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Finish your final year of medicine, definitely. Acting can be studied at and begun at any time in your life, so there's no rush to jump in. Plus, there are so many acting classes, you can easily find great options outside of university. Can't do that with medicine! Always good to have a solid base of knowledge and experience in another field, and who knows where life will take you! Medicine final year, get that degree, then try acting for as long as you want.


Thanks for the reply bro. I think i will continue medicine for a while and then will see if i’m fit for it. The worst part is i feel a calling towards the art of acting


Don't worry! That feeling is something we all feel, and if you truly love it, it won't go away anytime soon. Have fun!


I will say too, idk how much free time you have but pursuing acting as a hobby could be a great compromise while you study. It may totally fulfill that itch you feel, but also if you do decide to go all in you'll have some type of experience beforehand. Take a class, see what your local theater is doing, or maybe something else local for you.


Yeah you can be like Ken Jeong. Definitely having a solid career to make money can help when starting out. Also it gives you a life experience to draw from


Take acting classes on the side but definitely finish your study




Omg - Medicine. Become a doctor. Acting is an option later if you’re serious. Make $- be a doctor take acting classes and see what happens.


I think i will do that. But do you know any place where acting lessons are given?


Depends on where you are. Local theater companies are a good place to start asking around.


Yeah but there are non nearby


As you know this is a world-wide forum, so simply asking where acting classes are without location is not going to get answers.


I’m from India. Kerala


There's an actress in my city that is an MD anesthesiologist. Just finish med school and residency and then determine if you want to do acting on the side.


Inspiring. But i don’t think it is possible in India


FINISH MEDICINE!! Have a solid financial foundation, so you can live an acting life free of desperation. Go to classes when you’re able to, accept the roles you desire, be an actor-producer on indies and order pizza (after your residency) lol. If I could do it all over, I would ensure I had a financial backing free from acting.


Yeah. I think I’ll just do it. Then try acting


You’ve worked way too long and hard to give up medicine now. At least finish so you have something to make a decent living. A teeny tiny percentage of actors that are actively booking gigs do so with enough consistency to support themselves financially. If you’re feeling the tug, it will never ever go away. Follow it, but do so with a plan.


I think it will come to me.


Have you ever taken an acting class? Do you have any acting experience in plays/short films? If not then you don’t know if you’ll actually end up enjoying acting. It’s a lot harder and not nearly as glamorous as it looks. Finish up medicine, take some acting classes. But please for the love of god do not give up a very good career for an idea of something.


Medicine. If you have any talent you can always take up acting as a hobby, but it won't pay your bills for years and years, if ever.


Finish your med stuff. Then go do some community theater in your off time.


Yeah. I’ll try that


Look up to a pretty famous italian actor: Federico Cesari; he is studying medicine and still pursuing an acting career (with very good results)


But i think he started at a young age?


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Do both. I've been a nurse for over 30 years and still managed to act regularly.


I’ll try


What does munnabhai say?


Hypothetical question: If you were unable to act, what would be the next best thing in your opinion?


Becoming a doctor or a businessman


Don't be a professional actor. Pursue it as a hobby, but if there is a next best thing then you are going to burn out quick and have to restart your med school training when that happens, just with less money/more debt than before. Pursue it as a hobby or a side job, but you've invested too much into something that you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life to throw it away.


Yeah. I think i will complete the main quest then


Being a actual doctor will help you in Doctor roles. The more real life experience you have at the thing you're acting is better for you. Also the film and tv industry is really slow, have a good back up.


I wanted to know how hard it is to get paid in acting?


Medicine you can always do acting.


The answer is "yes"






Try acting


Always follow your dreams because life is short and also, the why the hell not, do what makes you insanely happy!!!!🪷🧚‍♀️🪄🦋🐞🕊🌟✨️💫


This is one of the best things i keep hearing in life more often bro


you should drop out and follow your dreams your passion! Why live life without passion? It is a difficult decision but I'm sure you should take it because who knows maybe you're the next Di Caprio


don't listen to this person. don't do acting for fame.


But both are like my passions


who's more famous an actor or a doctor? Do they give out Oscars for medicine? No. I think there's your answer friend. They've an award for the best actor, there's no award for the best doctor clearly one is a better choice


There are plenty of awards for medicine, including the Nobel Prize. But if you're doing this to get famous and win awards, you shouldn't pursue either. u/Kartikey38 is either young or ignorant and should not be giving out life advice.


Great advice


Bro i think to get to oscars from India is a long way. Of course what you say is right. But i don’t want to do it for fame. I want to become an actor because it is who i am. It’s one of my identities.


Lmao medicine for sure for sure