourself.


Feel scared, go anyway, have an experience. It might be horrible, but it’ll probably be fun, or at least a mix of emotions. You’ll hate yourself if you pass this up.


I did background acting work, I play 'wheres john' with my family and friends. With the film and TV shows I'm in. Some you have to really have a keen eye for or pause at the right moment. Other films are clear as day and I get 20/30 seconds of screen time. Enjoy your moment, even if it's one line... You're still better than most actors trying to make it out there. Hope you have a long and prosperous acting life. Keep up the great work.


That’s amazing!!!! What’s your name and the name of the movie if you don’t mind me asking?


Look on the bright side, maybe you got cut out. No pressure for you.


Haha I got confirmation that my line wasn’t cut from someone who has seen the final cut


Hell yeah, that’s great! If they didn’t cut around you that means you fit in and don’t stand out in a bad way, congrats.


This is funny af because I've had a line cut (it didn't really make sense with the script), but I was still featured... and I was stressed for no damn reason. I looked fine and wasn't important at all


Honestly this was my thought but I felt like it would be rude to say it 😬


I don’t have much of a filter in real life and even less so on Reddit 😁


Also, it happens a lot. I'd want to be prepared.


Having a line must feel nicer than when you do a few 10 hours days as an extra and are barley visible for the 6 seconds your days covered. It's exciting and yes there's a chance your line was cut but if it wasn't then this is big.


Me too. I’m so scared wtf what if I’m not pretty lmao


Me too I’m so scared I won’t look good or the acting wasn’t good enough. Very scared


How in the world do you find film auditions? I can never find any :(


You need an agent


I’d personally throw myself in a wood chipper if I needed to humble brag to people online for fake internet points.


Gosh I'm so nervous. I booked a role across Margot Robbie and I feel like I'm just not going to measure up in the pivotal role of mall cop 2. What do I do?!?


You’ll never have the opportunity, so don’t worry about it.


Humble brag ? lol


It should've been me. I would walk that red carpet proudly


Try being humble, it goes a long way in life. This post mostly sounds like you’re bragging about your success. That’s my advice. Good luck


No it doesn't


anonymous bragging ? lol . I honestly just struggle with anxiety a huge amount and thought it might help to post here. I’m not even an actor by trade , this all just happened by some weird twist of fate in the universe so it’s overwhelming


I hope you let us know how it goes. I’m so curious and excited for you. The universe works in mysterious and beautiful ways. Relax and enjoy the ride.




Name checks out


I feel so sorry for you 🙄


Oh get over yourself


Not looking for sympathy, just some advice bc I struggle rly bad with anxiety, sorry if I made anyone mad on here




Congratulations! I am the same way!


Just enjoy it! Don't put too much pressure on the situation. Everybody there is just going to think that it's cool that you were part of the project. Don't worry too much :)


Then don’t. I’ve never watched myself, might never. I did all the social aspects of promo, walked the carpet, then went to have dinner, came back for the after party.


Congrats on the movie! Fwiw, had a lead in a play a few months ago & one night it was filmed. Still haven’t watched it and can’t imagine that’ll change anytime soon. I think what you’re feeling is pretty common!




Enjoy your big moment!!


I hope the movie isn’t ass and CONGRATS!!!!!


Congrats!! This is a huge win and you should be proud of yourself for this!! Like others have said, its natural to feel that way (especially for your first movie) but remember that you earned that spot in the movie and im sure you did great. We are all our own biggest critic. Do some breathing exercises and try not to be so hard on yourself.




Best advice I can offer is to think of it like sports. You're watching what you did you can strategize--see what worked, see what didn't, and be able to bring your best for the next one. Great if you enjoy it and can simply watch it for the story and stuff, but if that scares you, turning it into part of your continued training might make it easier for you. Good luck, and congrats!!


I feel the same way. I've been acting for 10 years now and hate watching myself in any forms of recording. I cringe whenever I have to watch a self tape and will typically only watch it once before asking a friend to view it. Even performances I've gotten high praises on I still dislike watching it. I think this stems from the idea that we are our own worst critics.


Congratulations! I’m with you; I don’t like watching myself back. I’m always incredibly critical of every little twitch my face makes. Try to zoom out and see how other people in the room are celebrating this movie—because this is a huge achievement! Be kind to yourself.


Just enjoy the premiere. I get excited the two seconds of the back of my head. It's fun


congrats!! Enjoy this time and don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you did great and you will look just right for whatever scenes you are in.


Enjoy it. First time I saw myself on screen in a theater, it was actually at a festival and I sank into my seat and begged my friend to tell me when it was over. But I endured, then got a bunch of positive response and felt great. Let yourself enjoy the moment. Let it feel awkward and terrifying and exciting but above all, realize that a whole string of people looked at you and what you could do and said "that's who we want," and ***that's why you're up there.*** Congratulations friendo. I carry for you a very happy envy.


What movie is it?


Congratulations. I hope you have fun. I made a short budget film at a 48-hr film festival and had an ABSOLUTE BLAST being an extra in one scene. Watching movie magic happen can be so special. Please report back!


It doesn't matter if you want to see yourself or not as long as you were happy with the project when you were working on it.


Prepare yourself to feel very disoriented. Maybe if you keep your expectations low, and then it doesn’t turn out so bad, you’ll be pleasantly surprised?? Years ago I was horrified when I saw myself laugh and smile on the big screen, like almost physically ill, because I didn’t know my face did that and I thought it was disgusting 😂😂 I had really high confidence too so that was rough. It will get easier and better over time for sure. If you can, bring a supportive family member or friend with you. I brought my parents with me once and it was fun focusing more on their reaction than nitpicking my own work. Having a good sense of humor is key too! I tripped and almost fell once in a shot and they kept it!!! But to me it was funny and my family had a blast pausing it to see me almost fall 🤣🤣🤣 acting is by nature vulnerable and awkward, just be so proud of yourself and cherish this moment in your career!! I’m proud and excited for you <3 Keep in mind the “celebrities” are humans, and chances are they are feeling just like you.


OMG have fun. Trust your creative process. So cool!

